The Hill Asylum Chapter 2

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Chapter 2

Welcome back to Desu Desu!

From left to right, I present thee:

The shack we’re all currently stuck in, the shack we want to be stuck in and the home of 2.3 sims greedy for face time.

As per usual, you guys make it tough for me to keep the commentary PG-13.


Ani-Mei: I wonder what it feels like?

You know what I just realized? Since Maxis demands parents for CAS teens, Pony has memories of giving birth to me and Gabie.

I really should’ve removed the walls before starting.

Say Keika, when are you going to mop up that pee puddle?

Keika: *glares at food*

Pony: So hungry... Must escape...

Keika: I still can’t get around this chair!

Makes me wonder if the lot builder actually playtested this.

Gabie: Why are we so poor ;_; *worryhands*

How to stand in front of a TV like a douche.

Can anyone else see the rotation pattern that almost took place or is it just me?

(The photos are from different occasions in this chapter.)

Great, now there’s roaches all over the place. And somehow the wall keeps the can from being picked up? <.<

Which one is it, worryhands or evil mastermind pose?

Ani-Mei: Congratulations on getting your pers-


Look, I somehow got it fixed.

*disapproves of Gabie showering*

*mutuous disapproving of Gabie*

Funny game mechanic, this is.

Jenny: Some puny mortal is touching my piano.

Sorry, but I need it so we can get out of this looney bin.

Keika: That is a nice lamp. I like that lamp.

Thai: Zzz... I’m so awesome... zzz

Pony: Ouch! It got in my eye!

*munch* *munch* Sorry! *glob* *munch*

Jenny: Not again...

Keika: *creepy stare*

Is this some genetic thing between you and Rose?

Gabie: What are we going to do if a burglar comes here?

The real question is, what in here would be worth stealing? Now if you excuse me, my ginger sense is tingling.

Alon Livingston: *sniff* Aah, autumn sure smells nice.

Hi there Alon.

Alon: ... uh oh.

Alon: *mandatory NPC handshake*


Say, how about you and I...

Alon: Talk to the hand, creep!

Alon: Ain’t no one putting the moves on the Alster!

Just you wait... *evil grin*

Jenny: Why does this keep happening to me... ;_;

Gabie: Schabloo!

Asylum drinking game: Take a sip every time a sim complains about something.

Jenny: Buhuhuu... It’s already happened twice...

Ani-Mei: Zzz... Meadow Thayer... zzz...

Gabie: The referee needs to get his eyes checked! That point was totally supposed to go to The Llamas!

...we’re watching sports?

Hey, wanna hear something about Pony?

Thai: Yeah...

She was actually the one who had a bladder failure and not Keika.(Didn’t know this until now, good thing there’s gossip eh?)

Dayum gurl, you gettin’ good at ’tis!

If only real life piano was this easy to master -_-

Hello there, random stranger who I need to make friends with in order to get a promotion. Feel free to raid our fridge and clog up the bathroom while I hurry to work.

Jenny: {I disapprove of eating Rose.}

...that’s good, I guess?

I was going to make a joke about the burnt toasts but then Gabie just stared at the camera like ”No.”

Hello Mr Skunk! *kawaii* >:3

Stinky Skunk: I believe that the last time we met you were not very fond of my presence.

... whatever.

Keika: to explain why you’re staring at the stall while I pee?

Andrea Hogan: Your feet indicated that you were standing instead of sitting down during the process?

Keika: ...touché.

And the prize for first sponge bath goes to... *drum roll* Ani-Mei!

Guess who had 7 neat points before the randomizing? xD

Pony: Oh! Ambloo. Umm...sesaru?

What are you even planning to do? <.<

Pony: *sigh*

Don’t know whether to file this under M for “Mother Hen” or C for “creepy”.

Thai: Why have I not skilled up yet? *pout*

Andrea: {I disapprove of Thai taking a shower.}

You sims just can’t make up your mind can you? First you complain about the smell, then you complain even more when they’re trying to fix it! -_-


Rose: You little ---! How dare you disapprove of Thai like that!

Andrea: *sob* S-she poked me...

Rose, you’re doing it wrong. She’s supposed to become our friend.

Rose: How about some more of it, huh!

Ani-Mei: Could someone get Andrea out of here? She’s distracting everybody from my adorable chipmunk cheeks in the last slide!

