THE HIGH SECURITY SMART HELMET USING INTERNET OF …This smart helmet works on raspberry pi...

Post on 17-Mar-2020

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Mr.Sethuram rao1, Vishnupriya.S.M

2, Mirnalini.Y

3 , Padmapriya.R.S


1( Associate Professor, ECE, Velammal Institute of Technology, India)

2,3,4(ECE, Velammal Institute of Technology, India)

ABSTRACT : The major goal of our project is accident detection, notification and prevention. This helmet makes rider

to feel comfortable as well as with high protection and security. This smart helmet works on raspberry pi 3controller which

is WIFI based, acts as a station for the networking system. Bluetooth and raspberry pi 3 was interfaced with cloud based

services. The helmet is interfaced with both vehicle and the cloud in which image can be accessed and send to the receiver.

Sensors will send command to raspberry pi 3. Thus the command will be send to the receiver. A software application has

been created such that it locates the exact position in terms of Google map. Cloud based services will send messages to

receiver contacts in which database are recorded . Most of the accidents are due to rash driving, drunk and drive, using

mobile phones while driving ,violating traffic rules and regulations. Many people lose their lives because of the late

reporting of accident (ie) they could not able to track accurate GPS location of the accident area. Sometimes we cannot

unable to inform about accident at the right time. The primary reason why many people get head injury is because of not

wearing helmet

Keywords - Bluetooth transmitter , IR sensor , Bluetooth receiver , Alcohol sensor, Raspberry pi3 controller , Temperature

sensor , GPS , GSM , WIFI , Cloud based services , Mobile sensor , Vibrate sensor , Pressure sensor , Speed limit sensor ,

Traffic light follower , 360 deg. Camcorder


The Major goal of this project is accident detection , prevention and notification. This will be done by The

High Security Smart Helmet System. Most of the accidents are due to rash driving, drunk and drive, using

mobile phones while driving ,violating traffic rules and regulations. Many people lose their lives because of the

late reporting of accident (ie) they could not able to track accurate GPS location of the accident area

.Inorder to overcome these problems this project has been implemented .Sometimes we cannot unable to inform

about accident at the right time. The primary reason why many people get head injury is because of not wearing

helmet. The reason why most of riders refuse to wear helmet is that they feel discomfort and suffocation in

wearing it. For the rider to feel more easy, temperature sensor which monitors the constant temperature and

thermostat which maintains it.The helmet so far implemented also has features like GPS , GSM ,alcohol sensors

so this also has some drawback

.Even if the helmet falls accidentally, the GSM will send messages to the emergency contacts immediately, GPS

shows only latitude and longitude position but not visual representation. This helmet overcomes these

drawbacks by sending visual images of the location where the person met with the accident with the exact

location of latitude and longitude and this will be received by his/her contacts. So it gives clear outlook to save

the person . The main objective of this project is :

Safeguarding the riders from accidents

Detection will be provided if he met with an accidents

Notifications will be given to safeguard him as soon as possible

International Journal of Pure and Applied MathematicsVolume 119 No. 12 2018, 14439-14450ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)url: http://www.ijpam.euSpecial Issue


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Not only GPS, GSM and alcohol sensor , and also various sensors like mobile(voice sensor) ,

speed limit sensor , vibration and pressure sensor are interfaced to raspberry pi3

Fig 1

When the accident occurs at various places, the information is gathered by the cloud using GPS and GSM of

raspberry pi controller and then cloud which will send messages to the ambulance , police , family and to the

nearby hospitals

Fig 2

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The data is thus stored in the cloud and records are maintained. So that the government can able to view the data

base of accident areas and declare that region as the accident prone zone.

Fig 3.

If anyone of the test condition fails (ie) helmet should be worn , non alcoholic then the bike will not start

Fig 4


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The Bluetooth transmitter will be placed in the helmet and the Bluetooth receiver

at the vehicle .The main function is only if the person wears the helmet the bike will start (ie) ignition

system will enable. It can detected by ultrasonic or infrared sensors


Alcohol sensor placed in the mouth region of the helmet interfaced with the

raspberry pi , detects whether the rider is alcoholic or not, only when the rider is non alcoholic the bike will

start(ie) ignition system will enable , if (BAC>0.03) alcoholic level then it will disable. If anyone of the test

condition fails (ie) helmet should be worn , non alcoholic then the bike will not start.


The reason why most of riders refuse to wear helmet is that they feel discomfort

and suffocation in wearing it. For the rider to feel more easy, temperature sensor which monitors the constant

temperature and thermostat which maintains it.To feel the rider more comfortable to wear the helmet

temperature sensor detects the temperature inside the helmet and thus thermostat maintains constant temperature

inside the helmet (ie) 30 degree Celsius which is neither hot nor cold.

