The Hypnotic Salesmen - By Craig D… ·...

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Copyright Viral Success Limited 2003/2004

The Hypnotic Salesmen - By Craig D Beck. A FREE E-Book From Viral Success

First published in 2003 By Viral Success Ltd

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Copyright Viral Success Limited 2003/2004

'FORWARD’ Hypnosis is not black magic, a party trick nor a piece of theatre but a naturally occurring process of the brain. We automatically practice hypnosis dozens of times a day and now thousands of the world’s best sales closers are actively using it to smash through their targets.

"Hypnosis is the art of suggestion and so too is selling". Frank Seymore (Hypnotist turned millionaire salesman.)

'The Hypnotic Salesman', shows you how to generate instant trust and rapport with your clients. Human beings, as a breed are a fairly predictable bunch. We all like to believe we are totally unique, but on a sub-conscious level there are certain rules that we obey without consideration purely because evolution has designed and placed them there to protect us. Hypnotist and broadcaster, Craig Beck explains what these pre-programmed routines are and how you can not only recognize them in your clients, colleagues and friends but also use them to your advantage to deliver your goals! You will learn how to quickly establish deep rooted trust, how to have a persons sub conscious sell your message even when you are not there and even inducing amnesia about your competitors product. These are powerful and effective skills that can be learned and mastered by anyone, and if you are serious about reaching the top you need to start selling to the sub conscious. Chapter One - Hypnosis Exploding The Myths Before we start to explore the sub-conscious mind, and how we can use the way it operates to our benefit. It is important that we ensure we fully understand what hypnosis is, or more importantly what it is not. Hypnosis is not black magic, a party trick nor a piece of theatre. It is a naturally occurring process of the brain that has unfortunately attracted some seriously bad press over recent years; some might say even Michael Jackson has had better press! Thankfully for over two thousand years it was documented and practiced with a great deal of respect. How bizarre that this long studied and amazing action of the human mind was essentially defamed by a man in a bar trying to convince girls to remove their clothes.

Copyright Viral Success Limited 2003/2004

The traditional stage hypnotist; is considered by most right thinking hypnotherapists and psychologists as a blundering incompetent dabbling in something they don't truly understand. If they did understand the amazing process they are playing with I would suggest they would find something more productive to do than make a person believe they are little fluffy duck called Roger! Think of your own brain in the context of the worlds most powerful and complex computer, capable of billions of calculations and processes per minute. Hypnosis is the turbo button, hidden away in the vast resources of the sub conscious mind. While your conscious mind is busy absorbing the words on this page you are totally unaware of the thousands of other things you sub-conscious is doing every second of your life. Thankfully you are not required to make on going decisions about the speed of your heart, the temperature of your body or the pace of your breathing. Imagine how complicated life would be if you had to remember to keep your heart beating. Hypnosis is so natural, that you do it dozens of times a day without even realizing it. Have you ever driven home at the end of your working day and arrived home with no memory of the journey? Well my friend, hypnosis just paid you a visit. Your brain was using the opportunity of this familiar and fairly simple task to filter and file information in your brain. You may notice yourself at work blankly staring at the computer screen in a deep peaceful daydream. This happens due to the vast amount of information constantly entering your brain, every few hours your mind must pause a little to filter and file all the information you have learned. Placing it in the correct storage area of the brain. E.g.. Let’s say in the last hour your brain has learned that the colour of the walls in the canteen is yellow. It has also learnt that your new managers’ name is David. It must ensure the information you will need on an on going basis is stored close to hand. Unfortunately this is at the expense of the canteen walls, and I am sorry to say if questioned you may have trouble remembering what colour those walls were - but who cares, walls may have ears but I have noticed they stay pretty dumb when asked for a pay rise!

