The letter of Jude: Issue dated: 02 Aug 2007 · The letter of Jude: Issue dated: 02 Aug 2007...

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The letter of Jude: Issue dated: 02 Aug 2007 (Revised: 13 March 2011) Some shorthand used in the subsequent text: JC = Jesus Christ in a fleshly DNA body, JCg = Jesus Christ in a heavenly body based upon something I do not know! HS = Holy Spirit (Spirit of/to/the Holy) TC = True Christian. CA = Copyist’s Addition {...} = one Greek word .../... = several English renderings of the same Greek word (see Glossary on all of these terms – where they are carefully explained) og = Original Greek Note: This translation is commutative - meaning that it is so precisely accurate as to enable a perfect translation back to the original Greek including nuances. That is something that cannot be said of modern day translations that are mere interpretations and thus loose the original 2nd level meaning lying just beneath the more accessible high level (which these interpretations then distort) thus I was forced to create a Prime Reference Standard for analytical study that I now present, together with exegesis to shake The World from its present misdirection! This precise amplified translation is structured thus:

Exact Translation is the “Text in this font” (Text in this font are the words buried within the original Greek words – plus the more obvious eg God) (= Text in this font are helpful additions – prefixed with an = ) The English translation/interpretation is the “= Text in this font and colour” The commentary explaining the verse is the “Text in this font and colour”

Thus I have constructed an analytical translation together with the understanding behind the original Word of God. It will cause much ‘heart searching’ and ‘consternation’ within The World as it draws out precisely what Yahweh is teaching us – there is no escape – are you prepared to imbue this ‘new wine – or do you prefer the old?’ Luke.5v39.

Be prepared to be winnowed: ‘are you with JC gathering or against JC dispersing?’ Matt.12v30. Jude 1v1 og (The) Jude (of the) Jesus (of the) Christ/Messiah/Anointed (the) slave/{bond servant}, Jude 1v1 og (the) brother and (of the) James, to the (ones = persons) in (to the) God (the) father/forebear Jude 1v1 og (having been) purified/consecrated/{made holy}/sanctified, Jude 1v1 og also (of the) Jesus (to the) Christ/Messiah/Anointed Jude 1v1 og (having been) {watched/guarded over loss/injury}/detained/maintained/{held fast}/kept Jude 1v1 og (to the) invited/called/appointed. Jude 1v1 Jude the slave/{bond servant} of Jesus Christ, and the brother of James, to the persons in God (Yahweh) the Father having been purified/consecrated/{made holy}, also invited/called/appointed (= TCs) having been {watched/guarded over loss/injure}/maintained/{held fast} (by) Jesus Christ. Jude explains who he is. He is the DNA half brother to JC inasmuch he shares his ancestry with JC through Mary, but his physical father is Joseph and not Yahweh (where Yahweh was the father of JC). This is explained at the verses Matt.1v15 where Matthew goes all through the male ancestral line and switches at this verse from Joseph being the husband to Mary, where then Mary was the mother of JC – hence Joseph was the father-in-law to JC. The hereditary lineage given in Luke is through Mary’s male ancestral line and at Luke.3v23 it is explained that JC was supposedly the son of Joseph (with an implied switch to Mary at this point), thus Joseph being the son-in-law of Heli (where Heli is the father to Mary) and Luke then runs up Mary’s ancestral male line. Thus Matthew gives the Legal Jewish route to King David (so the Pharisees could not claim JC was not ‘The Son of King David’) and Luke gives the DNA route to prove JC was the fleshly ‘Son of David’ but whose Father was Yahweh. Thus both legal and fleshly sides are covered to show that JC was the “son of David” but also the “son of God” so that all scripture prophecy was fulfilled in a specifically unique manner. We also have reference in Mark to JC having brothers and sisters (Matt.13v54-56) – together with one of the brothers being named “Jude”. This is recorded at Mark.6v3 where the neighbours are commenting:

How can this person be speaking as he is – like a prophet when he grew up alongside us in a family of several brothers and sisters? That gives a contextual background behind this verse and the relationship Jude had with JC. It is interesting to note in the early part of his ministry – his brothers were still very sceptical of who JC was to become – as to be expected within sibling rivalry (John.7v2-6) – especially with the sarcastic comment given at v3, but clearly after JC was murdered and upon his resurrection, Jude his half brother, became a firm committed/entrusting/believer to start imitating JC – alongside Peter, John and the other apostles. Note the statement: “Jude being the brother of James”. This is most likely a reference to ‘the brother in flesh’ (one of the other fleshly brothers of JC – Matt.13v55), or it could be meaning a spiritual brother and therefore referring to his uncle ‘half removed’ – the acclaimed disciple/apostle James the brother of John (and son of Zebedee – Matt.4v21, 10v2-3, etc) and sadly murdered (Acts.12v2) because he was a TC accurately representing Yahweh by imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle.

Now for the remainder of the verse. Jude writes to all those persons who – ‘What’?

“What” - has occurred to them? As Jude tells us:-

“The persons who have been purified/consecrated/{made holy}” And what does “purified/consecrated/{made holy}” mean?

It means:- “People who are separated from this world of sin” Yes … … … … … … … . – but what?

It means:- “People who are precisely imitating JC in their lifestyle, they “think, breath, operate, agapao and agape” in precisely the same manner as did JC in his ministry/lifestyle. Being a methodology not to self-indulge, but rather for no worldly return, they give their life in humble sacrifice to be accurately teaching and preaching The Word of God to The World in a manner that never brings Yahweh's Name/Character/Authority into disrepute within the atheist’s reasoning mind.

This absolutely does not mean:- ‘I believe JC existed, was a good man, was the son of God; call myself a “Christian”, and I shall be a ‘good’ person when it suits me!’

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Because quite simply - if this is what “you believe” - then you become a hypocrite to what you ‘claim to believe’ as viewed in Yahweh's continual assay/proving/testing of Christians throughout The Gospel Age for the position of sonship (to occupy some 144000 positions)!

So now we know what being a “holy person” means (and it is absolutely not what our worldly Christian leaders errantly state – creating worldly saints) and what ‘not a holy person’ means, then we can look around us at persons who claim to be “Christians” and then make an initial appraisal of their lifestyle against The Golden Standard which has been laid down – because Yahweh is presently judging/assaying/proving us upon The Golden Standard The Golden Standard is “Agapao” being The Love driving us to edify our neighbour to fulfil Yahweh's Desire for absolutely no worldly return in its ‘1001’ various guises (money/power/influence/prestige/pension/sex/{debilitating habits}/etc/etc and so on). This is not a judgement upon works but rather The Judgement upon The Mindset – which is to then deliver works commensurate to The Agapao within the mind – thus delivering Agape to The World else “faith is dead” (James.2v1-26) – I explain all this in much more logical detail elsewhere. Sadly our worldly Christian leaders for obvious reasons, freely “choose not to understand” because it cramps their lifestyle and thus operate in a feigned ‘charity to the world’ in the flesh (for the obvious return of worldly approval – in its various guises) - but charge for the spiritual information – which itself is so ‘screwed-up’ in its exegesis – that it makes no common sense to the reasoning atheist’s mind!

Thus the atheist (1) cannot understand The Word of God and (2) witness the hypocrisy demonstrated by worldly charity! Therefore how can you expect ‘The Atheist’ to do any other than reject The Real Word of God (Matt.23v13-23) when the presumed measuring stick is completely hypocritical (Luke.12v1 – which is precisely why we need The Millennium – being the 2nd part of our life)!

The hapless worldly Christian members of the congregations have a propensity of wanting to find Yahweh and therefore they go to those person whom they vainly believe are the conduit to ‘God’ (worldly and worse, charlatan Christian leaders), But in reality these leaders are wolves (Matt.7v15) directing them through the wide gate that leads to destruction unless serious reform occurs in The Millennium (under the guidance of demonstrable caring leaders = the 144000 sons of God) who were made “the scum of the earth” (1Cor.4v13) as the Last/Least – but to be given The First/Most as future sons of God in The Millennium.

I have not made any of this up – it is precisely what The Bible teaches us! But is never taught (again, for obvious reasons) by those persons who are paid by The World, to deliver what The World wants to hear (2Tim.4v3-4).

Perhaps surprisingly for most people, The Bible in The New Testament is absolutely not speaking about:- (1) Christians (2) Non-Christians

Being what our worldly Christian leaders make-it-out-to-be! But rather The Bible throughout is speaking about:-

(1) Humans who fulfil Yahweh’s Desire. (2) Humans who do not fulfil Yahweh's Desire.

That is the absolute difference. And further we must understand ‘what precisely is Yahweh’s Desire’, to then be in the position to ‘fulfil His Desire’! Again, because our worldly Christian leaders never teach “Yahweh’s Desire” in their sermons, then we can only presume they do not understand it! We have the two covenants:-

(1) The Old, 1st Covenant with The Jews (= 1st Epoch ‘Israel’) –please read the exegesis elsewhere to understand what “Israel” really means. (2) The New, 2nd Covenant with The Christian Nation (= 2nd Epoch ‘Israel’).

From these covenants Yahweh receives “The Remnant which returns back to The Lord” (Isa.10v20-21):- (1) The Old Covenant yields The Prophets (of ancient Israel) = JC’s other flock (John.10v16). (2) The New Covenant yields the 144000 TCs (of new Israel) = JC’s small/own flock (Luke.12v32, John.10v3).

And they both come together (John.10v16) in The Millennium to rule as Kings/Priests and princes over The Resurrected World (= The Inheritance and fulfilment of The Promise made to Abraham) – too many scriptures to quote here in the support of this exegesis – please read the whole of www.FutureLife.Org to understand precisely how The Bible all precisely jigsaws together (else the commentary to this verse will become too long)! But to conclude this piece then there is the 3rd Epoch of ‘Israel’ over which Paul shall rule (being the 3rd heaven = authority over the Earth/World [= 3rd Epoch] – 2Cor.12v1-5 – being what JCg told Paul in a vision of what was to occur in the future – and Paul’s relationship to it [2Tim.4v6-8]). It was this given knowledge earlier – being The Future Responsibility that drove Paul on the back of his heinous crimes earlier when he sincerely tried to fulfil Yahweh's Desire but “blasphemed in error” [1Tim.1v13] – see “blaspheme” in Glossary – because like virtually everything we are taught by our religious leaders – their exegesis is quite simply - wrong [when not directly quoting The Bible] – at 2011 CE)! The 3rd Epoch of Israel is The Resurrected World, out of which will come the 3rd Remnant that “returns back to The Lord” during the 2nd part of their life – all made possible by what JC did during his 1st advent/coming as ‘the cub’(Gen.49v9 – a beautiful prophecy in its entirety) before he comes as The All Powerful Lion in his 2nd Advent (to herald-in The Millennium – very shortly to occur [ref. 2011 CE]). JC gave to us:-

(1) Ministry to give us a 2 part spiritual life (old worldly 1st part of our present life and 2nd part is our spiritual reform to The Word of God). (2) Ransom Sacrifice gives us a 2 part physical life (old decayed fleshly DNA 1st part of our life and new body upon our resurrection into the 2nd

part of our physical life – which can be either perfected DNA fleshly or incorruptible celestial [as a son of God] – 1Cor.15v35-55). This really is The Word of God freely given and accurately explained – being The Real Gospel News never presently taught and, also it is not the ‘near rubbish’ currently taught by our worldly and worse charlatan Christian leaders making an ‘earner [of whatever] on the back of God’s Word’!

The reason for this long preamble is to understand precisely what is in the mind of Jude when he wrote the last part of this verse. “invited/called/appointed (= aiming to become TCs)” = The Specific Individuals who are driving themselves to come “First in The Race” and have been running according to The Rules (2Tim.2v5). At this point in time none of us know if we are to come to become “children of God” (= “sons of God”) to sit alongside JCg (as the premier son of God) in The Millennium – but we must drive ourselves to be precisely like Paul as he drove himself to be like JC. In this manner we have been “invited/called” to imitate JC - and Yahweh shall “appoint” us to be an “apostle” (= “appointed [by Yahweh and not The World] to tell”) – provided as my preamble stated:-

“People who are precisely imitating JC in their lifestyle, they “think, breath, operate, agapao and agape” in precisely the same manner as did JC in his ministry/lifestyle. Being a methodology not to self-indulge, but rather for no worldly return to give their life in humble sacrifice to be accurately teaching and preaching The Word of God to The World in a manner that never brings Yahweh's Name/Character/Authority into disrepute within the atheists’ reasoning mind.

