The Last Years of Steam Around the Midlands

Post on 11-Feb-2018

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7/23/2019 The Last Years of Steam Around the Midlands 2/26

_ge jddfs wgtb ADEPBGLL% Mdeecmt wgtb us de;

a aimcjddf t twgttcr P tuhjlr i ihizde

Iviglijlc edw ardh Adetbgll Hc`gi

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ADEPBGLL HC@GIwww%adetbgllhc`gi%mdh

Agrst pujlgsbc` :>9=

Mdpyrgobt © Hgmbicl Mlchces :>9=Ill rgobts rcscrvc`

Hgmbicl Mlchces bis isscrtc` bgs rgobts ue`cr tbc Mdpyrgobt, @csgoesie` ^itcets Imt 9722 td jc g`cetgc` is tbc Iutbdr da tbgs wdrf

Ed pirt da tbgs jddf hiy jc rcprgetc` dr rcprd`umc` dr utglgzc`ge iey adrh dr jy iey clcmtrdegm, hcmbiegmil dr dtbcr hcies,

edw fedwe dr bcrciatcr gevcetc`, gemlu`geo pbdtdmdpygeo ie`rcmdr`geo, dr ge iey geadrhitgde stdrioc dr rctrgcvil systch,

wgtbdut tbc pcrhgssgde ge wrgtgeo ardh tbc ^ujlgsbcrs

I MG^ mitildouc rcmdr` adr tbgs jddf gs iviglijlc ardh tbc Jrgtgsb Lgjriry

Pypcsct ge 9>%3pt de 9=pt ]ijde LP ]t`Pypcscttgeo jy Adetbgll Hc`gi

^rgetc` ge tbc SF

G]JE 7?2(9(?2933(9:7(3

Ijdvc; Pifce it dec da Ilie‗s aivdurgtc ldmitgdes kust td tbc edrtb da Acrebgll Bcitb stitgde,is i ‒?=xxx‗ mitmbcs tbc hdregeo sue ge i wgetcr wde`crlie`%

^ioc 9; ‒Kujglcc‗ Ed% 0312: Priailoir wgll sdde jc bci`geo sdutb ardh Jrdhsordvc de i ldvclyDmtdjcr 971= cvcegeo%

ioc :; Ilie trivcllc` irdue` tbc eirrdw oiuoc ]mil`wcll grdestdec systch ge Edrtbihptdesbgrcde 90 Iuoust 971= jcbge` tbc quirry‗s cpdeyhdus ldmdhdtgvc%

Mdeecmt wgtb us

a aimcjddf%mdh$adetbgllhc`gi t twgttcr%mdh$adetbgllhc`gi

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Hy getcrcst ge riglwiys mihc ijdut jcmiusc da tbc cetbusgish da hy litc aitbcr

M% E% ‒Kgh‗ Mlchces% Bc trivcllc` ill dvcr tbc mduetry lhgeo tbc aist `gsippcirgeo

riglwiys ie` tbc stcih ldmdhdtgvcs tbit wdrfc` de tbch, ie` prdvg`c` gt wis

edt `urgeo smbddl tghc, G wdul` ocecrilly jc wgtb bgh% Da mdursc, G odt td fedw

hdst da hy aitbcr‗s riglwiy pils dvcr tbc ycirs, sdhc wdul` mdhc wgtb us de

trgps, dr pcrbips vgsgt tbc aihgly bdusc ge ^crsbdrc, _drmcstcrsbgrc, td witmb tbc

lhs, wbglst dtbcrs wdul` jc hct it riglwiy sdmgcty hcctgeos6 dec da tbcsc pils

wis I% K% Hiue`%

Ilie Kihcs Hiue` wis jdre de 9 Iuoust 97=> it ]tdurjrg`oc Zdi`,

Bilcsdwce% Bgs aitbcr wis ge tbc _drmcstcrsbgrc Mdestijuliry, ie` dvcr tbc ycirs

tbc aihgly hdvc` td virgdus pdlgmc stitgdes ge tbc mduety, gemlu`geo Jrc`de ie`

Hilvcre% Ilie hirrgc` _ce`y _i``dup it ^dwgmf mburmb de 99 Iuoust 971:

ie` tbcy wcrc jlcssc` wgtb twd mbgl`rce, ]illy ie` ^iul% Ilie scchs td bivc bi` i

eituril irtgstgm ijglgty ie` pursuc` tbgs it Hilvcre Irt Mdllcoc, litcr jcmdhgeo tbc

mbgca i`vcrtgsgeo `csgoecr it Mlchcets Jrdtbcrs da ]tdfc ^rgdr ecir Jrdhsordvc%

Ilie `gc` de 9> Hiy 972=6 bc wis dely aty(twd ycirs da ioc%

Ilie‗s ldvc da ieytbgeo wgtb stcih wgll jc cisgly scce tbrduobdut tbgs jddf, wgtb

tbc pbdtdoripbs ge gt, ill tifce jy Ilie, `itgeo ardh 973? td 9711% Gt gs lirocly

i viegsbc` wdrl`, ie` tbc hgx da pbdtdoripbs wgll, G bdpc, ippcil td riglwiy

cetbusgists, hd`cllcrs, ie` tbdsc wgtb ie getcrcst ge ldmil bgstdry% Pbc ce` da tbc

stcih cri mdgemg`c` wgtb tbc getrd`umtgde da tbcgr `gcscl rcplimchcets, ie` hiey

cetbusgists it tbc tghc bi` i `clgjcritc pdlgmy da goedrgeo tbc ecw getcrldpcrs% Jut

edt Ilie, ie` tbcy `d hifc ippciriemcs ge tbgs jddf, cvce gemlu`geo i acw da tbc

cirly clcmtrgm mlisscs% Pbgs wis ilsd tbc tghc tbit siw tbc mldsurc da sd humb da tbc

ruril riglwiy ectwdrf ge tbc irci, jut lumfgly, Ilie bi` tbc adrcsgobt td lh ill da 

tbgs ie` tbc gearistrumturc tbit wis `gsippcirgeo wgtb gt%

I vgvg` rcmdllcmtgde da hgec is i ydueo li` wis hy litc aitbcr jcgeo cxtrchcly

upsct wbce bc lcirec` ardh tbc wg`dw da ldmil riglwiy pbdtdoripbcr A% K% Irtbur,

wbdsc wdrf rcoulirly ippcirc` ge Pbc Ziglwiy Hioizgec ge tbc 97=>s, tbit sbc

bi` tbrdwe iwiy ill da bgs pbdtdoripbs edt rcilgsgeo tbcgr bgstdrgmil viluc6 i

lgactghc‗s irmbgvc wis ldst% Lumfgly, _ce`y Hiue` bi` tbc adrcsgobt td hcetgde

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Ilie Hiue` gs sgttgeo de tbc ldmdhdtgvc it @r Jrgie Zdocrs‗s ?¼(gemb systch it ^drtcr‗s BgllAirh ecir Acrebgll Bcitb, _drmcstcr%

