The Human Rights Defenders

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CASE # 05BB1C6D-6359-4820-B1CA-7F460E85A84C


COMES NOW, the Human Rights Defenders International with a report on new evidence so discovered in the above referenced Case # 05BB1C6D-6359-4820-B1CA-7F460E85A84C, and In the case of Dutch Earl Thompson against State of Tennessee-DUNS# 04143882 1: Dutch Earl Thompson received a letter DATED: October 24th, 2014, from the STATE OF TENNESSEE TREASURY DEPARTMENT, DIVISION OF CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION HEADED BY DAVID H. LILLARD, JR. signed by Larissa Dills. 2: The Clerk of the Human Rights Tribunal was not noticed of this letter from the STATE OF TENNESSEE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 3: The letter was sent to the Human Rights Defenders which started a new investigation into the case itself.


1: The Human Rights Defenders noticed in the last paragraph of the letter wherein does it read: “Upon receipt of a properly filed claim, either this office or the State Attorney General’s office will conduct an investigation with the appropriate officials to determine if the State bears any liability.” 2: The statement was peculiar in the fact that the State of Tennessee was not accused of any wrong doing nor of violating any Human Rights.

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3: The statement would make it appear that the State of Tennessee desire’s to harbor fugitives from justice. 4: The orders were clear as how to remedy the violations. 5: A copy of the judgment was sent to Risk Management-Tennessee Department of Treasury as a courtesy copy to warn the State of possible claims of future Human Rights Violations, in an effort to help the State of Tennessee reduce its liability. All of a sudden, the State of Tennessee wants to determine its own liability thereby creating a scenario of harboring fugitives instead of just correcting the lack of knowledge that created the liabilities in the first place. 6: The scenario created by the State of Tennessee changed the focus of the new investigation towards the State of Tennessee itself, rather than the human rights violators. 7: The State of Tennessee, according to its constitution has a three department system; The Legislative department, the judicial department, the executive department. Since the State of Tennessee jumped in front of the human rights violators to protect them, the investigation was focused on the Executive Department.



Section 1. Division of powers.-The powers of the government shall be divided into three distinct department’s: the legislative, executive, and judicial. Second item: 8. Judiciary has no jurisdiction over executive.-The departments of the state government are independent of each other, and the judiciary may not invade the province of the executive, by mandamus 0.1' injunction against the governor of the state, designed to coerce .01' restrain him in the discharge of his official duties, according to his own notions of the law, for the courts have no jurisdiction of such proceedings. This section grants executive privilege to the Governor of the State of Tennessee.

Notion: noun 1. a general understanding; vague or imperfect conception or idea of something:

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Third item:


Section 1. Governor.-The supreme executive power of this state shall be vested in a governor. Sec. 2. How and when elected.-The governor shall be chosen by the electors of the members of the general assembly, at the time and places where they shall respectively vote for the members thereof. Sec. 6. May grant,pardons.-He shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons, after conviction, except in cases of impeachment. 1. Statute pardoning convict to any extent is' unconstitutional as to all then under sentence.-A statute allowing, to convicts certain credits on their terms of imprisonment, in consideration of good conduct, is unconstitutional as to all sentences in force at time of its passage, as are unauthorized exercise of the pardoning power. 2. Pardoning power solely and exclusively the governors.-The vestiture of the power to grant reprieves and pardons in the chief executive is exclusive of all other departments of the state, and the legislature cannot directly or indirectly, take it from his control, and vest it in others, or authorize or require it to be exercised by any other officer or authority. Sec. 16, Grants and commissions.-All grants and commissions shall be in the name and, by the authority of the State of Tennessee, be sealed with the state seal, and signed by the governor. These sections prove that the Governor of the State of Tennessee has complete control over the prisons of this state. If someone is in prison, it is because the Governor has control over whether they are released or not or removed from prison.

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Here is the structure of the executive department of the State of Tennessee:

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Fourth Item:

The executive department has a Department of Revenue: Vehicle Title & Registration is administered by the Tennessee Department of Revenue through its Vehicle Services Division. Commonly requested information is available by clicking on the links below. Click here for contact information for the Vehicle Services Division. County clerks in each of Tennessee's 95 counties across the state register vehicles and assist with title transactions. For a complete list of county clerks offices, including a listing of any local registration fees, click here. The State of Tennessee calls a registration of a Motor Vehicle a privilege tax, a tax for the privilege of driving a motor vehicle. There is an accounting office in each county directly controlled by the executive department through the Department of Revenue.

Fifth Item:

Two definitions published by the State of Tennessee:

State of Tennessee Strategic Highway Safety Plan: 1: Traffic way: Any road, street, or highway open to the public as a matter of right or custom for moving persons or property from one place to another. 2: (5) "Public highway" means a way or place of whatever nature open to the use of the public as a matter of right for the purpose of vehicular travel, even if the way or place is temporarily closed for the purpose of construction, maintenance, or repair.