And what does:- “having been {watched/guarded over loss/injure}/maintained/{held fast} (by) Jesus Christ” actually mean? We know “JC” was/is The Word of God” being that he became “The Wisdom of God” because he precisely fulfilled The Word of God in his lifestyle. Thus it means we must absolutely know precisely what The Bible means by searching and assaying The Word of God to ensure that we understand it. For the above to occur then it becomes obvious that we must accurately know what is in The Bible!– Do not use inept bible translations (especially those translations younger than about 50 years – the NIV is particularly bad [basically it is an interpretation - and because the writers have not the faintest idea how Yahweh’s Righteous Plan pans out – then they get ‘the interpretation’ in ‘the translation’ wrong] – best thing is to just burn it)! So once we accurately know what is in The Bible (using a faithful translation), then having assayed/proved it within our mind to ensure that we have The Truth and not some worldly myth (for example the Trinity) fogging up our reasoning centres within our brains – then we face the final hurdle.

Do we wish to become “The Wisdom of God”? Inasmuch now we know and understand how to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire – do we then want to act with fidelity upon it? “Wisdom” means “to act with fidelity upon what you know”. If ‘what you know’ is The Word of God – then practicing ‘what you know’ means you act in The Wisdom of God rather than with The Wisdom of The World – being foolishness! And now we are answering the whole verse, in this rather long but very necessary commentary (because I need to unpick the self-indulgent near-rubbish presently taught, for which our worldly [and worse, charlatan] Christian leaders will need to account for themselves, Luke12v47-48, 16v1-8, 19-30, etc).

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We are guarded by JC – when we act with fidelity upon The Word of God – being JC’s presence/parousia operating within us (provided we are precisely imitating his ministry or lifestyle) – else how can he be within us? Therefore we can only have JC’s presence/parousia (= The Word of God accurately known and acted upon with fidelity) within us if we drive ourselves to operate with “agapao” (to deliver “agape” with no strings attached) rather than feigned “agape” driven by self-indulgence (= worldly methodology). So if we operate with fidelity to the accurately imbued Word of God operating (as JC’s presence/parousia) within us then we will be guarded/maintained/kept by JC and thus not experience the unpleasant fallout which would otherwise occur if we succumb to worldly methodology. But it is incumbent upon us to be (let me repeat it again - because it is not taught by our worldly Christian leaders):-

“People who are precisely imitating JC in their lifestyle, they “think, breath, operate, agapao and agape” in precisely the same manner as did JC in his ministry/lifestyle. Being a methodology not to self-indulge, but rather for no worldly return to give their life in humble sacrifice to be accurately teaching and preaching The Word of God to The World in a manner that never brings Yahweh's Name/Character/Authority into disrepute within the atheists’ reasoning mind.

I apologise the commentary to the very first verse in Jude is so long – but it is essential to get to grips with what The Gospel Message personally means – and sadly our worldly Christian leaders teach so much useless ‘twaddle’ – as to bring complete dishonour Yahweh’s Name/Character/Authority. Because, as The Bible specifically tells us in several places: they are “{inclined not to know/understand}/{rather be ignorant}” (StrongsTM = 50). This is not written to condemn – but rather it is to be a loud trumpet sounding – a rallying call to awaken us from our slumbers and start fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire – these leaders have The Knowledge – but just do not understand it – let us work together and start fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire together! Jude 1v2 og (The) {have compassion}/{shown mercy} {to/with you/yourselves} also (the) peace/prosperity/rest Jude 1v2 og also benevolence/charity/dear/love/(agape) (to be) {to increase}/multiply/abound. Jude 1v2 To yourselves {have compassion}/shown mercy} also peace/prosperity/rest, also charity/agape be increased/multiplied/abound. This is a call to The Brethren (Christian) aiming to become TCs (in the eyes of Yahweh):-

“{Have compassion}/{shown mercy}” upon them as sourced by Yahweh through JC operating as a presence/parousia within them. This means Yahweh is working His HS within them and without, in the local environment to enable these Brethren (Christians) aiming to become TCs to be more successful in imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle to be fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire. Yahweh is effectively “{showing mercy}/having compassion}” because He freely chooses to operate within and around the TC – an individual like any human, of whom Yahweh could quite simply ‘vaporise’ into plasma unto non-existence if it was not for JC covering us. I only write like this because there is utterly errant new Christian ‘teaching’ of the last decade or so that suggests ‘God’ was weak and vulnerable – this is utter rubbish” – Yahweh has never been weak or vulnerable (see v25)! I need to explain “peace/prosperity/rest” because this appears to run against the “trials/tribulations/afflictions” that we are told will befall TCs from those of The World who feel threatened by the TC’s righteous lifestyle – that imitates JC’s lifestyle. Basically it has to do with The Mind rather than the body. The accurate Knowledge (being The Word of God of which JC was/is) releases yourself from the stresses of the present day and of the future demise of human civilization (global warming, rising sea levels, lack of food and clean/pure resources, all forms of pollution, selfish grabbing of the last remaining resources, ‘tribalisation’ of whatever within nations, etc), because we know that Yahweh will step in “before all flesh is destroyed” (Mark.13v20) and save ‘the situation’ by replacing this present system with The Millennium. Also ‘behaving with morals personally’ means all the social problems spawned from general immorality are removed which delivers “rest” from the pressures accruing from social misbehaviour. “Prosperity” does not mean ‘material prosperity’ as stated by charlatan Christian leaders but rather “heavenly treasure” being the synapse construction of The Mind becoming more Christ-like , thus being worthy to be placed within a heavenly/spiritual/celestial body upon resurrection as a son of God. Finally charity/agape needs to be explained because as I carefully explain elsewhere, the apostles use “agapao” (StrongsTM = 25) and “agape” StrongsTM = 26) to mean different things (this differentiation is completely lost throughout our inept worldly bible translations). Here Jude is speaking about the physical outward manifestations of “occupational efforts}/works/labours” given to edify our brothers and neighbours to understand how they too might know why/how to precisely fulfil Yahweh’s Desire. These “works” must be freely given (for no worldly return) which demonstrates a natural desire within a TC to be a volunteer with The Word of God (meaning they could be doing something else in their life in their time outside the secular activity required to earn a daily subsistence for the physical body to survive to the next day – Acts.18v3, 2Thes.3v6-12, etc). Obviously the more a brethren imbues The Word of God within their senses to become further driven by {agapao love} from within – then these aforementioned qualities will increase in an ever increasing virtuous circle. And because the TC is working with the one/same spirit/personality/desires/traits as that sourced by Yahweh, then Yahweh is effectively working through the TC with agape to make “His Desire made manifest within The Environment” (= the “HS”). Jude 1v3 og {Dearly/Well loved}/Beloved, Jude 1v3 og all/whole/every hastliness/dispatches/earnestness/diligence/eagerness/forwardness Jude 1v3 og (the) (personally) doing/working/making/producing/yielding/performing/providing/practicing Jude 1v3 og (to) write/scribe/engrave {to/with you/yourselves} concerning/about of the Jude 1v3 og {commonly shared}/profane/defiled/unclean/unholy rescue/deliver/salvation/health/safety, Jude 1v3 og (the) constraint/distress/{must/dire needs}/necessity/must (I) held/taken/possessed/obtained/had Jude 1v3 og (to) write/scribe/engrave {to/with you/yourselves}, Jude 1v3 og {calling near}/{invoking by imploration}/beseeching/exhorting/entreating/urging Jude 1v3 og (to) {upon agony}/{struggle for}/{earnestly contend} to the {one/single time}/once Jude 1v3 og {yielded up}/surrendered/delivered/betrayed/{cast over} to the blameless/{holy persons}/saints Jude 1v3 og (to the) faith/{knowledge/assurance/fidelity}. Jude 1v3 Beloved, (I personally) making/doing/working all hastiness/diligence/eagerness to write to yourselves about the {commonly shared} deliverance/salvation, I possessed/had necessity/must write to yourselves, {calling near}/exhorting/urging (for you) {upon agony}/{struggle for}/earnestly contend} to the (= with) faith/{knowledge/assurance/fidelity} {single time}/once {yielded up}/surrendered/{cast over} to the blameless/{holy persons} (= TCs). A very important verse which our worldly Christian leaders ignore in their worldly spiel supported by their errant reasoning!

1. Jude is very desirous in all personal eagerness/haste/diligence (six important words given there) to accurately communicate The Word of God to the brethren (Christians) aiming to become TCs. This is a good start for someone representing Yahweh’s interest!

2. “commonly shared” written with no delineators means precisely what? It means just as it states – shared by everyone and not just Christians!

3. “deliverance/salvation” means precisely what? It means just as it states – rescued from something! So what is that something? It is “death” being The Curse that Satan had over us – before JC came to give us (1) The Ministry (to save the mind [spirits/personality/desires/traits] and (2) The Ransom Sacrifice to enable Yahweh to righteously RESET our physical bodies back into a perfected condition. Either into a state of (2a) perfect DNA fleshly bodies with the “Junk” DNA repaired to give all the necessary system support (repair shortening telomeres, turning off cancerous cells, etc, etc) which can be subject to the 2nd death of annihilation or (2b)

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incorruptible celestial bodies as that which JCg and Satan presently occupy – bodies which are not subject to the physical 2nd Death of annihilation (Rev.2v11, 20v6) dependent upon what we have sown (1Cor.15v35-55) during what has become the 1st part of our physical life.

It must be clearly understood that JC has made possible The Switch from Judgement of life or death to be transferred from a decision forced upon us by our ancestors (Adam and Eve) of only death (= annihilation without JC’s ministry/sacrifice) – to become what shall be a personal decision of life or death upon ourselves (= we personally decide whether we chose to desire life or everlasting death (annihilation). The decision can be made during the 1st part of our physical lives (during The Gospel Age under The 2nd Covenant – which ‘the prophets looked for but could not see’ – they only had The 1st Covenant [but “are perfected by their sons” means “the sons, TCs, perfecting them, prophets”, to become princes to rule alongside the sons of God, TCs]) to become the future sons of God – filling those elite 144000 positions through virtue of election by Yahweh.

OR:- We can wait until the 2nd part of our physical lives being an automatic resurrection to either (everlasting) life (if we imbue The Word of God and start imitating JC’s lifestyle in The Millennium) or a resurrection to (annihilation) death (if we rebel and refuse to imbue The Word of God during our 1000 year learning program in a perfected society – where the majority of humans are sincerely trying to imitate JC’s lifestyle). This is a direct quote from The Bible (less the words of explanation in parenthesis) – This is The Gospel Message – but never correctly taught by our worldly Christian leaders because at the time of writing (2011 CE) they just do not believe it – else surely they should be shouting it out across the rooftops (if they were truly fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire)!

What our worldly Christian leaders absolutely do not understand is that there is to be TWO judgments! The 1st Judgement is being made by Yahweh upon only Christians: – Are they good enough to be elected into a position of sonship? To fill precisely 144000 positions during The Gospel Age and rule alongside JCg in The Millennium over The Inheritance (being the complete fulfilment to the two part promise made to Abraham). Where “The Inheritance” = The Resurrected World (of perfected DNA fleshly bodied humans). The Christians who fail (= The Christian Nation – 144000 persons = some 99.9+% of The Christian Nation) shall be resurrected alongside the non Christians of the some 6000 years of human (not including humanoid animals = prototype ‘humans’) existence to finalise their learning program to imitate JC’s lifestyle. (Charlatan Christian leaders like Judas Iscariot will not be resurrected – they are annihilated – see “2 part life” in glossary). The 2nd Judgement is made by JCg and his bride of 144000 TCs (1Cor.6v1-3) in The Millennium upon The Inheritance (= The Resurrected World being taught righteousness) overseen by “JCg’s Witness” (= Yahweh – ensuring that everything is done righteously). Therefore this becomes a “resurrection to either life or death” made by JCg (and the 144000 TCs) upon those persons who ultimately freely reject imitating The Word of God (= they did not truly “believe in JC”) because they preferred their “old self” being The Methodology of the 1st part of their physical life (= the self-indulgence of today) and not The Methodology sourced by Yahweh which is to edify our neighbour in fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire. Apologies for another long commentary – but I need to digress to nullify the rampant errors given out by our worldly Christian leaders blindly following their leaders (giving out the old [errant doctrinal] wine – Luke.5v38-39) and then falling into the ditch (Matt.15v14, Luke.6v39).

And now for the 2nd part of the verse. Jude as a TC “has need to write (communicate) to yourselves” – “urging you upon agony” – “to the faith/{knowledge/assurance/fidelity}” I do not quite get the same urgency as given in those quotes when I examine our worldly Christian sermons! So I logically deduce that our worldly Christian leaders are not TCs because they are not imitating TCs who are imitating JC (1Cor.4v16, 11v1, etc)! Noting, as I explain copiously elsewhere, that Real Faith = Accurate knowledge + assurance + fidelity (else it becomes “blind faith”) and sadly The World operating under Satan’s methodology is full/sated with “Blind Faith” – because quite simply Satan is not very keen to face an early demise (being his incarceration) please see “Yahweh’s Desire” and “Satan’s Desire” in glossary – because it is absolutely not what our worldly Christian leaders errantly teach us (at 2011 CE). Thus TCs are in “{occupational effort}/work/labour” given freely without any worldly return except worldly persecution given out by those persons having their hypocrisy exposed (John.16v1-4). Is this what our worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders teach (except froth and spin)? Because by example, this self sacrifice away from The World is precisely what The Bible teaches us!

