The King's Herald

Post on 02-Apr-2022

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FACEBOOK LIVE PRELUDE Join us before worship every week on Facebook Live. This is an opportunity for people worshipping away from the physical CTK campus to connect with some of those who are in person on campus. Go to the church’s Facebook page about 8:45am on Sundays.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING - OCTOBER 24th, 10:00am On Sunday, October 24, 2021 at 10:00am, the Congregational Meeting of Christ the King Lutheran Church will be held for the purpose of approving the 2022 budget. You can attend the meeting in person (in the sanctuary) or via Zoom. We will email the zoom link the week before the meeting. Printed copies of the budget will be available at church a couple weeks before the meeting. If you would like a copy mailed or emailed to you, please contact the church office.

O C T O B E R 2 0 2 1

The King 's Herald C h r i s t t h e K i n g

L u t h e r a n C h u r c h Universal City, Texas

BABY STEPS IN WORSHIP We are making some small steps forward in our worship practices - about which we are excited. Assistive listening devices are available again for anyone who would like to use them. They can be found on the usher’s table in the church lobby. While we are still asking everyone to be masked, it is allowing us to begin singing again. At this point, we are only singing (as a congregation) on the closing song. (But, hopefully, we will all be singing all the songs again soon.) As you arrive for worship, please move to the center of the pews (as you are able) to allow others arriving after you easier access to seating.

WORSHIP SERVICE RECORDING DELAY If you’ve tried to watch the recorded worship service right away after the worship service ends and you encounter difficulties or can’t find it, that is because there is a delay in uploading it to the web. Come back later and try again and it should be there. Our apologies for any inconvenience. But - we are delighted to offer this possibility for people to worship at any time that works for their schedules.

PRAYER REQUESTS We have created another way for you to submit prayer requests. You can use a prayer request form (available in the weekly worship bulletin and also on the credenza in the church lobby) to ask for prayers. If you would like a prayer petition/request to be included in the Prayers of the People during worship, complete a form and give to an usher before the sermon, so that they can pass it along to the liturgist. The form also has spots for indicating which avenue (worship, bulletin, email prayer chain) you would like used to pass along the request to others (or if for staff only).

THANK YOU FOR YOUR FAITH IN ACTION! Thank you for all the things you do to care for one another – the moments of grace and patience extended to loved ones and strangers, the phone calls and little notes sent to check in on friends and family. Thank you for helping here at church, in your neighborhoods and in your communities! YOUR actions of faith make a big difference in the lives of others. As author Louise Penny has said, “The world is brighter for your presence.”

Every year, the ELCA shares “Stories of Faith in Action”. Therein, they tell stories of different ministries and communities that are making a difference. They do so to help share how some mission support donations are used. ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton starts the publication off by sharing how Philip, Andrew and the disciples see scarcity in the story of the Feeding of the 5,000. She writes, “As we consider the last year and our current reality navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, we in the church might be tempted to view our situation as Philip or Andrew might. We could wring our hands and say we’re low on funds, or look at our resources and complain they’re not enough. Yet, looking at the stories that came out of 2020, I see evidence of God’s miracles. The disciples in John’s Gospel approach ministry challenges with a scarcity mindset. Jesus shows us a different way: trusting in God’s awesome abundance.”

1 And so over the next few months, we want to share with

you some of these “Stories of Faith in Action”. “Jesús Escamilla knows the power of relationships. Over 15 years, he’s seen God provide for his congregation through faithful partners across the church and within his community. “What God wants, if you believe and trust in how he wants to do it, it will get done,” said the pastor of San Gabriel Lutheran Church in Alvarado, Texas.

Escamilla came to San Gabriel in 2006, when future congregants were holding Bible studies weekly in worshipers’ homes. To worship, they drove more than 30 miles north to San Miguel Lutheran Church in Fort Worth. He joined the Bible studies, then became the faith community’s official worship leader a year later, ministering in homes for both Bible study and worship. In time, the growing faith community needed a building in Alvarado. A deal with a local supporter allowed the congregation to begin renting a plot of land, where it worshiped outdoors and eventually built makeshift indoor worship space. “Everyone was dusty, but they didn’t care because they had a place to worship — their own place,” Escamilla said. Over time, partnerships with local congregations allowed San Gabriel to build a permanent church. Gifts from other Lutheran churches allowed them to put in flooring and pews and later, to take own-ership of their land. Since then, the church has grown, adding a fellowship hall that serves as a community hub for the area’s largely Mexican immigrant population. But like so many congregations, San Gabriel struggled to maintain a sense of community during the worst days of the COVID-19 pandemic. The church closed and pivoted to virtual worship on Zoom and Facebook, with Escamilla, lay leaders and a small contingent of choir members recording services in person at the church. Escamilla believes that San Gabriel has been built up by the generosity of others — church members, nearby ELCA congregations and, through Mission Support funds. “It’s been a conjunction of [congregations] working together to help a community that was struggling,” he said. “We have this wonderful community that is working together to work with what the Lord wants us to do.””


1 - Reprinted with permission © 2021 ELCA • •

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HUGE thank you’s continue to everyone who has helped prepare and implement our worship services during September: Cindy Bonaccorsi, Joy Brown, Jan Dunevant, Jamie Dunevant, Leonard Geyer, Kathy Hanley, Bruce Lemire, Lisa Lopez, Ray Lopez, Joyce Lucas, Martha McIntyre, Carol McClelland, Don Vogt, and Tim Walters.

Also, a SPECIAL thank you to Ryan Agrella, Dale Meyers, Johan Rakotoniaina and Sally Walters for managing the sound, to Vanessa Jackson and Sally Walters for music, to Ryan Agrella, Dale Meyers, and Mariesa Robbins for live streaming the services, to Will Jackson for putting out signs and helping Ryan with sound set up, and to Al Boos, Cindy Bonaccorsi, Jan Dunevant, Barbara Kovacich, Dennis Marthiljohni, Patsy Meyers, Dinah Ryson, Paula Schlein, and Margaret Vogt for leading worship hymns at morning worship.


UNENDING THANKS … Joy Brown, Dinah Ryson, Glen Anderson, Jill Schulz, Leonard Geyer,

Cindy Hatzel, Susan Abbey, and Lisa Lopez for counting the offering in September. Lisa Lopez, Lana Marthiljohni, Kathy Staley, and Rich Patterson for serving as Liturgists in September Justin Craig, Cindy Patterson, Kathy Staley, and Margaret Vogt for serving as readers in September Altar Guild members Katharine Barden, Chloe Barden, Linda Dowda, and Ann Krahn Don Vogt for working in the yard and plant care Kathy Hanley for organizing and updating procedures for the Prayer Shawl ministry Alex Compton to helping upgrade the church’s internet in all buildings.

Let us know if you know of someone who has gifted CTK with a “secret” stewardship ministry. Although one may do it quietly, we would like to say “thank you”. And, if you have “secretly” accomplished a ministry task for CTK, we thank you!

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Do you like the beautiful flowers on the altar? How about the color bulletin covers? One of the ways to support the church finances and help beautify our worship service is to donate money to pay for these items, which can also be offered in memory or in honor of someone or something special in your life. The sign ups for both of these can be found on the usher’s table in the lobby or you can call the church office. Thank you!


Items Needed: Tomato Products (paste, diced, sauce), Jello, Travel-size and full-size shampoo, Dry Beans, Rice, Jelly.

Is your harvest too big for you? Do you have fruits or vegetables you would like to share with RACAP clients? Please feel free to donate any surplus fruits or vegetables you might grow to RACAP and we will include them in our grocery orders. We are available for donation drop off Monday thru Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Thanks for caring! We grow in many ways when we move outside our comfort zone. When one loses almost everything in a house fire, one is “kicked out” of their comfort zone. That happened to me on the Sunday afternoon of August 29

th. The outpouring of your caring, loving concern has supported me more than

I have words to express. The following words from QuotesGram comes very close to what I feel in my heart.

THANK YOU FOR CARING: When someone takes the time to listen,

When someone reaches out, When someone does a thoughtful thing

That makes you warm throughout.