7/23/2019 The Last Years of Steam Around the Midlands 9/26

Ilie‗s pbdtdoripbgm mdllcmtgde td i hutuil argce` ie` aclldw cetbusgist, tbc litc

@r% Jrgie Zdocrs da _drmcstcr% Is i rcsult, Ilie‗s wdrf lgvcs de ge tbc lh sbdws

G `d irdue` tbc mduetry, ie` edw ge tbgs jddf%

Ilie bi` i pirtgmulir pissgde adr eirrdw oiuoc ge`ustrgil stcih ldmdhdtgvcs,

ie` aclt jy tbc litc 973>s tbit tbcy wcrc de tbc vcroc da cxtgemtgde% Bc jcmihc

iwirc da dec sumb ldmdhdtgvc ge i `crclgmt mde`gtgde it Z% ^% Jcir`‗s Bgll Airh

it Jrdmfihge ge _drmcstcrsbgrc "tbc Jcir` aihgly rie i `clgmitcssce it tbc tdp da 

Mistlc ]trcct ge _drmcstcr'% Pbc ycir wis 9737, ie` tbc ceogec mdemcrec` wis ie

>(0(> si``lc tief da tbc ‒_rce‗ mliss, juglt jy Fcrr ]tuirt da ]tdfc(de(Prcet ge

9792 wgtb i wdrfs euhjcr da =990% Hr Jcir` iorcc` ghhc`gitcly td tbc g`ci

da prcscrvitgde ie` rce`crc` cvcry pdssgjlc issgstiemc, ie` jy 9719, gt wis ge

wdrfgeo mde`gtgde% Gt rie de Ilie‗s dwe prgvitc riglwiy it bgs aitbcr‗s bdusc, tbc

sd(millc` Bge`lgp ! @gstrgmt Lgobt Ziglwiy6 td`iy, tbc ldmdhdtgvc gs de tbc Jili

Lifc Ziglwiy ge _ilcs% Ilie prd`umc` i jddf, iltbduob gt wis ecvcr pujlgsbc`,

`ctiglgeo bgs rcstdritgde da tbc ldmdhdtgvc, ie` _ce`y bis isfc` hc td put tbgs

hirvclldus rcmdr` da tbc wdrf gevdlvc` de hy wcjsgtc ” hgmbiclmlchcesriglwiys%

md%uf% Gt wgll ilsd ogvc ydu ie g`ci da Ilie‗s irtgstgm ijglgtgcs, is gt gemlu`cs lgec

`riwgeos `dec jy bgh ge i``gtgde td pbdtdoripbs% G isfc` _ce`y bdw bc

hieioc` td oct tbc cxmcllcet quilgty tcxt prgetc` ge 9719, tbc ieswcr mihc jimf

tbit bc `g`e‗t bivc gt prgetc` ie` tbit gt wis ill bie`(wrgttce%

Hy rst mdetimt wgtb Ilie wis ge tbc 971>s wbce bc rie tbc _drmcstcr suj(

jriemb da tbc Ziglwiy Mdrrcspde`cemc ! Privcl ]dmgcty% Bdwcvcr, hy litc

hdtbcr "jdre 97:=' rchchjcrc` bgh is i jdy wbce bcr aitbcr wis i scrociet it

Hilvcre ^dlgmc ]titgde% Ilie‗s irtgstgm ijglgty bis ilrci`y jcce hcetgdec`, ie` bc

pigetc` i euhjcr da bgstdrgmil riglwiy smcecs, hiey da wbgmb _ce`y stgll bis% Gt

wis dec da tbcsc arihc` pigetgeos, da HZ :(0(> Ed% 9=>3 biulgeo i trige ldmilly,

tbit wis rst prgzc ge ie ZMP] mdhpctgtgde droiegsc` jy Ilie it _drmcstcr% G wis

ioc` dely ijdut scvcetcce it tbc tghc, jut hieioc` td jcit daa tbc dppdsgtgde ie`

wge tbc rst prgzc% _bce G lgvc` wgtb hy pircets tbgs pigetgeo bi` prg`c da plimc

de hy jc`rddh will, ie` td`iy stgll bieos ge hy riglwiy rddh%

G tbgef gt wis it ^rgemc Bcery‗s Orihhir ]mbddl, Cvcsbih, wbcrc G stu`gc`

Edrtb Ihcrgmie ocdoripby td jdtb ‒D‗ ie` ‒I‗ lcvcl, tbit G rst jcmihc iwirc

da tbc prdjlchs tbcrc mdul` jc ge g`cetgaygeo i pirtgmulir irci% Ed mdescesus

da dpgegde cxgstc` de bdw td `cec tbc jdue`irgcs da tbc _cstcre ^liges da tbc

Segtc` ]titcs, ie` cxih qucstgdes wcrc isfc` de tbc sujkcmt% ]bdul` gt jc pbysgmil

aciturcs, tbc wcstcre jdue`iry da tbc Zdmfy Hduetiges wis aigrly djvgdus%

Jut wbit ijdut tbc cistcre pbysgmil jdue`iry tbit wis air hdrc jlurrc`4

^crbips tbc 93(gemb dr :>(gemb gsdbyct "i lgec de i hip kdgegeo plimcs da sghglir

rigeaill ihduets' wdul` adrh i jcttcr jdue`iry4 Dr sbdul` tbc irci jc `cec`

pc`ildogmilly "sdgl typc', vcoctitgdeilly, dr cvce iorgmulturilly4 Dtbcrs prdhdtc`

usgeo lgecs da ldeogtu`c, ie` tbcrc irc ed `dujt dtbcr pirihctcrs tbit G bivc

adrodttce dvcr tbc ycirs sgemc G wis it smbddl% Bdwcvcr, ardh kust tbc ijdvc G ih

surc ydu mie ipprcmgitc sdhc da tbc pgtaills wigtgeo adr ieyjd`y gevdlvc` ge trygeo

td g`cetgay i pirtgmulir irci%

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Ge i pbdtdoripb tbit gs jclgcvc` td `itc ardh tbc suhhcr da 9737, rcstdritgde da Fcrr ]tuirtEd% =990 bis dely kust jcoue it Ilie‗s aitbcr‗s bdusc ge Bge`lgp, _drmcstcr%

Bivgeo lgvc` ge tbc Hg`lie`s ill hy lgac, gt stgll mdhcs is i surprgsc tbc plimcs

tbit pcdplc ie` droiegsitgdes gemlu`c ge tbc irci ie` tbdsc tbit tbcy `d edt%

_itmbgeo tbc `gaacrcet mdvcrioc ircis da tbc JJM ie` GPQ Hg`lie`s rcogdeil PQ

ecws bcrc ge _drmcstcrsbgrc mie jc qugtc ie cyc(dpcecr, ie` gt stgll scchs ritbcr

strieoc td hc wbce plimcs de tbc cist mdist oct hcetgdec`6 ippircetly tbc :>>9

mcesus cvce gemlu`c` Edradlf ie` ]uaadlf ge tbc Hg`lie`s% Bdwcvcr, it tbc ce`

da tbc `iy gt scchs tbcrc gs ed strgmt `cegtgde da tbc Hg`lie`s, ie` gt `dcs edt

mdrrcspde` td iey murrcet i`hgegstritgvc irci% ]d ge mbddsgeo tbc tgtlc da Pbc List 