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Chapter Two - Pacing So far so good, you already have a great excuse for daydreaming so lets break hypnosis down another level. There are two specific forms of hypnosis, 'indirect' and yes you guessed it 'direct'. Direct hypnosis is the process of inducing a state of trance upon a person with them fully aware that you are trying to hypnotise them. Mesmer famously used his swinging pocket watch to induce trace, hypnotherapists may tell you an in depth story in which you repeatedly walk down steps or along a corridor. With that in mind, you can expect the references to direct hypnosis in this book to be few and far between. I would imagine you would be pretty disappointed with me if I suggested the next time you are with a customer you reach for your watch and start swinging it in front of his face while murmuring the words BUY NOW BUY NOW! Indirect hypnosis is a much more subtle form of encouraging a reaction from a person’s sub-conscious mind. Indirect hypnosis is induced by a combination of skills on your part. These involve the way you phrase your sentences, the tone and speed of your speech in direct relation to the person you are communicating with. Most sales people have heard of a technique called mirroring, whereby you slightly mimic the actions of your customer to attempt to establish or deepen rapport. This is something that most sales professionals try a few times and swiftly discard either because they feel stupid or even worst they get caught doing it, then feel really stupid. Mirroring is based on the well-known theory that human beings find comfort in similarity, essentially people 'like' people 'like' themselves. Pacing is a multi level mirroring technique designed to disarm the conscious mind allowing rapport and trust to build on a sub-conscious level. You can forget about rubbing your nose if the customer touches his, I have often wondered exactly how far you would take that sort of mirroring. I keep imagining the client scratching his backside and an enthusiastic young sales exec following suite. Before you know it, the evolutionary path goes into reverse and we all start swinging from the trees again. In every area of life I have found the success you achieve is in direct correlation to the effectiveness of your communication. The first thing to remember is the way you prefer to communicate is largely irrelevant. E.g. pitching a deal in Spanish to a client who only speaks English is only going to result in one outcome - no deal. You may think you can be very

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funny in Spanish and the presentation flows like a dream but to your client it's all irrelevant. Now, I know I am stooping to a very basic scenario to illustrate the point but the same rule applies not only to the language of your communication but pitch, tone intonation, accent and volume too. You must adjust your communication for every individual you meet. To do this you must seek first to understand how this person communicates. Do they speak slowly, thinking carefully about each and every word or perhaps they speak at high speed trying the squeeze as many words as possible into each breath. Do they use their hands to emphasize important points, do they speak with a strong accent and how do they use volume in their speech. All these areas are important to you because they give you a path into the person’s sub-conscious and so begins the process of in-direct hypnosis. E.g. If you speak at high speed to a person who prefers to digest each word individually, and does himself speak slowly and precisely. You are sub-consciously saying I am different to you, do not trust me. For the same reason speaking loudly to a quietly spoken person would have the same effect. Think about it, if you are well-spoken person how would you feel about a person who tried to sell to you in rough slang, littering his presentation with swear words. You would automatically take a dislike to him because he communicates different to you and therefore he is not like you. The barriers would go up and I would be very surprised if that chap would make a single sale until he came across a client that communicated in a similar rough slang. Chapter Three - Making It Impossible To Disagree Imagine, after a hard day at work you decide you would love to go the bar and enjoy a freezing cold glass of beer, just to unwind you understand. So you ring a friend and ask him to come along to keep you company but he doesn't seem to keen. So you tell him just how great that cold beer is going to taste, you tell him how good it would be to spend a little time with him and perhaps you even suggest you know a little gossip, and you would love to tell him all about it over a beer. You eventually manage to talk him round and he agrees to meet you in the bar. Effectively you just sold the idea to him. We are all salesmen at times whether it is pitching a multi-million pound insurance policy to a company or convincing the girl at work that

