The Intel SBC 80/10 Single Board Computer

Post on 02-Jan-2017

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Introducing the SBC 80/10 Single Board Computer. . .the lowest-cost computer system solution for OEM applications

with CPU, Memory, Programmable Serial and Parallel I /O . . .all on a Single Printed Circuit Board!

Intel Corporation has maintained its leadership inLSI technology since its inception. And now, Intelhas extended this technology into OEMmicrocomputer systems with the introduction of theSBC 80/10 Single Board Computer. The SBC 80/10fills the void that has existed in the range ofcomputer solutions available for OEM processingand control applications. This complete LSIcomputer-on-a-board includes all the processingcapability, memory and input/output functionsrequired for the vast majority of OEM applications.

There are four basic reasons why the SBC 80/10 isthe most cost-effective OEM computer system onthe market. First, Intel manufactures all the keycomponents on the board, including themicroprocessor, RAM memory, PROM or ROMmemory, programmable I/O interfaces,programmable communications interface, clockcircuitry and bus control circuits. Therefore, all LSIcomponents are incorporated into the system at

the lowest possible cost. Second, the use ofhigh-density LSI technology for all computerfunctions, including bus control and I/O, eliminatesthe need for costly additional boards which areconventionally used to provide serial I/O, parallelI/O and non-volatile memory capability. Third, theeconomies of scale associated with high volumeproduction are passed on to the OEM.

And finally, the SBC 80/10 is supported with acomplete family of hardware and softwaredevelopment tools including the Intellec® MDSMicrocomputer Development System and itsunique In-Circuit Emulator, ICE-80,MacroAssemblers, compilers, text editors,operating systems and utility programs. A User'sLibrary with over 150 contributed programs,in-depth training courses, and an international staffof field application engineers further facilitate theintegration of the SBC 80/10 into OEM products.

Intel and Intellec are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation

The Intel SBC 80/10 Single Board Computer

SBC 80/10 Features• 8080A Central Processing Unit• 1 k bytes of read/write (RAM) memory• Sockets for 4k bytes of erasable and

reprogrammable read-only memory (EPROM) ormasked read-only memory (ROM)

• 48 programmable I/O lines with sockets forinterchangeable line drivers and terminators

• Programmable Synchronous/Asynchronouscommunications interface with selectableRS232C or teletype compatibility

• Single-level multi-source interrupt• Bus drivers for memory and I/O expansion

The first truly cost-effectivecomplete computer system availablefor low and medium volume OEM production.

Intel, capitalizing on years of diversified LSI designand high volume manufacturing experience,introduces the first cost-effective solution for lowand medium volume OEM processing and controlapplications . . . the SBC 80/10 Single BoardComputer.

Prior to the introduction of Intel's Single BoardComputer, original equipment manufacturers hadthree alternatives . . . "packaged"minicomputers, "unpackaged" minicomputerboard systems, and the "start-from-scratch"construction of their own dedicated systems usingmicrocomputer components.

Packaged minicomputers could solve the OEM'sprocessing and control problems, but they wererelatively expensive, provided large amounts ofprocessing power that was not utilized, and oftenexceeded OEM space and power supply designcriteria.

Unpackaged minicomputer board systems weredeveloped because the packaged minis were not

cost-effective for a large number of OEMapplications. Although power and spacerequirements were reduced, the basic pricelimitation was still present. The absence of LSIcomponents to implement parallel I/O, serial I/Oand bus control functions resulted in the need forrelatively expensive multi-board systems for mostbasic OEM requirements.

The third alternative . . . the OEM designing andmanufacturing his own system using LSIcomponents . . . is extremely cost-effective whenOEM products are manufactured in high volume.In this situation the OEM can take advantage of theeconomies of scale associated with buildingthousands of systems each year. Developmentcosts may be amortized over a large productbase, and components may be purchased atvolume discounts directly from the LSImanufacturers. While the "start-from-scratch"alternative is an attractive solution for high volumeOEM processing and control requirements, acost-effective solution is still required for low andmedium volume applications.

Finally, a truly cost-effective complete LSIcomputer system is available for low and mediumvolume OEM production . . . the Intel SBC 80/10.The original equipment manufacturer can nowselect a self-contained and mass producedcomputer system that may be treated as acomplete subsystem. On a single 6-3/4" x 12"printed circuit board, the SBC 80/10 contains allcritical computer system functions . . . the CPU,read/write memory, read-only memory, parallel I/O,a serial communications interface, an interruptnetwork and bus control functions. The use of anSBC 80/10 eliminates the time and cost needed todesign, develop, debug and test the subsystem ofany OEM product. And when Volume increases tojustify in-house production or second sourcing,Intel will make the printed circuit board artworkavailable to the OEM for a minimal license fee andoffer attractive volume discounts on all LSIcomponents.

Finally, a Complete Computer System . . .the CPU, Memory, Programmable Parallel and Serial I/O. . . all on a Single Printed Circuit Board!

The SBC 80/10 is a complete, fully testedcomputer system on a single printed circuit board.For the first time, OEM products can take fulladvantage of the versatility and excellentprice/performance characteristics of the totalspectrum of LSI components . . . microprocessor,memory and programmable I/O . . . at the boardlevel. At last, engineers are free to do what they dobest — design end user products instead ofcomputer subsystems. The complete SBC 80/10computer system may be treated as anoff-the-shelf component to be integrated into yourproduct.

The new SBC 80/10 Single Board Computercapitalizes on the extraordinary densities of IntelLSI components to provide all essential OEMcomputer functions on a single 6-%" x 12" printedcircuit board.

The SBC 80/10 Single Board Computer is theonly OEM computer system that utilizes LSItechnology to provide ALL the essentialcomputer system elements on a single PCboard.There are several critical functions that arerequired in any OEM computer system. The SBC80/10 utilizes Intel LSI components to implementall of these functions on a single 6-3/4" x 12" printedcircuit board. An Intel 8080A microprocessorserves as the SBC 80/10 CPU. Intel erasable andreprogrammable PROMs or masked ROMsprovide program storage. Intel static RAMs areused for read/write memory. Intel ProgrammablePeripheral Interface components are utilized tointerface peripheral devices to the SBC 80/10. TheIntel Universal Synchronous/AsynchronousTransmitter/Receiver is the programmablecommunications interface. And system clock andbus control functions are also provided by Intelcomponents.

