The Importance of BIM Technology in Historic …2014/06/23  · The Importance of BIM Technology in...

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The Importance of BIM Technology in Historic


Joseph Hwangbo, CM-BIM, ART

Solution Specialist – Architecture w/ Microdesk

Representation of the Physical World…

Computer Laser Tape Measure

…is Always Going to be Partial

Examples of Representation

Personal Experience

• State Capitol Building – as built laser scan of interior and

exterior with BIM model at LOD 400

• Hearst Castle – as built laser scan of interior and exterior with BIM

model at LOD 500

Building Information Modeling

• Single Virtual Model

• Can be worked on Simultaneously

• Parametric Ability

• Database-based

The I in BIM = Information

The I in BIM = Information

The I in BIM = Information

The I in BIM = Information

Level of Detail/Development

LOD 100 LOD 200 LOD 300 LOD 400

LOD 100 – Conceptual Massing

LOD 200 – Approx. Geometry

LOD 400 – Fabrication

Relevance to Historic Preservervation

• Model communicates form of historic fabric

• Includes data to identify and inventorize

• Ability to Phase to represent multiple points

in the history & transformation of the building

• Record demolition affects during bldg. rehab

Questions to Ask

• To what extent will the existing conditions be

investigated and modeled to enable the

desired visualization and documentation?

• To what extent should existing conditions be

modeled in order to communicate how they

should be preserved or modified?

BIM 3D – 7D


• The challenge of managing data

• The model can associate data with elements,

rooms, etc in a way that remains continuously

updated as modifications are made for new

design or to record as-built conditions

• Model can be queried for embedded data to

derive schedules & customized views

Example of Custom Views


• In the past, composition of geometric views

independent of each other

• With BIM, the elements are demarcated and


• Differing LOD’s for different purposes can coexist in


• Need for BIM Execution Plan

Example BEP


• BIM allows 3D assemblies of layers with

various properties assigned

Example of Wall Assembly


• Computational advances of contemporary forms

in complex geometry and mathematical

patterning can be translated into BIM relating to

rehab and preservation

• Parametric tools help inform choices about new

construction that is sympathetic yet

differentiated from existing elements


• Phasing of data to enable the visualization

and tracking of changes of multiple phases

BIM Phasing & Sequencing


• Entire team can work simultaneously in the

same file

Case Studies


Hearst Castle

Hearst Castle Entrance

Hearst Castle Fountain

Hearst Castle Fountain