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going on a date with you would be fantastic. It's all the same thing, you are always looking for the other person to agree with you, and you are always stalking the same three-letter word YES. Wouldn't it make life so much easier if you knew the person you were selling to sub-consciously believed that they generally agree with most things you say? Using in direct hypnosis it is possible to massage a person’s sub-conscious mind into believing that to be the case. In hypnotherapy we strengthen the messages and commands by making statements that are impossible to disagree with. E.g. 'Doesn't it feel fantastic to relax', a statement that nobody could honestly contest. Every time you can get someone to agree with you and utter that magic word YES their sub-conscious interrupts it in one of two ways. 'This person thinks like I do, they are like me' and or 'this person tells the truth, they are to be trusted'. So the more you can manipulate this result the more likely you are going to get the signature you went there for. E.g. You go to visit a client and as you entered her office you noticed in prime position on her notice board was a child’s enthusiastically drawn picture, in the top right in chalk it proudly said Sammy aged 5. Perhaps a sure-fire statement would be 'wow isn't that picture superb for a five year old'. I would say the chances of her disagreeing and saying 'actually I think its rather poor, I mean does that even look like a dog' are somewhere between slim and none. In summary remember the more times you can appear to think and act the same way as your client the quicker and deeper the roots of trust will penetrate. Your goal is to maneuver the person into a frame of mind where they are comfortable saying yes. To do this effectively ensure you litter your conversation with questions like isn't it, doesn't it and don't they etc. Even if you don't clinch the deal there and then, the memory of your meeting is likely to be very positive. In my course ‘The New Science Of Persuasion And Influence’ I give you an array of techniques to solicit that magic word – YES! Another powerful language skill for establishing trust is to use a persons own statements and beliefs in your presentation. A persons own words are generally are an undeniable truth to them.

Copyright Viral Success Limited 2003/2004

E.g. A radio advertising sales executive is pitching a campaign to a motor dealership. During the tour of the dealership the manager says 'our hatch back sales are the best in the company, but we can't shift MPV's at all'. Later in his presentation he would insert the line 'you are going to find that we have tailored this package to try and move your MPV sales up to the same fantastic levels that your hatch backs are at'. The client has essentially heard his own words coming from someone else’s mouth, this guy must be trust worthy, and he thinks the same as me. Think about it have you ever won an argument or changed someone’s mind by simply telling him or her they are wrong. I those situations you are automatically triggering a protective response from a persons sub conscious. Once that happens, the barriers go up and you might as well try and convince them a brick wall is really an orange – impossible!

If you are looking for an advanced course in the techniques of persuasion and influence. Visit the Viral Success website for details of Craig Beck’s 6 CD master course ‘The New Science Of Persuasion

And Influence’! Chapter Four - Induced hyper amnesia and hypernesia If you consider controlling what someone will remember to be an extremely powerful skill. How much would you pay to be able to control what the person can't remember, if I could show you how to make someone forget or putting it another way induce a state of hyper amnesia. E.g. perhaps you would prefer your client to forget that the competing product is less expensive or comes with more extras. Some of the best salesmen in the world use this technique to sub-consciously damage the clients’ opinion of a competing salesman and their products. The aim of inducing hyper amnesia is to damage or fade a person’s perception of a previous experience. To ensure a client remembers your

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product but forgets the competitors you simply construct your sentences to contain 'negative action' post hypnotic suggestions: E.g. A radio advertising executive may blur the message of a competing radio station by saying: "The other radio stations always try to confuse you with so many tiny details, it is impossible to remember anything about there packages. However, we make it easy for you to remember the simple clear facts about advertising with us" In this statement the sales executive has been deliberately vague about the competing product, not even mentioning the name of the other radio station! She also gave two powerful suggestions or calls to action. Those two commands are ' you will find it impossible to remember the competition' but ' you will find it very easy to remember how good our product will be for you'. If you have ever socialized with your clients you will know that out of office hours they can be completely different people, sometimes even the most stern faced old buzzard can in fact turn out to be a ‘real nice guy’. In the office environment, when they are trying to squeeze the very best value out of you, the barriers are firmly up and they are ready for battle. So imagine how much easier it would be to sell to your prospects if you could sit in a bar and discuss your ‘fantastic product’ over a beer and a game of pool. Using indirect hypnosis you can continue to sell your message even when you are not there. This is possible because of the way the conscious and sub-conscious minds co-operate. The conscious mind makes decisions and can only deal with one task at a time. The sub-conscious is the part of the brain that makes things happen. It follows commands to does absolutely anything to ensure your body completes the task. E.g. If you step out onto a busy road and you see a car coming towards you. In a split second your conscious mind compares the speed of the car to all other moving objects, it them does a full risk assessment of the situation. If it decides you are at risk it tells your sub-conscious mind. Your sub-conscious mind takes over and does absolutely everything to get you out of the risk situation. You do not consciously have to think about whether you are going to move your right or left leg first or whether you are going to step backwards or forwards; it is all done on a sub-conscious level. The technique of hypernesia is where by you set up self-activating commands for the sub-conscious to complete at a later point in time.