The Central Processing Unit is the heart of anycomputer system. The Intel 8080A CPUis the nucleus, and a major contributor to theoperational flexibility and low cost, of the SBC80/10.Processing and control functions of any computersystem are handled by the central processing unit(CPU). These functions are performed by the CPUthrough the interpretation and execution of storedprograms. The SBC 80/10 Single Board Computeruses the Intel 8-bit, N-Channel MOS 8080A CPU,which is fabricated on a single LSI chip. The threebasic functional units of the 8080A . . . or any otherCPU . . . are registers, an arithmetic/logic unit(ALU) and control circuitry.The 8080A contains six 8-bit general purposeregisters and an accumulator. The six registersmay be individually addressed or addressed inpairs, providing both single precision and doubleprecision operators. A 16-bit program counter,which is a special purpose register, allows the8080A to address up to 65,536 bytes of memory.Another special purpose register is the 16-bitstack pointer, which enables the 8080A CPU toaddress any portion of read/write (RAM) memoryas a last-in/first-out stack to store or retrieve thecontents of the program counter, flags, theaccumulator and any of the six general purposeregisters. The use of the stack pointer inconjunction with read/write memory providessubroutine nesting capability which is boundedonly by memory size.

The Arithmetic/Logic Unit (ALU) on the 8080Aperforms arithmetic, logical and shift/rotateoperations. Arithmetic and logical instructions setand reset four testable flags, while afifth flag provides binary coded decimal arithmeticcapability.These flags are used to identify theresulting status (e.g. carry, zero, sign, parity) afteran arithmetic, logical, or shift/rotate operation isconcluded. Subsequent program instructions caninterrogate the flags and jump to a specified

section of the program, depending on thecondition of the flags.

Control circuitry on the 8080A provides thecapability to decode instructions and coordinatetheir execution with the LSI memory and I/Ocomponents which are an integral part of the SBC80/10. The CPU section contains buffers for theSBC 80/10's 16-bit three-state address bus and8-bit bi-directional three-state data bus.

The SBC 80/10 provides capacity for up to 4kbytes of non-volatile memory, using eitherprogrammable and erasable PROMs or maskedROMs.Any computer system must have memory capacityfor storing the system programs. Non-volatileprogram storage is usually a necessity, since iteliminates the need to continually reload theprogram each time the system is "powered-up."The SBC 80/10 Single Board Computer containssockets for up to 4k bytes of non-volatileread-only-memory (ROM) for program storage.The OEM may select either Intel erasable andelectrically reprogrammable 8708 PROMs ormasked 8308 ROMs.

Intel 8708 erasable and reprogrammableread-only-memories — called PROMs or EPROMs— provide the capability of altering systemprogram contents during program development.EPROMs may be erased in a matter of minutes byultraviolet light and reprogrammed. Then, whenprogram development is completed, masked Intel8308 ROMs may be substituted for high volumeproduction. Non-volatile memory may be added tothe SBC 80/10 in 1 k byte increments up to a totalof 4k bytes.

The SBC 80/10 providesLSI read/write memory storage.

Most computer systems have a requirement forread/write memory to store system data, variableparameters and subroutines that are subject todynamic change. The SBC 80/10 provides thisstorage with 1k bytes of read/write (RAM) memory-using Intel 8111 static LSI random-access-memories.

The key to the versatility of the SBC 80/10Single Board Computer is its ProgrammableParallel and Serial I/O that can be easilycustomized to meet a variety of OEM applications






The SBC 80/10 programmable parallel I/O interface provides the capability ofusing the system program to configure the direction and mode of information flowbetween user designated peripheral devices and the six 8-bit I/O ports on theSBC 80/10.

The central processing unit must have access topertinent systems information and respond byoutputting control, status and numericalinformation to the appropriate system elements.The input/output (I/O) interfaces are often the mostcritical elements in providing a cost-effectivesolution for OEM computer requirements. MostOEM computer system manufacturers implementsystem I/O on separate I/O boards utilizing fixedinput/output ports. The SBC 80/10 Single BoardComputer, however, contains Intel programmableLSI interface components for parallel and serial I/O.

The SBC80/10 parallel I/O interface isconfigured by the OEM using the systemsoftware.The SBC 80/10 computer system contains 48programmable I/O lines, implemented with Intel8255 Programmable Peripheral Interfacecomponents. The system software is used toconfigure the I/O lines in user specifiedcombinations of uni-directional input or outputports or bi-directional I/O ports. The mode ofinput/output operations . . . unlatched, latched orlatched and strobed . . . can also be programmedwith the system software.This means that the I/O interfaces may becustomized to meet specified peripheralrequirements. Sockets are provided forinterchangeable I/O line drivers and receivers totake full advantage of the large number of possibleI/O configurations. The flexibility of the parallel I/Ointerface is thus further enhanced by the capabilityof selecting a driver with appropriate sink current,polarity, and interface characteristics for eachoutput port. Input ports may be terminated bychoosing one of Intel's standard terminators. Eventhe interface cable scheme is variable, allowingthe OEM to choose between several industrystandard flat cable or round cable options.

The SBC 80/10 serial communications interfacecan be programmed to operate in synchronousor asynchronous mode.

The SBC 80 computers contain a programmablecommunications interface, implemented with anIntel 8251 Universal Synchronous/AsynchronousReceiver/Transmitter (USART). The USART isprogrammed with the system's software to provideasynchronous or synchronous serial datatransmission techniques (including IBM Bi-Sync).The mode of operation (asynchronous orsynchronous), data format, control characterformat, parity and asynchronous serialtransmission rates are all under program control.All commonly used baud rates are provided by ajumper selectable baud rate generator. Theinclusion of on-board RS232C and teletypeinterfaces allow the SBC 80/10 to interface withTTYs, CRTs, RS232C compatible cassettes as wellas synchronous or asynchronous modems. Theprogrammable communications interface meetsthe serial I/O requirements of the majority of OEMsystems and also provides an invaluable systemdebugging aid by the inclusion of both TTY andCRT interfaces.

