The Joy of Intercession Leaders Guide

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Learn the secrets to becoming a happy intercessor and experience breakthrough, joy, and results when you pray.You will discover how to:*Experience a deeper relationship with the Father through intercession*Confidently declare God's Word and promises over your life*Pray from a position of victory and witness supernatural results*Walk in Kingdom authority that releases God's solutions*Engage in effective spiritual warfare through worship and joyJoin Beni Johnson as she takes you on a journey into the joyful heart of Father God that will change the way you pray...forever.


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Beautiful One!e Happy Intercessor!e Joy of IntercessionPrayer Changes !ings

Experiencing the Heavenly Realm with Judy FranklinSpiritual Java with Bill Johnson

Walking in the Supernatural with Bill JohnsonWhat if…with Sheri Silk

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© Copyright !"#$—Beni JohnsonAll rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permis-sion will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © #%&! by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STAN-DARD BIBLE®, Copyright © #%'", #%'!, #%'$, #%'&, #%(#, #%(!, #%($, #%(), #%((, #%%) by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked AMP are taken from the Amplified® Bible, Copyright © #%)*, #%)&, #%'!, #%'*, #%'), #%&( by The Lockman Foun-dation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from The Message. Copyright © #%%$, #%%*, #%%), #%%', !""", !""#, !""!. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version. All emphasis within Scripture quotations is the author’s own. Please note that Destiny Image’s publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may differ from some publishers’ styles. Take note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge him, even to the point of violating grammati-cal rules.DESTINY IMAGE® PUBLISHERS, INC.P.O. Box $#", Shippensburg, PA #(!)(-"$#"“Promoting Inspired Lives.”This book and all other Destiny Image, Revival Press, MercyPlace, Fresh Bread, Destiny Image Fiction, and Treasure House books are available at Christian bookstores and distributors worldwide.For a U.S. bookstore nearest you, call #-&""-(!!-'((*.For more information on foreign distributors, call (#(-)$!-$"*".Reach us on the Internet: !!!"#$%&'()'*+,$"-.*.For Worldwide Distribution, Printed in the U.S.A.# ! $ * ) ' ( & / #( #' #) #* #$

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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Basic Guidelines for Leaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % Steps to Launching a Joy of Intercession

Group or Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #( Leader Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !) Overview of Meetings/Group Sessions . . . . . !%Sessio! 1 Discovering How to Pray from

God’s Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $%Sessio! 2 Keys to Praying from the Place of Victory. . . *(Sessio! 3 Secrets to Praying Like Jesus . . . . . . . . . . . . . ))Sessio! 4 Unlocking the +ree Realms

through Intercession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '#Sessio! 5 Principles for Prayer that Direct

Spiritual Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '(Sessio! 6 Waging Warfare Using Worship and Joy. . . . ($ Answer Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (%

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I am so glad that you are taking this six-week journey

with me. God is truly changing the way the Body of Christ approaches prayer and intercession. What I bring to this cur-riculum is nothing more or less than my personal journey. It is my joy to share this with you.

For years, I carried the weight of the world…and then some…on my shoulders in the place of intercession. In my book The Happy Intercessor, I share my story in much greater detail. I was not always an intercessor. I certainly was not always a happy one. However, I will never forget the first time those words were spoken over me over twenty-years ago. A dear friend of ours, prophet Dick Joyce, called me forward and prophesied over me, “You are called to interces-sion. Not for this season but for a season coming.”

At that stage in my life, I was not standing in line waiting to sign up for the role of intercessor. I grew up in a church where the intercessors did not look like happy people most of the time. From my small perspective, all intercessors walked around with what looked to me like very heavy bur-dens. Weighed down. Sad. Tired. Working. Striving. This is what I thought about intercession. I even remember that as I

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got older, I thought to myself, I don’t want to be an intercessor. Why? I did not want to live out what had been modeled to me as a youth. If someone had told me that it was possible for intercessors to be happy, I would have laughed out loud in dis-belief. It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit changes all of that…

To learn more of my personal testimony on intercession, read the first chapter in The Happy Intercessor book. Bits and pieces of it are shared in the following pages in this study guide and in the sessions you will watch. However, the full version of my testimony is in the book.