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E.g. A car salesman may say “You may be lying in bed tonight, when you can see yourself driving this superb car. Watching your friends faces turn green with envy as you drive past them”. He is setting up a call to action for the sub-conscious. When the customer’s head hits the pillow that night the sub-conscious will associate it with a command that needs to be completed. One word of warning regarding these hypnotic techniques. You are only in the position to implant hypnotic suggestions if you have paced and established rapport with your prospect. You should also be aware this works best on non-detail orientated people. Clients who are always asking you for exact breakdowns of figures and facts are not going to be as receptive. However, if you spend the time to understand specifically how your client communicates you would know which techniques will work and which won’t. Chapter Five - Instant replay and buying patterns Human beings are pretty predictable animals at a sub-conscious level. People feel safe when they are in familiar circumstances; your job is to tailor your sales technique to be unique to the client, based on his/her previous buying pattern. Most people operate in a fairly repetitive way when making major purchases. They need certain criterion to be fulfilled in a certain order before they feel comfortable making the payment. So when talking to a client you need to establish what is important to him when making a purchase. People are normally very honest about this because they don’t really see any threat in the question. Ask your client…. ‘What made you decide to buy your last advertising campaign’? They will generally reveal a large amount of their buying pattern in their reply. Listen, learn and make it comfortable for them to buy from you.

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Remember your opinion of what is important in the deal is largely irrelevant unless the client feels the same way. Chapter Six - Mental judo Judo is well known as the Olympic martial art of throwing and grappling. Literally translated from Japanese the word Judo means the gentle way. Judo comes to us from the fighting system of feudal Japan. Founded in 1882 by Dr. Jigoro Kano and the principle is to use the strengths of the other person against him. Conversational judo applies the same principle of using the other persons strong beliefs and opinions against him. Imagine you’ve got a difficult client, he’s already decided he does not want to buy from you and has some pretty strong opinions about your product. There are two ways to deal with objections, you can either wait to for the client to bring up the problem and them try and persuade him he is wrong. Alternatively you can bring it up before he gets chance to………. You are trying to sell a car to a guy who you have heard say to his wife moments earlier that he thinks the model of car is a bit boxy. Trying to tell this guy how good he is going to look in this stunning car is as good as punching him in the face and touching up his wife! A better approach would possibly be: “This car is not the best looking car on the lot but it is one of the safest in the world. If you want to protect your family and give them the best chance of surviving a bad crash this is the only car you should really consider”. The prospect has just heard his own thoughts coming out of your mouth; you must be an honest person because you are like him. You come across as a mature and intelligent salesman who knows his customers - nice advantage.

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Chapter Seven - Repetition Sells Even the worst sales professional in the world knows that 'repetition sells', so practice what you preach. In every presentation there are key words that you really want the client to remember. Words like effective, bigger, better, value, success etc. So in the same way an advertising executive would advise a client to go with repetition in his advert, you should consciously overuse the words that are important to your pitch/presentation.

Hey! Don't all sales people already know this ? The difference between an average sales professional and the best is all in the delivery. Repetitions should be delivered within a perfect flow of conversation. The sentences should all run smoothly together, the rhythm of your voice constant and relaxing - in tune with your client and without a trace of self doubt. In clinical hypnosis I would say: You are feeling relaxed, relaxed, so relaxed. Feeling more and more comfortable with every word you hear me say. As you feel your arms resting on the sides of the comfy chair, you begin to let go and relax deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. Providing you have established a rapport this is an extremely powerful tool, it is tremendously difficult to resist. Chapter Eight - Anchors and calling emotions Anchors are physiological bookmarks literally scarred into the sub-conscious. They are created by intensely emotional experiences or heavily repeated events. E.g. perhaps as a child whenever you misbehaved your mother used to give you 'the look', that certain expression that told you exactly what she thought of your actions. Later in life you are arguing with your partner and inadvertently he gives you the same look. For no apparent reason you fly of the handle and storm out of the room. Your partner is left thinking 'what did i say'? You are angry and upset beyond belief and you have no idea why.