The SBC 80/10 has a single-level interrupt thatmay originate from six sources.

In most processing or control applications, there isa need to service specified tasks as soon as acritical set (or sets) of parameters change.Interrupts are requests from a peripheral device orperipheral circuits that indicate the need forimmediate processor (CPU) attention. When theprocessor acknowledges an interrupt request, theprogram being executed is suspended, all

pertinent system information is stored, and theprocessor jumps to a pre-designated interruptsubroutine where the required servicing task isprocessed.

The SBC 80/10 has a single-level interrupt system.Interrupts may originate from the programmableparallel I/O, the USART or may be received viathe system bus and I/O edge connector. ParallelI/O and serial I/O interrupts may be generatedautomatically upon transmission or receipt of abyte of information to or from designatedperipheral devices. These interrupts may bemasked under program control, preventing themfrom interrupting the processor.

The SBC 80/10 system bus provides thecapability to expand memory and I/O capacityto meet custom OEM requirements.

The majority of OEM applications will require onlyone printed circuit board to contain the entirecomputer subsystem . . . the SBC 80/10. For thoseapplications requiring additional memory and I/Ocapacity, the SBC 80/10 system bus provides thevehicle to extend capacities by simply choosingthe appropriate optional peripheral expansionboard. The SBC 80/10 contains all the necessarycontrol, address, and data line drivers to expandmemory and I/O capacity. Memory may beexpanded incrementally to 64k bytes and I/O maybe incrementally expanded to 504 input lines and504 output lines.

The following section will explain the myriad"off-the-shelf" options available to the OEM thatrequires I/O and memory expansion. Theexpansion boards allow the OEM to customize hismemory and I/O capacity to his own requirements.

The SBC 80/10 programmable communications interface provides the capabilityof using the system program to select synchronous or asynchronous serial com-munication techniques. The communications frequency and hardware interface(i.e. RS 232C or TTY) are also selectable.






For applications requiring additional memory andI/O capacity, Intel has a complete line of memoryand I/O expansion boards, modular backplanesand cardcage assemblies.

While most OEM applications are solved with asingle SBC 80/10 board, Intel has developed avariety of peripheral expansion boards designedto meet the needs of those manufacturers havingincreased memory or input/output requirements.Five boards are available . . . a Combination Boardcombining read/write memory, ROM/PROMmemory and I/O, a 16k Read/Write Memory Board,a 16k ROM/PROM Board, a 6k ROM/PROM Board,and a General Purpose I/O Board. All boards areprovided on a 6-3/4" x 12" form factor — the samesize as the SBC 80/10 — and can be effectivelyinterconnected and housed with the 80/10 in astandard Modular Backplane/Card Cage.

You can expand your I/O capacity and gainadditional read/write and PROM memory withthe new SBC 80 Combination Board.

A specific help to those manufacturers requiringan expansion of the memory and I/O functionsalready contained on the SBC 80/10 is a uniquenew Combination Board. The specially-designedboard includes 48 programmable I/O lines and aRS232C compatible programmablecommunications interface. The board alsocontains 4k bytes of read/write RAM memory.Sockets are provided for up to 4k bytes of Intel8708 erasable PROM (Programmable Read OnlyMemory) or 8308 masked ROM, which may beadded in 1k byte increments. Eight interruptrequest lines and a pending-interrupt requestregister, which may be read by the (CPU), resideon the Combination Board. Memory, I/O, andInterrupt Register addresses are jumperselectable.

A 16k byte Read/Write Memory Board can beused to expand the RAM memory capacityof your SBC 80/10.

Another of the peripheral expansion boardsavailable with the SBC 80/10 is a 16k Read/WriteMemory module. This board permits the expansionof memory by 16k bytes of dynamic RAM andcontains all necessary refresh circuitry. Addresseson this expansion board are jumper selectable.Intel® 2107 4,096-bit dynamic read/write MOSmemories are used in the 16k byte memory array.

A General Purpose I/O Expansion Boardincludes 32 parallel input lines and 32 paralleloutput lines.

The General Purpose I/O Expansion Board can beused in conjunction with the SBC 80/10 insituations where I/O expansion is a systemnecessity. The I/O module includes 32 parallelinput lines and 32 parallel output lines. Input portsmay be latched or unlatched, and output ports arelatched and may be strobed. The I/O boardincludes TTL drivers and terminators, and the port

addresses are jumper selectable. Three-statebuffered data paths provide communications toand from external devices.

Non-volatile memory expansion can beaccomplished using either the 6k or 16kPROM/ROM Memory Expansion Boards.

Two PROM/ROM Boards are available for systemexpansion of your SBC 80/10 PROM or ROMmemory. The first permits the addition of up to 16kbytes of Intel 8708 erasable and reprogrammableRead Only Memory, or 16k bytes of masked ReadOnly Memory (8308 ROMs) in 1k-byte increments.The second provides expansion capacity for up to6k bytes of Intel 8702A erasable andreprogrammable PROMs or 6k bytes of masked8302 ROMs in 256-byte increments. Both boardshave jumper selectable memory addresses.

A new Backplane/Card Cage has beencustom-designed for the SBC 80/10 and itscomplementary peripheral expansion boards.

