The job of a headline is to grab the readers attention.. This means ...€¦ · Have you seen this...

Post on 13-Aug-2020

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Year 3 and 4 English Day 1— Newspapers

Week beginning: 8.6.2020

Over the next two weeks we are going to be looking at a range of newspapers, finding out about their different features

and then becoming journalists ourselves to write our own newspaper reports.

But today we are going to be learning about headlines.

The job of a headline is to grab the readers attention..

This means that head lines are often short, snappy and catchy to entice the reader

to buy the paper.

There are two tricks journalists often use when thinking of headlines.

These are the use of puns and alliteration.

A pun is a play on words, often using homophones (words that sound alike but have different meanings). For example,

Bear/bare, right/write etc. Some examples of puns used in head-

lines are: The other trick is the use of alliteration.

Alliteration is where lots of words in the

sentence start with the same sound. For

example, Suzie Sizzles in Strictly

Your task - look at the articles on the

next page and match them with the cor-

rect headlines.

Task 1


A Hole Lot of Fun

Is this Fair?

Having a Whale of a Time

Horrifying and Hair-raising Hole

Frustration at the Fun Fayre

Task 2 - come up with your own headlines for

the stories below.



A young bear cub was seen wandering

through Histon rec yesterday afternoon, as a

family of five picnicked near by. Luckily, no

one was hurt and the young bear scarpered

away when a bag of crisps was accidently

trodden on by the little boy.



Mr Watson amazed everyone with his amazing acro-

batic display at the end of year dance show. The

children of HIJS had never seen anything like it be-

fore. He was able to walk across a tightrope on

just two hands and was suspended in the air

whist doing a somersault.

Headlines answers:

1. Having a Whale of a Time

Walloping Whale Washes in Waters Far From Home

2. Frustration at the Fun Fayre

Is this Fair?

3.A Hole Lot of Fun

Horrifying and Hair-raising Hole

Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 2 — What is a caption?

Newspapers also contain photographs and they always have a one line sentence explaining what they are showing written

underneath. This is called a caption.

Task 1: Can you illustrate these captions below.

Task 2: Read the newspaper articles on the following page and draw in a picture to represent that story. Write the caption

for the picture below.

Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 2— What is a caption?

Fairytale Times Terrifying Troll spotted Under Foot Bridge

By reporter A. Berry

A troll has been spotted living underneath the Billy goats Gruff’s foot

bridge. Trolls have not been seen in Fairy land for over 100 years,

when they were wiped out by the King’s guards, so is this sighting re-


Crime scene investigators have been sent to the seen to see if there is

any evidence of ‘troll life’. The little Billy goat described the troll to

local artist, the Gingerbread Man, who drew this photo:

One troll expert said “I have studied trolls

for many years and I have never seen one

that looks like this. We will know if the

sighting is true if we find evidence of

fresh troll droppings, snot and dribble, but

I think is very unlikely, just a story made

up by a very imaginative little Billy


Another Expert has said, “It is not impossible for trolls to still exist as there are

many caves in our land that we have never explored.”

Until this sighting has been verified, people are warned to be on their guard, es-

pecially when crossing bridges leading to green meadows. Read a full report in

next weeks issue.

Local girl wanted for break-

ing and entering

Goldilocks has been seen entering the

locked house of the three bears through

the kitchen window, eating their porridge

and breaking baby bears new chair. Ap-

proach with caution as she has a very bad


Have you seen this man?

Jack of Hearts has been spotted

stealing the Queen’s jam tarts. The

Queen’s men have searched the

grounds with no success.

Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 3 — The job of the 1st paragraph

The first paragraph of a newspaper article is usually very im-

portant as it gives a summary of the whole story. The story is

then expanded upon in the main body of the text. It usually

answers the ‘4 W’s’ in the hand below.

Who - who is the newspaper arti-

cle about?

What - what happened?

Where - where did the event take


When - when did the event

take place? What time of day

was it?

Your task: Read the newspaper

article about the Wicked Wolf on

the next page. Look again at the

1st paragraph and write the answers to the ‘4w’s’ the hand op-

posite. Alternatively, you can draw the hand in your book.


Who? Little Red Roding Hood and her Grandmother

What? They were swallowed by a wolf and rescued by a wood-


Where? in a cottage in a forest

When? Yesterday afternoon

Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 3 — the job of the 1st paragraph

Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 4— The difference between fact and opinion

Newspapers also contain both facts and opinions.

A fact is something you know is true. You can prove it.

An opinion is something you think or believe to be true. You can’t prove it.

For example:

A fact is something that can be checked and backed up with evidence, e.g. In 2010, Lionel Messi was

named FIFA World Footballer of The Year. We can check these details by looking at FIFA records.

An opinion is based on a belief or view. It is not based on evidence that can be checked, e.g. Wayne

Rooney is the best football player in the English Premier League. Some people might think there are other

players in the English Premier League who are better than Wayne Rooney.