This curriculum is my best attempt to help raise up a new generation of intercessors in this strategic moment of history. This truly is the “season coming” that Dick Joyce prophesied about. God desires a people who pray out of a place of intimacy and joy with Him; and in turn these intercessors declare solu-tions over the problems that plague our lives, cities, and nations.

My definition for being an intercessor is capturing the heartbeat of Heaven and declaring or praying that into my world. It’s true agreement with Heaven. This is what we are going to learn in the weeks ahead. More than going over a list of prayer formulas and principles, I believe you are going to experience a deeper level of intimacy with the Father. Out of that joyful place where you grasp His heart, know His ways, and catch His vision, you will begin releasing His world into your world through the joyful place of intercession.Blessings,B,-. J/0-1/- Pastor, Bethel Redding

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T his study is designed to transform the way you view,

approach, and engage the practice of intercession. Unfortu-nately, intercession has carried a negative stigma for many Christians, as they have often experienced inaccurate, joy-less examples of this powerful tool. +is curriculum will help correct those false images and equip you to become a power-ful prayer warrior who releases supernatural solutions instead of focusing on the problems.

There are several different ways you can engage this study. By no means is this forthcoming list comprehensive. Rather, these are the standard outlets recommended to facilitate this curriculum. We encourage you to seek the Lord’s direction, be creative, and prepare for a radical shift in your prayer life.

When all is said and done, this curriculum is unique in that the end goal is not information—it is transforma-tion. The sessions are intentionally sequenced to take every believer on a journey from paradigm shift to practice. When

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intercession is clearly defined, you become empowered to pray from a position of victory and joy rather than being bur-dened and depressed.

Here are some of the ways you can use the curriculum:!. CHURCH SMALL GROUP

Often, churches feature a variety of small group oppor-tunities per season, in terms of books, curriculum resources, and Bible studies. The Joy of Intercession would be included among the offering of titles for whatever season you are launching for the small group program.

It is recommended that you have at least four to five people to make up a small group, and a maximum of #!. If you end up with more than #! members, either the group needs to multiply and break into two different groups, or you should consider moving toward a church class model (which will be outlined next).

For a small group setting, here are the essentials: ! Meeting place: Either the leader’s home or a space

provided by the church. ! Appropriate technology: A DVD player attached to a

TV that is large enough for all of the group members to see (and loud enough for everyone to hear).

! Leader/Facilitator: This person will often be the host if the small group is being conducted at some-one’s home; but it can also be a team (husband/wife, two church leaders, etc.). The leader(s) will direct

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Basic Guidelines for Leader

the session from beginning to end, from sending out reminder emails giving the participating group members a heads-up about the meetings, to closing out the sessions in prayer and dismissing everyone. That said, leaders can select certain people in the group to assist with various elements of the meeting: worship, prayer, ministry time, etc. A detailed description of what the group meetings should look like will follow in the pages to come.

Sample Schedule for Home Group Meeting (for a !:"" P.M. meeting)

Keep in mind, this sample schedule incorporates all elements—from the extremely practical (such as serv-ing refreshments) to the supernatural (activating what was learned during the session).

! Before arrival: Ensure that refreshments are ready by 6:15 2.3. If they need to be refrigerated, ensure they are preserved appropriately until 15 minutes prior to the official meeting time.

! 6:15 2.3.: Leaders arrive at meeting home or facility.

! 6:15–6:25 2.3.: Connect with hosts, co-hosts, and/or co-leaders to review the evening’s program.

! 6:25–6:35 2.3.: Pray with hosts, co-hosts, and/or co-leaders for the evening’s events. Here are some sample prayer directives:

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• For the Holy Spirit to move and minister freely. • For the teaching to connect with and transform

all who hear it. • For dialogue and conversation that edifies. • For comfort and transparency among

group members. • For the Presence of God to manifest

during worship. • For testimonies of answered prayers. • For a paradigm shift to take place in how the

people understand intercession. ! 6:35–6:45 2.3.: Ensure technology is function-

ing properly!Test the DVDs featuring the teaching sessions, making

sure they are set up to the appropriate session.If you are having a time of praise and worship, ensure that

either the MP$ player or CD player is functional, set at an appropriate volume (not soft, but not incredibly loud), and that song sheets are available for everyone so they can sing along with the lyrics. (If you are tech savvy, you could have a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation featuring the lyrics.)