Wcirs da ]tcih Irdue` Pbc Hg`lie`s, G wis lddfgeo adr sdhc adrh da wdr`geo

tbit wdul` jrdi`ly g`cetgay wgtb tbc pbdtdoripbs tbit Ilie bi` tifce%

Is Ilie lgvc` mldsc td _drmcstcr ie` tbcrc gs humb lh tifce ge tbc irci, G aclt

gt wdul` jc ipprdprgitc td adlldw tbc virgdus rdutcs dut da ‒Pbc Aigtbaul Mgty‗,

sd(millc` jcmiusc _drmcstcr rchigec` ldyil td tbc Fgeo ge tbc Mgvgl _ir, td imbgcvc

mdvcrioc imrdss tbc Hg`lie`s% Gt wis tbc Dxadr`, _drmcstcr ! _dlvcrbihptde

Ziglwiy tbit wis tbc rst td cetcr tbc mgty ge 923>, ie` is _drmcstcr wis mcetrilly

ldmitc` de tbcgr systch, wc scc tbc hige wdrfsbdps ie` `cpdts juglt jy tbch tbit

wcrc stgll ge usc dvcr i mcetury litcr% Pbc list da tbc O_Z cxprcss rdutcs td Lde`de

"^i``geotde' tbit rchigec` tdtilly stcih biulc` wis tbit ardh _drmcstcr, ie`

jdtb de tbc sbc` ie` ge ]bruj Bgll ]titgde wc bivc dur rst vgcw da tbc ‒Mistlc‗

mliss cxprcss ldmdhdtgvcs, tdoctbcr wgtb dtbcr aihglgir ie` edt sd aihglgir typcs,

plus tbcgr `gcscl rcplimchcets% Ilie‗s rst usc da mdldur lh "Fd`imbrdhc' mihc ge

9737, ie` ie cxihplc gs scce it ]tdultde is wc bci` cist td rcimb Bdecyjdurec ge

7/23/2019 The Last Years of Steam Around the Midlands 11/26

9713 "lhc` wgtb Ioai MP92'% Bcrc, wc scc adr tbc rst tghc tbc typgmil, vcry pddr

cxtcreil mde`gtgde, wgtb eihc plitcs rchdvc`, da tbc rchigegeo O_Z 0(1(>s ge

tbcgr eil ycir% Ge tbc litc 973>s, humb wdrf wis `dec it Bdecyjdurec ie` de tbc

dl` ]tritadr`(upde(Ivde ! Hg`lie` Kuemtgde Ziglwiy adr tbc jcect da grde drc

triam ardh tbc Cist Hg`lie`s td ]dutb _ilcs, ie` wc scc cxihplcs da tbgs% Wct jy

9713, drc wis jcgeo ghpdrtc`, ie` ill tbc wdrf ardh i acw ycirs cirlgcr wis edw

wdrtblcss smrip% It Hdrctde(ge(Hirsb irc tbc drgogeil tcrhgeil jugl`geos, ie` edw

`chdlgsbc` adr i supcrhirfct, da tbc trihwiy ardh ]tritadr`(upde(Ivde tbit bi`

gts drgoges ge i smbchc prdhdtc` is ‒tbc rst riglwiy cvcr survcyc` ge tbc wdrl`‗%

]cvce hglcs aurtbcr ildeo tbc D__Z jrgeos us td Fgeobih, i riglwiy ldmitgde

tbit bis mbieoc` `rihitgmilly sgemc tbc cirly 971>s% G wis ihizc` rcmcetly wbglc

mbittgeo td ydueocr ldmil rcsg`cets ie` ecwmdhcrs td tbc irci td e` tbcy bi` ed

fedwlc`oc wbitsdcvcr da tbc cxtcesgvc riglwiy gearistrumturc tbit demc cxgstc` it

Fgeobih, i dec(tghc kuemtgde wgtb jriembcs td jdtb Mbcltcebih ie` Mbgppgeo

Edrtde, tdoctbcr wgtb i ydvcr tbit jy(pissc` tbc stitgde% Pbc hikdrgty da Ilie‗s

pbdtdoripbs bivc ed `itc dr ldmitgde de tbch, ie` G bivc spcet humb tghc ie`

caadrt sdrtgeo tbch ill dut, bdpcaully mdrrcmtly% Ie cxihplc adr wbgmb tbcrc mie jc

ed `dujt dvcr gts cximt `itc gs tbit da ]gr _gestde Mburmbgll‗s auecril trige, pissgeo

sldwly tbrduob Dxadr` de => Kieuiry 9713, wgtb pcdplc stie`geo td ittcetgde de

tbc plitadrh% Ilsd it Dxadr` de tbc ceogec sbc` gs tbc pgdeccr ‒_cstcre‗ `gcscl ge

gts `cscrt sie` lgvcry%

Pd trivcl sdutb jy rigl ardh _drmcstcr gevdlvcs jriembgeo daa tbc Dxadr` lgec

wc bivc kust trivcllc` ildeo it Edrtde Kuemtgde% Bcrc, tbc Mitbc`rils Cxprcss gs

scce ge 971=, mdhplctc wgtb eihc jdir` ie` biulc` jy tbc ldmdhdtgvc spcmgilly

rceihc` ge 973? adr tbgs scrvgmc, Ed% ?>>3 ]gr C`wir` Cloir% Dur rst stdp ildeo

tbc dl` Jgrhgeobih ! Oldumcstcr Ziglwiy gs it _i`jdrduob, jitbc` ge tbc cvcegeo

suesbgec da 9: Dmtdjcr 971=% Bcrc, ie` edt adr tbc rst dr list tghc, Ilie‗s wgac

_ce`y hifcs ie ippciriemc6 pcrbips Ilie wis adlldwgeo tbc stylc da pbdtdoripbcr

O% A% Bcgrde wbdsc wgac rcoulirly ippcirc` ge bgs riglwiy pbdtdoripbs pujlgsbc`

ge tbgs cri% Isbmburmb ]titgde wis rcoir`c` is dec da tbc mduetry‗s murgdsgtgcs, ie`

rcmcgvc` prigsc adr gts Hg`lie` Ziglwiy irmbgtcmturc, pirtgmulirly tbc pgllirc` oliss

miedpy dvcr tbc plitadrh6 gt wis ilsd tbc kuemtgde adr twd jriembcs, jdtb da wbgmb

Ilie lhc`% ]tie`geo ge tbc suesbgec ge 9737 dutsg`c Pcwfcsjury ldmdhdtgvc sbc`

gs dec da tbc mduetry‗s ldmdhdtgvc murgdsgtgcs, ]tiegcr >(0(0P Ed% 097>>, wbglc it

Zgpplc de ]itur`iy 9: Iuoust 9719, tbc list rcoulir pissceocr scrvgmc de tbc jriemb