Task 1: Fact or Opinion?

Put a cross in the box to show whether each sentence is fact or opinion:

Fact Opinion

The Earth is round

HIJS is in Histon.

‘The Next Step’ is a very good TV programme.

School dinners are delicious.

Rashford is the best striker in England.

Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 4 —The difference between fact and opinion

.Task 2: Write: 2 facts about school

2 opinions about school

2 facts about food

2 opinions about food

1. 2.

1. 2.

1. 2.

1. 2,

Task 3: When writing newspapers journalists some-

times use a mix of fact and opinion.

Underline the facts in red.

Underline the opinions in blue.

Man City are ‘Man of the Match’

Today’s match was a blinder. Manchester City scored three goals to Liver-

pool’s nil. Aguero is the best player on the pitch. He scored all three goals

and left Liverpool’s striker Firmino livid. I am sure Aguero will go on to score

lots more goals this season.


Tomorrow is an important day for the pop group BoysRUs. They release their

third single tomorrow. Their last two singles went straight into the charts at

number 1. The new single, however, is an awful mix of pop and rock music.

It’s not as good as their previous two hits. It certainly seems to me that

BoysRUs should ask for their day jobs back at the toyshop.


Buy the new Superclean bathroom cleaner. It will leave your bathroom

sparking clean! Superclean contains a mixture of soap and bleach which

removes dirt and kills germs. You won’t believe your eyes when you see

what Superclean can do for you. Superclean costs £2.50 a bottle.

Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 4 — The difference between fact and opinion


Underline the facts in red.

Underline the opinions in blue.

Man City are ‘Man of the Match’

Today’s match was a blinder. Manchester City scored three goals to

Liverpool’s nil. Aguero is the best player on the pitch. He scored all

three goals and left Liverpool’s striker Firmino livid. I am sure

Aguero will go on to score lots more goals this season.


Fact Opinion

The Earth is round x

HIJS is in Histon. x

The Next Step is a very good TV programme. x

School dinners are delicious. x

Rashford is the best striker in England. x


Tomorrow is an important day for the pop group BoysRUs. They

release their third single tomorrow. Their last two singles went

straight into the charts at number 1. The new single, however, is an

awful mix of pop and rock music. It’s not as good as their previous

two hits. It certainly seems to me that BoysRUs should ask for their

day jobs back at the toyshop.


Buy the new Superclean bathroom cleaner. It will leave your

bathroom sparking clean! Superclean contains a mixture of soap and

bleach which removes dirt and kills germs. You won’t believe your

eyes when you see what Superclean can do for you. Superclean costs

£2.50 a bottle.

Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 5 —Past Tense and Direct Speech

Newspapers report on events that have already happened. That means they are written using the past


Task 1: Finish off the sentences below changing present tense into past tense.

Present tense

Today he . . .

Past tense

Yesterday he . . .







Newspapers usually also include direct quotes from the

people who were around and saw the event happen.

Task 2

Recap on the rules for punctuating direct speech

(bottom left hand corner of this page). Then have a go at

correcting the punctuation in the sentences below:

E.G. I love tennis exclaimed Mrs Birch.

“I love tennis!” exclaimed Mrs Birch.

1. i’m great at football boasted Mr Watson

2. is it raining today enquired Mrs Lillicrap

3. chocolate cake is my favourite dessert said Daddy


Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 5 —Past Tense and Direct Speech

Task 3: Now you have learned about the features of a newspaper report, can you

find them in the text below:



Sunday 20th January, 1920

On Tuesday evening the home of a family of bears, who live

in the forest, was broken in to by a young girl. They were sur-

prised and upset as they as they walked through their house to find

their porridge eaten, chairs dirty and broken. Not only this, but they

were shocked to find the silly young girl was still there, fast asleep in

Baby Bears bed! She was woken by the returning bears and ran out

of the house without even saying sorry. What a madam! Her mother

mustn’t have taught her any manners. One of the biggest shocks to

the family was that their burglar who did so much damage is only ten

years old. The family told us they were only out for a short time as

they waited for their porridge to cool down.

The family shocked.

Goldilocks in trouble.


We tried to get a comment from Goldilocks

(age 10) but she was hiding in the house. Her moth-

er said “We are very sad by the news, we can’t un-

derstand why she would do such a terrible thing, she

is not allowed to play with her friends for two

months and hopefully she will never do anything

like this again.”

Use this key to find

and underline each

feature in the text.



A fact

An opinion

Past tense verb

Direct speech







Challenge: Can you come up

with a quote from Baby Bear

and write it in direct speech


Year 3 and 4 Newspapers Day 5 —past tense and direct speech


Direct speech correct punctuation

1. “I’m great at football,” boasted

Mr Watson.

