The lambda calculus David Walker CS 441. the (untyped) lambda calculus a language of functions e ::=...

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the lambda calculus

David Walker

CS 441

the (untyped) lambda calculus• a language of functions

e ::= x | \x.e | e1 e2 v ::= \x.e• there are several different ways to evaluate lambda calculus

expressions• so far, we’ve studied left-to-right, call-by-value:

• amazingly, despite it’s minimalism, the lambda calculus is Turing complete and may serve as a foundation for all computation

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)

(app1) (app2)

extending the lambda calculus

• lambda calculus with booleans:

e ::= x | true | false | test | \x.e | e1 e2

v ::= true | false | test | \x.e

test e1 e2 e3 --> test e1’ e2 e3(test1)e1 --> e1’

test v1 e2 e3 --> test v1 e2’ e3(test2)e2 --> e2’

test v1 v2 e3 --> test v1 v2 e3’(test3)e3 --> e3’

test true v2 v3 --> v2(test-true)

test false v2 v3 --> v3(test-false)

+ all the other lambda calculus rules

booleans: the translation

• from +boolean into pure :

translate(true) = \t.\f. t

translate(false) = \t.\f. f

translate(test) = \x.\y.\z. x y z

translate(x) = x

translate(\x.e) = \x.(translate(e))

translate(e1 e2) = translate(e1) translate(e2)

values in the source languagealways get translated into valuesin the target language

source language

target language

boolean translation


translate(test true s1 s2) = (\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x) v1 v2

(where v1 = translate s1

and v2 = translate s2)

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)



boolean translation


translate(test true s1 s2) = (\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x) v1 v2

(where v1 = translate s1

and v2 = translate s2)

in the source language we have:

test true s1 s2 --> s1

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)



boolean translation


translate(test true s1 s2) = (\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x) v1 v2

(where v1 = translate s1

and v2 = translate s2)

in the source language we have:

test true s1 s2 --> s1

so in the target we want:

(\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x) v1 v2 --> v1

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)



boolean translation


translate(test true s1 s2) = (\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x) v1 v2

(where v1 = translate s1

and v2 = translate s2)

in the source language we have:

test true s1 s2 --> s1

so in the target we want:

(\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x) v1 v2 --> v1

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)



boolean translation

Theorem (Translation Preserves Semantics):


s1 --> s2 (in the lambda calculus with booleans)


(translate(s1)) --> (translate(s2)) (in the pure lambda calc)

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




(((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) v2 --> _____________

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) --> ___________

(((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) v2 --> _____________ v2

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)








(\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x) --> ___________

(\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1 --> ___________ v1

(((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) v2 --> _____________ v2

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)







\x.\y.\z.x y z (\x.\y.x) --> \y.\z.x y z [\x.\y.x / x]

((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) --> v1

(((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) v2 --> v2

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)







\x.\y.\z.x y z (\x.\y.x) --> \y.\z.(\x.\y.x) y z

((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) --> v1

(((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) v2 --> v2

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)







\x.\y.\z.x y z (\x.\y.x) --> \y.\z.(\x.\y.x) y z

((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) --> (\y.\z.(\x.\y.x) y z) v1

(((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) v2 --> v2

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)







(\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x) --> \y.\z.(\x.\y.x)

((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) --> \y.\z.(\x.\y.x) v1

(((\x.\y.\z.x y z) (\x.\y.x)) v1) v2 --> \y.\z.(\x.\y.x) v1 v2

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)







translate(true) = \t.\f. t

translate(false) = \t.\f. f

translate(and) = \b.\c. b c (translate(false))

translate(x) = ...

translate(and true true) = (\b.\c. b c (\t.\f.f)) (\t.\f.t) (\t.\f.t)


translate(true) = \t.\f. t

translate(false) = \t.\f. f

translate(and) = \b.\c. b c (translate(false))

translate(x) = ...

translate(and true true) = (\b.\c. b c (\t.\f.f)) (\t.\f.t) (\t.\f.t)

===> wow is that ever tough to read ...


tru = \t.\f. t fls = \t.\f. f a = \b.\c. b c fls

translate(and true true)

= a tru tru

= (\b.\c. b c fls) tru trutarget languageexpression (ie: a and tru arejust meta-variablesI’m using to abbreviateand make morereadable the translatedterm)


tru = \t.\f. t fls = \t.\f. f a = \b.\c. b c fls

a tru tru

= (\b.\c. b c fls) tru tru

--> (\c.tru c fls) tru

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




tru = \t.\f. t fls = \t.\f. f a = \b.\c. b c fls

a tru tru

= (\b.\c. b c fls) tru tru

--> (\c.tru c fls) tru

--> tru tru fls

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




tru = \t.\f. t fls = \t.\f. f a = \b.\c. b c fls

a tru tru

= (\b.\c. b c fls) tru tru

--> (\c.tru c fls) tru

--> tru tru fls

= (\t.\f. t) tru fls e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




tru = \t.\f. t fls = \t.\f. f a = \b.\c. b c fls

a tru tru

= (\b.\c. b c fls) tru tru

--> (\c.tru c fls) tru

--> tru tru fls

= (\t.\f. t) tru fls

-->(\f. tru) fls e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




tru = \t.\f. t fls = \t.\f. f a = \b.\c. b c fls

a tru tru

= (\b.\c. b c fls) tru tru

--> (\c.tru c fls) tru

--> tru tru fls

= (\t.\f. t) tru fls

-->(\f. tru) fls

--> tru

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)



if statements

e ::= x | v | e1 e2

| if e1 then e2 else e3

v ::= \x.e | true | false

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)



if e1 then e2 else e3 --> if e1’ then e2 else e3 (if1)

if true then e2 else e3 --> e2 (if2)

e1 --> e1’

if false then e2 else e3 --> e3 (if3)