When someone lends a helping hand, Finds ways in which to share,

When someone makes you feel secure By always being there.

When someone senses there are times When you have special needs,

When someone gives you inner strength, Through words as well as deeds.

When someone seems to take an interest In just how you are faring,

It’s time to tell that special someone Thanks so much for caring!

With a grateful heart, Joyce Lucas

Help RACAP fill their Thanksgiving and Christmas meal baskets Fall is in the air, and we all have so much to be thankful for. As we begin thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas, and the many activities families will be planning, please remember those who may not be able to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with friends and family. Food may be dropped off at the church office during normal hours (8am to 2pm) starting Monday, October 4th. Outreach will deliver food to the pantry weekly through Monday, November 1

st. Also, you do

not need to purchase all the items listed below: Flour Granulated Sugar (4 lb bag) Brown Sugar (1lb) Evaporated Milk Stuffing Mix (Stove Top Boxed) Canned Pumpkin Yams Fruit Cocktail Cranberry Sauce Chicken

If you don’t have to time shop, donated funds will be used to purchase turkeys and perishable items for the baskets. If there is a family in the church who may need assistance during the holidays, please visit RACAP’s website at to submit a Thanksgiving application by October 29

th and no later than November 18 to submit a Christmas only application.

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October 3 - Liturgist - Katharine Barden; Reader - Chloe Barden

October 10 - Liturgist - Lisa Lopez; Reader - Kathy Staley

October 17 - Liturgist - Cindy Bonaccorsi; Reader - Rich Patterson

October 24 – Liturgist - Rich Patterson; Reader - Cindy Patterson

October 31 - Liturgist - Al Boos; Reader - Maggie Boos

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FINANCIAL UPDATE We realize this has been a financially difficult year for many and like you, we have limited our expenses. Even so, we’re facing a fairly significant deficit for the budget this year and we need to increase our income. At the end of August, our total income (for the year) was $204,275 and our total expenses were $224,167. The church council is asking you to prayerfully consider increasing your giving, as you are able. Every little bit helps as we continue to make a difference in our community, “serving neighbors near and far”. Thank you!

Stewardship Message

Everyone is called to be a steward. We are co-workers with God.

The word stewardship is a strange word, with a fascinating story behind it. It is an important word that we need to know. A steward in the New Testament is a hired man, servant or manager whom the master trusts to run his household.

Jesus commented that a servant does not know what his master does. Conversely, a steward does know about the master’s affairs. There is a close trusted relationship between a steward and his master. However, Jesus taught that our relationship with God is even closer. We are children of God. We are not hired servants but sons and daughters making decisions in partnership with God.

As children of God and as members of God’s family, we can also help make important decisions with our Heavenly Father, within the larger family circle of believers. We are co-workers with God. He remains God and we remain His people; we are in no sense His equal. He calls us to be stewards and to share with Him in the life and activities of His kingdom as followers of Jesus Christ.

In closing, let me share a story. A farmer vowed to give God one of two calves his cow delivered, and his wife asked, “Which calf is God’s?” He said “It doesn’t matter. I will give the Lord one when they are grown.” A few weeks later, he came into the house looking very sad. “What’s wrong?” asked his wife. He replied, “The Lord’s calf died last night.”

We may smile at that story, but it illustrates a typical attitude. Rather than facing the fact that God owns everything, we often see all we have as ours and give God what’s left over, if anything.

Giving is not returning a portion of our resources to God—it is acknowledging His ownership of all we have and are! So let us continue to serve neighbors near and far, and grow disciples for Christ.

Bill Maddox

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CTK PRAY GROUND WISH LIST We still have items on our wish list!! The Pray Ground can still use your help. We have a number of children using the Pray Ground and enjoying it because they see what is happening up front while they are learning using the supplies found therein. We have heard from parents how their kids love it and are listening to the worship ser-vice, even while engaged in other activities.