`cpirts adr Sptde(de(]cvcre% Pbc dtbcr jriemb ardh Isbmburmb gs rst scce ge tbit

ji` wgetcr da 971:$1=, wgtb tbc sedw stgll de tbc ordue`, ie` wc trivcl ildeo tbc

lgec td Isbtde(ue`cr(Bgll, Cvcsbih, Birvgeotde, ie` Jrddh Kuemtgde% Ge i``gtgde

td Jrgtgsb Ziglwiys ldmdhdtgvcs, Ilie bi` i spcmgil iaacmtgde adr shill ge`ustrgil

ceogecs, ie` it Oldumcstcr dwcr ]titgde, dec da tbc rclcss virgcty wis ge usc% Ardh

Oldumcstcr, wc tifc tbc ‒pusb(pull‗ scrvgmc td ]trdu` ie` up tbc Odl`ce Qillcy, ie`

it Fchjlc, wc irc wgtecss td ie cxpcrghcet jy JZ getd ghprdvgeo tbc cmdedhgms da 

tbc ruril jriemb lgecs td Pctjury ie` Mgrcemcstcr% Ilie vgsgtc` tbc aihdus riglwiy

wdrfs it ]wge`de ge jdtb 971= ie` 9710, tbc hdst sdutbcrly plimc gemlu`c` ge tbgs

7/23/2019 The Last Years of Steam Around the Midlands 12/26

jddf% Ihdeost i bie`aul da pbdtdoripbs tifce bcrc, tbcrc gs dec da _ce`y Hiue`

stie`geo ge ardet da tbc pgdeccr lgobtwcgobt ‒_irsbgp‗ @2>> ]gr Jrige Zdjcrtsde,

tifce de ^crutz mdldur lh% I rcorct da _ce`y‗s gs tbit sbc bis ed rcmdllcmtgde da 

tbgs, dr hiey da tbc dtbcr tghcs sbc wis wgtb Ilie de bgs riglwiy cxpc`gtgdes% ]bc

wgsbcs sbc mdul` rchchjcr, ie` wdul` tbce bivc jcce ijlc td ieswcr hdrc da tbc

qucstgdes tbit G bivc jcce isfgeo bcr%

Pbc _drmcstcr ! Bcrcadr` Ziglwiy prdvc` ie cxpcesgvc lgec td jugl` wgtb

vgi`umts ie` tueecls, jut gt wis tbc eil lgef tbit illdwc` tbc hdedpdly da 

Jruecl‗s jrdi` oiuoc td jc jrdfce adr tbc triespdrt da mdil ardh ]dutb _ilcs td

Lde`de jy rigl% Pbc clcvitc` _drmcstcr "Adrcoitc ]trcct' ]titgde gs de i mdstly

scmtgde da jdtb sujstietgil chjiefhcets ie` vgi`umts ijdut i hglc ge lceotb%

It Jriesadr` Zdi` Kuemtgde, tbc `clgobtaul jriemb td ]umflcy ie` Jrdhyir` gs

tifce6 i smcec da ruril triequgllgty tbit survgvc` uetgl tbc suhhcr da 9710% I

liroc riglwiy pcrhiecet wiy `cpdt wis cstijlgsbc` it Ecwlie` ge tbc ]cmde`

_drl` _ir, wgtb tbc Hilvcre Bglls jcbge` gt, ie` tbc georc`gcets wcrc bcrc adr

Ilie td tifc i ldvcly piedrihgm pbdtdoripb% It Lc`jury wis dec da tbc tueecls

de tbc lgec% ]tccply ori`c` ie` da rcstrgmtc` jdrc, gt wis rcoir`c` is dec da tbc

hdst adul ge tbc mduetry, ie` wc scc i mdil trige jcgeo jiefc` getd gt ardh tbc

stitgde ge 971=% It Bcrcadr`, Mdllctt >(1(> Ed% ::0: stirts us de i trgp ildeo tbc

lgec td Zdss(de(_yc, gemlu`geo i kdurecy `dwe tbc arcgobt dely jriemb tbrduob

Fcrec Jrg`oc ie` Ly`jrddf Pueecl td tbc liroc mijlc wdrfs it Ly`jrddf Kuemtgde

jcbge` iedtbcr Mdllctt >(1(>% Mdetgeugeo de dur pissceocr trige cist ardh Zdss(

de(_yc, wc spce` tghc ge 9710 it tbc `clgobtaul mduetry stitgde da Hgtmbcl`cie

Zdi`, witmbgeo tbc imtgvgty jcadrc i vgsgt td tbc kuemtgde it Orieoc Mdurt% Pbgs

pirt da dur kdurecy, jrdi`ly td tbc sdutb(wcst da _drmcstcr, egsbcs ge i rchdtc

irci da tbc Adrcst da @cie de tbc stccply ori`c` jriemb td _bgtcmlgaa Yuirry ge

@cmchjcr 9713, kust jcadrc tbc clghgeitgde da stcih ge tbc irci%

Ilie ie` _ce`y Hiue` lgvc` kust edrtb da _drmcstcr, ie` qugtc mldsc td

Acrebgll Bcitb ]titgde, wbgmb gs scce ge 9737% Ie ghpdrtiet arcgobt mdetrimt tbit

bi` jcce wde jy JZ wis adr tbc triespdrt da dgl ardh tbc rcecry it Aiwlcy,

]dutbihptde, td Jrdhadr` Jrg`oc, Jgrhgeobih, ie` tbcsc triges wcrc rdutc`

tbrduob Acrebgll Bcitb% @rdgtwgmb ]pi gs wgtecss td i sgobt humb sduobt iatcr jy

cetbusgists, dec da tbc liroc :(9>(> arcgobt ldmdhdtgvcs biulgeo i pissceocr trige%

Iedtbcr, mliss lci`cr Ed% 7:>>>, gs scce de hdrc usuil `utgcs biulgeo ie chpty

dgl trige ildeo tbc strieoc scmtgde da riglwiy tbit rie pirillcl td, jut ivdg`c`

jdtb @rdgtwgmb ie` _drmcstcr, strieoc ge tbit adr ijdut 9>> ycirs gt wis dec

da tbc ldeocst scmtgdes da trimf ge tbc mduetry wgtb ed getcrhc`gitc pissceocr

stitgdes% Ardh ]tdfc _drfs, ie` mldsc jy Ilie‗s plimc da wdrf it ]tdfc ^rgdr, wc

trivcl up tbc scmtgde qui`ruplc` jy tbc LH] ge tbc cirly 97=>s jcadrc irrgvil it

Jrdhsordvc, bdhc td tbc stccpcst sustigec` hige(lgec riglwiy gemlgec ge Orcit

Jrgtige ( tbc aihdus Lgmfcy Jief% Ill tbrduob tbc stcih cri ie` jcyde`, i cct

da jiefgeo ldmdhdtgvcs wcrc rci`y cvcry bdur da cvcry `iy td bclp pusb bcivy

triges up tbc stccp ori`gcet% Ihdeost i bie`aul da pbdtdoripbs bcrc gs dec da 

Jrdhsordvc puttgeo de gts orie`cst sgobt; adur jiefgeo ldmdhdtgvcs bclpgeo pusb

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up dec da tbc vcry bcivy dgl triges ardh Aiwlcy td Jgrhgeobih% Pbc surprgsgeoly

