The In-Season Microcycle 'Physical themes dervied from tactical periodisation'

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The In-season Microcycle ‘Physical themes derived from tactical periodisation’

2015-2016 season

Hamish Munro

Tactical Periodisation• ‘... A training methodology that first arose through

Victor Frade over 30 years go’

• ‘... A training methodology where the primary concern is the play the team intends to produce in competition’

• ‘...This is why the playing model is assumed a guide for the whole process using principles, sub principles and sub sub principles to shape it’

Xavier Tamarat (2015) in ‘What is tactical periodization’

Benefits of tactical periodisation model

• Synergistic model that provides a hollistic approach: technical/tactical/physical

• Single model structure rather than integrating several departmental models

• Consistently relating to the structure of game play; model specific to coaches philosophy, U21 1st Team progression

Van Winckel et al (2015)

Weekly Considerations

Daily Considerations

What we changed ......• ‘Pure football’ model – in our opinion (experience/science)

this is not enough for the specific physical components: - strength- power- correctives .... etc!Crucial to athletic development, especially at U21 level

• One size fits all, which is more often than not inappropriate, subtle changes relating to specifics in the training week

• Detail, we added outlays (physical) under each training day principle thus to provide relative targets to playing positions (based on game day % and training averages)

Pre - Training Themes

MD+1 = NA

MD+2 = Low level correctives, movement deficiencies, ie areas of instability and/or need of mobility. Increased recovery if required

MD-4 = Pillar preparation prior to team strength session thus to maximise amount of time spent on ‘strength’ work in-session

MD-3 = SMR and massage for those with heightened DOMS from previous day, upper body strength (vertical & horizontal push/pull)

MD-2 = Speed strength work, including forms of ballistic/plyometric movements – awareness on volume

MD-1 = Advice players to keep out of gym except for massage and SMR – feel good!

Training Themes

↓Matchday + 1 - OFF

‘Complete Rest’

• Encourage rest and relaxation, increased sleep and social time with friends and family.


↘Matchday + 2

‘Recovery Focus’ - Intensive

• Reduced volume and intensity football session, increased mobility, proprioception & SMR in warm up

IE – Hurdle (high - mobility and low - stability) and foam roller drills first 15-25 minutes of session, football drills to be low level technical drills, possessions with starters as ‘bouncers’, uneven games (8 starters vs 4) etc

↗Matchday – 4

‘Strength Focus’ - Intensive

• ‘Gym’ based strength (*Whole Team = logistics)IE-Bilateral LL: Squat or Deadlift or Leg Press Unilateral LL: Lunge pattern or Step Up or 1 Leg Squat Hip Hinge/Hamstring: Nordic or RDL or Hip Thrust var.Trunk : Regatta Row or Palof press or 1 Arm push/pull

‘Field’ based strengthIE – 1 vs 1/2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3/4 vs 4 tight areas(Could be one/two goal, small/big goals etc)

↑Matchday – 3

‘Conditioning Focus’ - Extensive

• Increased running volume, especially high intensity/speed distance, wanting increased exposure under fatigue from MD-4 strength session

IE – Attacking/Defending transitions, increased player numbers on each team using bigger pitch dimensions, speed endurance drills (eg Technical work over longer distances) etc

↘Matchday – 2‘Speed Focus’ - Intensive

• Given multitude of speed components in SSG training, warm up would take form of low volume plyometric/mechanics session

• Tactical work of high intensity low volume, speed of thought/movement

IE – Reduced touch games/possessions, Finishing based on overload att vs def (Speed of play) etc

↘Matchday – 1

‘Activation (Game Model) Focus’ - Intensive

• Setup of particular game modelIE – Team set pieces, pressing lines, isolated situations *Unopposed

• If selected individuals require it recovery methods implemented post session, personal choice from selected options

Training Outcomes

RPEFitness coach rating 1-10 used due to a language barrier,

understanding and mood effect. Also provides ‘one number’ training score for Head coach

MD MD+1 MD+2 MD-4 MD-3 MD-2 MD-10











*Averages over seasonCombined with session time – SRPE.Fighure: Impellizzeri et al (2004)

MD MD+1 MD+2 MD-4 MD-3 MD-2 MD-1

Total Distance

Total Number of Acc & Dec

Total High Intensity Distance

MD MD+1 MD+2 MD-4 MD-3 MD-2 MD-1

*Team Averages

MD MD+1 MD+2 MD-4 MD-3 MD-2 MD-1

Feedback Welcome.



• Tamarat, X.(2015) What is tactical Periodization. UK: Bennion Kenny.

• Van Winckel, J., Tenney, D., Helsen, W., McMillan, K., Meert, JP and Bradley, P. (2015) Fitness in Soccer. Moveo Ergo Sum.


• Impellizzeri, F., Rampinini, E., Coutts, A., Sassi, A and Marcora, M.(2004) Use of RPE-Based Training Load in Soccer, Medicine and Science in Sport and exercise. 0195-9131/04/3606-1042.