Fig 5

2.4 GSM and CLOUDS:

If the person met with an accident with high pressure then the pressure sensor detects

the pressure level , if it exceeds certain pressure level it intimates cloud(GSM) to send messages and vibrate

sensor vibrates as soon as the person met with the accidentfamily .When the accident occurs at various places,

the information is gathered by the cloud using GPS and GSM of raspberry pi controller and then cloud which

will send messages to the ambulance , police , family and to the nearby hospitals. So that the person can reach

to the hospital as quick as possible. The data is thus stored in the cloud and records are maintained. So that the

government can able to view the data base of accident areas and declare that region as the accident prone zone.

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2.5 GPS:

GPS shows only latitude and longitude position but not visual representation. This helmet

overcomes these drawbacks by sending visual images of the location where the person met with the accident

with the exact location of latitude and longitude and this will be received by his/her contacts. So it gives clear

outlook to save the person . GPS tracks the exact location where the accident had occurred. GPS will send data

to cloud based services where the image will be captured using 360 degree camcorder and accessed by security

code algorithm in which only the emergency contacts can receive the data. A software has been created in which

GPS navigation will point and show in the Google map the image will show the exact position of the rider

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Speed limit sensor placed in the vehicle detects the speed at which the rider

travels. If he exceeds beyond 120km/hr then the bike automatically stops and he cannot move further. Speed

lock controller which limits the speed . To prevent the person from rash driving speed limit sensor is used.


To prevent the rider from using mobile phones while driving, voice or mobile

sensors are used. Mobile or voice sensor placed in the mouth region of the helmet detects whether the person

speaks through mobile phone while driving. If he does then the bike stops immediately.


Traffic light follower placed in the front part of the vehicle acts according to the

traffic signal. There will be a wireless communication between transmitter(signal) and receiver(vehicle) if the

red signal appears the traffic light follower placed in the vehicle receives the signal and makes ignition systemto

turn off. If green signal appears the ignition system will enable.To make the person to follow the traffic signals

the traffic light follower is placed in the vehicle

Fig 6


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Fig 11

If this has been implemented in the real time then it will prevent the person from the accidents and encourages

him to ride in the safety way.

It makes the person to ride in a way that even he met with an accident he can save his life as well.

GPS send data to cloud based services where image can be accessed and send to the receiver contact.

To prevent the person from accident due to drunk and drive alcohol sensor is placed. To prevent the rider from

using mobile phones while driving, voice or mobile sensors are used.

To prevent the person from rash driving speed limit sensor is used.

To give notification of the accident and area , GPS and GSM is used thus cloud acts as server and raspberry pi

acts as a client.

To make the person to follow the traffic signals the traffic light follower is placed in the vehicle.

To make the rider to wear the helmet and make them feel comfortable temperature sensor is used and the

thermostat maintains it.

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This table represents the statistical data of accident severity from 2002 to 2011

Total no. of accidents occurring every year (i.e)., Road traffic accidents

Two wheeler 23.2 %

Truck/ Lorry 19.2 %

Others 10.3%

Car 10.1%

Bus 9.4 %

Pedestrian 8.3%

Jeep 6.7%

Tempo / Vans 5.7%

Three wheelers 4.8%

Bicycle 2.2%

1 From the above table , we come to know that majority of the accidents occurs only in two wheelers

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Causes of accidents Detection/ Prevention Uses

Head injury due to not

wearing helmet

Drunk and drive

Rash driving

Using mobiles while driving

Violating traffic signals

Late reporting of accidents

Inaccurate location

Ultrasonic / IR sensor

Alcohol sensor

Speed limit sensor

Mobile sensor

Traffic light follower

GSM and Cloud


It detects whether the person wears

the helmet or not

It detects whether the rider is

drunken or not

It senses the speed upto certain


It senses whether the rider uses

mobile phones while driving

It acts according to the traffic


It sends messages immediately to

the emergency contacts

It tracks exact location where

accident occurred


To give notification of the accident and area , GPS and GSM is used thus cloud acts as server and

raspberry pi acts as a client.If this has been implemented in the real time then it will prevent the person

from the accidents and encourages him to ride in the safety way.It makes the person to ride in a way that

even he met with an accident he can save his life as well.GPS send data to cloud based services where

image can be accessed and send to the receiver contact.

By implementing these type of helmet in future , more than 3/4th

of the accidents can be avoided. This

helmet ensures the safety of the rider and helps in preventing the accidents. Though this helmet has lots of

restrictions it should be known as these restrictions are the only way to prevent accidents to be occurring


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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue