The Leader Who Had No Title Am

Post on 04-Oct-2014

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Key Impressionistic takes from the book

Robin Sharma’s

“The Leader who had no title”

by Ramakrishnan ( Ramki)

Prelude The book ― The Leader who had no title‖ written by Robin Sharma brings out that anyone can

be a leader. Most of us go to work with the mind-set that to be a leader they need to work their

way up the company ladder, get the title or position they seek, and then they can be leaders.

This is the wrong approach according to Sharma.

The story is good and somewhat engaging. The leadership principles that surface in the story

make the book worth reading. The foundation principle is Self-Leadership. Anyone who

understands this can lead regardless of his or her official title in an organization. According to

Sharma, ―leaders are those individuals who do the things that failures aren‘t willing to do–even

though they might not like doing them either.‖ Too many people pay the sad costs of mediocrity

and forego the spectacular rewards of being a leader.

Blake Davis, the fictional hero in Robin Sharma‘s The Leader Who Had No Title, gets his tips on

leadership from his mentor, Tommy Flinn. Blake enlists in the army and sees action in Iraq,

where many of his friends are killed. But this is not a book on the war in Iraq, so that phase of

Blake‘s life is dealt with in just a few paragraphs. The interesting part of the story begins when

the narrator, now working at a bookstore in SoHo, comes across ―a most curious stranger.& the

lessons he taught me in our all too brief time together shattered the limitations I‘d been clinging

to — exposing me to a whole new way of working and a completely new way of being.‖ Tommy

engages Blake in four leadership conversations, which among other things, teach him how to

work with and influence people like a superstar, regardless of one‘s position

Prelude- Contd.. You need no title to be a leader: Success (business and personal) is

something that‘s consciously created. To lead without a title ―you will have

to be unrealistically persistent and wildly courageous.‖

Turbulent times build great leaders: Challenging times in both business

and life give us great opportunities to learn and transform ourselves.

―Problems and difficult days are actually good for you.‖

The deeper your relationships, the stronger your leadership: ―Leave every

single person who intersects your path better, happier, and more engaged

than you found them.‖ Time spent forming deep relationships–in all

aspects of life–will pay dividends down the road.

To be a great leader, first become a great person: Training and strengthening

your inner leader will help you perform at extraordinary levels. The key is

learning to lead yourself. In our world we define success by the things we

have, not by the people we‘ve become. The more self-awareness we

develop the more likely we are to grow and help others.

Robin Sharma Starts the book with a quote

― In a gentle way you can shake the World ―

By Mahatma Gandhi

You need no title to be a leader- Quotes

‘If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should

sweep streets as Michelangelo painted or Beethoven

composed music or Shakespeare poetry. He should

sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and

earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street

sweeper who did his job well’

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You need no title to be a leader- Quotes

‘Success is created through conscious choice. And is

the eventual and inevitable consequence of superior

decision making. Anyone can be successful. Few

choose to be.’

‘Leadership is about having unshakeable faith in your

vision and unrelenting confidence in your power to

make the positive change happen.’

You need no title to be a leader- Quotes

‘Simply remember that no matter what your position

within the organisation and no matter how old you are

or where you live …. You have the power to show

leadership. And no one and nothing can ever deny you



Robin Sharma unfolds several acronyms in the book such as

LWT – Leadership without title,

SEW –Seriously exceptional work,

BIW – Best in the world,

IMAGE – innovation, mastery, authenticity, guts, ethics

SHINE – See clearly, Health is wealth, Inspiration matters,

Neglect not your family, Elevate your lifestyle,

HUMAN – Helpfulness, Understanding, Mingle, Amuse and


KMF - Keep Moving Forward

SPARK – Speak with Candor, Prioritize, Adversity Breeds

Opportunity, Respond Versus React, Kudos for Everyone.

The Four major themes of the book

You need no title to be a leader

Turbulent times build great leaders

The deeper your relationships, the stronger your leadership

To be a great leader, first become a great


You need no title to be a leader

Blake Davis meets Anna – a member of the housekeeping

staff at a high-end luxury hotel. Anna teaches Blake

about personal responsibility and the fact that you need

no title to be a leader. Anna (as well as all the other

teachers) gives Blake an acronym to help him remember

what she has told him and help him apply it to his life.

Her acronym is IMAGE

This chapter in the book focuses on the fact that human beings has

choice to act either pro-actively or reactively on situations in life &

the question is how do you take up this leadership role in your life.

The acronym associated with this chapter is IMAGE

Innovation- we need to create growth daily through innovation.

Mastery- committing to mastery through constant improvement.

Authenticity- being trustworthy to yourself and other.

Guts- having the courage to do things other fear to do.

Ethics- doing what is right and staying true to your values.

Theme 1- You need no title to be a leader


‗Be all about making this day better than Yesterday‖

‗Daily ripples of superior performance add up over time to a

tidal wave of outrageous success‖

‗Dream big but yet start small. That is the key‘

‗Great careers and great businesses are built by evolution

‗The more successful you become, the more hungry you

need to be‘

Theme 1- You need no title to be a leader


‗Be so good that people cannot ignore you‘

‗Focus married with Time produces Mastery

‗Nothing less than my very best ‘

‗Being extraordinary in your work is one of the true secrets of


Theme 1- You need no title to be a leader


‗Your ability to have an impact and make a contribution

comes from who you are as a person than from the authority

you receive by your placement in an org chart‘

‗To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make

you something else …. Is the greatest accomplishment ‘ – By

Ralph Waldo Emerson

‗Don‘t lose yourself on your way to the top‘ – By Jack Welch

‗There will never be a better you than you ‘ – By Warren


Theme 1- You need no title to be a leader


‗You will need to dare more than a reasonable person and

risk far more than an ordinary person‘

Theme 1- You need no title to be a leader


‗Leadership success lies at the

intersection where excellence meets


‗Your reputation is all you have‘

‗Integrity always leads to beautiful

rewards. Be courageous enough to

ensure your deeds reflect your creed ‘

Summing up- You need no title to be a leader- 5 Rules






Money, influence & position are nothing compared with brains, principles ,

energy & perseverance – by Orison Swett Marden


Turbulent times build great


Next Blake Davis meets - Ty Boyd – a 5-time world slalom

skiing champion. Ty talks with Blake about how turbulent

times build great leaders and how many people resist the

opportunity to show personal leadership because of the fear

they have about exceeding their abilities. Ty’s acronym is


This part of the book focuses on Chaos & changes and how do

each one take up our role in these turbulent times

The acronym associated with this chapter is SPARK

Speak the naked truth and rather over communicate.

Prioritise- Focus on the best and neglect all the rest.

Adversity creates opportunity.

Response- do we act or react on events in our life?

Kudos- stand for recognition for everybody, for doing things


Theme 2- Turbulent times build great Leaders

Speak with Candor

‗An important part of showing

leadership is to be more committed

to speaking honestly than receiving

the approval of others‘

‗Your words are really nothing more

than your thoughts made verbal.

Your language broadcasts your


‗…. The only words they try their

best to use everyday are those that

inspire, engage and elevate‘

Theme 2- Turbulent times build great leaders


‗Focus on the best and ignore the


‗…. Become the best at a few things

you focus on. Focus. Focus. Focus.

To the point of obsession.

‗The best leaders stay staggeringly

focused on their Biggest To Dos‘

‗Shift from chaotic complexity to

elegant simplicity‘

Theme 2- Turbulent times build great leaders

Adversity breeds opportunities

‗Adversity unleashes noble

boldness in each of us – if we

allow it to‘

‗Obstacles show up to measure

how badly you want something’

Respond Vs. React

‗Rather than just stand there

paralyzed by fear, they stayed

calm, showed excellence & turned

it all around

Theme 2- Turbulent times build great leaders

Kudos ( offering to the team)

‗Recognise excellence. Praise good work. Honour mastery‘

‗Real leadership has so much to do with applauding others

when they are doing things right‘

Recognize excellence , Praise good work, Honor Mastery

Theme 2- Turbulent times build great leaders

‗I will persist until I succeed. I was not delivered into this

world into defeat, nor does failure course my veins. I am not

a sheep …. I am a lion. I will persist until I succeed‘ – Og


‗Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever‘ – Lance Armstrong

‗Difficult days never last. But strong people always do‘

‗If everything is under control, you are going too slow‘ –

Mario Andretti

Theme 2- Turbulent times build great leaders- Quotes

Change brings uncertainty and fear. The transition from

caterpillar to butterfly looks messy. But we know something

even more beautiful is being created

‗What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the Master

calls the Butterfly‘ – Richard Bach

Theme 2- Turbulent times build great leaders-Quotes

S-Speak with Candor


A-Adversity breeds opportunity

R-Respond Vs. React

K-Kudos for all

Summing up- Turbulent times build great Leaders

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone – by Neale Donald Walsch


The deeper your relationships, the

stronger your leadership

Blake meets - Jackson Chan – ex-CEO of a multibillion

dollar technology company turned gardener. Jackson‟s

message to Blake is that the deeper your relationships

the stronger your leadership. Jackson‟s acronym for

Blake is HUMAN.

This part of the book focuses on relationships & the importance

of surrounding us with strong people to make us leader strong.

The question is also asked how much heart and contribution do

we put into our relationships.

The acronym associated with relationships is, HUMAN

Helpfulness- What is your contribution and value add?

Understanding through using your ears to really listen.

Mingle- Network and engage with people at all levels.

Amuse people through fun to get engagement.