! 6:45–7:00 2.3.: Welcome and greeting for guests.

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Basic Guidelines for Leader

! 7:00–7:10 2.3.: Fellowship, community, and refreshments.

! 7:10–7:12 2.3.: Gather everyone together in the meeting place.

! 7:12–7:30 2.3.: Introductory prayer and worship. ! 7:30–7:40 2.3.: Ministry and prayer time. ! 7:40–8:00 2.3.: Watch DVD session. ! 8:00–8:20 2.3.: Discuss DVD session. ! 8:20–8:35 2.3.: Activation time. ! 8:35–8:40 2.3.: Closing prayer and dismiss.

This sample schedule is not intended to lock you into a formula. It is simply provided as a template to help you get started. Our hope is that you will customize it according to the unique needs of your group, and sensitively navigate the activity of the Holy Spirit as He uses these sessions to supernaturally transform the prayer lives of every person par-ticipating in the study.


This would be the decision of the pastor or senior leader-ship of the church. In this model, the entire church would go through The Joy of Intercession in both the main services and ancillary small groups/life classes.

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These campaigns would be marketed as "# Days of Prayer or "# Days of Intercession. The pastor’s weekend sermon would be based on the principles in The Happy Intercessor/The Joy of Intercession, and the Sunday school classes/life classes and/or small groups would also follow The Joy of Interces-sion curriculum.


Churches of all sizes offer a variety of classes purposed to develop members into more effective disciples of Jesus and agents of transformation in their spheres of influence.

The Joy of Intercession would be an invaluable addition to a church’s class offering. Typically, churches offer a variety of topical classes, targeted at men’s needs, women’s needs, mar-riage, family, finances, and various areas of Bible study.

The Joy of Intercession is a unique resource, as it fits in ide-ally with the aforementioned traditional topics—except it involves a complete prayer makeover for most people. There have been many excellent studies produced over the years on prayer, but when it comes to addressing specific types of prayer, such as intercession, people are typically in the dark. This curriculum provides participants a strong foundation in joyful intercession—prayer that releases supernatural solutions, ushering God’s Kingdom into situations and brings results.

Believers are often acquainted with the “#"#” understand-ing of prayer through the many incredible introductory resources available for Bible studies and small groups. The

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Basic Guidelines for Leader

Joy of Intercession will do one of two things. It will help cor-rect incorrect teaching that people have picked up from observation about intercession. It will also provide a strong foundation for people who have no knowledge of interces-sion whatsoever. Instead of providing them with a paradigm change, it lays a pure, scriptural foundation for what joyful Kingdom intercession looks like in a Christian’s everyday life.

The benefit of The Joy of Intercession is that it builds on whatever foundation believers may have already received about prayer and intercession—whether the information they received was extremely basic, or they were taken fur-ther down the road and given some deeper instruction on the practice of intercession. Either way, The Joy of Intercession ide-ally builds on the foundation, teaching Christians to joyfully model Jesus and pray from a position of victory.


While the curriculum is designed for use in a group set-ting, it also works as a tool to equip anyone who is looking to go deeper in his or her experience of intercession.

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P ray! If you are a church leader, prayerfully consider how

!e Joy of Intercession could transform the prayer culture and climate of your church community. +e Lord is raising up bodies of believers who, above all, release the solutions of His Kingdom over people, places, and impossibilities. Spend some time with the Holy Spirit, asking Him to give you vision for what this unique study will do for your church and, ultimately, how a joyful praying people will transform your city and region.

If you are a group leader or class facilitator, pray for those who will be attending your group, signing up for your class,

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and will be positioning their lives to be transformed into powerful instruments of intercession through this study.

PREPARE PRACTICALLY!Determine how you will be using the Joy of Intercession curriculum.