2. “Is it raining today?” enquired

Mrs Lillicrap.

3. “Chocolate cake is my favourite

dessert,” said Daddy Pig.

Present tense

Today he . . .

Past tense

Yesterday he . . .

says said

plays played

steals stole

laughs laughed

is was

smiles smiled

Analysis of newspaper report answers:


Sunday 20th January, 1920

On Tuesday evening, the home of a family of all family of bears who live in the forest was

broken in to by a young girl. They were surprised and upset as they as they walked through their

house to find their porridge eaten, chairs dirty and broken. Not only this, but they were shocked to

find the silly young girl was still there, fast asleep in Baby Bears bed! She was woken by the return-

ing bears and ran out of the house without even saying sorry. What a madam! Her mother mustn’t

have taught her any manners. One of the biggest shocks to the family was that their burglar who did

so much damage is only ten years old. The fami- ly told us they were only out for a short

time as they waited for their por- ridge to cool down.

A family shocked Goldilocks in trouble.


We tried to get a comment from Goldilocks (age 10) but she was hiding in the house. Her mother said “We are

very sad by the news, we can’t understand why she would do such a terrible thing, she is not allowed to play with her

friends for two months and hopefully she will never do anything like this again.”

By: J. Beanstalk

Headline past tense direct speech

Caption a fact an opinion

CPET Year Three and Four Home Learning– Reading

Monday 8th June—Today is World Oceans Day!

CPET Year Three and Four Home Learning– Reading

Monday 8th June—Today is World Oceans Day!

CPET Year Three and Four Home Learning– Reading

Monday 8th June—Today is World Oceans Day!

Vocabulary Explain

The word/phrase ______________ shows that…

A synonym for __________ is…

The word(s) ______________________ suggest that the character is feeling…

A definition for the word ___________ is…

The most interesting/exciting part was… because…

I think the text is arranged in this way because…

The best structural/literacy feature was … because…

The author engages the reader by…

Inference Retrieve

The description of (character) shows that they are…

The following word(s)/phrase makes the reader feel…

My overall impression of this text is... because…

I can tell that… because….

The character behaved in this way because….

The key characters in the text are…

The story takes place in a/near to a …

The genre of this text is horror/fantasy/ historical fiction/adventure. I

know this because…

With adult support, consider appropriate responses to:

How did…? How often…? How … is ...?

Who had…? Who is…? Who did….?

What happened to…? What does ... do?

Where did … go?

Prediction Summarise

Based on the front cover, I think this text will be about…

I think this story will be about…because…

In the next chapter, I think (character) will… because….

The story is set in…. this makes me think that…

I think (character) will change their mood/behaviour/feelings in the future


The first thing that happened in this chapter was…

The main theme of this story/chapter/page is…

The key events in chronological order are…

A Heading for this chapter could be… because…

At the beginning…

In the middle…

CPET Year Three and Four Home Learning– Reading

Read for 15 minutes and complete a sentence stem in your Reading Diary using a different skill each day.

Use the sentence stems you have been taught already and please don’t worry if you are unsure of any others at the moment.

For example, you could write:

The best structural feature of the newspaper report about the football match was the headline ’Super Sanchez Winner’ because it used

alliteration and made me want to know what made it so super.

CPET Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Science

Week beginning: 8.6.2020

Stamen The male part of a flower

Anther A male part of a flower that

produces pollen

Filament It holds up the anther

Carpel The female part of the flower

Stigma The sticky part that collects the


Style The long stalk that connects the

stigma to the ovaries

Ovary Holds the female eggs of the


Ovule The name of the female eggs

Pollination The process by which a plant

can reproduce and make new

baby plants.

Fertilisation The fusing of male (pollen) and

female (ovule) reproductive cells

to produce a seed.

Last week, you discovered that plants had male and female parts.

This is important when thinking about how a plant can reproduce

(make new baby plants). Plant reproduction can be split into two

main parts:

Part 1: Pollination

Part 2: Fertilisation


Your task today is to read about the stages of pollination and

fertilisation (on the next page) and create a short piece of drama

to explain the processes. You may want to involve members of

your family, make props or draw pictures to help make your ex-

planation really clear to an audience.

Steps To Success

• Include each stage in chronological order.

• Use scientific vocabulary (check table for definitions).

• Speak in a clear, well projected voice.

• Engage your audience through actions, the use of props, and


You may wish to film your piece of drama—ask an adult to help you.

CPET Year 3 and 4 Home Learning Science

Week beginning: 8.6.2020


Stage 1

A pollinating insect, such as a bee, is attracted to the plant by its brightly col-

oured petals and sweet smelling nectar.

Stage 2

As the bee tries to reach the nectar, usually located at the bottom of the flower, it

rubs against the anthers. Pollen is transferred from the anthers to the bee.