Now another crucial piece completely ignored in worldly sermons (being precisely the full implications of one word):- “Single/Once” to be read in similar context as Heb.6v6, 10v26-28, etc.

This is what is going through the minds of the apostles when they write that word down in their epistles. Being “the once” only sacrifice and offering which is to be grasped with both hands – while we have the ONCE ONLY opportunity to become future sins of God and most certainly not to throw it back in both Yahweh’s and JCg’s face by becoming a charlatan Christian leader – else there is no reprieve and thus loose it all (v5, 2Pet.2v22)! Consequently we are to take up the baton ‘in the race of our life’ of this Once given accurate knowledge of The Word of God, thoroughly assayed/proved and acted upon with fidelity by those specific individuals operating in real faith to be precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle as the brethren aiming to become TCs. The TCs, like JC, freely sacrifice their life away from what this world is able to give – in dedicating their time outside secular work to pay for their daily sustenance while accurately teaching by both word and deed The Word of God to any person interested. Do this, and Yahweh (only Yahweh and not worldly humans self-indulgently presuming themselves ‘God’ for the worldly returns this ritual yields) shall deem us entirely worthy to become a future son of God (blameless/innocent/{holy persons}/saints). Jude 1v4 og {sinking within}/{slid into}/{settled in alongside}/{lodged stealthily}/{crept in unawares} For Jude 1v4 og {some/any thing} countenance/{human-beings}/men, the (ones = persons) Jude 1v4 og (of the) retrocession/formally/{sometime since}/ancient/{any while}/{a great while ago}/{in time past} Jude 1v4 og (having been) {written previously}/{before ordained}/{evidently set forth} into/unto that/this/there/here Jude 1v4 og the decision/judgement; Jude 1v4 og (to the) (ones = persons) irreverent/impious/wicked/ungodly the (grace) of the God {of/from us} Jude 1v4 og grace/{gifts/favour}/gratitude/benefit Jude 1v4 og {transfer places}/transport/exchange/{change sides}/translate/turn/{carry over} into/unto Jude 1v4 og licentiousness/{lustful acts}/wantonness/{lacking moral discipline}/lewd also the Jude 1v4 og merely/alone/only {absolute ruler}/lord/master (the) God, Jude 1v4 og also (the) lord/master {of/from us} Jesus (the) Christ/Messiah/Anointed Jude 1v4 og (the) contradicting/disavowing/rejecting/abnegating/denying/refusing (middle voice). Jude 1v4 For some/certain men {slid into}/{settled in alongside}/{lodged stealthily}/{crept in unawares}, (behaving as) the persons of ancient/{a great while ago}/{in time past} having been {written previously}/{evidently set forth} unto this decision/judgement; the irreverent/wicked/ungodly persons {transferring places}/exchanging/translating the gifts/favour/benefits of our God (Yahweh) unto {lustful acts}/wantonness/{lacking moral discipline} also (personally) contradicting/abnegating/denying/refusing God (Yahweh) the only {Absolute Ruler}/Master, also our lord Jesus Christ. It is absolutely essential to get into the head of Jude (also compare with the warnings given in 1John, 2John and 3John – plus those written by Paul, Peter and James). These apostles are absolutely not speaking about The World – during The Gospel Age. Quite simply Yahweh does not presently care about non-Christians (except those non-Christians who are in the future to completely reform and become TCs) because He has righteously set-up the safety net of The Millennium to capture any persons who have a propensity to reform and truly “believe in JC” by imitating his lifestyle. It must be clearly understood – Yahweh is only interested in Christians – but principally in achieving His TCs – actually the 144000 TCs be precise – being those specific individuals who are to become His future sons of God! Because then Yahweh can move to the next stage of His righteous plan for

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human salvation – at the moment He is upholding His prophecy made in Rev.7v4-8, 14v1,3 (because Yahweh is unchanging Mal.3v6, James.1v17 [in what He states and gives]) and Satan is using this fact as his last attempt to ‘escape personal retribution’ which will ultimately occur (Rev.20v1-3). Thus the apostles throughout warn about delinquent (= worldly) and worse, charlatan Christian leaders “{sliding into}/{settling in alongside}/{lodging stealthily}/{creeping in unawares}” into The Christian Nation and inhibiting the fulfilment of Yahweh’s Desire (to achieve His 144000 TCs). Just to repeat:–

Yahweh’s Desire is to obtain His 144000 future sons of God to bring about reform to The Resurrected World in The Millennium. This exegesis is utterly unknown to our worldly Christian leaders/scholars/theologians inasmuch they are the ones devaluing Yahweh’s Word to hide this requirement by never teaching it to those in The World who might desire to stretch forth to attain The Prize that Paul speaks of when coming first in The Race and abiding by The Rules (2Tim.2v5). We realise that by inhibiting “The Fulfilment of Yahweh’s Desire” then these certain individuals within The Christian Nation must be “Blaspheming against the HS” upon which there is no forgiveness. Please see “blaspheming” in glossary to understand what the word really means – it absolutely does not mean what our worldly religious leaders tell us in their shallow understanding – “blasphemy” is insidiously much deeper than just words!

Jude switches by analogy in mid verse to emphasis the seriousness of his topic. Jude’s mind is wrapped up in his worry about what is occurring within the newly forming Christian Nation being faulty doctrine caused by worldly leaders following their own imaginations (myths) carefully crafted to ‘milk’ what they can out of their devotees (and Yahweh has deliberately allowed every deviancy to be played out over the last some 2000 years – to demonstrate their true waywardness – as The Bible clearly tells us).

Thus Jude states by analogy of the ancient persons doing precisely what our worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders unto an equivalent analogy of judgement = a judgement of death.

Before I go any further in this explanation – it must be clearly understood by the reader that “death” for any person not claiming to represent JC means “asleep” (thus applicable for all humans prior to JC’s ministry). But it is to be used as a warning (by allegory) to mean “annihilation” to all those persons who “deny by rebellion Yahweh’s Desire made manifest in The Environment” (= “blaspheme against the HS”) which shall be experienced by charlatan Christian leaders of The Gospel Age or those persons of The Resurrected World who “deny by rebellion Yahweh’s Desire made manifest in The Environment” in The Millennium during the teaching of righteousness. Yahweh’s Desire during The Gospel Age is to attain His future 144000 future sons of God, and those persons who oppose/resist/frustrate this from occurring by their deliberate actions (to enjoy sinning = iniquitous) are denying by rebellion Yahweh’s Desire being manifest within The Environment – means they are “antichrist” (1John.2v22, 4v1-3, etc.) and “satanic” (oppose/adversarial/resist).

This is The Word of God accurately taught – but never correctly taught in our worldly Christian sermons! - Shame on them! Thus Jude continues by analogy:

These ancient persons have been irreverent/wicked/ungodly persons who have {transferred places}/exchanged/translated the gifts/favours/benefits sourced by Yahweh unto {lustful acts}/wantonness/{lacking moral discipline}.

And:- They are personally contradicting/abnegating/denying/refusing God the only {Absolute Ruler}.

And then the jump-back to the Christian Nation:- Also our lord Jesus Christ. So what do we reason from this?

It becomes obvious! Jude, like the apostles, are constantly warning about what they see around them – which Yahweh has allowed to be recorded for The Gospel Age as a future warning of what is to occur in The Christian Nation over the next some 2000 years. It must be clearly understood by the reader – precisely the same minded people climb to positions in power in whatever subject matter they choose to attain mastery within! Quite simply, precisely the same occurs in religion – different faces and names - but precisely the same mindset using whatever worldly sourced levers/tools at their disposal to succeed in their quest for increased worldly return! But obviously the smart leaders always hide behind the façade/veneer of helping other people – while on the back of it they are certainly helping themselves. This is precisely the hypocrisy of which JC speaks:

Being the pretence they (politicians/religious leaders) come to help the people but that is secondary to their real master – being to self-indulge upon what their newly acquired position delivers! This therefore makes them sons of Satan – because that was his methodology that drives him behind the façade/veneer of ‘charity’ first (= ‘good’ advice to become like gods) – just as he did to Eve in The Garden of Eden!

The Millennium will not be like this, it shall be those who take The Least within The World who shall be given (by Yahweh) The Most in The Millennium. Where the methodology sourced by Yahweh is to edify our neighbours first - and being mutual, this will yield a perfect society.

So Jude’s warning by analogy is:- The worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders shall be exchanging the gifts that come from Yahweh for the gifts that come from The World. The reason for this exchange is they freely choose to aim for what The World is able to give now rather than what Yahweh is able to give by The Word of God changing their character from being ‘with The World’ to becoming ‘with Yahweh’. It is only those very specific individuals who have sacrificed themselves away from what The World can deliver (upon which to self-indulge) to precisely imitate JC’s ministry/lifestyle who demonstrable become at the one/same “spirit/personality/desires/traits which is separate from this world of sin” (= the “HS”) as JC told us at John.14v20, 17v21. The gifts/favour/benefit sourced by Yahweh is to assist the recipient to further The Desire of Yahweh, it will not be given to further the desire of the recipient which is not at one/same with Yahweh’s spirit/personality/desire/traits separate from this world of sin - else it make Yahweh unrighteous! Essentially if we drive ourselves by worldly methodology to gain worldly things – then we shall not receive Godly things. It is The Word of God accurately imbued within a person to become JC’s presence/parousia which makes us behave in the same manner as JC. Therefore from our accurate and active ministry work we shall receive the gifts/favours/benefits that will assist us in the fulfilment of Yahweh’s Desire. Because we are fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire then our gifts/favours/benefits shall be several fold

1. At the worldly level we escape all the problems sourced by people operating according to worldly methodology to self-indulge. They will not be breaking moral laws – crime and retribution at one level, problems caused by casual sex at another level – as examples.

2. Being focussed in precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle means that worldly temptations are pushed to one side and become out of mind. 3. Because we are fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire then He will operate within the local environment to assist in our active ministry work to make it

more fruitful. If suffering persecution then He shall provide a means of escape (1Cor.10v13). 4. Finally there is the bright future that perhaps you might be “deemed entirely worthy” for the greatest accolade available to any entity in The

Universe – which is to become a future son of God. Now for the last part of the verse.

How can this be applicable to our worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders? I cover this aspect in several epistles where the apostles give similar warnings – for example in 1John and 2John. Obviously the worldly focussed Christian leader will not cut off their income stream (of whatever/wherever/whenever) by stating in words they deny/refuse Yahweh as The Absolute Ruler and of our lord JC. Though in the last few decades some worldly Christian leaders have come very close to stating this in their utterly useless and garbled exegesis!

That is not what Jude or the apostles mean! Jude and the apostles mean these worldly Christian leaders are just that – they are worldly! It is because they are operating according to worldly methodology means they are contradicting/abnegating/denying/refusing what Yahweh means to them in their ministry/lifestyle. Thus they present a garbled exegesis, with throwing into the audience scraps of food (being quotes out of The Bible), but never the solid food given by carefully explaining what The Word of God is to mean at a personal level. Well obviously not for two reasons!

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1. An educated clientele will be a dangerous clientele! How can you ‘milk’ your clientele if they become sufficiently educated to realise they are being fleeced!

2. Quite simply they have not much idea how Yahweh’s Plan is righteously panning out – so they hang onto daft doctrine (which they do not even believe – but it forms the basis for their worldly income and so perpetuate near rubbish onto the next generation, again and again ........)!

Therefore The Power of God’s Word is not as we are taught – ‘feigned miracles’, but rather the power to reform the mind (being The Point of The Gospel) of criminals (of which we all are as regard to Yahweh’s perfect position), to reform a worldly mind to become Christ-like. This was particularly poignant to Paul who uses the expression – being that he was a murderer – who murdered early Christians – for which he felt an intense regret.

I leave the reader with something I wrote about seven years ago (when things were starting to click into place within my mind):- I need to fully explain this verse and its link to the previous v3, because the inner meaning is not readily recognised. Jude is writing of individuals who have crept into The Real Faith unawares by the brethren, perhaps because they were very genuine people when they originally joined. If they stayed at the bottom of the ranks and not fully committed then Jude would not have made the big opening statement in verse 3, and further urging the TC to stay with The Real Faith because the TCs were then living on faith supported by commensurate works for The Prize.