An Example

loop = (\x.x x) (\x.x x)

if (\x.x) true then \x.x else loop

--> if true then \x.x else loop

--> \x.x


• what is wrong with the following translation? translate true = tru

translate false = fls

translate (if e1 then e2 else e3)

= test (translate e1) (translate e2) (translate e3)

translate (\x.e) = \x.(translate e)

translate (e1 e2) = (translate e1) (translate e2)


• what is wrong with the following translation? translate true = tru

translate false = fls

translate (if e1 then e2 else e3)

= tst (translate e1) (translate e2) (translate e3)


-- e2 and e3 will both be evaluated regardlessof whether e1 is true or false-- the target program might not terminate in some cases when the source program would

pure lambda terms:tru = \t.\f.tfls = \t.\f.ftst = \x.\y.\z. x y z


translate (if (\x.x) true then \x.x else loop)

= tst translate((\x.x) true) (translate(\x.x)) (translate(loop))

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) (loop)

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




translate (if (\x.x) true then \x.x else loop)

= tst translate((\x.x) true) (translate(\x.x)) (translate(loop))

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) (loop)

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) --> tst tru (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




translate (if (\x.x) true then \x.x else loop)

= tst translate((\x.x) true) (translate(\x.x)) (translate(loop))

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) (loop)

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) --> tst tru (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

(((\x.\y.\z. x y z) tru) (\x.x)) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




translate (if (\x.x) true then \x.x else loop)

= tst translate((\x.x) true) (translate(\x.x)) (translate(loop))

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) (loop)

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) --> tst tru (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

(((\x.\y.\z. x y z) tru) (\x.x)) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

((\y.\z. tru y z) (\x.x)) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




translate (if (\x.x) true then \x.x else loop)

= tst translate((\x.x) true) (translate(\x.x)) (translate(loop))

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) (loop)

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) --> test tru (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

(((\x.\y.\z. x y z) tru) (\x.x)) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

((\y.\z. tru y z) (\x.x)) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

(( \z. tru (\x.x) z) ) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




translate (if (\x.x) true then \x.x else loop)

= tst translate((\x.x) true) (translate(\x.x)) (translate(loop))

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) (loop)

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) --> tst tru (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

(((\x.\y.\z. x y z) tru) (\x.x)) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

((\y.\z. tru y z) (\x.x)) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

(( \z. tru (\x.x) z) ) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

(( \z. tru (\x.x) z) ) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




translate (if (\x.x) true then \x.x else loop)

= tst translate((\x.x) true) (translate(\x.x)) (translate(loop))

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) (loop)

= tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

tst ((\x.x) tru) (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) --> tst tru (\x.x) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x))

(((\x.\y.\z. x y z) tru) (\x.x)) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

((\y.\z. tru y z) (\x.x)) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

(( \z. tru (\x.x) z) ) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

(( \z. tru (\x.x) z) ) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) -->

(( \z. tru (\x.x) z) ) ((\x.x x) (\x.x x)) --> ...

e1 --> e1’e1 e2 --> e1’ e2

e2 --> e2’v e2 --> v e2’

(\x.e) v --> e [v/x](b)




• we saw this translation didn’t work:translate (if e1 then e2 else e3)

= tst (translate e1) (translate e2) (translate e3)

• we need to delay execution of e2, e3 until the right time:translate (true) = \x.\y.(x (\x.x))

translate (false) = \x.\y.(y (\x.x))

translate (if e1 then e2 else e3)

= (\x.\y.\z. x y z) (translate e1) (\w.translate e2) (\w.translate e3)

... other cases ...


• would like to encode the operations– create e1 e2– fst p– sec p

• pairs will be functions– when the function is used in the fst or sec

operation it should reveal its first or second component respectively


create = \x.\y.\b. b x y

fst = \p. p tru tru = \x.\y.x

sec = \p. p fls fls = \x.\y.y


create = \x.\y.\b. b x y

fst = \p. p tru tru = \x.\y.x

sec = \p. p fls fls = \x.\y.y

fst (create tru fls)

= fst ((\x.\y.\b. b x y) tru fls)


create = \x.\y.\b. b x y

fst = \p. p tru tru = \x.\y.x

sec = \p. p fls fls = \x.\y.y

fst (create tru fls)

= fst ((\x.\y.\b. b x y) tru fls)

-->* fst (\b. b tru fls)


create = \x.\y.\b. b x y

fst = \p. p tru tru = \x.\y.x

sec = \p. p fls fls = \x.\y.y

fst (create tru fls)

= fst ((\x.\y.\b. b x y) tru fls)

-->* fst (\b. b tru fls)

= (\p.p tru) (\b. b tru fls)


create = \x.\y.\b. b x y

fst = \p. p tru tru = \x.\y.x

sec = \p. p fls fls = \x.\y.y

fst (create tru fls)

= fst ((\x.\y.\b. b x y) tru fls)

-->* fst (\b. b tru fls)

= (\p.p tru) (\b. b tru fls)

--> (\b. b tru fls) tru


create = \x.\y.\b. b x y

fst = \p. p tru tru = \x.\y.x

sec = \p. p fls fls = \x.\y.y

fst (create tru fls)

= fst ((\x.\y.\b. b x y) tru fls)

-->* fst (\b. b tru fls)

= (\p.p tru) (\b. b tru fls)

--> (\b. b tru fls) tru

--> tru tru fls

= (\x.\y.x) tru fls

--> (\y.tru) fls

--> tru

and we can go on...

• numbers• arithmetic expressions (+, -, *,...)• lists, trees and datatypes• exceptions, loops, ...• ...• the general trick:

– values will be functions – construct these functions so that they return the appropriate information when called by an operation