getcesly usc` jriemb lgec ardh Ldeojrg`oc tbrduob Zujcry ie` Bueegeotde td

Bilcsdwce gevdlvc` pissgeo dvcr tbc wcgobt(rcstrgmtc` vgi`umt it @dwcry @cll,

ie` is i rcsult, gt prdvc` td jc dec da tbc list bdhcs da Kdbesde‗s lgobtwcgobt

>(1(>s, wbgmb bi` tbcgr drgoges is air jimf is 92?3%

Pbc list mdhhcrmgil usc da stcih ldmdhdtgvcs ge _drmcstcrsbgrc wis it

]tdurpdrt ^dwcr ]titgde, ie` tbcsc irc scce jcadrc i trgp ildeo tbc ]cvcre Qillcy

ie` gts jriembcs, wbgmb jcoges it Jcw`lcy% Dec da tbc O_Z riglmirs getrd`umc`

ardh 970>, spcmgmilly td ghprdvc tbc eiemcs da ruril jriemb lgec pissceocr

scrvgmcs, gs scce it Mlcdjury Hdrtghcr de tbc rdutc tbit tcrhgeitc` it _ddaacrtde

 Kuemtgde, i stitgde tbit scchc` td suaacr i mdeausgde da iltcreitgvc spcllgeos% Pd`iy,

Jrg`oedrtb gs tbc edrtbcre tcrhgeus da tbc prcscrvc` ]cvcre Qillcy Ziglwiy, jut

Ilie pbdtdoripbc` tbc stitgde kust jcadrc tbc lgec mldsc` is i tbrduob rdutc ge

971=, ie` wc scc ie Gvitt :(1(:P sghhcrgeo iwiy ge tbc cvcegeo suesbgec% I tdwe

tbit g`e‗t rcilly cxgst ge tbc cri da tbgs jddf wis Pcladr`% Bdwcvcr, Ilie rcoulirly

vgsgtc` tbc irci, lhgeo tbc riglwiy imtgvgty ardh 971: td 9711, ie` gemlu`c` irc

Mdilpdrt "LE_Z', Hi`clcy Kuemtgde, ie` _cllgeotde% _iode cetbusgists wgll

cekdy tbc sgobt bcrc da i arcgobt trige tbit gemlu`cs twd spcmgil mittlc vies "]MQs'

adr prgzc mittlc ie` immdhpieygeo `rdvcr% Iatcr ]brcwsjury, i trgp gs hi`c ge

Hirmb 971: td dec da tbc hdrc djsmurc lgecs ge Jrgtige, td wbit wis lcat da tbc

Ilie‗s dwe ldmdhdtgvc wis ge wdrfgeo dr`cr jy 97196 gt gs edw de tbc Jili Lifc Ziglwiy ge_ilcs%

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]eigljcimb @gstrgmt Ziglwiys ge ruril ]brdpsbgrc tbit wis wdrfc` jy i Adr`sde

trimtdr, ie` tbc hdst wcstcrly plimc scce ge tbgs jddf%

_c qugmfly irrgvc it dur hdst edrtbcrly pdget, wbgmb gs Mrcwc, ie` tbc plimc

tbc Orie` Kuemtgde Ziglwiy mbdsc is tbc sgtc adr tbcgr ldmdhdtgvc wdrfs% ]tcih,

`gcscl, ie` clcmtrgm ldmdhdtgvcs wcrc ill it Mrcwc ge tbc cirly 971>s, ie` ihdeost

i bie`aul dr sd da pbdtdoripbs gemlu`c` ardh tbgs aihdus riglwiy tdwe tbcrc gs

dec da tbc LH] `gcscl sbuetcrs tbit `itc` ardh 97=7, dec da tbc Mrdstg :(9>(>s,

edw mdevcrtc` jimf td mdevcetgdeil dpcritgde ie` lddfgeo vcry shirt iatcr i vgsgt

td tbc wdrfs, ie` dec da tbc cxpcrghcetil ‒Jlimf 3s‗ prd`umc` iatcr tbc ]cmde`

_drl` _ir wgtb Miprdttg vilvc ocir% Hdrc clcmtrgm imtgde gs scce it Zuoclcy

"Prcet Qillcy' edt ldeo iatcr cecrogsitgde da tbc dvcrbci` wgrcs, jcadrc wc vceturc

up detd Mieedmf Mbisc ge tbc sedw% It Bc`ecsadr`, scc mclcjrgty ge`ustrgil

ldmdhdtgvc Mieedmf _dd`, wbgmb bi` demc jcce dwec` jy tbc Lde`de, Jrgobtde

! ]dutb Mdist Ziglwiy% I mdhhde sgobt ardh tbc cirly 971>s wis rdws ie`

rdws da mde`chec` stcih ldmdhdtgvcs iwigtgeo tbc muttcr‗s tdrmb% Sp uetgl tbce,

tbc riglwiy‗s dwe wdrfsbdps wdul` datce mdpc wgtb tbgs, jut `uc td jdtb tbc

mbieoc ardh stcih pdwcr ie` i mdetrimtgde da jusgecss `dec jy tbc riglwiys,

sd hiey wcrc jcgeo mde`chec` tbit prgvitc mdetrimtdrs bi` td jc usc`% Dec

sumb mdetrimtdr wis Misbhdrc‗s da Orcit Jrg`oc, ie` wc scc i si` O_Z >(0(:P

Ed% 90:0 rci`y td jcoge gts list kdurecy% I mliss da ldmdhdtgvc wgtb lcoce`iry

biulioc pdwcrs wcrc tbc LE_Z ‒]upcr @s‗, wbdsc bcrgtioc `itc` jimf td wbce

Yucce Qgmtdrgi wis de tbc tbrdec% Ilie vgsgtc` Jcsmdt sbc` ge Dmtdjcr 971= td

scc sdhc da tbc list acw ge scrvgmc% Ge Jgrhgeobih gtscla, wc scc jdtb Ecw ]trcct

Dec da Ilie‗s pigetgeos6 tbc iutbdr wde tbgs is rst prgzc ge i 9712 riglwiy sdmgctymdhpctgtgde%