Why? Because you will loose everything! We now enter v4 to explain why this is the case. We have a special/greater judgement – not the common judgement open to all humans - spoken of in v3. This special judgement is the early one at 1st 2nd C where you can either become

1. A Priest, or 2. Forsaken to be resurrected as a fleshly person not quite making the grade of priesthood or finally 3. Never being resurrected!

Thus, this IS a special/greater judgement having one of 3 possible outcomes for any individual! James 3v1 speaks of this being the “Greater Judgement” and thus adds support to this “Special Judgement” within the same context. So we have these particular individuals now in the brethren group but not staying at the bottom, because we are told they could receive gifts/favours from Yahweh – this can only be through the HS via JC (the only example I can be specific about would be Judas Iscariot). So they grew within the brethren, but clearly power ‘went to their head’ and so perhaps like Diotrephes in 3John, they become corrupted with delusions and the desire of personal prestige and glory. Sliding down further the slippery slope upon which Jude is warning us, would be using these gifts/favours for their own self-gratification.

Why is JCg allowing this? Well just as Judas Iscariot was known for pilfering out of the moneybox of the apostles, but was still allowed to be with them before he finally exposed himself to all. Likewise with these leaders, being allowed to fully expose their inner nature to all persons. The most important thing for the reader to realise is that the expression: “denying Yahweh and JC” does not mean in speech! These people to keep their position, possibly said the most wonderful things about Yahweh and JC (also the fellow brethren), but like today, it is their works not being the fruit of the HS, “salt having lost it’s effectiveness” (Mark.9v49-50) that showed them “denying Yahweh and JC”. This is the most important thing for the reader to take away with them from this piece – it is just so very easy to become deceived by the beguiling words out of the silver tongued ‘serpent’s mouth’ – the ventriloquist being Satan!

Test and audit everything so as not to be deceived (else you will become deceived) – I just cannot overstress this point. Jude 1v5 og (to) {to remind quietly}/{suggest to the (middle voice, one’s own) memory}/{bring to (put in) remembrance} Jude 1v5 og and {specifically you} (I) {be willing/disposed}/minded/intended/purposed, Jude 1v5 og (the ones = persons) know/understand/{be aware}/see/perceive {specifically you}, Jude 1v5 og {one/single time}/once that/this/there/here because the lord/master Jude 1v5 og (the) {a populace}/{grouping of people} {from/out of} (of the) Earth/land/province/country/region Jude 1v5 og (of the) Egypt (having) delivered/saved/protected/healed/{made whole}/preserved, Jude 1v5 og the (one = place/thing/item/time) {second (in time/place/rank)}/afterward/again/2nd the (ones = persons) not Jude 1v5 og committing/believing/entrusting (he) lost/perished/destroyed/annihilation/(= The 2nd Death). Jude 1v5 And I {am willing}/minded/intended to {recall to your mind}/{bring to remembrance}/{remind quietly} {specifically you}, {specifically you} the persons know/understand, because The Lord (= Yahweh) that {one time}/once having delivered/saved/preserved {a populace}/{grouping of people} from out of the land of Egypt, the second/afterward (time) the persons not committing/believing/entrusting He (= Yahweh) perished/destroyed. Not quite the translation you will get in most bibles – but these standard translations do not make sense! However I have given you the original Greek (unlike your bibles – so now you know what is true and what is false!) and therefore I leave you to decide which you consider is most accurate after reading the commentary. This is sadly just another instance which shows our translators absolutely do not understand Yahweh’s Plan – and it shows in their translations! It must be clearly understood by the reader the written word “Egypt” in prophecy is an allegory to always mean “The World” in The Gospel Age, there is absolutely no exception to this rule. Thus just as the 1st Epoch Israel was taken out of Egypt, then likewise, so is the 2nd Epoch Israel (The Christian Nation) taken out of The World. But just as 1st Epoch Israel lusted for Egypt (Num.11v4-6) then likewise the 2nd Epoch Israel (= The Christian Nation) lusted for The World being its worldly methodology upon which to self-indulge – and turned its back upon fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire. However as I explained in earlier commentaries, The Prophets became The Remnant that returned to The Lord (Isa.10v20-22) out of The 1st Epoch ‘Israel’, then likewise the 144000 TCs became The Remnant that returned to The Lord out of the 2nd Epoch ‘Israel’. Thus Jude warns the (future) Christians (of The Gospel Age) to beware:-

Do not rebel against Yahweh and reject what Yahweh has offered being The Millennial Expectation (= as given in The Gospel Message). The particular reference in The Bible is located at Num. Chapters 13 and 14. Essentially one man out of each tribe was selected to spy out the promised land of Canaan. They spied the land for 40 (an important number) days and returned. Ten of the spies said it was a wonderful land but further stated the inhabitants were too frightening – it would be too difficult for the Israelites to attain. However the other two spies, Joshua and Caleb, said: Yahweh is with us – so nothing is too difficult. And what followed when The Promise was made clear?

Israel (to be representing The Christian Nation) rebelled against Yahweh - and against the prophet Moses (to be representing the ‘prophet’ JC) - and against Joshua and Caleb (to be representing the 144000 TCs) because The Israelite Nation preferred to take note of the ten other spies (to be representing worldly Christian leaders).

And consequently as we are told at Num.14v20-24 – Yahweh turned His back upon Israel reaching His Rest (Heb.chapt.3 and 4), except those who fulfilled His Desire being the 144000 TCs. They shall achieve The Inheritance in The Millennium, being The Resurrected World comprising of all those persons who did not reach Yahweh’s Ideal (being His chosen Rest). The Resurrected World is virtually all humans (except the two Remnants = the prophets and 144000 TCs). But the point of this verse is the serious warning given out by Jude to those specific persons who might become part of the group which I have not mentioned – being the charlatan Christian leaders who shall not be resurrected upon their death. Thus Jude’s encouragement and warning is given in this same verse:-

1. Once having The Knowledge of God’s Word then run with it to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire and attain The Inheritance of The Promised Land. 2. Once having The Knowledge of God’s Word then we must not rebel (in blasphemy) against it else we shall be annihilated.

Thus we have The Once being saved (Heb.6v6, 10v26-28) – but do not expect to be saved a second time – the choice becomes our own!

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Thus JC rescued all of us from The 1st Death (1John.2v2) - which would have been annihilation – had JC not intervened on our behalf (John.3v16). But if during our education in The Word of God (either as a Christian in The Gospel Age) or a human in The Resurrected World, we reject The Word of God by blaspheming against the HS then we shall be annihilated (it effectively becomes The 2nd Death of annihilation). Sadly absolutely none of this is understood by our worldly Christian leaders/theologians/scholars as witnessed by their near-useless sermons – of which I have 100s of transcripts in my storage mediums (and collecting more every week) – which I will publically audit on this website, against specifically what The Bible teaches us - when I get the time! Jude 1v6 og {bringers of tidings}/messengers/angels both the (ones = angels) not Jude 1v6 og (having) {watched/guarded over loss/injury}/detained/maintained/{held fast}/kept the Jude 1v6 og {my/our/your/it them self} (= themselves) {commencement/chief (in order/time/place/rank)}/beginning, Jude 1v6 og but (having) {left behind}/forsaken/remained/deserted the {pertaining to the self}/{one’s own} Jude 1v6 og (the) residence/habitation/house, into/unto (the) {decision (either for or against)}/tribunal/justice/judgment Jude 1v6 og (of the) big/large/mighty/exceedingly/great day/{period of time} Jude 1v6 og (to the) (= in/with) {ligaments of body/shackle}/bands/bonds/chains/strings Jude 1v6 og (to the) {endeavouring (forward and backward)}/eternal/everlasting under/through/inferior/below/by Jude 1v6 og (the) {surrounded by a cloud}/gloom/blackness/darkness/mist Jude 1v6 og (he has) {watched/guarded over loss/injury}/detained/maintained/{held fast}/kept. Jude 1v6 Both (examples – rebellious {humans = Jews + Christians} + {celestial Angels}) {bringers of tidings}/messengers/angels those (entities) having not {watched/guarded over loss/injury}/{held fast}/kept themselves/their {primary/first order/position/place}/{(what was in the) beginning}, but having {left behind}/forsaken/deserted {their own} residence/habitation/house, He has detained/{held fast}/kept with eternal/everlasting bonds/chains/strings under the gloom/darkness unto the {decision (for or against)}/judgement of the mighty/great day/{period of time}. Scholars operating under myopic vision will initially proclaim I am wrong in the given translation above. Their problem is having grown up with a culture to accept the Greek word for ”both” can be interpreted as being “and”. Then, in a blasé manner disregarded the fact that there is a perfectly good word for “and” if the scribes wanted to use “and” – but instead they used the word “both”. Therefore to get into the mind of the scribes we must deconvolute (= remove noise out of the signal – see glossary) which our scholars introduce into the translation. The noise is put into the translation because ‘it was what our ancestral scholars did’ – so it must be correct – and ‘we’ do not wish ‘to rock the boat’ today – it is more than ‘my’ job is worth, etc! But the ancestral scholars introduced the noise because they did not understand Yahweh’s Plan, or the various levels at which the scribes were writing. Therefore this website has two functions:-

1. Deconvolute the signal to remove the worldly sourced noise. 2. Then explain Yahweh’s Righteous Plan being the original signal lost for the last some 1900 years through worldly scholarly ‘effort’!

So we have performed (1) and now let me explain what Jude is teaching us here. Jude used the word “both” because his mind is operating at several levels within the analogies being presented. The key thing to understand is the same throughout the epistles:-

The constant reminder is to “beware” – beware of worldly Christian leaders operating in feigned agape – presenting themselves as ‘the conduit to God’ so that they can ‘rip off’ their congregations by imposing ‘benign’ taxes (of whatever) to fulfil mutual self-indulgencies. Rather, than these leaders to be sacrificing their life as a martyr – in a cause worthy for a future son of God.

The point being: Christian leaders should be operating differently to the worldly practices driving The Pharisees then, or the same practices driving a religious leader purporting to represent ‘god’ in any other worldly religion. TCs (as ‘leaders’) must be “separate from this world of sin” (= “holy”) – thus they must behave differently from other (worldly) leaders of whatever!

So given this background, then our mind is now primed to extract what Jude is teaching us in this verse. “Both” is used in the context of “{bringers of tidings}/messengers/angels” which we know by now means in this context to be “an entity who supposedly speaks on behalf of God”. Thus they communicate God’s interests to humans here upon the earth – “a go-between”.

Obviously we have the mentioned angels – for example “Gabriel” communicating to Mary. But we also have James speaking about the two spies helped by Rahab as being “angels” (James.2v25). Also Paul speaks of being hospitable to people because they might be angels (actually he means TCs – Heb.13v1). And finally to be controversial (but absolutely consistent to what The Bible teaches), JC being The Word of God must logically be an angel (according to the strict definition of “angel” – “aggelos” = StrongsTM = 32), but now being the premier son of God (as specifically The Word of God and because of what he has done), then he must be The Chief/Arch Angel of which the Bible speaks in several places – which I cover elsewhere in very much more detail).

The point is that I am trying to demystify The Word of God so that we all might freely understand it and come to Yahweh through JC as our only conduit to God (Yahweh). Our worldly Christian leaders on the other hand want to become “the conduit to ‘god’” (contrary to what The Bible teaches us) – and therefore they like to keep everything ‘in mystery’ so that they can tithe the people who are sincerely seeking Yahweh – but in reality are losing/perishing their flock away from fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire (Matt.7v12-15, 23v13, etc, etc)! Therefore we reason that going through Jude’s mind are these representatives of God (at “both” levels):-

1. Celestial angels who were supposed to be aiding The World (before the imposition of any covenant) but they chose to fornicate with The World – and take what they could from The World through self-indulgence (being Satan’s methodology expressed).

2. Human ‘angels’ who were supposed to be aiding The World (during the imposition of the two covenants) but they chose to fornicate with The World – and take what they could from The World through self-indulgence (being Satan’s methodology expressed).

Obviously I state in hindsight “(during the imposition of the two covenants)”, but Jude was writing in prophesy about “(during the imposition of the two covenants)” inasmuch he was forewarning what was to occur – and did/does occur during, and at the end, of The Gospel Age.

And it is Jude’s forewarning which is given in this verse – which I have explained in the use of “Both”! Sadly our scholars “{rather be ignorant}/{chose to ignore}” this, and thus use the word “and” along with their errant grammatical excuses! We must not lose the sight of Jude speaking in allegories – and therefore after explaining the use of “both” and “angels” we obviously reason that Jude continues in allegory deeper into the verse. Again we must not lose sight of The Goal – being The Point of The Epistles – being The Reason why they have been written.

Yahweh is creating a Christian Nation from out of which He is electing 144000 future Sons of God for the next stage of His Plan. Thus the epistles being support notes (skirting around The Core which was given by word of mouth) contain The Goal which is The Election unto Sonship and become The Inheritors of The Resurrected World in The Millennium.