Identify in which of the following formats you will be using the curriculum:

! Church-sponsored small group study ! Church class (Wednesday night, Sunday morning, etc.) ! Church-wide campaign ! Individual study

Determine a meeting location and ensure availability of appropriate equipment.

Keep in mind the number of people who may attend. You will also need audiovisual (AV) equipment. The more com-fortable the setting, the more people will enjoy being there and will spend more time ministering to each other!

Just a word of caution: the larger the group, the greater your need for co-leaders or assistants. The ideal small group size is difficult to judge; however, when you get more than #"-#! people, it becomes difficult for each member to feel “heard.” If your group is larger than #! people, consider either having two or more small group discussion leaders, or “multiplying” the larger group into two smaller ones.

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Steps to Launching a Joy of Intercession Group or Class

Determine the format for your meetings.The Presence of the Lord is cradled and stewarded well

in the midst of organization. Structure should never replace spontaneity; but, on the contrary, having a plan and determin-ing what type of format your meetings will take allows you to f low with the Holy Spirit and minister more effectively.

Also, by determining what kind of meeting you will be hosting, you become better equipped to develop a schedule for the meeting, identify potential co-leaders, and order the appropriate quantity of resources.Set a schedule for your meetings.

After you have established the format for your meetings, set a schedule for your meetings. Some groups like to have a time of fellowship or socializing—either before or after the meeting begins—when light refreshments are offered. Some groups will want to incorporate times of worship and per-sonal ministry into the small group or class. This is highly recommended for The Joy of Intercession, as the study is designed to equip and activate believers in intercession. The video portion and discussion questions are intended to equip believers, while the worship, times of ministry, group interac-tion, prayer time, and activation element are purposed to puts hands and feet to the material covered.

Intercession is not a lofty theological concept; it is a practical reality for every born-again believer. This study is intended to educate; but even more so, it is designed to acti-vate believers and position them to release the solutions of Heaven into their unique spheres of influence.

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Establish a start date along with a weekly meeting day and time.

This six-week curriculum should be followed consistently and consecutively. Be mindful of the fact that while there are six weeks of material, material, most groups benefit from designat-ing their first meeting as a time to get to know each other and “break the ice”. Groups usually will want to meet one last time after completing the last week to celebrate what God has done. This is very normal and should be encouraged to continue the community momentum that the small group experience initi-ates. Typically, after the final session is completed, groups will often engage in a social activity—either going out to dinner together, seeing a movie, or something of the like.

Look far enough ahead on the calendar to account for anything that might interfere. Choose a day that works well for the members of your group. For a church class, be sure to coordinate the time with the appropriate ministry leader.

In addition, there is a special bonus session where Beni Johnson discusses the topic of Mystics, Mystical Experiences, and Contemplative Prayer. This is a great tool to facilitate an additional study session.

In all, it is possible to develop The Joy of Intercession into an eight-week study, with the first week being a time of a time of introduction, the seventh week watching the bonus ses-sion, and the eighth week celebrating!Advertise!

Group/Class Leaders, visit the website to access special resources to help you to effectively

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Steps to Launching a Joy of Intercession Group or Class

promote the curriculum and communicate with group mem-bers. Getting the word out in multiple ways is most effective. Print f lyers, post a sign-up sheet, make an announcement during church services or group meetings, send out weekly emails and text messages, set up your own blog or website, or post the event on the social media avenue you and your group utilize most (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). A personal invitation or phone call is a great way to reach those who might need that little bit of extra encouragement.

For any type of small group or class to succeed, it must be endorsed by and encouraged from the leadership. For larger churches with multiple group/class offerings, it is wise to provide church members with literature featuring all of the different small group/class options. This information should also be featured online in an easily accessible page on your church website.

For smaller churches, it is a good idea for the pastor or a key leader to announce from the pulpit during an announce-ment time the launch of a small group course or class.Gather your materials.

Each leader should purchase The Joy of Intercession Leader’s Guide, as well as The Happy Intercessor book.

Additionally, each participant needs a personal copy of The Joy of Intercession Study Guide. It is recommended they also purchase The Happy Intercessor book for further enrich-ment and as a resource to complement their daily readings. However, they are able to engage the exercises and partici-pate in the group discussion apart from reading the book.