The new SBC 80 Modular Backplane/Card Cageassembly allows you to interface your Single BoardComputer with up to three peripheral expansionboards. The entire assembly may be housed in astandard 3.5 inch RETMA rack. Each Backplanemodule has four printed circuit board sockets andcan be extended by interconnecting with otherBackplane modules to provide direct, easyexpansion of the SBC bus. The card cages aredesigned for modular expansion and may bebolted together.The Backplane/Card Cageassembly mounts in any of three planes.

intel supports the SBC 80/10with the Intellec MDSMicrocomputer Development System

With the powerful Intellec MDS MicrocomputerDevelopment System and its ICE-80 In-CircuitEmulator, you can develop and debug yoursystem software directly on the SBC 80/10. . . plus, you can isolate and correct system"bugs" on the production line and in the field

The Intellec MDS Microcomputer DevelopmentSystem and its unique In-Circuit Emulator (knownas ICE-80) minimizes the time required to developsystem software and hardware, and integrate theSBC 80/10 into OEM products. And after thedevelopment cycle is completed, the same IntellecMDS and ICE-80 can be used to isolate system"bugs" on the production line and in the field.

The basic Intellec MDS comes with an 8080ACPU, 16k bytes of RAM memory, 2k bytes of ROM— containing a system monitor/debugger — 256bytes of erasable PROM, and hardware interfacesfor a teletype, CRT, paper tape reader, paper tapepunch, line printer and Universal PROMProgrammer. Memory may be expanded to 64kbytes and I/O may be expanded to 44 input and44 output ports with optional boards. The IntellecMDS also includes a resident macro-assembler,text editor and system monitor/debugger.Programs can be loaded, assembled, executed,debugged and edited using the Intellec MDSdevelopment system, in conjunction with itsresident software. The system monitor containssoftware drivers for all peripherals (the TTY, CRT,paper tape reader, paper tape punch, line printerand UPP mentioned above), program load andpunch capabilities, the capability to examine andalter system memory and CPU register contents,

the capability to execute any specified programsegment, and the ability to stop program executionat user specified breakpoints.

ICE-80 extends powerful MDS developmentand diagnostic capabilities DIRECTLY into yourSBC 80/10 based products.

The addition of the optional In-Circuit Emulator(ICE-80) to the Intellec MDS allows you to develop,debug and execute OEM system programsdirectly on the SBC 80/10 based prototype. TheICE-80 module resides in the Intellec MDS andemulates the 8080A CPU in the Single BoardComputer. The ICE-80 module interfaces to theSBC 80/10 via a cable that is terminated with a40-pin package that is pin-for-pin compatible withthe 8080A. When the 8080A is removed from itssocket on the SBC 80/10 and is replaced by theICE-80 cable terminator plug, complete interactionwith SBC 80/10 based prototype hardware andsoftware becomes a reality using the Intellec MDSsystem resources and symbolic debugging aids.

Program execution may be suspendedat pre-set breakpoints, where previouslyexecuted instructions with corresponding busand status information may be displayed, andregister and memory contents may beexamined and altered.

The use of ICE-80 diagnostics can significantlyreduce OEM program development and debugtime. Breakpoints may be set on user specifiedmemory read or write instructions, I/O read or writeinstructions, or user-defined extension parameters(e.g. any logic signal in OEM system). Programsmay be executed in real time, until a breakpoint is

encountered. At this time, program flow may betraced by listing previously executed instructionswith corresponding bus contents and the system'sstatus. Or, program flow may be traced bystepping one instruction at a time and displayingany or all register, memory and bus contents aftereach cycle. Finally, memory and register contentsmay be examined and altered at any point in thesystem program.

Interactive ICE-80 software with a symbolicdebugging capability makes system debuggingeasier than ever before.

ICE-80 debugging is performed by executingEnglish language-type commands from the IntellecMDS system console. Debugging is made eveneasier by the ability of the MDS to refer to criticalprogram labels and parameters by their symbolicnames instead of their absolute memory locations.

An optional Intellec MDS Diskette OperatingSystem minimizes the time required to load,assemble, edit, execute and debug systemprograms.

An optional Diskette Operating System for theIntellec MDS includes a diskette controller, singleor dual diskette drives and ISIS (for Intel SystemsImplementation Supervisor) software. Thesefeatures provide significant advantages indeveloping OEM system programs. With theoptional DOS, you can load, assemble, edit,execute and debug programs faster than usingconventional paper tape, card or cassetteperipherals. Variable length files may be assigneddynamically and catalogued with appropriatesystem attributes. Comprehensive filemanagement capabilities add to the utility of theDisk Operating System.

The total support provided by Intelfor the SBC 80/10 Single Board Computeris the key in helping you minimize productdevelopment cost and time.

The SBC 80/10 is backed by a completespectrum of software support, rangingfrom macro-assemblers and text editors to theIntel high-level programminglanguage, PL/M®.

Intel provides a wide variety of system software forOEM system program development. This softwaresupport is available in three basic categories:

1) Resident on the Intellec MDSMicrocomputer Development System(on paper tape or diskette).

2) On magnetic tapes that will executeon any computer with a 32-bit orlarger word size and an ANSIstandard FORTRAN IV compiler.

3) On major timesharing computernetworks in the United States and theworld.

A macro-assembler with conditional assemblycapability is available to generate OEMsystems software.

A 8080 Macro-Assembler translates symbolicassembly language into machine codes. Programaddresses may be referenced symbolically. Fullmacro capability eliminates the need to rewrite

similar sections of code repeatedly and simplifiesprogram documentation. Conditional assemblypermits the assembler to include or deletesections of code which may vary from system tosystem — such as code required to handleoptional external devices.

A text editor with line and charactermanipulation capabilities significantlysimplifies program alteration.

The System Text Editor is a comprehensive tool forthe entry and modification of assembly languageprograms. The text editor's command set allowsmanipulation of either entire lines of text orindividual characters within a line.

The powerful high-level Intel programminglanguage, PL/M, tailored for SBC 80/10processing and control applications, cansignificantly reduce program developmenttime and costs.

PL/M is the Intel high-level programminglanguage specifically designed for Intel 8-bitmicrocomputers. It provides the capability toprogram in a natural, algorithmic language andeliminates the need to manage register usage orallocate memory. PL/M programs can be written ina much shorter time than equivalent assemblylanguage programs, reducing OEM softwaredevelopment time and costs. Program reliability isenhanced by the capability of writing structuredprograms, and the elimination of register allocationerrors. Program maintenance and modification ismade easier due to the self-documented nature ofthe language. PL/M offers the arithmetic, logical,and shifting operations essential for processingand control applications.

