The Jameh (Seyed) mosque by night

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE (You have a link on the first slide): Thank you! The architecture and design of this long-lasting and fantastic monument was made of the four Eivans. Each Eivan was allocated to theological science and education center. The fourfold Eivan has 48 meters long and 35 meters width. In this mosque 22 small chambers were set up for dwelling of the religious scholar. The Friday (Jameh) Mosque and adjoining Islamic school date from the Qajar period. The building has delicate and intricate decoration in tilework, providing an exceptional visual effect, and the architecture with tall arches and ample verandas make it most elegant. Good bye Zanjan hope to see you again one day !


The mosque is situated in the old part of the city and was constructed in 1826 during the Qajar era. The mosque contains four iwans on the sides of a large open court. To the east and west of the court sixteen chambers exist running parallel to each other. Facing towards south are more chambers used as residential quarters for theology students. These chambers have vaulted and arched ceilings decorated with artistic tile work. The mosque has four Shabestans, or night prayer halls, each containing a minbar.

Situată în partea veche a oraşului, moscheea congregaţională a fost construită în anul 1826, în timpul dinastiei qajare. Ea are patru Iwane (48m x 35m), câte unul pe fiecare latură a curţii centrale. Moscheea dispune de camere pentru studenţii la teologie şi are patru holuri de rugăciune nocturnă (Shabestan) prevăzute cu minbare.

Text: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Nicoleta Leu

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanu Ostad Elahi - Celestial Harmonies - Supplique d'Ali