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We have found it best for all of the materials to be pur-chased at one time—many booksellers and distributors offer discounts on multiple orders, and you are assured that each member will have his or her materials from the beginning.

STEP FORWARD! ! Arrive at your meeting in plenty of time to prepare;

frazzled last-minute preparations do not put you in a place of “rest,” and your group members will sense your stress! Ensure that all AV equipment is working properly, and that you have ample supplies for each member. Name tags are a great idea, at least for the first couple of meetings. Icebreaker and introduction activities are also good ideas for the first meeting.

! Pray for your members. As much as possible, make yourself available to them. As each person increases in revelation and understanding of intercession, they will want to share that discovery! You will also need to encourage those who struggle, grow weary, or lose heart. Make sure your members stay committed so they experience the full benefits of this teaching.

! Embrace the supernatural journey that you and your fellow members are embarking on to carrying and releasing Heaven through intercession! Transforma-tion begins within you!

! Multiply yourself. Are there people you know who were not able to attend your group? Help them to

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Steps to Launching a Joy of Intercession Group or Class

initiate their own small group now that you know how effective The Joy of Intercession can be in a group setting!

THANK YOU!Thank you for embarking on a journey that will sow into

a true modern-day prayer movement and ultimately position you to be an agent of supernatural change wherever God has placed you.

Remember, the ministry of intercession is not reserved for an exclusive few in the Body of Christ. Though there will always be some who feel especially called to devote their lives to intercession, the truth is that all of us play an integral part in intercession. Every believer can access God’s heart through intimacy with Him, recognize and pray from their position of victory in Christ, model the prayer life of Jesus, engage warfare through worship and joy, and release His world into this one through intercession. It is time to demystify this glo-rious tool and start using it the way it was intended.

Get ready for a truly joyful adventure into prayer and intercession!

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____ Have you determined a start date for your class or small group?

____ Have you determined the format, meeting day and time, and weekly meeting schedule?

____ Have you selected a meeting location (making sure you have adequate space and AV equipment avail-able)?

____ Have you advertised? Do you have a sign-up sheet to ensure you order enough materials?THREE WEEKS TO ONE MONTH PRIOR

____ Have you ordered materials? You will need a copy of !e Joy of Intercession Leader’s Guide, along with cop-ies of the study guide and book for each participant.

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____ Have you organized your meeting schedule/format?ONE TO TWO WEEKS PRIOR

____ Have you received all your materials?____ Have you reviewed the DVDs and your Leader’s

Guide to familiarize yourself with the material and to ensure everything is in order?

____ Have you planned and organized the refreshments, if you are planning to provide them? Some leaders will handle this themselves, and some find it easier to allow participants to sign up to provide refreshments if they would like to do so.

____ Have you advertised and promoted? +is includes sending out emails to all participants, setting up a Facebook group, setting up a group through your church’s database system (if available), promotion in the church bulletin, etc.

____ Have you appointed co-leaders to assist you with the various portions of the group/class? While it is not necessary, it is helpful to have someone who is in charge of either leading (on guitar, keyboard, etc.) or arranging the worship music (putting songs on a CD, creating song lyric sheets, etc.). It is also helpful to have a prayer coordinator as well—someone who helps facilitate the prayer time, ensuring that all of the prayer needs are acknowledged and remembered,

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Leader Checklist

and assigning the various requests to group members who are willing to lift up those needs in prayer.


____ Plan to arrive early! Give yourself extra time to set up the meeting space, double check all AV equip-ment, and organize your materials. It might be help-ful to ask participants to arrive 15 minutes early for the first meeting to allow for distribution of materials and any icebreaker activity you might have planned.

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The welcome and fellowship time usually begins ) to #" minutes prior to the designated meeting time and typically continues for #" minutes after the official starting time. Com-munity is important. One of the issues in many small group/class environments is the lack of connectivity. People walk around inspired and resourced, but they remain disconnected from other believers. Foster an environment where commu-nity is welcomed—but at the same time not distracting. This tends to be a problem that plagues small group settings more than classes.