Intel's comprehensive 8080 User's Librarygives you access to over 150 applicationsprograms written for the world's most widelyused microprocessor.

The 8080 User's Library provides an excellentsource for SBC-80 applications programs. Thelibrary features a wide variety of peripheral drivers,mathematics packages, real-time executives, andtest programs.

Intel support includes a wide range of manualsand documentation to aid in the use anddevelopment of an SBC 80/10.

Hardware reference manuals, software manuals,user's manuals, applications notes, data sheets,software reference specifications and schematicdrawings are all available to SBC 80/10 customers.If the documentation still leaves unansweredquestions, an international network of Intel fieldapplications engineers are ready to step in to helpyou solve your problems.

Intel supports you with extensive hardware andsoftware field applications assistance.

An international staff of field applicationsengineers are able to provide all the assistanceyou need — if requested — on the SBC 80/10Single Board Computer. Intel field applicationsengineers are available to provide you withsoftware and hardware assistance in integratingthe SBC 80/10 into your products.

Intel SBC 80/10 and PL/M training programs areavailable in a series of workshops at East andWest Coast training sites . . . or in your plant.

Intel SBC 80/10 and PL/M workshops are offeredon a continuing basis at East and West Coasttraining facilites. In addition, on-site trainingcourses may be scheduled in your plant. Allcourses are taught by professional instructors withextensive microcomputer experience. SBC-80courses include assembly language programming,interfacing information, applications examples and"hands-on" instruction in the use of the IntellecMDS Microcomputer Development System and theICE-80 In-Circuit Emulator. PL/M courses providecomprehensive instruction in writing programsusing the Intel high-level programminglanguage.

SBC 80/10 computers, peripheral expansionboards and accessories are stocked in majorcities in the USA, Europe, Australia and Japanby Intel international distributors.

Distributors for Intel products stock the entire SBC80/10 product line. This means that spare partsare available "off-the-shelf". And the Inteldistributors, not the OEM, are incurring theinventory holding costs.

All SBC 80/10 Single Board Computersand expansion boards are covered by a full 90Day Warranty.

All SBC 80/10 Single Board Computers andexpansion boards are covered by a full 90-dayparts and labor warranty. Any board that does notperform according to specifications can bereturned to the factory where it will be repaired orreplaced. Then it will be returned to you free ofcharge. Out-of-warranty boards may be returnedto the factory for repair with parts and laborcovered by a pre-designated service charge.

The SBC 80/10 Single Board Computeris the lowest-cost computer system solution for OEM applications.

Its off-the-shelf convenience, flexibility and ease of useare as important to you as the SBC 80/10's low price.

The SBC 80/10 computers are the onlycomplete computers on a single printed circuitboard. They provide, on one board, all theprocessing capacity, memory, parallel andserial I/O required for the overwhelming majorityof OEM applications.

As an LSI manufacturer, Intel Corporation isable to provide the SBC 80/10 as a compact— 63/4" x 12" — yet amazingly powerful andcompletely functional computer at a very lowcost. Because of expertise in LSI technology,Intel has been able to achieve densities on asingle board that are unattainable elsewhere.

Since Intel produces the bulk of thecomponents on the SBC 80/10 — CPU, allmemory devices and all I/O devices — you gainthe low price which can only be offered by anoriginal source supplier that manufactures OEMsystems in high volume.

When your volume increases to justify in-houseproduction or second sourcing, you can obtainthe printed circuit board artwork from Inteland buy the components at attractive volumediscounts.

Programmable parallel and serial I/O allowyou to customize the SBC 80/10 interface toany OEM system application.

A complete spectrum of Intel software,including debuggers, editors, assemblers andIntel's high-level language, PL/M, is available tospeed your development cycle.

The complete, fully-tested SBC 80/10computers reduce OEM production costs andhelp deliver OEM products to the marketplacefaster. With a complete computer on a singlePC board, you can minimize internal design, PClayout, test, and documentation overhead aswell as the manufacturing costs associated withboard production.

The Intellec MDS Microcomputer DevelopmentSystem provides a means of developing anddebugging OEM system software and rapid,simplified integration of prototype hardware andsoftware. The ICE-80 In-Circuit Emulator optionto the MDS gives you development, design,debugging and testing capabilities you will notfind in any other development system.

Most important, Intel offers you a full range oftotal support to enable you to quickly andeconomically produce your OEM systems. Youcan take advantage of Intel documentation,training and an international field applicationsengineering staff when you choose an SBC80/10.

Spare boards are stocked in all major cities inthe United States, Europe, Australia and Japanby all Intel distributors.

The Intel SBC 80/10 Single Board Computer ishere now, available now, ready to use now.These complete, off-the-shelf LSI computers onsingle boards can save you time, money andenable you to produce and market yourproducts faster — for less money — than everbefore. Contact your Intel Representativeimmediately or return one of the attachedinquiry cards for prompt additional informationand assistance.

U.S. AND CANADIAN SALES OFFICESALABAMABarnhill and Associates7844 Horseshoe TrailHuntsville 35802Tel: (205) 883-9394

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Intel Corp.*57 West Timonium RoadSuite 307Timonium 21093Tel: (301) 252-7742TWX: 710-232-1807

MASSACHUSETSDatcom55 Moody StreetWaltham 02154Tel: (617)891-4600TELEX: 92-3462

Intel Corp.*187 Billerica Road, Suite 14AChelmsford 01824Tel: (617) 861-1136TWX: 710-343-6333

MICHIGANIntel Corp.725 South Adams RoadSuite 288Birmingham 48011Tel: (313)642-7018TWX: 910-420-1212TELEX: 2 31143

MINNESOTAIntel Corp.675 Southgate Office Plaza5001 West 80th StreetBloomington 55437Tel: (612) 835-6722TWX: 910-576-2867

MISSOURITechnical Representatives, Inc.Trade Center Bldg.300 Brookes Drive, Suite 108Hazelwood 63042Tel: (314) 731-5200TWX: 910-762-0618