Stage 3

As the bee goes to leave the flower, it rubs against the stigma. The stigma is

sticky and so the pollen sticks to it.

Stage 4

The pollen grain, which is the male cell, travels from the stigma to the ovary via

the long tube called the style.

Stage 5

Once inside the ovary, the male cell (the pollen) will meet with the female cell

(the ovule).


The male and female cells fuse together to produce a seed.

Helpful Clip to get you started:

CPET Year Three and Four Home Learning

Week beginning 8.6.2020


L.P. To investigate the Gods of Ancient Egypt

There were over 2000 Ancient Egyptian Gods. Gods created the universe and maintained order. They often held objects which symbolised different things

for example, Ra holds an ‘ankh’, the Ancient Egyptian symbol for life.

To read the Egyptian story of creation, follow this link

Egyptian Gods were also involved in every day life and the Ancient Egyptians believed it was important to recognise and worship them to make sure life

ran smoothly. Each God had control of something different,

from the rising of the sun to the flooding of the Nile. Many

of the Ancient Egyptian gods were shown in paintings and

statues as human-like figures with animal features.


1. Read the descriptions of these four Gods and match

them to their images, completing the table with A - D.

2. If you were a God, what would you control or protect?

It might be rain, war, truth, love, ponds and wildlife, your

school, children What would you look like? Which animal

head would you have?

Complete the sentence

If I were an Egyptian God,

I would control ....

3. Using the template provided (on the next page), or making your own, complete a fact sheet for the God you would

have been in answer to question 2 and one of the Gods (A-D) in the table provided. If you would like to research other

Gods you can follow this link:


Look at this image of the Sun God Ra drawn on a piece of Papyrus around 3000 years ago.

What is happening in this picture? Is it a primary or secondary source? What is the circle above Ra’s head?

What questions can you ask about it?

Ra - Sun God

Human body, head of falcon, holding sun on

the top of his head.

Anubis - God of the Dead

Human body, head of a jackal,

Bastet - Goddess of protection and cats.

Nut and Geb

Nut is the sky goddess, stretching out like the

sky with a body of stars and Geb is an Earth

God who lies underneath.

CPET Year Three and Four Home Learning Menu

Week beginning 8.6.2020


This week in Music, we would like you share a piece of

music/song you like with your parents/carers and then

have them share one of their favourite pieces from their


Can you find the pulse? If you can, tap your feet along

to your chosen piece. See if you can keep in time with

the pulse for as long as you can. How does the music

make you feel? Does it have a riff?

Top tips:

Pulse Is the heartbeat/steady beat of the song or piece.

Riff: A short repeated phrase often played on an instru-

ment such as a guitar or piano.


Please click on the following link to complete the History

quiz about Egyptian Gods:

R.E.—The Five Pillars of Islam

5th Pillar — Hajj - Pilgrimage

The fifth pillar of Islam is Hajj. Muslims are required to go on a journey to Mecca at least once in their lifetime to visit

the Kaaba - a mosque in the shape of a cube. When they go on this special journey, Muslims are required to perform cer-

tain rituals and prayers. It is a time for them to think about and become closer to Allah (God).

Have you got a special place that you like to visit? Where is it? Why do you like to go there? How do you travel there?

Why is this place special to you?

My journey to my special place: My special place:

This place is special to me because . . .

CPET Year Three and Four Home Learning



What do you think of when you read these words? Where have you heard these words used before?

You might have heard of The Green Cross code. They have some rules to help you to keep safe when crossing the road.

Task: Design a colourful poster that includes these 5 rules. You could include drawings to make it eye-catching. Maybe

you could display it in a window to help other people cross the road safely.

The Green Cross Code’s 5 rules are:

1. Find a safe place to cross

2. Stand on the pavement near the kerb

3. Look all around for traffic and listen

4. If traffic is coming let it pass

5. When there is no traffic, walk straight


CPET Year Three and Four Home Learning


Warm-Up Pulse Raiser: (30 seconds of activity and then 20 seconds recovery)

1. Running on the spot 2. High knees 3. Heel flicks 4. Star jumps 5. Burpees 6. Tuck jumps

Dynamic Stretches: (8 of each/each side) 1. Swing arm slowly forwards, backwards, then both in alternating directions. 2. Toe

touches (legs straight, bend forwards and alternate touching left and right toes) 3. Leg kicks (step forward and kick then step

back). 4. Side lunges 5. Heel raises (rise up onto the balls of your feet and back down) 6. Ankle rotations (balance on one leg

and rotate the ankle of your lifted leg clockwise and anti-clockwise).

Shoulder stretch (repeat for both shoulders)

Triceps stretch (both sides)

Upper back stretch (hold for 10 secs)

Quadriceps stretch (both legs) Hamstring stretch (both legs)

Calf stretch (both legs)

Cool Down: (hold each

stretch for 20 seconds,

take long breaths)