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ie` ]edw Bgll ]titgdes, jcadrc i vgsgt td Pysclcy sbc`, wbcrc iedtbcr mclcjrgty

ldmdhdtgvc wis prcscet ge Kieuiry 9713% Gesg`c tbc sbc` ge pddr lgobt ie` lddfgeo

ge pddr mde`gtgde, jut stgll ge scrvgmc, wis Ed% 7:::> Cvcegeo ]tir, tbc list stcih

ldmdhdtgvc mdestrumtc` jy JZ% Pbce, gt gs ildeo tbc O_Z hige lgec td Jiejury

vgi Bittde ie` de td Bddf Edrtde, millgeo it ]dutbih Mchcet _drfs de tbc

wiy% Pbc eirrdw oiuoc systch bcrc wis i aivdurgtc da Ilie‗s, ie` is sdhctbgeo

ritbcr `gaacrcet ardh tbc usuil, tbc ldmdhdtgvcs bcrc adlldwc` i ocdldogmil tbchc

adr tbcgr eihcs, wgtb sumb ochs is Hcsdzdgm, Prgissgm, ie` Kurissgm%

Bci`geo aurtbcr cist wc irrgvc it Jgmcstcr "Lde`de Zdi`' ge 971=, wbgmb is tbgs

jddf gs jcgeo wrgttce, scchs lgfcly td sdde jc cekdygeo i ripg` pcrgd` da riglwiy

cxpiesgde, wgtb jdtb tbc pirtgil rcstdritgde da tbc sd(millc` Qirsgty Lgec ardh

Dxadr` tdwir`s Mihjrg`oc, ie` tbc jugl`geo da i ecw spur, illdwgeo Mbgltcre

Ziglwiys td rue i `grcmt scrvgmc ardh Dxadr` td Lde`de tbrduob tbgs stitgde%

Qcrecy Kuemtgde gs iedtbcr stitgde de tbc Qirsgty Lgec, tbc dec(tghc edrtbcre

lghgt da tbc Hctrdpdlgtie Ziglwiy ardh Lde`de, ie` bcrc, cvcrytbgeo wis jcgeo

witmbc` dvcr jy i ritbcr uelgfcly(lddfgeo jgr`% Pbc vcry aurtbcst cist ge tbgs

jddf gs Buetgeo`de, i pbdtdoripb G wis ueijlc td g`cetgay% Bdwcvcr, tbiefs

irc `uc td tbc mbigrhie da tbc Orcit Edrtbcre Ziglwiy ]dmgcty wbd wis ijlc

td rcmdoegsc tbc ldmitgde ie` prdvg`c `ctigls ijdut gt% Pbc grdestdec riglwiys da 

tbc Cist Hg`lie`s wcrc iedtbcr da Ilie‗s aivdurgtcs, ie` rst scce gs tbc hctrc

oiuoc systch "i rirc oiuoc adr Jrgtige' td Agec`de Yuirrgcs ecir _cllgeojdrduob

ge 9711% Pbce, gt gs dvcr td Jrgxwdrtb de tbc LE_Z lgec ardh Edrtbihptde td

Hirfct Birjdrduob ge 971= wbcrc tbcrc wcrc twd systchs, stie`ir` oiuoc it

Bieogeo Bduobtde ie` eirrdw oiuoc it ]mil`wcll% I vgsgt gs ilsd hi`c td JZ it

Hirfct Birjdrduob gtscla, wbcrc jdtb stcih ie` `gcscl irc scce, jcadrc hdvgeo

de td i riglwiy tdwe tbit gs ed ldeocr de tbc riglwiy hip ” _dd`adr` Bilsc% Pbc

pbdtdoripbs egsb wgtb smcecs it Jurtde(de(Prcet, @crjy, ge 973?, ie` Sttdxctcr,

jcadrc mdemlu`geo it Acrebgll Bcitb%

Is wis hcetgdec` cirlgcr ge tbgs getrd`umtgde, i mbillceoc adr hc bis jcce

g`cetgaygeo Ilie‗s pbdtdoripbs, tbc hikdrgty da wbgmb bivc ed `itc dr ldmitgde

wgtb tbch% G wdul` lgfc bcrc td spcmgmilly tbief virgdus sdmgctgcs ie` ge`gvg`uils,

ge ed pirtgmulir dr`cr, wbd bivc jcce fge` ceduob td arccly ogvc hc tbcgr bclp; tbc

]uttde Mdl`cl` Ziglwiy ]dmgcty, tbc Hdehdutbsbgrc Ziglwiy ]dmgcty, tbc ]cvcre

Qillcy Ziglwiy Huscuh, tbc ]cvcre Qillcy Ziglwiy Issdmgitgde "]tdurjrg`oc

Jriemb', tbc ]bgrlcy Ziglwiy Mluj, Hirf Zitmlgaac "Jurtde Ziglwiy ]dmgcty',

Ocdroc Bdwc "Orcit Edrtbcre Ziglwiy ]dmgcty', _iyec Agemb "Oldumcstcrsbgrc

_irwgmfsbgrc Ziglwiy', Ilie Jrige "Mbgppgeo Edrtde Ziglwiy Mluj', ie` Hgfc

Hdrrgs "Oldumcstcr Aglh Hifcrs'% Pbc Mbcltcebih Ziglwiy Imtgde bdtdoripbcrs

"dr MZI^ is tbcy rcacr td tbchsclvcs' `cscrvc ie cxtce`c` tbiefs, tbcgr `cptb da 

fedwlc`oc, jdtb riglwiy ie` pbdtdoripbgm, gs istdegsbgeo, ie` gemlu`cs `itcs,

ldmitgdes, ie` `ctigls, plus i scchgeoly gestiet rcmill da ldmdhdtgvc illdmitgdes

ardh aty dr hdrc ycirs iod% Jctwcce tbch ill, ie cemymldpc`gm irmbgvc gs bcl`

ge tbcgr hge`s ie` tbcgr bclp wis cetbusgistgmilly ie` uercscrvc`ly ogvce6 tbc

ietgtbcsgs da tbcgr MZI^ imrdeyh%

7/23/2019 The Last Years of Steam Around the Midlands 16/26

Pd mdemlu`c, _ce`y Hiue` bis sig` bdw ge`cjtc` sbc gs td hc adr tbc tghc,

pitgcemc, ie` caadrt G bivc put ge td mrcitc tbgs listgeo rcmdr` da bcr litc busjie`‗s

wdrf% Edectbclcss, G tbgef wc irc ill ge`cjtc` td _ce`y adr bivgeo tbc odd`

ku`ochcet td sivc Ilie‗s pbdtdoripbs adr pdstcrgty ie` td illdw tbc irmbgvc td

jc cekdyc` jy ill%

Hgmbicl Mlchces

^crsbdrc, _drmcstcrsbgrc

Dmtdjcr :>9:

Jcldw; Qgmtdrgie(juglt Kdbesde ‒:A‗ Ed% 329=2 gs ilhdst ldst ge tbc ue`crordwtb is gt wdrfs iarcgobt trige jctwcce Bilcsdwce ie` Zujcry%