Nurture- people that they feel valued after each engagement


Theme 3-The Deeper your relationship , the

stronger your leadership

‗You get the best out of others when you give the best of

yourself‘– Harry Firestone

Theme 3-The Deeper your relationship , the

stronger your leadership- Quotes

‗The more value you create for all your constituents – from

your teammates to your customers – the more your

organization will see incredible financial success. And the

more you‘ll win in your career‘

‗If you want to win, you need to

help others to win. And part of that

is doing all you can do to build a

high performance culture within

your organisation.‘

‗Leading by example is one of the

most powerful tools for positively

influencing change in other people

Theme 3-The Deeper your relationship , the

stronger your leadership






Theme 3- The Deeper your relationship , the

stronger your leadership

No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or to get all the

credit for doing it – by Andrew Carnegie


To be a great leader,

first become a great person

Blake meets- Jet Brisley – massage therapist to the rich and

famous. Jet’s lesson for Blake is to be a great leader you

must first become a great person. Jet’s acronym is SHINE

This part of the book brings balance to remind us that we need to

grow as individuals to be able to contribute to other and the world.

The acronym associated with relationships is SHINE

See clearly- The question that we need to ask frequently is

what our reality is and what is actual reality? The way we look

at the world.

Health is important to ensure we have energy to create wealth.

Inspiration- As leader you need to ensure daily interaction with

activities that inspire you, so that you can inspire other.

Neglect not your family and friends.

Elevate your lifestyle, meaning that as great leaders we must

also enjoy the journey.

Theme 4 -To be a great leaders, first become a

great person

See Clearly

‗A winner is a winner before he has

become a winner‘ – Berry Gordy Jr.

‗You can‘t craft a superb future by

remaining stuck in your past‘

‗By becoming a superb thinker and

by believing in yourself you will

virtually create what you are


Theme 4 -To be a great leaders, first become a

great person

Health is wealth

‗Your health will never be better

than your self image

Inspiration Matters

‗A day without feeling inspired is

a day that you have not fully

lived. You need to refill your well

of inspiration every day because

the challenges of life will drain it

every day

Theme 4 -To be a great leaders, first become a

great person

Neglect not your family

‗What is the point in becoming super

successful but ending up all alone? A

huge amount of joy can be found in

cultivating beautiful relationships with

your family & friends‘

Elevate your life style

‗Contribution is the ultimate purpose of

work & life‘

‗Success is not about what you

receive. Success is all about what you


Theme 4 -To be a great leaders, first become a

great person

‗Lead yourself first. Only then you

will get to a place as a person

where you can lead others

‗Greatness on the outside begins

within ‘

‗Don‘t use your possessions to

define you. Because, if you lose

them you lose yourself ‘

Theme 4 -To be a great leaders, first become a

great person -Quotes

S-See Clearly

H-Health is wealth

I-Inspiration Matters

N-Neglect not your family

E-Elevate your lifestyle

Theme 4- To be a great leaders, first become a

great person

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams & endeavors to live

the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in

common hours– by Henry David Thoreau

Key Takeaways

Leadership is about leveraging hard times and using them to

your advantage.

Leadership is about correcting and criticizing others when

they are doing things wrong.

The secret to moving through hard times is to just keep

moving forward.

Great careers and great businesses are built by evolution.

It is better to go down in fiery failure because you chased

your loftiest ambitions than to spend your best hours

watching television in some subdivision.

Initiative and hard work is the warm-up act for a headliner

called success Small daily improvements, over time, lead to

stunning results

Key Takeaways

Being nice isn‘t being weak. Please don‘t confuse kindness

with weakness.

Gratitude is the antidote to fear.

Happy people really do make happy leaders.

The way you start your day determines how well you will live

your day.

You can‘t craft a superb future by remaining stuck in your


We are blind to our blind spots. We see the world not as it is

but as we are.

You are a leader, no matter what you do in your life either

with title or without a title, you are still a leader.

Key Takeaways

You need to have passion to do any job. It is not the title that

gives you respect but the amount of contribution you make to your

work. Title gives you only authority. But the real leadership

involves in walking the talk and leading from front regardless of

the area of activity to pursue.

State your personal experiences of achieving success and

breaking your mental limitations.

Relentless learning is one of the main traits of an open and

powerful person.

The best people always seem to have the biggest libraries.

Sometimes we need to get off track before we can develop the

clarity to be on track.

Be master in your own trade whether you are a teacher, tailor or


In case you wonder whether Robin Sharma is suggesting

doing away with titles in an organisation, very quickly he points

out …..

„I am not at all saying an organisation should not have

titles. They should actually. We need the people on the

executive team setting the vision, steering the boat and

holding ultimate responsibility for the results. Titles and

Structure maintain order and keep everything running

smoothly. But …. for any organisation to thrive amid all

the turbulence …. each one of us needs to take personal

responsibility by becoming CEO of our own roles and

leaders within our current positions „

„We all need to lead where we are planted

and shine where we now find ourselves.‟

‘The great and glorious legacy of human being

is to live with a purpose’