The Impact of Gender on Email Segmentation Strategies

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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description that research is clearly demonstrating that the difference between men and women extends to their email behaviors, crafting your marketing approach to take advantage of those differences is more important than ever. for all your email marketing needs


A discussion on the Impact of Gender on Email Segmentation Strategies.

Research has shown that men and women react differently to various email aspects, and in some cases, what is alluring to one side of the gender divide can alienate the other side.

It would seem that most email marketers are getting it backwards: Male-targeted brands seem to show many full body images of women, while the female targeted brands tend to focus on close-ups of faces!

Males and females use email for different purposes. Also, an email's aesthetics are perceived differently between males and females.

An email marketer must be able to demonstrate a consensus among the female's social or peer group in order to make the sale to her, while males must be targeted with information showing that their social or peer group is actually buying the product in order to sway him. Spam behavior separates the sexes as well.

Now that research is clearly demonstrating that the difference between men and women extends to their email behaviors, crafting your marketing approach to take advantage of those differences is more important than ever.

Read all about Email Marketing and Gender Segmentation.

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