Ani-Mei: Congratulations on becoming such a meanie, Rose!

Andrea: *frown*

Andrea: Hey punk, you trying to mess with me?

Rose: Don’t you ‘punk’ me!

Rose: *cracks knuckles*

Ani-Mei: Mmm... Sandwiches...

Thai, are you seriously not concerned about the fact that a catfight is going on in the next room?

His new aspiration might have changed his persona a bit too much <.<

Pony: Congratulations on having only 4 nice points!

Stop making our guest cry dammit!

Hi Goopy! Excuse me, I have to go stop a fight before it escalates further.

... seems I’m too late.

Am I really the only one who cares around here? >.<

You know a fight is serious when the smoke cloud even goes trough objects.

[insert lame fighting noises here]

She’s really getting her @ss kicked, right Jenny?

Jenny: *worryhands*

Ah, the irony. (Miss Underwear here is actually a 2-nicepointer.)

Go Rosie! Wooh!

My hypothesis was correct.

Rose: Ow... My back...

Andrea: How’d you like that, huh?

It was very nice to meet you, now please leave my property before the ‘enemy’-setting triggers another fight.

Andrea: ...what are you talking about?

Nothing <.<

Gabie: Hey, did you hear Pony was the one who had an accident and not Keika?

Gabie: NO I DO NOT LIKE CHILI! *smashes face trough the stall*

That escalated quickly.

Jenny: {Why is this peasant playing on my piano?}

Rose: *sob*

It’s all part of the game, Rose. Either you work out in front of the telly or lose miserably. Your choice.

Pony: Are you a construction worker? Because you sure...

Ani-Mei: You’re really going to go there, Mia?

...sorry, I couldn’t resist.

Rose: {I disapprove of eating Mia.}

Thank you, sorta.

Gabie, I am very grateful over the fact that you’re gaining some skill points. But could you please eat or at least put away the other stuff before making any more? -_-

*downloads a mod*

Goopy: I haven’t really gotten any action in this neighborhood. So little romance sims!

Don’t judge me.

Goopy: Hubba hubba!

What? He makes for good aspiration fodder!

Pony: Could you please stop romancing for a while and make sure I get into a shower?

Ani-Mei: Pee-ew!

Hmm... No.

Rose: Zzz... Stupid Andrea... zzz...

Pony: Oh, hi Andrea!

Speak of the devil.

Pony: Oh, don’t fret about it. She’s just shy around new people, that’s all.

Glitching much?

So, Goopy... How about...

Goopy Gilscarbo: I have to leave.

But... but... aspiration fodder!

Hmph. I’m fine without him.

Rose: {If I just got another chance to beat that woman up... I’ll show her!}

Rose: Congratulations on not going to college, by the way.

A creepy song started playing and what was the source? That’s right, Bella Goth playing a piano on TV.

Gabie: And congratulations to you too for becoming so evil!

*bff-themed song starts playing*

Keika: Did you hear that it was Pony who had an accident and not me?

Thai: That’s probably why she’s so persistent on spreading around Jenny’s rumor!

Rose: *teleports into the room*

Keika: Food! In here! Now!

Rose: *teleports out*

Thai: So Keika, did you hear that Pony had an accident?


Jenny: May I say that black really suits you, Ani-Mei? {This one looks like a fine specimen to eat...}

Ani-Mei: Congratulations on becoming so nice, Jenny!

That’s what you think.

Ani-Mei: *plinketyplonk* I think I get the hang of it!


We meet again, Goopy.

Keika: Did you hear that Dnorma *whisper*

Jenny: NO! For real?

What? What? Tell me!

Keika: Maybe when you get your hands off Goopy.

Goopy: I didn’t go to college either! What a coincidence!

Not really <.<

Thai: *barf*

Pony: {I disapprove of eating Keika.}

Pony: Did you hear that Jenny wet herself?

Everyone knows you did it too, Pony.

Pony: ...I knew this day would come.

Hey guys, would you mind going somewhere else while I use ACR to my advantage?

Keika, Thai and Pony in unison: Ew.

Goopy: That was great.

Yeah, whatevs.

Goopy: Will I ever get to see you again?

Sure, if my aspiration meter gets low again. Bye!

And goodbye to you readers too. See you next time! (Don’t judge me.)