Welcome everyone as they walk in. If it is a small group environment, as the host or leader, be intentional about con-necting with each person who enters the meeting space. If it is a church class environment, it is still recommended that

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the leader connect with each participant. However, there will be less pressure for the participants to feel connected imme-diately in a traditional class setting versus a more intimate, small group environment.

Refreshments and materials. In the small group, you can serve refreshments and facilitate fellowship between group members. In a class setting, talk with the attendees and ensure that they purchase all necessary materials (study guide and The Happy Intercessor book). Ideally, the small group mem-bers will have received their resources prior to Week #; but if not, ensure that the materials are present at the meeting and available for group members to pick up. It is advisable that you have several copies of the study guide and book available at the small group meeting just in case people did not pick up their copies at the designated time.

Call the meeting to order. This involves gathering every-one together in the appropriate place and clearly stating that the meeting is getting ready to start.

Pray! Open every session in prayer, specifically addressing the topic that you will be covering in the upcoming meeting time. Invite the manifest Presence of the Holy Spirit to come, move among the group members, minister to them individu-ally, reveal Jesus, and stir greater hunger in each participant to experience more of God’s Presence in their lives.

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Overview of Meetings/Group Sessions


While a time of formal introduction should only be done at the first week of the class/session, it is recommended that in subsequent meetings group members state their names when addressing a question, making a prayer request, giv-ing a comment, etc., just to ensure everyone is familiar with each other’s names. You are also welcome to do a short ice-breaker activity.

! (First Meeting) Introduce yourself, and then ask each participant to briefly introduce him or herself. This works fine for both small group and class environ-ments. In a small group, each person can state his or her name and give a brief introduction one at a time. In a classroom setting, establish some type of f low and then have each person give a quick introduction (name, interesting factoid, etc.).

! (First Meeting) Discuss the schedule for the meet-ings. Provide participants an overview of what the next eight weeks will look like. If you plan to do any type of “social activities,” you might want to adver-tise that right off the bat, noting that while the cur-riculum runs for six weeks, there will be a seventh session dedicated to fellowship and some type of fun activity.

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! (First Meeting) Distribute materials to each par-ticipant. Briefly orient the participants to the book and study guide, explaining the 15-20 minute time commitment for each day. Encourage each person to engage fully in this journey—they will get out of it only as much as they invest. The purpose for the daily reinforcement activities is not to add busy work to their lives. This is actually a way to culti-vate a habit of Bible study and daily time pursuing God’s Presence, starting with just 15-20 minutes a day. Morning, evening, afternoon—when does not matter. The key is making the decision to engage.


Fifteen minutes is a solid time for a worship segment. That said, it all depends on the culture of your group. If everyone is OK with $" minutes of praise and worship, by all means, go for it.

For this curriculum, a worship segment is highly recom-mended as the foundation for solution-releasing intercession in the Presence of God. We discover God’s heart in His Pres-ence, and it is His heart that gives us insight into His desires.

If a group chooses to have a worship segment, often they decide to begin on the second week. It usually takes an intro-ductory meeting for everyone to become acquainted with one another and comfortable with their surroundings before they open up in worship.

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Overview of Meetings/Group Sessions

On the other hand, if the group members are already com-fortable with one another and they are ready to launch right into a time of worship, they should definitely begin during the first meeting.

While it has been unusual for Sunday school/church classes to engage worship in their sessions, it is actually a powerful way to prepare participants to receive the truth being shared in The Joy of Intercession sessions. In addition, pre-service worship (if the class is being held prior to a Sunday morning worship experience), actually stirs hunger in the participants for greater encounters, both corporately and congregationally, in God’s Presence.

If the class is held mid-week (or on a day when there is no church service going on), a praise and worship component is a wonderful way to refresh believers in God’s Presence as they are given the privilege of coming together, mid-week, and corporately experiencing His Presence in worship.


At this point, you will transition from either welcome or worship into a time of prayer.

Just like praise and worship, it is recommended that this initial time of prayer be ) to #" minutes in length; but if the group is made up of people who do not mind praying longer, it should not be discouraged. The key is stewarding everyone’s time well while maintaining focus on the most important things.