So with this Core Understanding we now progress deeper into the verse. Also remember Jude is warning against what was to occur based upon what did occur prior to The Flood and what did occur under The 1st Covenant, so that it should not occur in The 2nd Covenant if the attentive/hearkening individuals were/are desirous to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire”!

Therefore we logically reason the following:- We have “Yahweh’s Rest” that Paul speaks about in Heb. chapter 3 and 4 = being what has been ordained to occur – being a position allocated by Yahweh to be filled by specific individuals who fulfil Yahweh’s Desire.

So the point is: – Do we personally desire to be part of what has been ordained – or not? And that is precisely where we enter into the next part of the verse.

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The question is: Do we not keep what Yahweh has put into place from The Beginning for those entities who personally fulfil His Desire?

The Bible clearly teaches us that Yahweh knew beforehand who are to become the 144000 before they existed – hence He was able to select/preordain 144000 humans/positions, and the 12 tribes (being the Leah’s and Rachel’s fertility) of Israel, and the 12 disciples (Judas truly replaced by Paul) and the 24 elders in John’s Revelation representative of the heads of the Two flocks of JC that come together in The Millennium to rule The World (all quotes from The Bible), and ‘100s’ of other prophetic parallels/analogies, etc, etc. being all the things that The Bible teaches us, but are not recognised (ignored) by our Christian leaders/theologians/scholars because they never teach it, and therefore demonstrably treat The Bible sourced by Yahweh with reckless suspicion/disdain (hence v4 in context).

Therefore Christian leaders: Get awake! – Open your eyes and start fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire – you now have The Knowledge – use it! Thus what Yahweh has ordained – being a position allocated/placed in The Beginning for all those entities who freely choose to fulfil His Desire, but as we read here by analogy (with what occurred) and in prophecy (of what shall occur) there were/are specific entities initially ‘positioned’ to take those preordained positions for worthy entities – but freely chose to turn their back upon these preordained positions. The entities that forsook their positions allocated were/are (by connecting analogy):-

1. Certain celestial angels infecting The World with their destructive spiritual ‘DNA’ (forsook their celestial position to be truly representing Yahweh’s Desire upon lesser entities).

2. Certain human angels (worldly priests of Levi) infecting The World with their destructive spiritual ‘DNA’ (forsook The 1st Covenant to become princes over The Resurrected World in The Millennium).

3. Certain human angels (worldly priests of Christianity) infecting The World with their destructive spiritual ‘DNA’ (forsook The 2nd Covenant to become kings/priests over The Resurrected World in The Millennium).

Therefore we ask the question:- What can Yahweh do - except in His righteousness reject them from the positions of rulership ordained for occupancy in The Future?

The point being:- On the face of it (when examining their initial credentials) – these three groups of entities were positioned to take these ordained places of occupancy (residence/habitation) but their demonstrable actions (when freely exposing themselves) showed them to be undeserving.

Thus (by analogy): How does Yahweh show this process of rejection?

Yahweh has detained these entities within their current position – freely chosen by themselves – but not able/desirous to move from it – and once dead they have lost their “soul” (= “conscious reasoning existence” – see glossary – it is absolutely not what our errant worldly religious leaders teach The World) to be in the position to do anything about their current status. Thus being dead (= having no soul) the entity has no ability to reform and obviously by analogy ‘they are in gloom’ because there is no positive prospect to turn about their immediate situation! Therefore we reason:

“Detained in everlasting bonds under gloom for the judgement occurring The Great Day.” The Great Day is The Millennium – where we are told The Day of The Lord is as 1000 years (to be told twice – ensuring we are not ignorant – 2Pet.3v8) This website carefully explains how all this pans out (too much to give here, else these commentaries become too long) – but all is resolved at the end of The Millennium as we are told at Rev.20v7-12.

But - I leave a piece I wrote some seven years earlier:- This verse might seem confusing for the reader – because Jude’s mind is running on analogies – that is specifically why he uses “both”, but sadly our inept translators just scrub out “both” to be replacing it with “and” to dumb-down in the reader’s mind what is going through the scribe’s mind. Jude is thinking of The Entities who where/are responsible for The Word of God which had to be given to ‘the heathen’ (persons without God). Initially it was (1) the angels (prior to The Flood) and afterwards it was (2) humans comprising of (A) Jews to teach The Gentiles under The 1st Covenant and (B) Christians to teach The World under The 2nd Covenant. Thus as Jude states “Both” groupings of entities (1) responsible Angels and (2) responsible humans have forsaken their relative positions (and responsibilities) laid out from the beginning of time. This judgement is clearly for The Millennium – but Why?

Why keep the deviants alive until some time in the future? No one has given me any answer to this question. However to be controversial and it does fit in with the whole scheme of things that I have outlined in every place on this Website www.FutureLife.Org – there is a very logical reason specifically why Yahweh is doing this! Let me explain why these deviant messengers (demons, wicked spirit [minded] entities) are restrained for The Great Day. Based upon standard Christian doctrine it would be absolutely pointless to keep these demons restrained to The Judgement Day where standard Christian doctrine says everyone is resurrected and all those who are not Christians now in the1st part of their life are immediately killed off again (or even more ludicrous suggestion, torment in hell for eternity for only 70 years of possible ‘badness’ in the 1st part of our life). This does not seem a very righteous balance from Yahweh – being that The Most Righteous God should behave in an unrighteous manner!

Let us now propose something a little more sensible. As I have shown elsewhere by several scriptures within The Bible, The Millennial Day is a 1000 years where we are resurrected into fleshly bodies to learn righteousness. This is our Crisis (“krisis” being the Greek for “Judgement”) Day where we now must make the correct decision – get it wrong and it becomes a personal crisis because you will face The 2nd Death and become dead/annihilated (= non-existence – no pain – no consciousness – just absolutely nothing) for an eternity. We are also told that Satan is released for a short while at the end of The Millennium (Rev.20v7-12) to mislead the humans. This short period in Yahweh’s righteousness will be for exactly 3.5 years to imitate His Son’s Righteous action/works on earth (now at this point in time) 3000 years earlier. Based upon the assumption Yahweh states:

If My son Jesus can do it after knowing righteousness (in the heavens), then so can humans (after this teaching program of righteousness in The Millennium). This is still Judgement Day (“day” is made up of several phases {day star}/dawn/morning/noon/afternoon/dusk/evening/etc, likewise so is the Judgement Day over its 1000 years).

As we are further told in Revelations, Satan is released from his bonds together with these demons/{wicked spirit [minded] entities} (of v6) who themselves will trial/test/tempt the humans. Notice it will not be Yahweh nor JCg nor the kings/priests who do the tempting, but Satan and these demons that are then to be released at which point I personally discern that perhaps about a third of the humans will fail (I explain this number, directly quoted from The Bible through inductive reasoning given elsewhere). The reader is now able to see how everything clicks accurately and logically into place.

Why should this be done? - Because all those persons who have died before they have known what real evil is like, are likewise tested/assayed. These persons would be those presently in the 1st part of their life who are perhaps mentally ill, or have severe physical disabilities or died as a small child shall be resurrected to live out to their optimum existence within The Millennium. For an optimum fleshly state I would consider it to be of about 25 years old having a perfected DNA fleshly body, DNA constituting to the fleshly body would be corrected in everyone to achieve this, while the metaphoric ‘software’ will be downloaded from the “treasure in heaven” archive to mentally clone us to precisely the same state as we were in the 1st part of our life. Perhaps childless couples now in the 1st part of their life could then in their resurrected life become adopting parents to bring up these children who died as babies in the1st part of their life. The reproductive mechanisms in these new fleshly bodies will be suppressed. JC told us this in The Bible (Matt.22v30, Luke.20v36).

As the reader can see this is an absolutely righteous scenario where all those who have not had a chance to succeed in this 1st part of our life shall then obtain an opportunity in the 2nd and final part of life (which could last for an eternity – if we make the correct decision) – unlike the standard illogical worldly sourced Christian doctrine that just completely falls apart in its unrighteous exegesis at this stage, having as many holes within it as a colander!

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I gladly invite representatives (they must be the very best worldly theologians) to the standard worldly Christian doctrine to defend their useless and errant ideas to the most righteous and rigorous proposal I have presented here. But I much rather, earnestly desire them to change their doctrine and thus accurately preach The Word of God to those still in the dark. It is for this sole reason why I am spending many thousands of hours creating material logically argued (and is in harmony with the accurate Bible message) for this website – for the whole world to freely read (with no strings attached) and thus understand Yahweh’s wonderful Gospel News to cause personal reform ready to please Yahweh. Jude 1v7 og {in that manner}/likewise/as Sodom also Gomorrah, also the (ones = towns) upon/concerning them Jude 1v7 og (the) {towns large/or with walls}/cities, Jude 1v7 og the {similar (in appearance/character)}/{like manner} {to these (persons/things)} Jude 1v7 og (the) {a turn (in mode or style)}/{change in deportment/character}/manner/means/way Jude 1v7 og (the) {to be utterly unchaste}/{give self over to fornication}, Jude 1v7 og also {going off}/departing/{being apart}/following/{coming/going away} {go to the back}/{aback Jude 1v7 og (in time/place)}/backward/{get behind}/follow/after flesh/{carnal minded} other/different/altered, Jude 1v7 og (the) {to lie before the view}/{to be present (to the mind)}/{to stand forth}/presentation/{be first} Jude 1v7 og {a specimen}/{as shown}/{an example} (of the) lightening/power/energy/fire Jude 1v7 og (of the) perpetual/eternal/everlasting (the) {(self-evident) correctness}/justice/decision Jude 1v7 og {holding oneself under}/{enduring with patience}/suffering/undergoing. Jude 1v7 Likewise/As Sodom also Gomorrah, also to those towns/cities concerning (= operating as) them (= Sodom/Gomorrah), similarly/{in like manner} to these persons {turning themselves unto}/{changing to be} {to be utterly unchaste}/{given over to fornication}, also {coming away}/departing/{being apart} {going backwards}/following/after other/different/altered flesh/{carnal minded}, {lying in view}/{be present in our mind}/{standing forth} (as) {a specimen}/example {holding oneself under}/{enduring with patience}/undergoing the {self-evident correctness}/justice/{accurate decision} of the eternal/everlasting power/energy (of Yahweh’s Authority expressed). Sodom and Gomorrah are now below the water level on the southern side of The Dead Sea in Israel sitting on a geological fault line through Israel having in this locality pitch/oil outcrops coming to the surface. Thus it is quite possible for an earth quake in the area to occur together with some ignition source to create effective flame throwers or missiles of oil puddles being ejected out of the ground and falling back upon the earth. Then after the earthquake it would be quite likely for the two cities to subside down into the waters of The Dead Sea.

That explains geologically what occurred at a physical level consistent to what is recorded in The Bible. Now moving on to explain this verse – and later I shall add a snippet of explanation to a cited reference made by JC on these two cities, which utterly confuses our learned Christian scholars and theologians (being beholden to standard errant Christian doctrine) – so they ignore it (= the easiest option)! And thus Jude brings his warning ‘up to date’ by stating: “and cities behaving like them” – meaning the inhabitants of the cities/towns subsequently in time (into The Gospel Age) imitating the same mindset as that which prevailed in those two ancient cities (it does not mean local/era cities [as claimed]). Jude uses this infamous event to give a further dire warning to those persons taking upon themselves the position of leadership over The Christian Nation having some semblance of faith but abnegating/denying The Power of Yahweh (2Tim.3v5-7) in transforming their spirit/personality/desires/traits to become at the one/same as that sourced by Yahweh though His son JC. It is the most serious offence - to be claiming to represent Yahweh but bring His Perfect Name/Character/Authority into disrepute by becoming a charlatan and living on the back of God’s Word (as a master over God’s Word) – rather than being utterly subservient to it! This becomes “blasphemy” = to be “denying by rebellion Yahweh’s Desire being manifest within The Environment” for which there is no forgiveness and thus those persons become subject to The 2nd Death of Annihilation (either now for a charlatan Christian leader, or at the end of The Millennium for all those individuals who refuse to personally reform and start imitating JC’s lifestyle – note both groups have The Word of God but turn their back upon it – and act against it). Thus Jude is saying by warning to The New Brethren (Christians) aiming to become TCs (to become the next generation of TCs after the righteous apostles):-

You brethren are being instructed to become the future Christian leaders, but do not behave like other humans that we have seen in the past and alongside us now – “pretending to be from us”, “walking contrary alongside” (1John.2v18-19, 2John.1v7,9) but in reality they behave in a worldly manner using The Word of God s a tool upon which to indulge in a worldly manner – just as Judas did. He liked the glory and prestige that came with being ‘One of the Twelve’ – and pilfering out of the money box. – This worldly return is identical to what we have witnessed throughout The Gospel Age and even more so in The Last Days/{periods of time} (= last few decades) of The Gospel Age. All as JC foretold.

