The Kindness Virus

Post on 29-Oct-2015

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What if we released a virus on purpose- a virus that spread KINDNESS?Could we create a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE of Kindness?What would happen if YOU were Patient Zero?


Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION:.............................................................................4DEDICATION....................................................................................5ACHOO!.............................................................................................6PATIENT ZERO................................................................................8SPREADING THE VIRUS................................................................9KINDNESS.......................................................................................10CATCH IT!.......................................................................................11SPREAD IT!.....................................................................................12 Can I Ask A Favor?.........................................................................18Also...................................................................................................19

(Photo by Maja Majika)


“For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For

lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure,

share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a

child run his or her fingers through it once a day. For

poise, walk with the knowledge that you'll never walk


-Sam Levenson

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never

know how soon it will be too late.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson


To Lauren Murphy, we hope you get better soon,

and we look forward to drinking, dancing, and laughing

with you again!

Bones & Laura Rodriguez, Rick, Jeff,

and The Gang at Soho Experiential


Get away! That person didn't sneeze into their elbow

like they were supposed to! That means the sickness will

spread- because it's a virus! A virus- one of the scariest

things on the news: The Bird-Flu, The Swine Flu, SARS,

whatever. VIRUS!

A virus spreads from person to person, and infects

whoever catches it. The person might get symptoms

immediately, or the virus may germinate for days or weeks

before the symptoms appear... but they will appear!

I'm a big Star trek fan, and in Star Trek, all viruses

happen FAST- I mean, they gotta catch it, learn about it,

and cure it all within 40 minutes!

If you watch the latest ZOMBIE movies, a zombie

virus can spread through an entire city, state, and country

within an hour or two!

And usually, it's because of some terrible accident

that went WRONG...

But what if we released a virus on purpose- a

virus that spread KINDNESS?

A virus that made people nice.

A virus that made people thoughtful.

A virus people enjoyed catching and spreading?

Wouldn't that be GREAT?


The thing is- a virus always has to start someplace,

and with someone:

“Patient Zero.”

Someone has to be the first person infected, and the

first one has to spread it to others. Without Patient Zero,

the virus never even gets started.

But what if we could control who Patient Zero is?

What if it were an easy thing to become?

What if YOU could just choose to start the virus?

Wouldn't that be COOL?


In a pandemic virus movie, or in a zombie movie,

the spreading is hard to stop. Once the virus is loosened,

the heroes have to work together against the clock to save

the human race before the virus spreads too far.

But what if we were trying to spread the virus?

What if the virus died without our help to spread?

What if the heroes infected people on purpose?

Wouldn't that be WEIRD?


Kindness is defined as:

“The quality of being friendly, generous, and

considerate.” also “An instance of kind behavior”.

What if we spread KINDNESS like a virus?

What if we could catch “Friendliness” from others?

What if we came down with the “Considerates”

How would that affect your life, and the world?

Can you imagine it? How would that feel?

Wouldn't you like to be a HERO in that story?

ME TOO!! Let's see how we can do that...


I've got an idea- let's play a game of “tag”, where

you start out as “It” and spread the “Kindness Virus” to

people all throughout the day.


You wake up, and choose to be “Patient Zero” for

the day. You look at yourself in the mirror, and you choose

to see the symptoms:

Your eyes are wide open

Your mouth is curled up at the corners

Your teeth are showing

And you have a pathological need to be

“Friendly, Generous, and Considerate”


Like a generous zombie with a mindless,

compulsive instinct, you instantly do something nice for

the first person you see!

You flash a big smile and a “Good morning!”

You attack them with a hug!

You pucker your lips, and give them a Huge


Maybe that's too much, and maybe you're scared

your infection will kill them if they get too much at once,

so you give them a smaller dose:

You bring someone coffee!

You buy them flowers!

You pay the toll for the person behind you!

You pass out dollar-bills in the street!

But that's just the beginning of your infection.

As the HERO of this pandemic disaster movie, not

only are you Patient Zero, but you're also the LEADER of

your pack of “Kindness Virus Zombies”!

First YOU do something nice for someone, and then

that person (unbeknownst to them), is infected with good

feelings... but it may not be enough to spread the virus.

They may be immune; maybe they developed a

resistance to it because of how lousy their attitude is.

Perhaps they're in so much denial that it even happened,

that they locked themselves up in a restaurant with a

shotgun and ammunition to isolate themselves from the

sickness... but we'll get them eventually.

Because you have continued to infect more people

with your Kindness Virus, and some of them will be

extremely susceptible.

The virus will multiply in their system, and before

they realize it, they will feel COMPELLED to do

something “kind” for someone else:

They might hold a door open

They might carry someone's bags

They might let them cut in line

Who knows what kind of madness you will have


And then it spreads... person to person... neighbor to

neighbor, parent to child... child to sibling!

Yes! That's how insidious the Kindness Virus is- it

might even affect THE CHILDREN!

And sooner or later, the infection comes back

around to you... but it's stronger.

It has mutated!

What started out as a simple act of Kindness has

traveled the world and gone from host body to host body

until it grows and becomes marches in the streets for the

equality among all types of people.

Until it becomes a movement to feed the poor and

heal the sick.

Until it becomes a new view on life as we finally

recognize the truth:

That we are all ONE:

Created by each other, for each other,

and we are all part of each other.

Soon, the Kindness Virus takes over the world, the

Galaxy, and the Universe until we look back, and see that

the Kindness Virus is where we all came from, where we

all started, and where we will all end up.

The Kindness Virus is a Living Thing, and we are

all an integral part of it's life and it's growth.

And it can start with a small, unlikely, and

seemingly insignificant part of it all....


Thank You For Your Kindness!

Can I Ask A Favor?

Recently, a friend of mine suffered a horrific tragedy when she was hit by a car. After almost a month in a very unstable coma, she awoke with terrible brain damage, and her family is trying very hard to help her recover her old life back. Obviously, this is very difficult.

She could use some kindness and some support, so I'm hoping you'll help her recover:


As you know, many people look at the reviews on Amazon before they decide to get something. I'm hoping you'll please do me a KINDNESS and leave a positive review for this short report?

You can do that here: CLICK HERE PLEASE

60 seconds is all I’m asking for, it might help someone else, and it would mean the world to me:

Thank you so much!

I hope you enjoyed reading this report, and want to spread more kindness in your life.

If you'd like to start your own “Kindness Virus”, or

help us spread good vibes through the world, visit:

(Coach Code: Bones)

Please feel free to email me and let me know how you enjoyed this short report! I look forward to meeting you either in person, by phone, online- or by whatever the heck they come up with next!

Let Your Light So Shine Before Men-

P.S.- Please, if you found ANY value in this report, please share it with your friends, family and social network.

P.P.S.- Don't forget to visit:

and donate to help Lauren!