NEW JERSEYIntel Corp.2 Kilmer RoadEdison 08817Tel: (201) 985-9100TWX: 710-480-6238

NEW YORKIntel Corp.*6901 Jericho TurnpikeSyosset 11791Tel: (516) 364-9860TWX: 510-221-2198Intel Corp.474 Thurston RoadRochester, N.Y. 14619Tel: (716) 328-7340TWX: 510-253-3841T-Squared3522 James StreetSyracuse 13206Tel: (315) 463-8592TWX: 710 541-0554

NEW YORK (cont.)T-Squared640 Craig RoadP.O. Box WPittsford 14534Tel: (716)381-2551TELEX: 97-8289Intel Corp.55 Market StreetPoughkeepsie, New York 12601Tel: (914)473-2303TWX: 510-248-0060

NORTH CAROLINABarnhill and Associates913 Plateau LaneRaleigh 27609Tel: (919)876-5617

OHIOIntel Corp.*8312 North Main StreetDayton 45415Tel: (513) 890-5350TELEX: 288-004Intel Corp.*27801 Euclid Ave.Suite 450Euclid 44132Tel: (216) 289-0101

PENNSYLVANIAVantage Sales Company21 Bala AvenueBalaCynwyd 19004Tel: (215) 667-0990TWX: 510-662-5846Intel Corp.*1777 Walton Rd.Suite 328ABlue Bell 19422Tel: (215)542-9444TWX: 510-661-0709

TENNESSEEBarnhill and Associates206 Chickasaw DriveJohnson City 37601Tel: (615)928-0184

TEXASEvans & McDowell Associates13777 N. Central ExpresswaySuite 405Dallas 75231Tel: (214)238-7157TWX: 910-867-4763Evans & McDowell Associates6610 Harwin Avenue, Suite 125Houston 77036Tel: (713) 783-2900Intel Corp.*6350 L.B.J. FreewaySuite 178Dallas 75240Tel: (214) 661-8829TWX: 910-860-5487

VIRGINIABarnhill and AssociatesP.O. Box 1104Lynchburg 24505Tel: (804) 846-4624

WASHINGTONE.S./Chase Co.P.O. Box 80903Seattle 98108Tel: (206) 762-4824Twx: 910-444-2298

INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTORSAUSTRALIAA. J. Ferguson (Adelaide) PTY, Ltd.44 Prospect Rd.Prospect 5082South AustraliaTel: 269-1244TELEX:82635

AUSTRIABacher Elektronische Gerate GmbHMeidlinger Hauptstrasse 78A 1120 ViennaTel: (0222) 83 63 96TELEX: (01) 1532

BELGIUMInelco Belgium S.A.Avenue Val Duchesse, 3B-1160 BrusselsTel: (02) 660 00 12TELEX:25441

DENMARKScandinavian SemiconductorSupply A /SNannasgade 18DK-2200 Copenhagen NTel: (01) 93 50 90TELEX:19037

FINLANDOy Fintronic ABKarjalankatu 2C.SF 00520Helsinki 52Tel: (90) 664 451TELEX:12426

FRANCETekelec AirtronicCite des BruyeresRue Carle Vernet92310 SevresTel: (1)027 75 35TELEX: 250997

GERMANYAlfred Neye Enatachnik GmbHSchillerstrasse 14D-2085 Quickborn-HamburgTel: (04106) 6121TELEX: 02-13590Electronic 2000 Vertriebs GmbHNeumarketer Strasse 75D-8000 Muenchen 80Tel: (089) 434061TELEX: 484426Jermyn GmbHPostfach 1146D-6277 KambergTel: (06434) 6005TELEX: 484426

HONG KONGASTEC InternationalKeystone House, 2nd FloorHankow Road, KowloonTel: 3-687760TELEX: 74899 ASCOM

ISRAELTelsys Ltd.54, Jabotinsky RoadIL-Ramat-Gan52 464Tel: (3) 73 98 65TELEX:32392Eastronics Ltd.11 Rozanis StreetP.O. Box 39300Tel-AvivTel: 475151TELEX: 33638

ITALYEledra3SS.P.A.Viale Elvezia, 1820154 Milan,Tel: (02)3493041TELEX: 39332Eledra 3S S.P.A.Via Giuseppe Valmarana, 6300139 Rome, ItalyTel: (06)81 27 290-81 27 324

JAPANPan ElectronNo. 1 Higashikata-MachiMidori-Ku, Yokohama 226Tel: (045)471-8811TELEX: 781-4773

NETHERLANDSInelco NederlandAFD ElektronicJoan Muyskenweg 22NL-1006 AmsterdamTel: (020) 934824TELEX:14622

NORWAYNordisk Elektronik (Norge) A /SMustads Vei 1N-Oslo 2Tel: (02) 55 38 93TELEX:16963

SOUTH AFRICAElectronic Building ElementsP.O. Box 4609PretoriaTel: 78 92 21TELEX:30181

SPAINInterfaceRonda General Mitre #7E-Barcelona 17Tel: (93)203-53-30TELEX: 52838

SWEDENNordisk Electronik ABFackS-10380 Stockholm 7Tel: (08) 248340TELEX:10547

SWITZERLANDIndustrade AGGemsenstrasse 2Postcheck80-21190CH-8021 ZurichTel: (01) 60 22 30TELEX:56788

UNITED KINGDOMRapid Recall, Ltd.11-15 Betterton StreetDrury LaneLondon WC2H 9BSTel: (01)379-6741TELEX: 28752G.E.C. Semiconductors Ltd.East LaneWembley HA9 7PPMiddlesexTel: (01) 904-9303TELEX: 923429Jermyn IndustriesBestry, Sevenoaks RoadSevenoaks, Kent.Tel: (0732) 51174TELEX: 95143

* Field Application Location

CANADAMultilek, Inc.4 Barren StreetOttawa, Ontario K2J 1G2Tel: (613) 825-4695TELEX: 053-4585