To make this ministry a true triumph and bring the best experience to our children, we want to ask for your help in purchasing items for our Pray Ground. We have created a shopping list on Amazon (think of it like for a wedding registry or baby shower). The items selected support fine motor skills, improve language and brain development, and build early math skills. If you have a suggestion, please contact Katharine Barden.

To buy an item for the Pray Ground, you can follow the QR code on your smart phone or this link ( to the Amazon site, find something and then purchase it (shipped directly to church OR to your home and you can then deliver to church). But, if you would like to make a monetary donation instead to help purchase items, designate it “Pray Ground” on your offering. Thank you for supporting this ministry and our vision!


Please join us for Friday Night Fellowship at Chester’s Hamburgers, 621 Pat Booker Road, Universal City, Texas, on Friday, October 22, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. Please con-tact me by calling me (number and email are in the church directory) or call Margaret in the church office at 210-658-2254 or sign up at so we know how many reservations to make. Thanks!


Susan Abbey

Trunk of Treat

Saturday October 30 from 4:30—6:00PM

We will have everyone mask and be safe outdoors again to pass out

candy this year. We will gather cars at 4:30 and get in place. At 4:45,

kids and parents will begin walking through. At 5:30, we will have a

Drive Thru option for those who would like their kids to drive thru the

Trunk or Treat for the evening.

What can you do to help?? We need candy, people to help walk

through and volunteer in the parking lot, we would love to have at least

25 cars filling the parking lot for the evening. If you have any other

ideas to make this evening an awesome success, please call Mariesa

to help out.

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This month youth will meet on October 6 and October 20 from 6:30—8:00 Pm for Youth Faith and Fun Night. Join with us to learn a bit, play a bit and eat a bit. Bring friends and let’s grow in our faith. This is open to all those in 6th grade through high school.

Do you like to play with fire?? (did I catch your

attention? )

Do you like to serve in worship in a really amazing and

meaningful way? Talk to Mariesa about how you can be

trained as an acolyte soon to be added to the acolyte list.

On October 3, the youth will begin collecting items for the Universal City Animal

Shelter in honor of St. Francis of Assisi Day. Please consider bringing the following

items to help us out. Purina Kitten Chow (dry food), Canned Kitten Food, Original

Purina Food, Cat Toys/ Dog Toys (Kongs), Cat/Kitten/Puppy/Dog Collars, Dog

Leashes (all sizes, Cat and dog treats, Dog and cat bedding, dog poop bags and

plastic shopping bags, old bath towels, hand towels, wash cloths and small blankets,,

cleaning supplies (including paper towels, glass cleaner, bleach liquid laundry soap

and trash bags).

We will gather these items through the first 2 weeks of October in the Narthex. Thank

you for your help with our furry friends.

Middle School / High School Sunday School meets after church each Sunday!!!

Join us from 10:00 am—11:00 am. We learn through games and different

activities about different Bible Stories. Come creatively find your way through

different stories in the Bible and see what new things you might discover (or get

poured on your head).

High School Youth and Parents watch your mailboxes this next week for all the

information you have been waiting on. Registration information, full money info,

ways to save money and more. ALSO, I have an idea of a way to raise a big

chunk of that money and we can have some fun doing it!!

Family Fall Paint Art Night October 23 5pm, Building 3

Bring your family out together to paint a pumpkin, paint a canvas

painting, work on scrapbook pages with available scrapbook material

or just come visit and have fellowship. There will be snacks and

bottles of water and drinks available. The evening will be $5 per

person or $10 per family.

1st through 6th grade Late Night Movie Night October 9 from 5pm-9pm

Join us for pizza, movies and popcorn and games too!! Bring friends too!!

Cost for evening is $5.

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LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF QUILT SUNDAY AND SHIPPING FUND The LWR Ingathering for this year is scheduled for November 5th & 6th. We won’t have many, but what quilts we have will be on display and dedicated on October 24th.

Each year LWR spends around $1.3 million to ship guilts and kits around the world. You can help ship the items donated by Christ the King. Estimated shipping cost for our items is about $350.00. You can make your check payable to Christ the King and indicate “LWR Shipping Fund” on your envelope. Please donate no later than October 24th.