Therefore The Warning:- Do not behave in this manner as those persons of Sodom and Gomorrah – because you taking on The Ministry Work is serious (James.3v1). You are now living in the 2nd part of your spiritual life – JC only came The Once (Heb.6v6, 10v26-28) and will not come again to cover us!

This is another area that our worldly Christian leaders/theologians unrighteous mess-up in their near useless exegesis! JC covers us over the 1st part of our life to get us into the position so that we might then personally learn not to commit premeditated sin to the detriment of our neighbour. JC most certainly does not cover us on a continual basis if we turn against him and what he represents by us behaving in a worldly manner. Remember Lot’s wife turned back to look lustfully upon what she had enjoyed (not just to witness the spectacle) – that is specifically why Yahweh turned her to a pillar of salt. And all this is given as by warning: – Do not return back to The World being its methodology to self-indulge over one’s neighbour – else we in our present position shall be annihilated. It must be clearly understood we are in the next stage of Yahweh’s Plan living under The 2nd Covenant – having a greater prize – being one of sonship to Yahweh, not possible under The 1st Covenant (“The prophets looked – but could not find/{be part of} it”). But with this greater gift comes a greater fall – being one of annihilation at the end of our present existence if we freely choose to “deny Yahweh’s Desire made manifest within The Environment” (= blaspheme) for which there is no forgiveness. Now to comment on JC’s comment:-

It will be better/{more tolerable} for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah in that Day of Judgement (= the 1000 year Millennium to be learning righteousness) than it will be for those people who reject me now (Matt.10v15, Mark.6v11, Luke.10v12)! And likewise for those persons who lived in the town of Chorazin next to JC’s headquarters of Capernaum (Matt.11v21, Luke.10v13).

Why mentioned so many times in The Bible? Because it is so important to understand Yahweh’s Righteous Plan

So what does it mean? If you rely upon worldly Christian doctrine then it makes no righteous sense – thus theologians – just ignore it – six references in The Bible! Instead they prefer to promulgate things that are not even mentioned once in The Bible! For instance, “purgatory”, the Trinity, Yahweh became dependent upon us as JC, hellfire, etc, etc! Just shows how mixed up they are and absolutely lost in a mystery of their own creation! They are utterly useless in fulfilling Yahweh’s desire!

Now let us reason upon what The Bible teaches us (being what is written within it)! Seems sensible – does it not? Yahweh has instituted the 1000 year ‘Day’ within which The Resurrected World shall be taught righteousness – those who imbue The Word of God to be precisely imitating JC’s lifestyle to be edifying our neighbour before our own wellbeing (and this is to be mutual) shall continue to live in the 2nd part of their life unto an eternity. However those individuals who revert back to the methodology sourced by Satan within under which the present world operates – being the persons with the power to self-indulge over/upon neighbours’ personal wellbeing – shall be annihilated = The 2nd Death.

So ... ... ... ... ... - what? Carefully analyse the situation.

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What do you have in the two situations? Let us go through them together.

1. The inhabitants of Sodom/Gomorrah could only live by conscience – they did not have The Word of God (JC) to guide them. 2. The inhabitants of Chorazin had The Word of God operating within their very presence – but they refuse in inculcated JC within them.

That occurred in the 1st part of our physical life. Then we shall have The General Resurrection into The Millennium - both groupings of people then enter the 2nd part of their physical life. These two comparative groupings of individual coexistence, learning righteousness under the JC and the 144000 TCs with all authority to ensure discipline is maintained throughout all society. So there we have it!

So ... ... ... ... ... - what? Carefully analyse the situation – what do you have?

1. The resurrected inhabitants of Sodom/Gomorrah will think: This new situation is fantastic and become instant coverts to The Word of God. 2. The resurrected inhabitants of Chorazin will think: What is different? – And very likely not reform – and become subjects of The 2nd Death!

And thus we ask ourselves:- Why is it so important that it must be written down these many times in The Bible?

Carefully consider this simple question:- What is different from the worldly focussed people of Chorazin refusing to imbue JC’s ministry/lifestyle and the members of The Christian Nation throughout The Gospel Age who refuse to imbue The Word of God by precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle?

That is precisely why this message given in The Bible is so important! And why Yahweh ensured it was written so many times in The Bible so that people could not state: They did not know! And sadly today for an example, we have worldly Christian leaders who make great claim that it is quite acceptable to be a ‘homosexual Christian’ – this is behaving in a charlatan manner (= blaspheming against the HS). This may be quite acceptable for worldly methodology (sodomites), but the Bible clearly tells us that such like people will not inherit The Kingdom – inasmuch it is impossible to become a future son of God (if presently a homosexual), however if a non-Christian they will resurrected along with everyone else to learn righteousness. I am merely quoting The Bible!

Just read The Bible and find out, then understand it and finally practice with fidelity what you have learnt! Let me leave the reader with something I wrote some seven years earlier.

It must be understood Jude is making comparisons between operation at a fleshly level (being unchaste to what was ordained to operate as a human representative [for “Kosmos” = all life]) to that which is to operate at a spiritual level (being unchaste to what was ordained to operate at as a representative of God [ideally to become a “son of God”]). I make it known – just to be controversially, then I have replaced the standard word ‘fire’ (StrongsTM = 4442) with lightening/energy/power.

Why? Because worldly Christian leaders use this as an example to what will happen to ‘evil’ people after they have died.

So I specifically draw the reader’s attention to the fact that this word is the generic term for “power to consume”. It is not the word for “a fire” which is (StrongsTM = 4443). If it were to mean burning fire, then the other word would have been used in the text! Thus what Jude is actually saying would be this:

The people who do these type of things in the end times of The Millennium (being a continuation of v6 explained because Sodom and Gomorrah were “an example” of what is going to happen) will experience this as The 2nd death, being an execution of judgement to be ‘consumed to nothing’ for everlasting non-existence. To be “consumed to nothing” means that you have no nerve cells to feel anything – thus you become non-existent! To further support my reasoning, Sodom and Gomorrah were completely consumed – there were no people left over from this catastrophe suffering for an eternity or even for a few days – if they were, then The Bible would have said so!

I would like to direct the reader to Gen. 19v24-29 so they may read the account for themselves: “so when God destroyed the cities of the plain”. Everything written tells us the cities and inhabitants were totally destroyed – and not left in a tormented state. Therefore repeating again 1v7 this is “as an example” – of what is to occur – utter annihilation for The 2nd Death.. I am overstressing this to show the reader how they must be so careful about what charlatan Christian leaders preach in their sermons (in this instance because they just do not understand what they are supposedly teaching – it is just garbage) Quite frankly – as soon as our worldly Christian leaders stray from directly quoting The Bible then they sink into error – perhaps just about every other sentence spoken has a scriptural error within it! I consider myself to be a very necessary auditor of their work – because who else is sufficiently competent to be doing this pre-audit – prior to Yahweh’s final audit? Those who yearn to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire will thank me for this “{occupational effort}/works/labour” freely given, but those individuals who feel personally exposed as being hypocrites will detest and thus attack this pre-audit report! Jude 1v8 og similarity/likeness/likewise/so {indeed though}/however/nonetheless also Jude 1v8 og this/that (specifically) (the ones = persons) Jude 1v8 og {(seeing) in spiritual stupor}/{something seen in asleep}/{vision in a dream}/dreamer (middle voice) Jude 1v8 og (the) flesh/{carnal minded} truly/indeed (they) sully/taint/contaminate/defile, Jude 1v8 og {all mastery}/lordship/dominion/government and Jude 1v8 og {to set aside}/disesteem/neutralise/violate/{cast off}/reject/frustrate/disannul/despise Jude 1v8 og (the) glories/honours/dignities/worships and (they) vilify/{speak impiously}/defame/revile. Jude 1v8 {Indeed though}/Nonetheless similarly/likewise also specifically these persons (personally) {seeing in spiritual stupor}/{spiritually asleep visions}/dreamers truly/indeed they sully/taint/contaminate/defile the flesh/{carnal mind}, and {set aside}/disesteem/frustrate/disannul} {all mastery}/lordship/dominion and they vilify/defame/revile the glories/honours/dignities. Jude uses the word “{seeing in a spiritual stupor}/dreamer”.

What does this mean? “Seeing something” must mean the reasoning centres of the brain are occupied in processing information. This information must come from somewhere (upon which to reason). Thus we understand that Jude can only be speaking of religious persons – and not atheists. Atheists will not be dreaming about “God” because Yahweh does not exist within their reasoning centres – to them, Yahweh is a ‘non-entity’. Thus “God” occurs within the minds of persons who have information about The Deity upon which to reason. Therefore Jude is speaking about Christians who are {seeing in spiritual stupor}/dreamers!

What does this mean? “seeing” means “perception/registering” (from any source). “spiritually” means “within the mind”. “stupor” means “unclear thinking”.

Thus Jude is speaking about people who:- “perceive within an unclear thinking mind”

Thus these people have:- “Conceived ideas/concepts based upon unreliable/confusing information/data”

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I call this;- “blind faith” = seeing something within the mind which is confused and not accurate to reality.

But:- Real Faith = accurate knowledge + assurance + fidelity.

Thus gain accurate knowledge – assay/test/prove this knowledge to ensure it is accurate, and within this process we gain assurance upon The Knowledge gained. We are to then act with fidelity upon The Knowledge gained and thoroughly tested so that we are not confused in how we behave.

I apologise for going through a rather tedious analysis of what Jude is teaching us in just one word. The problem we face is that there are so many charlatan Christian leaders spinning God’s Word in the minds of their devotees so that it becomes distorted from reality – being The Reality sourced by The Bible (Matt.4v4, 2Tim3v15-17) sourced by Yahweh.

1. These devotees do not gain accurate knowledge from The Bible – but rather God’s Word twisted through the mouths of charlatan leaders. 2. These devotees just accept what is stated as being true – for whatever reasons, they just do not test/assay/prove what is stated. 3. These devotees become confused from reality and just blithely fulfil what they think they should be doing – steered by their corrupt leaders.

Thus we reason these religious devotees are:- “{seeing in a spiritual stupor}/dreamer” – and not operating within The Reality dictated by The Bible.

If these people are not operating within The Reality dictated by The Bible – then they can only be operating within the reality of The World – therefore operating according to The World’s methodology. And worldly methodology is sourced by Satan through his operatives! We know Jude means this – because he goes on to state:-

(While in this spiritual stupor) they sully/defile the carnal mind (= the thoughts driving their works defile the worldly focussed mind). By operating with this worldly spirit/personality/desires/traits (and it cannot be any other – because we have just been told “defiled carnal mind”) sourced by worldly methodology being fed/nurtured by a charlatan Christian leader twisting The Word of God (for mutual self-indulgence), then they disesteem/disannul {All-Mastery}/Lordship/Dominion.

“{All-Mastery}/Lordship/Dominion” reflects all the way up the hierarchy in dominion to Yahweh at the very top. Therefore we reason in this confused state of spiritual stupor these devotees are defiling their mind and disesteeming Yahweh!

And further, these individuals effectively vilify/defame The Glories/Honours/Dignities in the minds of those persons who reason upon what they witness!

So what examples could I give of people living within “{seeing in a spiritual stupor}/dreamer”? Firstly we must understand three things:-

1. Yahweh desires us to accurately know/understand The Word of God to be effective and powerful communicators. The Bible is full of quotes to support this assertion. Therefore we can reason if the persons are not fully competent to be teachers in The Word of God – then they could be easily deceived by those persons who do know more about The Bible – but prepared to live on the back of it! It becomes a source of income (money/power/etc).

2. From (1) and provided we are motivated to edify our brethren/neighbour – then we are to give charity/agape for no return of whatsoever. The agape is given (by sacrificing our life away from what The World delivers) in a ministry/lifestyle that precisely replicates that given by JC

3. From (1) and (2) our ministry must be in the name/character/authority (as I carefully expand what these three words really mean elsewhere) of JC who himself was The Reflection of Yahweh (John.14v4-20). Therefore we are told to behave with a sober mind carefully reasoning upon The Word of God and be teaching in likewise manner as did JC to those persons who knew nothing about Yahweh (and therefore atheists or non-Christians). This means we never act in hype or under potentially dangerous emotion (created within the environment yielding to stupor or intoxication – given by warning to avoid by the apostles in numerous places).

So we look at the above listing to be our guide in what deviant behaviour we must avoid if we are to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire. The obvious deviant behaviour which shows the devotees to be operating as a “{seeing in a spiritual stupor}/dreamer” would be:-

1. Speaking gibberish – claiming to be speaking in tongues. There is no reason for this to occur except to fuel self-indulgency in both the leader promoting the methodology of The Antichrist (see 1 and 2 John) and within the intoxicated stupor of his devotees. Interestingly this activity is done in their closed communities in complete disregard to what Paul stated at 1Cor.14v23. I cover this in very much more detail elsewhere.