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This prayer time doubles as a “ministry time,” when believ-ers are encouraged to f low in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. After the door is opened through worship, the atmosphere is typically charged with God’s Presence. It is quite common for people to receive words of knowledge, words of wisdom, prophetic words, and for other manifestations of the Holy Spirit to take place (see # Cor. #!). This is a safe environment for people to “practice” these gifts, take risks, etc.


At this point, you will transition from prayer/ministry time to watching The Joy of Intercession DVD session.

Group leaders/class teachers: It is recommended that you have the DVD in the player and all ready to press “PLAY” on the appropriate session at the beginning of the meeting.


During this time, group members will fill in the blanks in their participant study guides. All of the information they need to complete this assignment will appear on-screen dur-ing the session. However, there may be additional information that appears on-screen that will not go in the “fill in the blank” section. This is simply for the viewers’ own notation.SESSION DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (20-30 MINUTES)

In the Leader’s Guide, each question looks like the follow-ing (see example from Week #):

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Overview of Meetings/Group Sessions

! What does the following statement mean to you? Intercession is birthed through intimacy with the Lord. • Ask for and listen to a few different answers. • Answer: We are equipped to pray and intercede

with confidence for people, places, and situ-ations when we know God’s heart concerning these matters. We “get” God’s heart when we spend time with Him.

! Read John 7:38. What does Beni mean when she talks about you being the “womb” of God? • “Innermost being” can be translated as “womb.” • Answer: We birth God’s plans and purpose into

the earth through intercession. It is like we are a spiritual womb that God “impregnates” with His divine purposes and gives birth to them through our intercession.

Some lessons will have more questions than others. Also, there might be some instances when you choose to cut out certain questions for the sake of time. This is entirely up to you; in a circumstance where the Holy Spirit is moving and appears to be focusing on some questions more than others, f low in sync with the Holy Spirit. He will not steer you wrong!

First, a question is presented. Typically, it leads with a Scripture verse (but not always). To engage group members,

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you can ask for volunteers to read the Scripture verse(s). As you ask the question in the group setting, encourage more than one person to provide an answer.

Second, you have been provided a sample answer that is a concise response to appropriately answer the question. This is a tool to help you navigate the conversation and ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to understanding the topic that the particular session covered. Be sure to study and review the answer so you are ready to respond to ques-tions and field the answers provided by the group members.

Third, there is a very intentional f low in the order of questions. The questions will usually start out by address-ing a problem, misconception, or false understanding, and are designed to take believers to a point of informationally addressing the problem, and then, taking action.

The problem with many curriculum studies is in the question/answer section. Participants may feel like the con-versation was lively, the dialogue insightful, and that the meeting was an overall success; but when all is said and done, the question, “What do I do next?” is not sufficiently answered.

This is why every discussion time will be followed with an activation segment.

ACTIVATE (5-15 MINUTES) ! Each activation segment should be 10 to 15 minutes

at the minimum, as this is the place where believers start putting to action what they just learned.

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Overview of Meetings/Group Sessions

! The activation segment is custom-tailored for the session covered.

! Even though every group member might not be able to participate in the activation exercise, it gives them a visual for what the expression of the concept they just learned about should look like.


After the activation exercise, there is a brief summary of the “Take Away” from that unique session. This is what the participants should walk away with from the sessions—knowing and applying.


Remind group members about daily exercises in the study guide. Encourage everyone to participate fully in this journey in order to get the most out of it. The daily exercises should not take more than #)-!" minutes, and they make a fantastic *"-day themed Bible study.

Be sure to let group members know if the meeting location will change or differ from week to week, or if there are any other pertinent announcements to your group/class. Weekly emails, Facebook updates, and text messages are great tools to communicate with your group. If your church has a database tool that allows for communication between small group/class leaders and members, that works exceptionally well.

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This is a good opportunity to ask for a volunteer to lead the closing prayer.

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Purchase additional resources—CDs, DVDs, digital down-loads, music—from Beni Johnson and the Bethel team at the online Bethel store. Visit for more informa-tion on Beni Johnson, to view her speaking itinerary, or to search for additional teaching resources. To order Bethel Church resources, visit

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