7/23/2019 The Last Years of Steam Around the Midlands 17/26

Pbc ^bdtdoripbgm Irmbgvcda tbc Litc I% K% Hiue`

Pbc rst riglwiy td scrvc tbc mgty da _drmcstcr wis dpcec` jy tbc Dxadr`, _drmcstcr !_dlvcrbihptde Ziglwiy ge 923>% Jcgeo sgtuitc` ijdut hg`wiy ildeo tbc D__Z, _drmcstcrwis i ldogmil plimc td jugl` hikdr scrvgmgeo aimglgtgcs, ie` humb da tbc gearistrumturc gs stgllvgsgjlc ge tbgs suhhcr 9710 piedrihi tifce ardh Ziglwiy _ilf% Pbc ceogec sbc` mdhplcxmdesgstc` da twd scpiritc jugl`geos; td tbc rgobt gs tbc adur(rdi` odd`s ceogec `cpdt, wbglc kustlcat da mcetrc gs tbc tbrcc(rdi` pissceocr ceogec `cpdt6 tbc liroc jugl`geos aurtbcr td tbc lcatadrhc` tbc hige D__Z wdrfsbdps% Agaty(twd imrcs da lie` wcrc purmbisc` ge 923: adr tbgs

td tbc wcst da ]bruj Bgll stitgde, wbgmb gs kust vgsgjlc ijdvc tbc rdda da tbc pissceocr `cpdt%Ill tbgs egsbc` wgtb tbc ce` da stcih it _drmcstcr it tbc ce` da 9713% De =9 @cmchjcr,tbc iutbdr‗s argce` Crgm ^irfcr vgsgtc` adr dec list tghc, ie` it tbc wdrfsbdps, wis ogvce tbcsurvgvgeo edtcjddfs plus rctures sbccts adr tbc pcrgd` ardh 9731 td 9713%

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Lddfgeo vcry shirt, jut wgtb i ritbcr ede(stie`ir` shdfc(jdx euhjcr plitc, Ed% ?>::Bcrcadr` Mistlc stie`s it _drmcstcr sbc` "23I' ge tbc suhhcr da 9710, wgtb tbc sujstietgiljugl`geos da tbc D__Z wdrfs jcbge` gt% @uc td tbc uerclgijglgty da tbc `gcscls tbit bi` tifcedvcr tbc _drmcstcr td ^i``geotde scrvgmcs ge ]cptchjcr 971=, stcih bi` cekdyc` ie Ge`giesuhhcr de tbc rdutc, ie` Ed% ?>:: gs prdjijly tbc stie`jy ldmdhdtgvc% Bdwcvcr, tbgs wisedw mdhgeo td ie ce`, ie` tbc list stcih sujstgtutgde tbc iutbdr siw wis de 90 Kuly 9710,ie` tbgs wgtb Ed% ?>::% Bcrcadr` Mistlc lc` sdhctbgeo da i mbirhc` lgac, is gt survgvc` jcgeoilldmitc` td ^lyhdutb Ligri sbc` ldeo iatcr hdst scrvgmcs bi` odec dvcr td `gcscls, jcgeousc` de tbc `cpdt‗s dely rcoulir stcih ture ge tbc suhhcr da 971= ” tbc `igly ^lyhdutb tdOdd`rgeotde "^igoetde' cxmursgde% Ed% ?>:: wis triesacrrc` td Bcrcadr` ge Edvchjcr 971=ie` rcimbc` _drmcstcr ge Iprgl 9710% rcilldmitgde td Oldumcstcr mihc ge tbc Dmtdjcr, adlldwc`jy wgtb`riwil ge Kuec 9713%

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Gt gs 97 Iprgl 9713, ie` _drmcstcr sbc` gs bdst td i rirc vgsgtdr, hd`gc` ‒Jittlc da Jrgtige‗ mlissEd% =0>27 1>: ]qui`rde% Pbgs `itc wis Cistcr Hde`iy ge 9713, ie` i vcry orghy Ed% =0>27bis mdhc td _drmcstcr adr scrvgmgeo iatcr wdrfgeo ie cxmursgde trige ardh tbc ]dutbcre Zcogde” 1>: ]qui`rde‗s usuil spbcrc da dpcritgde it tbgs tghc wis jctwcce _itcrldd, Jdurechdutb,ie` _cyhdutb% Pbc jcst stcih mdil ge tbc wdrl` gs sig` td jc tbit ardh ]dutb _ilcs, ie` tbgswis tbc O_Z‗s prcacrrc` mbdgmc it hdst da tbcgr `cpdts% Iltbduob _clsb stcih mdil jures wcllge tbc mdeec` spimc da i ldmdhdtgvc‗s rcjdx, i prdjlch gs tbit gt gs argijlc, wbgmb hcies tbitgt cisgly mruhjlcs td `ust ie` sd bis td jc bie`lc` wgtb mirc% Is i rcsult, tbc O_Z usc` hieuilgestci` da hcmbiegmil bie`lgeo da mdil% Ie cxmcptgde wis bcrc it _drmcstcr "ie` ilsd ]dutbill',wbcrc tbc mdilgeo bdgst systch jcgeo usc` td rcaucl Ed% =0>27 wis gestillc` ge 9700%

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Pbc O_Z‗s rst gcscl hcmbiegmil riglmir Ed% 9 wis put getd scrvgmc de 0 @cmchjcr 97== ge tbcZci`geo irci de ldmil scrvgmcs% Ed% 92 wis juglt ge 97=? ie` gemdrpdritc` sdhc ecw aciturcs,sumb is jcgeo ijlc td biul i tigl ldi` da 1> tdes ie` jcgeo ttc` wgtb stie`ir` `riwocir% Iaurtbcr jitmb da twcety wis iutbdrgsc` ge Acjruiry 97=2 ie` jisc` de Ed% 92, da wbgmb atcce,gemlu`geo Ed% :> scce bcrc, wcrc adr jriemb ie` sujsg`giry scrvgmcs% Ill cetcrc` scrvgmc jctwcce Kuec 970> ie` Acjruiry 970:% Ge Kuec 970?, _drmcstcr bi` scvce illdmitc`, tbc bgobcst da iey`cpdt, ie` tbcy siw humb usc de tbc ]cvcre Qillcy lgec% Pbc list survgvdrs wcrc hdstly ge tbc_drmcstcr irci, jut ill bi` jcce wgtb`riwe jy Dmtdjcr 971:% _:>_, gts JZ euhjcr, rchigec`ge i `crclgmt mde`gtgde ge tbc yir`s jy _drmcstcr sbc` adr qugtc sdhc tghc, is scce bcrc, jut wis

prcscrvc` jy tbc Fcet ! Cist ]usscx Ziglwiy wbcrc gt stgll gs td`iy%

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Ge Hiy 9710 twd da tbc ‒91xx‗ mliss lgobtwcgobt pieegcr tiefs, Eds 91=7 ! 9119, wcrcilldmitc` td _drmcstcr spcmgmilly adr wdrfgeo tbc ‒Qgecoir Jriemb‗, tbc dely stcih ldmdhdtgvcsilldwc` de tbgs lgec% Pbc _drmcstcr Ziglwiys Imt da 92?> iutbdrgsc` vgecoir hieuaimturcrsBgll, Cvies ! Md "it tbcgr dwe cxpcesc' td cxtce` ie ilrci`y cxgstgeo sg`geo dewir`s td tbcvgecoir wdrfs ge Ldwcshddr6 tbc jriemb wis dely ijdut bila i hglc ldeo ge tdtil% Pbc suhhcr971: Oldumcstcr @gstrgmt Arcgobt _drfgeo Pghctijlc sbdws tbit _drmcstcr sbuetgeo ceogec utyEd% A%>9 mdesgstc` dely da i Hde`iy hdregeo vgecoir trgp ie` i Hde`iy td Arg`iy iatcredde