Thank you to everyone who donated to the school kits. We had 73 total! We also have 25 baby care kits, 62 personal care kits, and 5 fabric kits.

Questions or comments? Call Erika Robeson (number in church directory)

PROJECT RADICAL HOSPITALITY– The Southwestern Texas Synod Women of the ELCA are embarking on a leap of faith to actively serve

our neighbor. Right now, that means sponsoring a documented asylum seeker who needs support while navigating the legal immigration process. Did you know—a legal immigrant/asylum seeker might have to wait up to a year to be able to get a work permit to be able to support themselves. And they’ve already demonstrated a probable risk of persecution to get to this point. To provide a safe and stable home, we are partnering with Amazing Grace Lutheran in San Antonio to build a home! In addition to financial support big or small, we also have a Wishlist of items to set up Hospitality House to welcome our first guest, a woman fleeing violence and with specialized medical needs.

How can YOU help? Email for project updates and to pledge financial support or mail checks to SWT WELCA % Cindy Hilliard (call Margaret in the office for more info on the address) Paypal payments may be made to Walmart Gift Cards may be mailed to Randa Bruce (Call Margaret in the office for info on the address)

Upcoming Events: October 10th - Thankoffering Service October 25th - General Meeting at 6:45 pm in the Fellowship Hall. There will be an option to attend via Zoom for those that cannot attend in person November 5th & 6th - Lutheran World Relief Ingathering at St. John Lutheran Church, Marion, TX

Carmen Hawkins, President

NEW ADDRESS - Don & Joyce Nellermoe We moved into our new home, INDEPENDENT LIVING, on September 7, 2021. Call the church office for the new address and email address or it is in the directory. Our phone number will be given upon request by email. Bless y’all, we miss you. Don and Joyce

FREE COVID TESTING North Texas Clinic and Rehab will begin Free Covid testing this week in the front of our parking lot, open to the community. No one will be turned away who needs to be tested for COVID. They will be here during the day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and Saturdays from 8—2:30. They will

also be here in the evenings Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 5—7:30pm. There will also be opportunities at other times to get testing as church members, if needed. Notify Mariesa if you need a test and the staff are not there.

ADULT FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNITIES Adult faith formation is just as important as when we were children. Therefore, we have a number of opportunities here at Christ the King for you to get involved. These are open to everyone! So come join the discussion of your choice and bring a friend!

Watch for details about new options that may be coming soon!

Where Mom’s Connect - Sundays, 8:00am Beginning August 29th, we will resume meeting (but at a new time) in person while also offering online connection options(see Facebook page for link). We’re starting “Households of Faith.” It’s a 4 week study from Lutheran Hour Ministries about fostering a spiritually vibrant household. Each week, we will watch a 15-20 minute video together followed by discussion on the topic.

We will temporarily be meeting in the Disciples’ Room (aka choir room) so we can offer a better connection for our online participants. During this period (when we only have one worship service), we will meet at the same time as the young children’s Sunday School (8-8:45am). Call Sheri or Maggie if you have any questions.

Sundays at 10:30 am – via Zoom You’re invited join us at 10:30am on Sundays for Bible study, using Zoom. We are currently discussing a video study from Lutheran Hour Ministries called “How We Got the Bible”. Please contact Thomas Hawkins for details if you are interested in joining us (number in directory)

You may remember hearing about the Reverend Charles Moore, a Methodist minister, who took his life in Grand Saline, TX mid 2014 by setting himself on fire. But do you know the whole story? To learn more, watch the PBS “Man on Fire”,

Wednesday morning with Pr Mike at 10:30am We are studying the book of Isaiah. We meet in person in the Disciples’ room and offer the online Zoom option as well. Everyone is welcome to join us and enjoy the informative con-versations. We will NOT meet on October 6th.


Articles for the November 2021 newsletter are due NO LATER THAN the 20th of October and may be sent to Margaret Vogt at or brought to the church office.