GERMANYIntel Semiconductor GmbH*Wolfratshauserstrasse 169D8 Munich 71Tel: (089) 79 89 23TELEX: 5-212870Intel Semiconductor GmbHD-6272 NiedernhausenWiesenweg 26Tel: (06127) 2314TELEX: 04186183Intel Semiconductor GmbHD-7000 Stuttgart 80Ernsthaldenstrasse 17Tel: (0711) 7351506TELEX: 7255346

ENGLANDIntel Corporation (U.K.) Ltd.*Broadfield House4 Between Towns RoadCowley, Oxford OX4 3NBTel: (0865) 77 14 31TELEX: 837203Intel Corporation (U.K.) Ltd.46-50 Beam StreetNantwich, Cheschire CW5 5LJTel: (0270) 62 65 60TELEX:36620

TAIWAN (cont.)Asionics-Taiwan, Inc.205 Pa-Teh Road, Section 4TaipeiTel: 75 55 82TELEX: 22158 Asionics

SCANDINAVIAIntel Scandinavia A / S *Lyngbyvej 32 2nd FloorDK-2100 Copenhagen EastDenmarkTel: (01) 18 20 00TELEX:19567Intel Sweden AB*Box 86S-16212 Vallingby 1SwedenTel: (08) 37 53 70TELEX: 13164 (ABCENT)

TAIWANTaiwan Automation Co.*8th Floor, 140, Section 1Chung Hsiao E. RoadTaipeiTel: 393-1115TELEX: 11942 TAIAUTO

HONG KONGQ1 (Far East) Ltd.Tak Yan Commercial Bldg. 6th floor30-32 D'Aguilar Street, CentralHong KongTel: 5-260311TELEX: 83138 JADE HX

JAPANIntel Japan Corporation*Flower Hill-Shinmachi East Bldg.1-23-9, Shinmachi, Setagaya-kuTokyo 154Tel: (03) 426-9261TELEX: 781-28426


BELGIUMIntel International*Rue du Moulin a Papier51-Boite 1B-1160 BrusselsTel: (02) 660 30 10TELEX:24814

EUROPEAN MARKETING OFFICESFRANCEIntel Corporation, S.A.R.L.*74, Rue D'ArcueilSilic 22394528 Rungis CedexTel: (01) 687 22 21TELEX: 270475

INTEL CORPORATION, 3065 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95051 (408) 246-7501

ALABAMA*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics805 Oser Drive NWHuntsville 35805Tel: (205) 533-1170

ARIZONACramer/Arizona2643 East University DrivePhoenix 85034Tel: (602) 263-1112Hamilton/Avnet Electronics2615 South 21st StreetPhoenix 85034Tel: (602)275-7851Liberty/Arizona3130 N. 27th AvenuePhoenix 85107Tel: (602) 257-1272TELEX: 910-951-4282

CALIFORNIA*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics575 E. Middlefield RoadMountain View 94040Tel: (415) 961-7000*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics8917 Complex DriveSan Diego 92123Tel: (714) 279-2421{Hamilton Electro Sales10912 W. Washington BoulevardCulver City 90230Tel: (213)558-2121*Cramer/San Francisco720 Palomar AvenueSunnyvale 94086Tel: (408) 739-3011*Cramer/Los Angeles1720 Daimler StreetIrvine 92705Tel: (714) 979-3000

Cramer/San Diego8975 Complex DriveSan Diego 92123Tel: (714)565-1881

*Liberty Electronics124 Maryland StreetEl Segundo 90245Tel: (213) 322-8100Tel: (714) 638-7601TWX: 910-348-7140

Liberty/San Diego8248 Mercury CourtSan Diego 92111Tel: (714)565-9171TELEX: 910-335-1590

Elmar Electronics2288 Charleston RoadMountain View 94040Tel. (415) 961-3611TELEX: 910-379-6437


COLORADOCramer/Denver5465 E. Evans PI. at HudsonDenver 80222Tel: (303) 758-2100

Elmar/Denver6777 E. 50th AvenueCommerce City 80022Tel: (303) 287-9611TWX: 910-936-0770

*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics5921 No. BroadwayDenver 80216Tel: (303)534-1212

CONNECTICUTCramer/Connecticut35 Dodge AvenueNorth Haven 06473Tel: (203)239-5641Components Plus361 W. StateWestport 08880Tel: (203) 226-4731Hamilton/Avnet Electronics643 Danbury RoadGeorgetown 06829Tel: (203)762-0361

FLORIDACramer/E.W. Hollywood4035 No. 29th AvenueHollywood 33020Tel: (305) 923-8181*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics4020 No. 29th Ave.Hollywood 33021Tel: (305)925-5401*Cramer/EW Orlando345 No. Graham Ave.Orlando 32814Tel: (305)894-1511

GEORGIACramer/EW Atlanta3923 Oakcliff Industrial CenterAtlanta 30340Tel: (404) 448-9050Hamilton/Avnet Electronics6700 I 85, Access Road, Suite 2BNorcross 30071Tel: (404)448-0800

ILLINOIS*Cramer/Chicago1911 So. Busse Rd.Mt. Prospect 60056Tel: (312)593-8230*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics3901 No. 25th Ave.Schiller Park 60176Tel: (312) 678-6310

INDIANAPioneer/Indiana6408 Castleplace DriveIndianapolis 46250Tel: (317) 547-7777Sheridan Sales Co.8790 Purdue RoadIndianapolis 46268Tel: (317) 297-3146

KANSASHamilton/Avnet Electronics37 Lenexa Industrial Center9900 Pflumm RoadLenexa 66215Tel: (913) 888-8900

MARYLANDCramer/EW Baltimore7235 Standard DriveHanover 21076Tel: (301) 796-5790*Cramer/EW Washington16021 Industrial DriveGaithersburg 20760Tel: (301) 948-0110*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics7235 Standard DriveHanover 21076Tel: (301) 796-5000

MASSACHUSETTS*Cramer Electronics Inc.85 Wells AvenueNewton 02159Tel: (617) 969-7700*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics100 E. Commerce WayWoburn 01801Tel: (617) 273-2120