2. Rolling around in the dirt - claiming to be “slain in the spirit”. I repeat - There is no reason for this to occur except to fuel self-indulgency in both the leader promoting the methodology of The Antichrist and within the intoxicated stupor of his devotees. Can the reader find anywhere in The Bible any example of this practice being legitimised by Yahweh? Quite simply: If it is not in The Bible - then do not do it (Rev.22v18-19). Finally just reason upon this – JC and the apostles were full of the HS and never did this. In the future Millennium, where JCg and the 144000 TCs will be ruling as future sons of God over The Resurrected World being utterly full of Yahweh’s HS – would it be reasonable to assume these leaders would be rolling around in the dirt while they were supposedly teaching righteousness – the postulated scenario is utterly ridiculous and so is the doctrine taught by these charlatan Christian leaders!

The fact that our worldly Christian leaders of other denominations do not actively speak against such utterly deviant activity show they are condoning such activity and are thus complicit in their antichrist methodology. Finally it is worth considering this final thing as a measuring stick to gauge how Yahweh might be assaying us.

What is Yahweh’s Desire? Yahweh’s Desire was fulfilled by JC and The Apostles. JC and the apostles behaved with a sane mind, thoroughly knew The Scriptures and were supremely competent to logically argue through the scriptures to support their exegesis. From which they were able to gain more future sons of God who precisely imitated The Golden Standard as laid down by JC. So perhaps we might ask each one of ourselves this question at the end of our life:-

During my ‘religious’ activities – how many future TCs that behave precisely like JC and the apostles have I brought to Yahweh in my sacrifice away from the self-indulgences sourced by this world? Because that is The Requirement as taught by JC’s parables and exhorted by The Apostles in their epistles!

If you cannot recall at the end of your life any such individual – then perhaps Yahweh will also judge you likewise (being the wheat sown among the stones and thorns) and undeserving of a future position alongside His Son JC – who laid down The Golden Standard of how we are to behave to fulfil Yahweh's Desire. And further, if we have caused many sane minded individuals to walk away from Yahweh because we are behaving in an irrational/intoxicated state then we are behaving like ‘satans’ resisting/opposing Yahweh’s Desire being fulfilled within The Environment. Thus we are “denying by rebellion Yahweh’s Desire being fulfilled within The Environment” = we are “blaspheming against the HS” upon which there is no forgiveness (Mark.3v29, Luke.10v10, etc) please see glossary. Jude 1v9 og the and Michael the {first angel}/{reigning messenger}/{arch angel} {at which too}/when Jude 1v9 og to the (= with) traducer/{false accuser}/devil/slanderer Jude 1v9 og {separating thoroughly}/{withdrawing from}/hesitating/contending/considering/discerning/discriminating (middle voice), Jude 1v9 og (he) {through exclamation}/{stating thoroughly}/{discussing (in argument or exhortation)}/disputing/preaching/{reasoning (with)}/speaking/arguing (middle voice) Jude 1v9 og concerning/about of the Moses (the) {whole/sound body}/bodily, Jude 1v9 og no/not/none (he) dared/confidently/boldly/courageously

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Jude 1v9 og (the) {decision (either for or against)}/tribunal/justice/judgment (to) {to bear upon}/{super-induce}/take Jude 1v9 og (of the) vilification/{evil speaking}/railing, but said/uttered/spoke/commanded/granted: Jude 1v9 og (Let) {to tax upon}/censure/admonish/forbid/charge/rebuke {to thee}/thine/own/thou/thy Jude 1v9 og (the) lord/master.

Old Testament reference located at Zech.3v2. Jude 1v9 And the Michael, the {first angel}/{reigning messenger}/{arch angel} when (personally) {separating thoroughly}/{withdrawing from}/considering/contending/discerning/discriminating with the {false accuser}/devil/slanderer, he (= Michael) (personally) {through exclamation}/{stating thoroughly}/{discussing (in argument or exhortation)}/disputing/{reasoning (with)}/speaking/arguing about the {whole body} of Moses, he (= Michael) (did) not dare/confidently/boldly/courageously {to bring upon}/{super-induce}/take the {decision (for or against)}/judgement of vilification/{evil speaking}/railing, but (he) said/spoke:

‘Let the Lord/Master (= Yahweh) censure/admonish/forbid/rebuke you (= Satan)’. “Michael” – what does this mean?

Is there anything more to “Michael” than just what it states here: “Michael the {first angel}/{reigning messenger}”? Michael is a Hebrew word “Miykael”“StrongsTM = 4317 and written in The Greek as “Michael” StrongsTM = 3413.

The Hebrew word “Miykael” means “Who resembles God/Subjector” As a world leading Engineer in my specific technological field, I logically reason through mysticism to reach The Absolute Truth. I suggest the reader do likewise else become lost in ridiculous religious mishmash. Just throw away all the useless defunct baggage dreamed-up by our worldly Christian leaders over the last some 1900 years lost in the mysteries of their own worldly creation and let us together start cognitive reason upon The Facts! I have demonstrably shown we cannot trust their bible translations in key areas, their unrighteous doctrine and their hypocritical actions in spinning The Word of God to suit their self-indulgent behaviour.

So would you buy a 2nd hand car off them? I certainly would not (unless I thoroughly examined it like I have done their exegesis)!

Note: There are some good Christian leaders who do fulfil Yahweh’s Desire – but because The Bible tells us there are only 144000 to be taken out of the some 2000 year Gospel Age - and the epistles are constantly warning us of charlatans “{walking contrarily alongside}” shows the probability of your Christian leader being one of these good Christian leaders – is remote! So audit your Christian leader against what The Bible teaches us to find out! A good Christian leader would be appreciative that you care sufficiently about The Word of God to do it – a charlatan leader will become obstructive! So we have two considerations:-

1. {First angel}/{Reigning messenger}. 2. The definition of “Michael”.

In answer to (1), I would ask the reader to carefully read through the commentary I give at Jude.1v6. Then let us consider (2) – The definition of “Michael”.

The Hebrew word “Miykael” means “Who resembles God/Subjector” “El” means “subjector” or “God” = The Entity requiring exclusive devotion from those entities beneath Him. Therefore Yahweh subjects us to His Desire/Will – else we shall ultimately become annihilated. However His Desire is not without reason – but merely given to ensure that societies within His Environment (= The Universe) have their members to be operating in righteous harmony amongst one another. Is that really too bad? So we ask the question:-

Who does resemble God? Shall we look to The Bible for the answer? John.14v9: Says to him the Jesus: “So long a time with you I am, and not you know/understand me Philip? The persons seeing me (= recognise ‘The Word’ and thus imitating JC) have seen the Father (Yahweh), also how do you say: ‘Show us the Father?’

So there we have it from JC’s mouth:- “The persons seeing me (JC) have seen The Father (Yahweh = The Almighty God)”.

So I ask the question again:- Who does resemble God?

The answer must come back: “JC does resemble God” And from our constructive reasoning given in the commentary located at Jude.1v6 also pointing towards JC – then we ask:-

Who is called “Michael”? By rationalising upon the evidence collected we can deduce “Michael” points to JC.

Now what do our irrational (lost in the mystery of their own making) worldly Christian leaders state? “JC is not Michael”!

Why? “Because he is not”!

That is not intellectual reasoning from the scriptures – but merely irrational dogma! I can only reason that they are so ‘hung-up’ within the defunct Trinity doctrine that they cannot reason themselves out of it – and thus lost within their own created mystery. I presume their ‘reasoning’ goes along these lines:-

“JC is God – and it states Michael is an archangel”. “Therefore JC is not Michael”!

This is flawed worldly reasoning – because it works on the premise that JC is Yahweh – and there is absolutely no statement in anywhere in The Bible which makes that assertion when The Original Greek is correctly translated and then read very carefully. Sadly the reader will not get that information out of their worldly translated bibles having the systematic error built into these translations amalgamating the four cases of “theos” to be always pointing to Yahweh. This fine detail is only available in The Original Greek – or in the New Testament translation as given on this website www.Futirelife.Org being the most precisely accurate that is available to the English speaking world today.

In its translation I ensured that it is completely commutative – something that cannot be said on any other translation on this planet! Thus the very first three words in their reasoning yields an errant position from which to start – there is nothing to support it! But give me enough time then I could probably find 100 quotes that teach us JC is not Yahweh! I think the balance of probability would tell the sensible person JC is not Yahweh and the Trinity doctrine is a worldly myth sourced by Satan’s methodology upon which to self-indulge (these theologians preferring to get together and talk nonsense to kill time, rather than go out and give an accurate ministry “in the market places”). A large commentary on just one word – “Michael”!

It is so sad that I need to present long commentaries to unpick the twaddle and nonsense given by our paid worldly Christian leaders! Paid by The World to give what The World wants to hear (2Tim.4v3-4), but is so far from fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire!

Hopefully we can all agree to whom “The Devil/Slanderer/{false accuser} points towards! But sadly some worldly Christian groupings do not even recognise Satan exists – but merely state ‘Satan is a figment of our imagination – being merely our hurtful thoughts.”

Well - that a good cover for Satan to hide behind! Just make it appear he does not exist and thus he can operate with impunity! We read here that Michael (logically determined from The Scriptures to be JC) contended with Satan about the body of Moses.

So what does this mean?

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Interestingly, this is another section in The Bible that refutes a common practice performed by so many worldly Christian schisms, including those schisms (from 1st Century Christianity) having worldly pedigrees stretching back millennia!

Let me introduce the reader to my commentary written some seven years earlier:- Michael contended with Satan stating:-

‘May the Lord rebuke you’. (This is textual quotation from a Jewish book entitled: ‘Testament of Moses’) What does this mean?

This refers to the time when Moses died. He was 120 years old and it was said: “his eye had not grown dim and his vital strength had not fled”. Moses knew he was about to die, and then following Yahweh’s command, he gave the last song and blessing to the (1st) Israelite people before he then climbed mount Nebo for his final resting place (Deut. 32v48-51). He was buried by Yahweh on the mountaintop so his body could never be found, for the sole reason that Yahweh did not desire Moses’ remains to be used by Satan as a shrine (or body-part relics) for false worship to mislead the Israelites. We see both aspects of this today. Shrines are made to what man terms ‘holy places’ – seen in all worldly religions (therefore “being of the world” then their god is Satan – back to this verse).

The converse is true; if a place is infamous then often it is erased to the ground so that a shrine cannot be made of the place. Clearly from this example Yahweh hates shrines of whatever description to be made by humans (some of the Christian religions should take special note of this – shrines and body-part relics) and thus Yahweh stopped Satan from using Moses’ place of death as a distraction for the people from exclusive devotion to Yahweh (again this methodology should be operating today).

Now with reference to Michael. Clearly Yahweh used Michael to pass the word on: “To leave the body alone”, but in whose personal strength, Michael was not able to surpass the Authority of The World assigned to Satan for the 6000 years leasehold, which was given to Satan in-trust by Yahweh for this assigned administration period because its inhabitants freely chose to operate under Satan’s methodology of self-indulgency. Yahweh therefore was allowing individuals to learn where their self-indulgent methodology will take humanity (so that we might prove to ourselves where this behaviour will take mankind – else our ‘die-hards’ will always state: ‘Give us enough time to sort The World out according to worldly methodology’). Sadly this methodology will take us to ..... Matt.24v21-22 – and we are so stiff-necked that it needs to be proved to us! Therefore Michael said:

“May the Lord rebuke you”. Thus Michael was calling upon The Ultimate power of The Universe (= Yahweh) to substantiate/underwrite the command.

As an aside: It would make logical sense for Michael to be JCg, because as I propose in very great detail (and I am not prepared to repeat the 3 pages here) in the Genesis account I have on my website how the world logically got into the state it presently has. But assuming Yahweh assigned the planet and JCg’s creation to Satan for this period of 6000 years, and then clearly JCg could not rebuke Satan of his assigned position, power and responsibility given from Yahweh. This demonstrates the total respect JCg has of his Father – Yahweh, and thus could not “blaspheme”. Further it makes more sense for Yahweh to communicate to Satan with respect to “the specific god of us” JCg, about an issue with us. Yahweh is showing respect to JCg for his creation and not ‘going over his head’ (or, ‘pulling the rug from underneath’ JCg), so to speak – using a couple of worldly phrases to explain what I mean.

