The Integrated Drought Management Programme in the Horn of Africa

Post on 09-May-2015

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The Integrated Drought Management Program in the Horn of Africa


By Gerald Kairu

Regional Project Manager



• Overview• Target countries• Components• Expected outputs• Contribution of IDMP to the HOA Region• Stakeholders/strategic partners• Conclusion-key messages



GOAL:To promote increased drought resilience of countries, communities and ecosystems in the HOA region.CHALLENGE• The Horn of Africa has experienced adverse

weather effects (frequent and severe floods and droughts) for a long time- causing substantial economic losses and humanitarian suffering



Djibouti Eritrea Ethiopia Kenya

Somalia South Sudan Sudan Uganda

The Horn of Africa Region



1: Knowledge and Capacity development for drought management2: Innovative approaches and practices- supporting demonstration projects3: Partnership and collaboration for water/drought management within the HOA region4: Influencing national policies and strategies in drought management


IDMP HOA Expected Outputs

• Capacities for drought management at national and local levels strengthened

• Innovative initiatives and documentation of best practices on drought management by stakeholders at community levels supported

• Partnership and collaboration in drought management within the HOA enhanced

• Policies and programs towards sustainable drought management at country levels and in the region influenced


Contribution of IDMP to the HOA Region

• There are many ongoing efforts in drought management in the region – IDMP program will promote the shift from reactive, crisis management response to a more proactive approach (of preparedness and drought mitigation) to drought management, applying the principles of integrated water resource and risk management, involving the GWP network at the country level and thus, providing the fertile ground for other initiatives to take off


IDMP approach

Carrying out needs assessment in the countries• Document the socio-economic and environmental trends in the country in

relation to drought: specific information on drought e.g . Effect of drought in key sectors, social impacts related to drought ; historical drought trends in the countries etc

• Policy and institutional frame work: Review policy frameworks related to drought and disasters and should provide any gaps that can be buffered by the IDMP HOA; The institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms; Existence of available capacity for policy implementation; Stakeholder involvement. E.g. Donors, Government agencies, Researchers, NGO’s, Local governments etc.

• Country Initiatives in drought management: Will document the past, present and planned programs and initiatives in drought management

• Identify areas when IDMP HOA can support the countries


Stakeholders/Key strategic Partners

Global Actors• UN/WMO-global

coordination of efforts• Funders/Donors-DANIDA

Regional Actors-IGAD/IDDRSI/INWRMP- advocate and facilitate integration of responses by various agencies from various sectors such as water, land, agriculture, ecosystems, energy and sharing best practices at regional levels-ICPAC- IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre-WMO regional offices- engaged in monitoring and providing early warning of drought-NBI- Nile Basin Initiative- engage governments in the region


Stakeholders/Key strategic Partners cont’d

National Government ministries and

agencies charged with the responsibility of drought management- i.e. development & implementation of national drought policies

NGO’s and CSO- advocate for action and implementation, awareness and response efforts, assist government agencies in developing preparedness plans and taking preventive actions

National Academia/research-

involved in education, generating knowledge in drought management

Private companies Communities-At local level-

are much affected by drought

Professional institutions


Key Messages

The HOA experiences adverse weather effects (i.e. severe floods and droughts) that need collective effort through partnerships and collaboration in drought management to tackle using an integrated management approach

Inadequate technical capacity in drought management in the region is a key hindrance in drought management and therefore capacity is required at all levels i.e. policy and decision makers, researchers, civil society and communities to effectively handle the drought challenges


Thank you