The Importance of Time Management

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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The story of a freshman baseball player struggling to find his way.


The Importance of Time Management

Kyle Fowler


Jay Singer is a student that attends Elizabeth-town College. He decided on Elizabethtown Col-lege because he was recruited to play for their men’s baseball team.


Jay had managed to get early warnings in two of his classes within the first few months of school.


Little did Jay know that his coach had been email-ing his teachers and checking up to see what was going wrong. One day after practice, his coach called him into his office to talk.


The coach talked to Jay for a long time and warned him that if he did not pick up his grades he could no longer be apart of the baseball team.


After the meeting, Jay went to dinner by himself and reflected on what the coach had told him. He couldn’t believe that he was on the edge of being kicked off the team that he had worked so hard for.


He decided that he would have to work hard to get his grades up and improve his study habits so that he could continue to play the sport that he loved.


It was difficult for him, but Jay began spending time in the library after practice, working on his homework and studying. Taking one assignment at a time, Jay’s study habits began to improve along with his grades.


After awhile Jay became good at managing his time between classes, practice, studying. He learned that he could even set aside some time to enjoy bowling with friends on Wednesday nights.


With finals coming up, Jay asked one of his friends on the team to help him study for his exams. His friend was a good student and with his help Jay was sure that he would do well on his finals.


Jay received his grades for the semester and found out that he finished with three B’s and even received an A on the final his friend helped him study for. He was thankful that he asked for help instead of trying to do it on his own.


Now that it is all over, Jay learned that in order to succeed, he would have to work just as hard off the field as he did when he was played on it.


Now that Jay is in college he does not have his parents to look over his shoulder and make sure that he is studying and doing his work. He thinks that he can get by with as little effort as possible.


Jay is now finished his first year of college. He is happy with the way he was able to turn his bad habits around. He is already looking forward to his sophomore year and second season on the baseball team.


It was finally August 28th and all the students were anxiously awaiting classes to begin..except for Jay.


When Jay went to class, he sat in the back and barely payed attention to any of the lessons. He would much rather be back in his room watching TV.


Once class was over, Jay had an hour to kill until it was time for practice. He liked playing video games on his laptop instead of using his time wisely and getting homework done.


At four o’clock every day Jay would leave for practice. Once practice was over, the team ate dinner together which meant that he did not re-turn to his room until seven thirty at night.


Jay was always exhausted after the two-hour practices and eating dinner. Instead of coming back to his room and doing work, Kyle would lay down.


After the first couple weeks of school had gone by, Jay began to lose his focus and got lazy. It got to a point where he was skipping up to one class a week.


Once he began skipping his classes, it became clear on his grades, having missed several of the classes, he was falling behind. He began failing his assignments.