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Gene Bielke Sherry Bielke Fran Bitney Aina Blake Carol DeNoble Bill Klipsch

Ellen Mayclin Judy McCort Betsy Reid Jill Schulz DJ Schultz Kent Schultz

Philip Seaman Henry Serry Marion Weishaar Dawn Young

Dawson Felsinger 1 Raven Taylor 3 Sally Walters 3 Ann Faulkner 4 Madilynn Sauseda 4

Laila Roehrig 5 Lola Roehrig 5 Rus Christiansen 9 Gene Bielke 14 Lisa Carlson 14

Annette Gohlke 17 Anna Harman 19 Will Jackson 19 Sissie Mirhashemi 19 Trudy Seaman 19 Mary Donlea 26

FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF CTK: Ava Anderson, granddaughter of Glen & Alfrieda Anderson Judy Babcock, Jan Lindorfer’s friend Kimberly Bomer, daughter of Billie Gruenewald Bubba Copley, great nephew of Dana Abbey Martha Dingey, friend of Marion Weishaar Jacque Donaldson, friend of Cindy Patterson Joe Dougherty, friend of Dinah Ryson Lauren Doyle, Jan Lindorfer’s friend Aletheia Dueck & babies, niece of Jill Schulz Dave Goss, Rob Robeson’s friend Mike Hartfiel, friend of Pastor Mike Rodney Hoepken, Susan Abbey’s cousin Carole Johnson, friend of Marion Weishaar Betty Ann Jones, Kathy S & Barbara Kovacich’s cousin Carolyn Sue Kelly, friend of Kathy Hanley June Kerkow, friend of Betsy Reid Debbie Kittridge, sister of Cindy Bonaccorsi Gene Kraemer, Marion Weishaar’s brother Patty Landacre, friend of Kathy Hanley

Madison Landavazo, Mariesa Robbin’s niece Scott Mayclin, nephew of Toni Hollinbeck Carlton & Anna Moy, Kathy Hanley’s friends Donna Pichelmann, Kathy Hanley’s mother Elizabeth Poe, John Poe’s mother Janet Ramirez, friend of Aileen Zittle Randy Smith II, friend of Richard & Marilyn Groomes Don Stout, Marge Stout’s son Glenn Uecker, cousin of Barbara Kovacich & Kathy Staley Glynis Uecker, cousin of Barbara Kovacich & Kathy Staley Linda Weishaar, sister-in-law of Marion Weishaar James Wieshaar, son of Marion Weishaar Keith Whitaker, brother-in-law of Edward & Pearl Sauseda Shelly Wolff & Family, Patricia Wolff’s family Steve R. Wolff, Patricia Wolff’s family Clay Wright, Dinah Ryson’s friend’s brother-in-law Jennifer Zahradnick, Mariesa’s friend’s mother

We remember in prayer: THOSE WITH HEALTH CONCERNS:

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THOSE IN CARE FACILITIES: Anna Harman Fred Hermann John Widner


OCTOBER ANNIVERSDARYS Richard & Becky Cabacungan 1 Terry & Andrea Hale 26 Dale & Patsy Meyers 15 Ralph & Kaitlyn Espinoza 29 Tim & Sally Walters 15

OCTOBER 2021 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



3 Green

8:00 Faith Formation

9:00 Worship

10:00 Middle/High Faith


10:00 Confirmation

10:30 Adult Bible Study by


8:00 Phoenix NA, Bldg 3

4 Pastor’s/

Mariesa’s Day Off

1:00 Book Club,

Disciples’ Room

6:00 Book Club at

Patsy Meyers’