MICHIGANSheridan Sales Co.24543 Indoplex DriveFarmington Hills 48024Tel: (313)477-3800*Pioneer/Michigan13485 StamfordLivonia 48150Tel: (313) 729-8500*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics12870 Farmington RoadLivonia 48150Tel: (313)522-4700TWX: 810-242-8775

MINNESOTA*Industrial Components5280 West 74th StreetMinneapolis 55435Tel: (612)831-2666Cramer/Bonn7275 Bush Lake RoadEdina 55435Tel: (612) 835-7811*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics7683 Washington Avenue So.Edina 55435Tel: (612)941-3801

MISSOURI*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics354 Brookes LaneHazelwood 63042Tel: (314)731-1144

NEW JERSEYCramer/Pennsylvania, Inc.12 Springdale RoadCherry Hill Industrial CenterCherry Hill 08003Tel: (609) 424-5993TWX: 710-896-0908Components Plus310 Railroad AvenueHackensack 07601Tel: (201)487-0565*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics218 Little Falls RoadCedar Grove 07009Tel: (201) 239-0800TWX: 710-994-5787Cramer/New JerseyNo. 1 Barrett AvenueMoonachie 07074Tel: (201)935-5600*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics113 Gaither DriveEast Gate Industrial ParkMt. Laurel 08057Tel: (609)234-2133TWX: 710-897-1405

NEW MEXICOHamilton/Avnet Electronics2450 Baylor Drive, S.E.Albuquerque 87119Tel: (505)765-1500Cramer/New Mexico137 Vermont, N.E.Albuquerque 87108Tel: (505)265-5767

NEW YORKCramer/Rochester3000 Winton Road SouthRochester 14623Tel: (716) 275-0300Components Plus40 Oser AvenueHauppauge 11787Tel: (516) 231-9200*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics167 Clay RoadRochester 14623Tel: (716)442-7820*Cramer/Syracuse6716 Joy RoadEast Syracuse 13057Tel: (315) 437-6671*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics6500 Joy RoadE. Syracuse 13057Tel: (315)437-2642*Cramer/Long Island29 Oser AvenueHauppauge, L.I. 11787Tel: (516) 231-5600TWX: 510-227-9863*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics70 State StreetWestbury, L.I. 11590Tel: (516)333-5800TWX: 510-222-8237

NORTH CAROLINACramer Electronics938 Burke StreetWinston-Salem 27102Tel: (919) 725-8711

OHIO*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics118 Westpark RoadDayton 45459Tel: (513)433-0610TWX: 810-450-2531*Pioneer/Dayton1900 Troy StreetDayton 45404Tel: (513) 236-9900*Sheridan Sales Co.10 Knollcrest DriveCincinnati 45222Tel: (513) 761-5432TWX: 810-461-2670*Pioneer/Cleveland4800 E. 131st StreetCleveland 44105Tel: (216) 587-3600

*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics761 Beta DriveCleveland 44143Tel: (216)461-1400Sheridan Sales Co.23224 Commerce Park RoadBeachwood 44122Tel: (216)831-0130Sheridan Sales Co.Shiloh Building, Suite 2505045 North Main StreetDayton 45405Tel: (513)277-8911

OKLAHOMAComponents Specialties, Inc.7920 E. 40th StreetTulsa 74145Tel: (918) 664-2820

OREGONAlmac/Stroum Electronics4475 S.W. Scholls Ferry Rd.Portland 97225Tel: (503)292-3534

PENNSYLVANIASheridan Sales Co.1717 Penn Avenue, Suite 5009Pittsburgh 15221Tel: (412)244-1640Pioneer/Pittsburgh560 Alpha DrivePittsburgh 15238Tel: (412) 782-2300

TEXASCramer Electronics13740 Midway RoadDallas 75240Tel: (214) 661-9300*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics4445 Sigma RoadDallas 75240Tel: (214) 661-8661*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics1216 W. ClayHouston 77019Tel: (713) 526-4661Component Specialties, Inc.10907 Shady Trail, Suite 101Dallas 75220Tel: (214) 357-4576*Component Specialties, Inc.7313 Ashcroft StreetHouston 77036Tel: (713) 771-7237

UTAHCramer/Utah391 W. 2500 SouthSalt Lake City 84115Tel: (801)487-4131Hamilton/Avnet Electronics647 W. Billinis RoadSalt Lake City 84119Tel: (801) 262-8451

WASHINGTON*Hamilton/Avnet Electronics13407 Northrup WayBellevue 98005Tel: (206) 746-8750*Almac/Stroum Electronics5811 Sixth Ave. SouthSeattle 98108Tel: (206) 763-2300Cramer/Seattle1059 Andover Park EastTukwila 98188Tel: (206) 575-0907


ALBERTAL. A. Varah Ltd.4742 14th Street N.ECalgary T2E 6LTTel: (403) 276-8818Telex: 13 825 89 77

BRITISH COLUMBIA*L.A. Varah Ltd.2077 Alberta StreetVancouver V5Y 1C4Tel: (604)873-3211TWX: 610-929-1068Telex: 04 53167

ONTARIOCramer/Canada920 Alness Avenue, Unit No.DownsviewToronto 392 M3J 2H7Tel: (416)661-9222TWX: 610-492-6210Hamilton/Avnet Electronics6291-16 Dorman RoadMississauga L4V 1H2Tel: (416) 677-7432TWX: 610-492-8867Hamilton/Avnet Electronics1735 Courtwood CrescOttawa K2C 2B4Tel: (613)226-1700TWX: 610 562-1906

QUEBEC*Hamilton/Avnet Electronic2670 PaulusSt. Laurent H4S1G2Tel: (514)331-6443TWX: 610-421-3731

MANITOBAL.A. Varah Ltd.153 Corbett DriveWinnipeg R2Y 1V4Tel: (204) 889-9607

*MDS Centers

Intel, the leader in LSI technology,invented the first high-density MOS/LSI

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