These definitions derived from its original intent which was adopted by the State of New York in the year 1901. The premise of the marking of vehicles was by definition an enforcement of the Responsible Party Doctrine to accurately identify vehicles and its owners in the case of property damage caused by a motor vehicle which is a very good practice. Owners of motor vehicles are responsible for damage caused by negligence or other causes.

The enforcement of vehicular traffic today has changed completely as the evidence will show from this investigation.

Sixth Item:

The Brief subscription of the procedure by and between the three departments of government:

1: The legislature passes a statute.

2: The executive department executes the statute.

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3: The judicial department enforces the statute.

However, the definitions do not match the statutes claim; therefore, the executive, judicial and legislative departments are claiming a privilege where a right exists. The only conclusion that can be obtained is that the executive department is charging a fee or leasing executive privilege to its residents, otherwise, the residents are turned over to the judicial department under the authority of the legislative department to be held in prison until the fee is paid to the executive department through its department of revenue.

This scenario is by definition, racketeering by extortion which is defined in Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Article 9 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. Article 13 (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. “Protection rackets are not the same as extortion rackets. In an extortion racket the racketeers agree not to attack a business. In a protection racket the racketeers agree to defend a business from any attack. However, they may threaten to attack or attack the business if it denies protection.”

Second Violation:

Article 18 Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. Another investigation in an un-related case revealed itself as being connected to this case:

First Item: 1: The State of Tennessee has certain rules spelled in its constitution dealing with religion: Article I: Sec. 3. Right of worship free.-That all men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conscience; that no man can of right, be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or to maintain any minister against his consent; that no human authority can, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience; and that no"preference shall ever' be given, by law, to any religious establishment or mode [" modes" in const. of 1796] of worship. - Various acts have been passed by the legislature along this line and the courts have consistently construed them very liberally. 5 Sneed 518. . An atheist is not disqualified for jury -service because he is such. 1 Yerg. 212.

Intellectual Property Copyright © 2014 HRT-11062014- Page 7 of 11 2 The Bible Belt is an informal term for a region in the south-eastern and south-central United States in which socially conservative evangelical Protestantism is a significant part of the culture and Christian church attendance across the denominations is generally higher than the nation's average. The Bible Belt consists of much of the Southern United States. During the colonial period (1607–1776), the South was a stronghold of the Anglican church. Its transition to a stronghold of non-Anglican Protestantism occurred gradually over the next century as a series of religious revival movements, many associated with the Baptist denomination, gained great popularity in the region. It is safe to declare that the State of Tennessee is mainly a Christian State meaning that the majority of people in the State of Tennessee practice the Christian Religion which is symbolized by the cross:

Example: Based on the un-related investigation it is found that the illuminati is a religion also and has its symbols:

Eye of Horus

The illuminati are Horus worshippers and their symbols are on the religious revenue being collected by the Department of Revenue of the State of Tennessee. It is safe to determine that “IN GOD WE TRUST” means the GOD that is being referenced is “Horus” and not the Most High in heaven or Jesus Christ. How did the worshippers of Horus gain the authority to tax the Christians? How did one religion gain the authority to tax another? The main practice of the illuminati is to create people with duel personalities by placing them in cages under the condition of torture until their personality is split into two, making two different

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personalities in the same vessel. This is mainly done by placing an image or an animal outside of the cage, telling the victim of the torture that being that object or animal will relieve them of their pain. Therefore, you have a human being converted into something else under a different character or two or three separate characters within the same vessel. This is very similar to county jails. A person is placed into a jail or prison over a license violation or suspended license even though the person has not hurt anyone and left there under pain of conscience until the fee is paid and the international character is split in two. One character knows that their rights exist, the other character is created to conform to the Governors arbitrary wishes for a fee for an executive privilege under a yearly lease agreement. The demand for payment has religious symbols all over the script that are not Christian symbols. They are Horus symbols. Therefore, Christians are being killed all over the world for mis-representing their religious beliefs to other religions as Christians, yet their currency proclaims Christians as “Horus Worshippers”: File Number: 2193946 Incorporation Date / Formation Date: 04/19/1989 Entity Name: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Entity Kind: CORPORATION Entity Type: RELIGIOUS NONPROFIT Residency: DOMESTIC State: DE.

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It is no wonder why the religious organization: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC is called the “Great Satan” for it represents itself as Horus Worshippers worldwide and through its entertainment industry. Therefore, it is recommended that Dutch Earl Thompson petition the Human Rights Tribunal with these findings to claim further Human Rights Violations against the Governor of the State of Tennessee, one: William Edward Haslam.

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Accepted and Acknowledged on this day of November 6, 2014, Secretary for the Human Rights Defenders International