6:30 Boy Scouts,

Bldg 2


8:30 Star


Bldg 1, 2 & 3


6:30 Choir Ensemble,


7:30 Worship Band,


6:30 Youth Faith

Night, Building 3





Room &


7:00 Hermann

Sons, Bldg 2



5pm Late Night

Movie Night



10 Green

8:00 Faith Formation

9:00 Thankoffering Svc

10:00 Middle/High Faith


10:30 Adult Bible Study

8:00 Phoenix NA, Bldg 3

11 Mariesa’s Day


6:30 Boy Scouts,

Bldg 2


8:30 Star

Academy, Bldg

1, 2 & 3

6:30 Worship

Committee by



TBD Bible Study,

Disciples’ Room & by


1:00 LWR Quilting,

Bldg 3

6:30 Choir Ensemble,


7:30 Worship Band,






Room &


7:00 DAV/

DAVA, Bldg 3









Retreat, Camp


17 Green

Women’s Retreat Ends

8:00 Faith Formation

9:00 Worship

10:00 Middle/High Faith


10:30 Adult Bible Study by


8:00 Phoenix NA, Bldg 3

18 Pastor’s/

Mariesa’s Day Off

6:30 Boy Scouts,

Bldg 2


8:30 Star

Academy, Bldg

1, 2 & 3

20 7:30 Men’s Group,

Los Arcos

10:30 Bible Study,

Disciples Room & by


6:30 Choir Ensemble,


7:30 Worship Band,


6:30 Youth Faith

Night, Building 3





Room &










5:00 Fall

Family Paint

Night, Building


24 Green

8:00 Faith Formation

9:00 Worship

10:00 Congregational

Meeting, Sanctuary & by


8:00 Phoenix NA, Bldg 3

25 Pastor’s/

Mariesa’s Day Off

6:30 Boy Scouts,

Bldg 3

6:45 WELCA

Quarterly Mtg, Bldg



8:30 Star

Academy, Bldg

1, 2 & 3

6:30 Council,

Disciples’ Room


10:30 Bible Study,

Disciples Room & by


1:00 LWR Quilting,

Bldg 3

6:30 Choir Ensemble,


7:30 Worship Band,






Room &




4:30 Trunk or


31 Reformation Red

8:00 Faith Formation

9:00 Worship & Rite of


10:00 Breakfast

10:30 Bible Study

8:00 Phoenix NA, Bldg 3

No Cost COVID Testing in Parking Lot

Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat 8am—2:30pm

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 5—7:30 PM

Pastor Mike Vacation October 6—October 12

Pastor Mike Vacation October 6—October 12

Christ the King Lutheran Church

1129 Pat Booker Road

Universal City, TX 78148

(210) 658-2254

Office email:

Staff, Church Council and Ministry Team Leaders

Staff Pastor .................................... The Rev. Mike Widner Director of Youth Ministries / Parish Administrator .................... Mariesa Robbins Administrative Assistant ...................... Margaret Vogt Organist ............................................... Carol Bearce Pianist/Choir Accompanist ............. Vanessa Jackson Choir / Handbell / & Worship Band Director ...................... Sally Walters Media Specialist ..................................... Ryan Agrella Nursery ................................................. Melanie Vogt Custodians ..... Reinaldo & Irene Diaz Bookkeeper................................. Suzanne Schroeder Financial Secretary .............................. Leona Hietala Treasurer ............................................... Dale Meyers

Church Council President ............................................... Kathy Staley Education/Faith Formation ........................ Sheri Boos Evangelism ..................................... Carol McClelland Fellowship/Secretary ............................. Susan Abbey Finance ................................................. Tyler Wilburn Mutual Ministry ........................ Dinah Halopka-Ryson Outreach .............................................. Leona Hietala Property, Building, & Grounds ......... Edward Sauseda Worship/Vice-President ......................... Joyce Lucas Worship .............................................. Rich Patterson

Ministry Team Leaders Fellowship Ministries Bunco ...................................................... Lisa Lopez Dominoes ........................................... Leona Hietala

Education / Faith Formation Ministries Sunday School Superintendent Disciples Room Adult Bible Study ... Thomas Hawkins Soulful Conversations ........................... Joyce Lucas Via de Cristo Reunion Group ................ Dinah Ryson Where Mom’s Connect .... Maggie Boos / Sheri Boos

All Other Ministries Men’s Group ................................................Don Vogt Women of the ELCA ....................... Carmen Hawkins LWR Kits/Quilts ................................ Erika Robeson Prayer Shawls…………………………..Kathy Hanley Bereavement ............................... Barbara Kovacich

Stewardship Committee Mission Endowment Fund Cmte ..... Marilyn Groomes



Print date: 9/29/2021