The Homework - Casefile: True Crime...

Post on 01-Sep-2018

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The Homework(found in Danville on 9th December 1978)

Mad is the word (page 1)

Mad is the word (page 2)

An essay written by an unknown author, found near a crime scene where a suspicious vehicle was reportedly parked. Found alongside the PUNISHMENT map and CUSTER essay within a spiral notebook.

“Mad is the word that reminds me of 6th grade. I hated that year

I wish I had know what was going to be going on during my 6th grade year, the last and worst years of elementary school.Mad is the word that () in my head about being a 6th grader. My madness was one that was () by disappointmentsthat hurt me very much. Disappointmentsfrom my teacher such as field tripsthat were planned and then cancelled.My 6th grade teacher gave me alot of disappointments which mademe very mad and made me built astate of hate(?) in my heart, no oneever let me down that hard beforeand I never “hated anyone” as muchas I did him. Disappointment wasn’t theonly reason that made me mad inmy sixth grade class, another was gettingin trouble at school especially talkingthat’s what really bugged me waswriting sentences those awfulsentence that my teacher mademe write, hours and hours I’d sitand write 50-100-150 sentenceday and night I write those dreadfulparagraphs which embarrassed me andmore important it made me ashamedof myself which in turn, deepdownin side made me realize that writingsentance wasn’t fair it wasn’t fairto make me suffer like that, itjust wasn’t fair to make me sit andwaight(?) until my bones ached(?), untilmy hand felt ever horrid pain itever had and as I wrote, I gotmader and mader until I cried,I cried because I was ashamedI cried because I was discusted(?)I cried because I was mad andI cried for myself, () who kept ushaving to write those lame(?)sentances. My () fromsixth grade will scar(?) my memoryfor life and I will be ashamedfor my sixth grade year forever”

6th Grade Rant – Mad is the Word

General Custer writing

Punishment Map (front – top, back – bottom)