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Your partner certainly has no idea they accidentally touched a negative anchor. As a salesman it would be impossible for you to know about 'that little look' their mother used to give but there are some universally shared anchors. There are certain words that always tend to get used around intensively emotional experiences, and once you know that these are you can punctuate your speech with them to induce a response in your prospect. Power words that automatically call an emotion from the sub-conscious are words like Love, pain, desire, loss, mother, father, money, death etc. These words can be used to great effect in your presentations, but use them with respect. They are not to be thrown away and work best when delivered in a slightly different tone to the rest of your dialog. You find ways to use verbal anchors by always being aware of your prospects personal environment. There will be traces of their private lives and personality in their office, in the way they dress or even in their car. If you turn up to see a client and notice he has a baby seat in the back of their car you can be pretty certain what is the most important thing in their life. Once you know what turns them on, what triggers an emotion in them you can make extremely powerful presentations. Here is an example of a power word in use: You walk into a client’s office and you notice on the desk is a silver framed picture of a child of the age of about 2. Now you could show an interest by saying 'oh is that your kid'. But as any loving parent will tell you the better way to say it would be 'oh is that your baby'. ‘Baby’ automatically generates an emotion, it is an anchor word. Kid is just a word.

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Chapter Nine - The most important word in the world The English language is a beautiful thing. Playwrights and poets can reduce you to tears or fill you with joy just by the way they construct the words on a page. Generals can motivate an army to die for their country by the way they communicate their passion for victory and freedom. However, there is just one word in the whole world that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Regardless of language, dialect or tone only one word creates such powerful instant emotion in a person. That word is… [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE]. A person’s name is a beautiful thing to them; it is one of the first words they ever learned. It is what their friends, relatives, husbands and wives call them. When you say it you massage the strongest and most deep-rooted desire found in every person on earth...... The need to feel important. By proving you remembered their name you are saying you are important enough to me to remain in my memory. I challenge you to experiment with this most basic of concepts. Next time you walk into work go up to the receptionist and use this technique…. E.g. smile and say ‘Good morning Jean, how are you’ - I know you will get a much brighter response than the day before when you gave her a simple non-personal greeting. Thank you for reading the Hypnotic Salesman, I sincerely hope this has given you a taste of the amazing power of subliminal communication. If you enjoyed this short book you will love the latest work in this field – ‘The New Science Of Persuasion And Influence’. If you have any questions or feedback I would love to hear from you! Kind Regards Craig Beck DhP.

Copyright Viral Success Limited 2003/2004

'The new science of persuasion and influence' Is The culmination of over a decade of research into why some people seem to be able to attract into their lives absolutely anything they desire. On this CD course you will learn truly amazing techniques to get what you want, everyday and with anyone.

In the New Science Of Persuasion And Influence you will learn:

How to tell when someone is lying to you!

You will understand how the conscious mind works

How to ensure your opinions are heard and you are NOT interrupted. property

The massive power of the sub-conscious mind

How to make people feel instantly comfortable in your company

How to pace and structure your conversations

How to deal with rude and or aggressive people

How to negotiate

How to get people ready to say yes.

The reason human beings are the dominant animal on this planet is nothing to do with their strength or ability to fight. Man’s ability to

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communicate is the secret to our success. Indeed, your achieved level of success to date is in direct correlation to your ability to communicate.

People who have an advanced knowledge of all our subtle levels of

communications have a vast advantage in all areas of life.

You will learn that you cannot only get anything and everything you want, but using these techniques in advanced subliminal communication you can have other people go get them for you! You will find, that when you use the energy of other people to achieve your goals things really start to happen. The goal of this 6 CD course is for you to become an expert in manifesting success

through communication with others.

"I have been in sales for ten years, I was amazed how little of this I knew. It's actually frightening to think other people I deal with on a daily basis might know this stuff!", James Vaux (Prosoft IT, Ohio)

"I loved the course, not just good theory but things I could pick up and start using straight away - thanks.", Nicola Thompson (Sheffield, UK)

"I feel like I know something I shouldn't! A fantastic course", Michael Lloyd Williamson (DeltaVEX, San Antonio)