The jewish cemetery in Częstochowa

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Martyna Lelonkiewicz kl.1e

The Cemetery is located on Golden Street In Dąbiedistrict, near Huta Częstochowa. It is one of the biggest cemeteries in Poland and covers about 8,5 ha but there are almost everywhere forests and bushes now.

There are about 4-5 thousands tombstones with polish and Hebrew inscriptions, mostly entwined with ivy. Some of them are broken or moved in different place. The damages developed because of the pollution from Huta Częstochowa.

It was founded by Jewish Community in the late eighteen century. In 1939 and from 1945 to 1950 the Jewish took care of it. In 1943 during the liquidation of “small ghetto” the Jews were brought to this cemetery and immediately executed. They were buried in a mass grave.

After 1950 the cemetery was on Huta Częstochowa area so the access to it was difficult. Now the legal rights of the cemetery are discussed between authorities of Częstochowa and the Jewish community in Katowice.

In 1984 the gate was rebuilt and the area was fenced. In 1988 the gravestones were catalogued.

Even in the late 80’sthe entry on the cemetery was restricted because it was in Huta Częstochowa area. People could not visit it without a pass.

On 7th of August 2007 a group of hooligans devastated many graves. After that incident high school students cleaned and removed the damages. Despite it, the cemetery has its own atmosphere thanks to unique greenery, specially ivy.