The KSP News - 2014 newsletter.pdf · poets:...

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JULY 2014 The KSP News E s t a b l i s h e d 1 9 8 5

Upcoming Event

Make Your Own E-Book

A full day creation class

LIMITED TO 10 PLACES Saturday 26 July, 9.30 – 4.00pm

KSP Writers’ Centre, 11 Old York Road, Greenmount

Advance bookings essential.

Produce a finished product * Design it the way YOU want

Gain practical new skills & insights into the online publishing industry

Learn about modern publishing techniques & social media strategies

Formulate a specialised plan to successfully market & sell your book

Become a published author & keep all the profits for yourself!


Suitable for: Writers of all genres - Writers with any length of polished work

Publication of a short work collection, novella or novel-length manuscript

The day will include breaks for lunch and tea.

Beverages and bikkies provided.

Bring lunch, water, notebook, laptop, charger and USB.

$80 KSP members, $120 public.



Booking in advance is essential for all workshops and events.

Please see the KSP website for payment details.

9294 1872 /



with former Established



4 weeks from Mon 4 August

$100 members, $150 others

This online poetry course for

advanced poets will inspire and

instruct you in the practical

application of four poetic

forms, enjoying a renaissance

in the work of contemporary

poets: villanelles, sestinas,

sonnets and pantoums.

Each week you will be engaged

in readings on the selected

form, and join in with lively

discussions with the group.

Your set ‘poetry homework’

for the week will be critiqued

in a private online session with

Judy only, where you will

receive personal feedback.

Visit the website for a full

outline and Judy’s biography.




Saturday 15 Nov, 1.00pm-4.00pm

Thanks to everyone who entered

the Member’s Choice Workshop

vote. And the winner is…


KSP is now organising a theme and

facilitator for Your Workshop!

How to Write a Short Story

written by Established Writer-in-Residence Paddy O’Reilly


A person

Another person or more people

A place


Take the first person, gender her, name her, crack her, separate the body from the soul and set body aside. Place Meg’s soul in a bowl and whisk to a soft peak.

Put the remaining people into the place. Name the people and the place. Leave Tanya, Laird and Pauli to marinate in the Fitzroy sharehouse for at least a week.

Preheat the situation to at least 220 degrees, or 200 if fan-forced.

Fold Meg’s soul back into her body, making sure not to overbeat or the air will go out of her and she will be flat.

Transfer Tanya, Laird and Pauli into a large bowl. Beat well. Add Meg slowly, stirring after each addition.

Grease the sharehouse. Pour everyone into the house and place in the superheated situation. Cook for 2500 words.

Test whether the story is done by inserting a reader. If the reader comes out clean, the story is done. If the reader comes out sticky, place the story back into the situation for another 500 words.

When cooked, remove the story from the situation, turn onto a piece of paper and allow to cool.

Serve with a title and bio. For a special occasion, sift a few asterisks in Copperplate Bold over the transitions.

First published in New Australian Writing, Scribe Publishing





Val Vallis Poetry Award

Closes 10 July 2014

Details here

WAPI Song Lyric Contest

Closes 13 July 2014

Details here

AlburyCity Short Story Award

Closes date 16 July 2014

Details here

Yarram Writing Competition

Closes 21 July 2014

Details here

Henry Handel Richardson

Society Competition

Closes 31 July 2014

Details here

Best Australian Poems 2014

Closes 1 August 2014

Details here

TGJL Literary Award for Prose

Entries close 1 August 2014

Details here

Clare Writer’s Festival


Applications by 15 August

Details here

WAPI Poetry d’ Amour Contest

Closes 22 August

Details here

Prayers of a Secular World

Poetry Collection, closes 29 Aug

Details here

Aesthetica Writing Comp

Closes 31 August 2014

Details here

Anthology of Loss

Closes 1 September 2014

Details here

Janice M Bostok Haiku Award

Closes 1 September 2014

Details here

UBUD Writer’s Festival

1 –5 October Details here

Page 3

2014 Thawley Prize

Closes 31 October 2014

Details here

Odyssey House Victoria

4th Short Story Competition

Closes 31 October

Details here

Freefall Writing Retreat

October and November

Details here

The Write Week!

Clare Writer’s Festival

24- 30 November Details here

UWRF cruise with guest

authors Amitav Ghosh and

Deborah Baker Details here

The Digital Edition

Call for submissions, non-

fiction and poetry Details here



Jackson for winning

First Place in the Ethel

Web Bundell Literary

Awards (poetry).

Jen Banyard for

having Riddle Gully

Runaway accepted for

publication with

Fremantle Press.

Danny Gunzburg for

winning a Commended

Award in Poetry

D’Amour 2014.