trgp, adlldwc` jy ocecril sbuetgeo `utgcs iwiy ardh tbc vgecoir jriemb, i tdtil da adrty(twd bdurs `uty pcr wccf% Pbc prdjlch adr Eds 91=7 ! 9119 wis tbit tbc list trige de tbcjriemb rie de 3 Kuec 9710, ie` biulc` jy Ed% 91=7, wgtb adrhil mldsurc ijdut i hdetb litcr%Pbc pbdtdoripb da i vcry `cmrcpgt lddfgeo Ed% 91=7 it tbc rcir da tbc odd`s ceogec sbc` it_drmcstcr itcs ardh tbc adlldwgeo wgetcr, tbc ldmdhdtgvc bivgeo jcce wgtb`riwe ge Edvchjcr9710% Gt wis mut up it ]tccl ]upply Md% "_cstcre' Lt` ecir ]wiesci% Pbit da Ed% 9119 `itcsardh Hirmb 9710 wbce tbc ldmdhdtgvc wis tbc _drmcstcr sbc` pgldt% ^irtgmulirly edtgmcijlc gstbc spirf(irrcstgeo mbghecy, `csgoec` adr usc ge plimcs sumb is dr`geiemc aimtdrgcs, wbcrc bdtchjcrs da mdil irc ie djvgdus prdjlch% Ed% 9119 bi` jcce juglt it ]wge`de is litc is 9733,jut wis wgtb`riwe ge Kuly 9710 ie` summuhjc` td tbc muttcr‗s tdrmb it Jgr`s Lt`%

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^bdtdoripbc` ardh gesg`c _drmcstcr‗s pissceocr sbc` de i 9710 suhhcr‗s `iy irc Ed% ?:3:ie` ie ueg`cetgc` pieegcr tief% Ed% ?:3: gs i hchjcr da tbc dely mliss da :(2(: tief ceogectd rue de Jrgtgsb Ziglwiys, iltbduob gt bi` jcoue gts lgac is i :(2(>P% O_Z mbgca hcmbiegmilceogeccr O% K% Mburmbwir` getrd`umc` tbc ‒0:xx‗ mliss :(2(>Ps ge 979> adr bcivy hgecriltriam ge ]dutb _ilcs, ie` tbcy prdvc` i summcss% Bdwcvcr, tbc 97:>s siw i mdesg`crijlc `rdpge mdil cxpdrts, ie` hiey litcr hchjcrs da tbc mliss wcrc plimc` ge stdrioc is tbcgr mdil ie`witcr mipimgty, wbglc g`cil adr sbdrt kdurecys ge tbc _clsb villcys, prcmlu`c` tbch ardh i wg`cr

usc% Mburbwir`‗s summcssdr M% K% Mdllctt hd`gc` tbc :(2(>Ps td gemrcisc jdtb witcr ie` mdilmipimgtgcs jy i``geo i jdlt(de cxtcesgde it tbc rcir, gemlu`geo i triglgeo wbccl% Cvcetuilly, tbcrcwcrc aty(adur da tbcsc :(2(:Ps% Ed% ?:3: ippcirs mdilc` up ie` rci`y, pdssgjly td wdrf jimftd ]dutb _ilcs de tbc 7%03 p%h% arcgobt td ^detypddl Zdi`%

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Pifce ardh tbc dwe plitadrh it _drmcstcr "]bruj Bgll' wc e` ‒Byhcf‗ mliss @?>7> rueegeolgobt ceogec% I mluc td wbit gs bippcegeo gs tbc adur(mbirimtcr trige g`cetgmitgde ” 9I23% Pbc_drfgeo Pghctijlc dpcritgvc ardh 7  ]cptchjcr 971= lgsts 9I23 is tbc :%>3 p%h% Bcrcadr`td ^i``geotde cxprcss wgtb i 9> hgeutc stdp bcrc ardh =%>> p%h%, prcsuhijly td mbieocldmdhdtgvcs, wgtb tbc stdmf da tbc Lde`de trige jcbge` tbc ‒Byhcf‗% @?>7> lddfs td jc getgp(tdp cxtcreil mde`gtgde, pcrbips cvce prgstgec, is gts `itc da cetry td triam gs lgstc` is :0]cptchjcr 971=% Pbc twd hg``lc rdi`s scce bcrc survgvc` uetgl Kuec 97?=, ie` tbcy ilsd usc`td bivc smgssdrs(mrdssgeos mdeecmtgeo wgtb jdtb tbc up ie` `dwe plitadrh lgecs td bclp wgtb tbc

splgttgeo ie` rc(adrhgeo da triges% Hiey cirly `gcscls suaacrc` tbc sihc aitc is littcr(`iy stcihldmdhdtgvcs wgtb qugtc sbdrt lgvcs, ie` @?>7> wis i typgmil cxihplc, jcgeo wgtb`riwe ge Kuec97?: iatcr i lgac da lcss tbie egec ycirs%

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Gt gs Iuoust 971=, ie` rcoulir stcih biulioc da tbc ^i``geotde cxprcsscs gs aist mdhgeo td imldsc, is Ed% ?>:3 ]u`clcy Mistlc pulls iwiy ardh _drmcstcr "]bruj Bgll' adr iedtbcr 9:>¸(hglc rue up td Lde`de% Pbc shillcr tbie usuil sgoeils de tbc lcat irc usc` wbcrc spimc gslghgtc`6 tbc irhs irc hd`gc` sd tbit tbcy pgvdt ecir tbcgr mcetrc% ]u`clcy Mistlc bi` jcce decda tbc vcry list mliss hchjcrs td rcmcgvc ittcetgde ge tbc hige cx(O_Z wdrfsbdps it ]wge`de,rcmcgvgeo i lgobt getcrhc`gitc rcpigr ge @cmchjcr 971:% Ge Hiy 9710, i spcmgil eil bgob(spcc`rue ardh Lde`de td ^lyhdutb ie` rcture wis droiegsc`, biulc` jy ‒Mistlcs‗ ge jdtb `grcmtgdesde rcmdr`(jrcifgeo smbc`ulcs% Is rcoulir `igly cxprcss wdrf adr tbc mliss bi` mcisc`, survgvgeoldmdhdtgvcs wcrc spcmgilly tcstc` de tbc _drmcstcr rdutc td mbcmf tbcgr sugtijglgty% Ed% ?>:3

wis sclcmtc` td jc tbc rcscrvc ldmdhdtgvc it Piuetde ie` tddf dvcr tbc `dwe spcmgil adlldwgeoi aiglurc ce rdutc wgtb tbc edw prcscrvc` Ed% 0>?7 ce`ceegs Mistlc%

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_ge jddfs wgtb ADEPBGLL% Mdeecmt wgtb us de;

a aimcjddf t twgttcr P tuhjlr i ihizde

Iviglijlc edw ardh Adetbgll Hc`gi

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