Many more congrats

to come next month!




Barbara Gurney

Barbara has won a

voucher for a standard

$30 KSP workshop

funded by DCA.



KSP Presents…

Established Writer-in-Residence Paddy O’Reilly

Paddy is ‘in residence’ 16 - 29 June and 7 - 20 July

Paddy O'Reilly's debut novel The Factory was

included in the Australian Book Review and

Sydney Morning Herald's Best Books of the Year

list, Highly Commended in the FAW Christina

Stead Award for Fiction, and broadcast in fifteen

episodes as the ABC Radio National Book

Reading during July 2009.

Paddy latest novel, The Fine Colour of Rust (HarperCollins and Simon and Schuster), was

released in 2012 in Australia, the UK and the

USA. Her short story collection, The End of the World (UQP) was published to

critical acclaim in April, 2007. The stories in the collection have won a number of

national and international story awards including 'The Age', the 'Judah Waten',

'Zoetrope All-Story' (USA) and the Commonwealth Broadcasting Corporation (UK).

The End of the World was chosen as one of the year's best books in various

publications from Australian Book Review to The Financial Review, shortlisted in

the Queensland Premier's Literary Awards and commended in the Victorian

Premier's Literary Awards.

Paddy has also written screenplays and worked as additional screenwriter for films

which have been nominated for AFI awards and screened nationally and

internationally. She has been Asialink writer-in-residence in Japan, a fellow at

Varuna: the Writers' House, writer-in-residence at Kelly Steps Cottage, Tasmania,

and The Lockup, Newcastle, presenter and reader at the International Conference

on the Short Story in Toronto and Arkasas, and a full fellow at the Vermont Studio

Center, USA. Paddy spent several years working as a copywriter in Japan. She

now lives in Melbourne, Australia.

MEET PADDY at these events:

Writing Workshop: A Story from an Anecdote. Saturday 12 July, 1-4pm

All of us have anecdotes that we tell or that we hear from family and friends. They're

entertaining or funny or saddening, but they are not stories that can hold the attention

of a reader and reverberate in the way of great fiction. However, they can be the raw

material for great stories. In this workshop you will take your anecdotes and turn

them over and tear them up and put them back together to see if there is a story

inside. There usually is. Participants should come with an idea of an anecdote they

tell or a family story or an anecdote they have heard that has stayed with them for

some reason. Costs: $30 members, $45 non -members.

3-course Literary Dinner at the KSP Café:

Tuesday 15 July, 7-9.30pm at KSP. $25 members, $30 others.

Advance bookings essential. Phone 92941872 or email


Dr Glen Phillips

Public Fund

Chairperson KSP

Treasurer KSP

Clive Aldridge

Denis McLeod

Robert Perks

Literary Advisory Board

Dr Glen Phillips

David Caddy

Prof. Brian Dibble

Kathleen Dzubiel

Mardi May

Dr Melissa O’Shea

Karen Treanor

Dr Amanda Curtin

Juliet Marillier

Management Committee

Chairperson Renee Hammond

Secretary Andrew Levett

Treasurer Robert Perks

Newsletter Ed. Shannon Coyle

Committee Mardi May

Karen Treanor

Shannon Coyle

Guy Salvidge

Andrew Levett

Valerie Everett

Tabetha Beggs


Shannon Coyle

Competitions Secretary

Vacant—please apply


Christopher Oakeley



Regular Writing Groups

Open for Everyone to Join (Per class: $5 members/$10 nonmembers)

Poetry Writing Group (Poets@KSP) 2nd, 4th Mondays 1.00-3.00pm

Writers’ Circle Tuesdays 10.00-12.00pm

Writefree Women’s Writing Group Wednesdays 9.45-11.45am

Young Writers’ Group (8-16s) Thursdays during school term 4.00-6.00pm

Home Schoolers Group (9-16s) Thursdays during school term 10.00-11.30am

Thursday Night Group Thursdays 7.30-9.30pm

Romance Writers Group Fridays 9.30-11.30am

Marathon Writers Group Fridays 12.00-4.00pm

Non-Fiction Writers Monthly 1st Saturday 10.00-12.00pm

Past Tense (Social History) Monthly 2nd Saturday 10.00-12.00pm

Speculative Fiction/Fantasy Monthly 2nd Sunday 10.00-12.00pm

Avon Valley Writers Group Wednesdays 10.00am & Thursdays 7.00pm

NaNoWriMo Support Group Mondays during October and November only,

9.00am - 12.00pm

Katharine’s Place

11 Old York Road


WA 6056


Phone: (08) 9294 1872

Fax: (08) 9294 1872