What I am trying to demonstrate through this explanation? Most importantly this is not a fanciful ‘fairy’ story, but has logic and solid construction, also, the correct levels of hierarchy are respected before Yahweh in the bigger picture – at present we are in a tiny transit period, where it just appears Yahweh does not exist (because we are sinful – the opposite to Yahweh and thus for our protection He places “a cloud” between Him and JC passing through to us). However the reader must look at the much bigger and ultimate picture presented to see that Yahweh is in perfect control – patiently waiting (as we are often told in the epistles) for the correct number of humans to fill the earth (at the same time The World implodes when man indulges to excess) which shall coincide with the 144000 TCs (the correct numbers preselected – because all is foreknown by Yahweh before humans were created); - when all this has occurred then Yahweh steps in with full Authority through His son JCg at his 1st 2nd C to collect the 144000 TCs.

This website explains through righteous exegesis just how big this picture really is! Now let me go to the quoted reference and show how this is used as prophecy and allegory – to lend support to what is being stated here. Associate references are; Ezr.5v2, Hag.1v14, Zec.6v11. The associate references give “Joshua” (of the prime quotation – Zech.3v2) as being the son of Jehozadak the high priest.

“Joshua” means “Jehovah/Yahweh saved”. “Jesus” is directly derived from the Hebrew word “Joshua”.

Therefore we see the link forming between Jude’s quotation (Testament of Moses) and the parallel reference made by The Prophet Zechariah. Zechariah is writing by allegory and prophecy of what had occurred, and will occur. The reader must read the chapters either side of the quote to understand how the whole prophecy pans-out. I think a few allegories should be laid out to enable rapid understanding of the prophecy given.

Name definition prophetic allegory (chapters 1 and 2) Jerusalem The City of Peace = Yahweh’s organisation to enforce His Authority. Zion Conspicuousness (mount in Jerusalem) = a place where Yahweh’s Desire is fulfilled. Horns allegoric leaders of significance = future world leaders effecting God’s People. Fire energy/power = Yahweh’s omnificent capability (infinite power/might exercised). Measuring rope The Enforced Standard = The Standard JC laid down for (1) sonship (2) universal salvation. Four winds Jews being scattered = The Christian Nation in The World – out of which come the TCs. Own House The Temple = 144000 TCs. Babylon (from) confusion = (sourcing) false world religions Daughter (B) derivative female (to entice/source) = Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam). Daughter (I) derivative female (to entice/source) = The Remnant of the 3 Epochs of Israel returning to The Lord). Judah Celebrated - 1/12 son of Jacob (Israel) = Lineage delivering the new Priesthood headed by Jesus (thus TCs). Eyeball Organ of vision = what is seen (when touched is painful/distressing).

Just substitute the prophetic allegories into the previous chapters to understand about what Yahweh is speaking which is to occur over the millennia. Also notice the applicable definitions – being how they are used to derive the prophetic allegory.

Then we enter the cited verse Zech.3v2. We understand that Satan is not standing idly by – just to let this go ahead unimpeded – else Rev.20v1-3 will occur – and he certainly does not want that scenario (please read “Satan’s desire” in glossary)! Thus he will step in to oppose/resist by rebellion Yahweh’s Desire being manifest in The Environment (= Satan is blaspheming against the HS – for which there is no forgiveness).

Now we can start to understand how the two references are combining together. Name definition prophetic allegory (chapter 3 + those common in the above) Joshua Jesus = The ‘Fruitage’ being the TCs to become “Brothers of JCg” Log fuel the “fire” = Works to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire manifest in The Environment. Garment covering = Character (spirit/personality/desires/traits) Befouled filthy = Operating according to worldly methodology to self-indulge. Robes of state covering fit for priests/kings = To become sons of God to rule over The Resurrected World. Turban covering the head = The mind.

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White without spot = absolutely perfect – thoughts are perfectly aligned with Yahweh. Servant (faithful) fulfils The Master’s Desire = JC fulfils Yahweh’s Desire (Luke.9v35). Sprout growth = The Start of Salvation – being The Rock upon which we build. Stone solid = everlasting Seven same root as complete/perfection = Perfect and complete Eyes organ of vision = seeing all things (being the motivation – 1Sam.16v7).

Though Joshua here corresponds to Jesus by Name, the reference to which we operate is as per the earlier allegory grouping – particularly “Judah”. Thus Joshua represents the lineage of what is to follow.

And what is to follow after Jesus? The Christian Nation follows after JC – but this prophecy is not the members of the Christian Nation because they have not completely changed their clothes – they have merely been covered by their leader – they still need to fully reform – hence The Millennium for them (and for all non-Christians). Thus it is the members of the Christian Nation who become elected by Yahweh (as we are told) that are represented here by Joshua. We read of Joshua (= 144000 TCs) who have completely changed from Worldly methodology to The Methodology sourced by Yahweh which makes the recipient imitating JC worthy of future sonship having a character (spirit/personality/desires/traits) worthy of priesthood/kingship.

So how do the two references gel-together? Jude speaks of Satan resisting Yahweh’s Desire to lead the (1st Epoch) Israelites astray by using Moses’ body as a pretext to start pilgrimages to The Prophet who brought in The (1st) Covenant. This action would nullify in the Israelite’s minds the future significance of The Prophet which was to be The Word of God and inaugurate The 2nd Covenant. Zechariah a prophet of the 1st Epoch Israel (like the other prophets) were speaking in allegories of what was to occur in the 2nd Epoch Israel (= The Christian Nation) to make possible what would occur afterwards in The Millennium. Thus Satan stands up to resist Joshua being the TCs so that Yahweh cannot receive His 144000 additional future sons of God out of The Gospel Age, and in so doing Satan cannot be detained/restrained (Rev.20v1-3). Thus we see Yahweh is telling The World through these analogies that Satan is persistently attacking key elements in Yahweh’s Plan to bring about human salvation to those specific individuals who ultimately choose to imitate JC by becoming at one/same spirit/personality/desires/traits. I could go further to explain the finer nuances, but already I have two page commentary on just one verse! But just go on to say that it is Yahweh’s Righteous Plan given through these prophetic allegories throughout many millennia steadily unfolding in time that steadfastly makes The Bible the True Word of The Almighty God of The Universe – and destroys any methodology/religion sourced by The World. It is The Responsibility of our Christian leaders to teach this supporting backbone in their sermons – else they are utterly delinquent and thus rejected! Jude 1v10 og these/those (specifically) and {as much/great/many/long}/whatsoever (things) truly/indeed no/not/none Jude 1v10 og (they) know/understand/{be aware}/see/perceive (they) vilify/{speak impiously}/defame/revile Jude 1v10 og {as much/great/many/long}/whatsoever (things) and physically/instinctively/naturally Jude 1v10 og {in that manner}/likewise/as the {not thoughtful}/irrational/brute/unreasoning Jude 1v10 og {a live thing}/animal/beast Jude 1v10 og {to put the mind upon}/comprehend/{acquainted with}/understand (middle voice), Jude 1v10 og in {to these (persons/things)} Jude 1v10 og (they are) pined/wasted/shriveled/withered/spoiled/ruined/depraved/corrupted/defiled. Jude 1v10 And they (= worldly Christians) vilify/defame/revile whatsoever these specific things they truly not know/understand/perceive, and (personally) {put the mind upon}/comprehend/{acquainted with} whatsoever things physical/instinctively/naturally {in that manner}/as the {not thoughtful}/irrational/unreasoning animal/beast, in to these things they (= worldly Christians) are pined/wasted/spoiled/depraved/corrupted/defiled. Thus continuing from the previous verses, Jude speaks of worldly Christians who are not rationally assaying/proving the ‘sales’ spiel sourced by their self-indulgent worldly Christian leaders (against directly what The Bible states) thus appropriate following on from the previous verse about “Michael” being JCg. These worldly Christians prefer to indulge themselves with the methodology sourced from The World rather than The Righteous/Logical Methodology sourced by Yahweh through The Bible which shall ultimately lead to a perfect society (= an ideal society in paradise – without the plethora of meaningless worldly religious customs). Just look at the customs performed (Matt.23v23) and the pilgrimages (v9) where the worldly churches rake in their ‘taxes’ on the customs practiced and the tat/’services’ sold at these “satanic” (“opposing” the fulfilment of Yahweh’s Desire) sites where it is stated this or that occurred here, there or anywhere – but nothing given is useful – just sales spiel as one might receive from ‘rogue traders’ pumping ‘the hype’ but delivering nothing worthwhile! Nowhere in The Bible does it state we are to practice “pilgrimages” but many places in The Bible teach us avoid all this type of worldly activity. I am quite prepared to take this publically further if any worldly Christian leader profiting out of this deviant activity chooses to “contend with” me through the email route given on this website. However I would much rather they just research The Bible with an open mind and find the important scriptures for themselves – before they contact me – it will be personally more valuable. The Bible calls this “searching and you shall find” – just as I have done!

So Jude teaches us:- These worldly Christians vilify/defame these specific things of which they do not know or understand.

Quite simply they do not know/understand the things they profess to know/understand. They profess to know/understand The Bible! But their words and deeds show the very opposite.

They merely imitate the persons of other (worldly) religions and change the name of ‘The Front Man’ who ‘sacrificed his life for a cause’ – because he loved us and we must show love to other people. It must be clearly understood “Christians” do not have a monopoly on “love” as our worldly Christian leaders self-indulgently proclaim! There are many other religions – and incidentally atheists who themselves are shining examples of people showing “love” to other persons/neighbours (and recorded as such with some people - to their enemies) – but none of these people fulfil Yahweh’s Desire – because they do not precisely imitate JC’s ministry/lifestyle (and are thus just like worldly Christians – equally not fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire)! Because of this Paul teaches us 2Tim.3v5-7 that: “They profess to have a form of godliness – but deny the power of it ... always learning, but never being able to come to an accurate knowledge of The Truth.” Paul is speaking directly about worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders and their cohorts – but sadly there are many sincere members of these congregations trying to come to Yahweh by learning ‘what they think is correct’ (as taught by their leaders) – but sadly it is just quite simply: Wrong! The point of these quoted verses and v10 here is The Power of The Word of God acting within each of us to completely reform our mindset to show the various fruits of the “HS” (= “Yahweh’s Desire made manifest within The Environment” [= “spirit/personality/desires/traits which is separate from this world of sin]”) – a couple of the usual quotes could be given – but really the reader should read all the epistles to understand the complete transfiguration required within The Mind’s thought processes rather than to skip The Bulk for snippets taken out of context. Thus these worldly Christians led by their leaders behave like ‘animals’ inasmuch they understand and think to self-indulge, rather than be edifying their neighbour to be fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire. Thus these specific humans are with reason (being specifically what makes us “god-like” and should be separating us from animals) – but they have been corrupted by worldly methodology taking their mind away from what The Word of God demands from us if we were truly fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire (which presently is to achieve His future 144000 sons of God elected out of The Gospel Age).

If the reader disagrees with this Goal – then perhaps they might like to suggest what Yahweh’s Desire might be? Then logically explain it in context with The Scriptures – to ensure Yahweh’s Righteous Plan holds true for every individual who has lived!

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In the science community – the best hypothesis that fits the facts (which for Christianity must be the facts solely sourced in The Bible = The Word of God) then that hypothesis holds sway – surely our worldly Christian leaders/theologians/scholars would agree this to be the most sensible course of action! Therefore I invite them to publically explain themselves!

So what am I doing – to be criticising as I am? Just as Paul urges and exhorts the recipients of his letters, “imitate me as I imitate JC” (1Cor.4v16, 11v1, etc) and further instructing the recipients to thoroughly learn The Scriptures to become competent instructors (Heb.5v12-14, etc), to be utterly reforming the mindset to be peaceful and be taking the lowly position in utter humility, take nothing from The World for The Ministry work which must be freely given (without strings attach), to be accurately teaching The Word of God being The Gospel Message accurately taught – so ......... Is this what our worldly Christian leaders teach their congregations? And if our worldly Christian leaders do not teach their congregations the above (leading from the front by deeds) – then how do the members of these congregations know how to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire? Sadly I must state: If they do not know - then the teacher has not taught – and thus sadly, neither do they nor their leaders understand.

This is the point I am making – and therefore Yahweh must wait even longer to achieve His future 144000 sons of God! Jude 1v11 og {exclamation of grief}/woe/alas {to them} because to the (= in/with) Jude 1v11 og ways/journey/progress/mode/means of the Cain Jude 1v11 og (they) traversed/travelled/departed/journeyed (middle voice), Jude 1v11 og also to the (= with) fraudulence/deceit/deception/delusion/error of the Balaam Jude 1v11 og (of the) {pay for services}/hire/reward/wages Jude 1v11 og (to themselves) {poured forth}/{gushed out}/{ran greedily}/{shed (abroad/forth)}, Jude 1v11 og also to the (= in/with) disputing/disobedient/contradicting/gainsaying/striving of the Korah Jude 1v11 og (they were) lost/perished/destroyed/annihilation/(= The 2nd Death).

Old Testament reference located at Gen.4v3-12. Old Testament reference located at Num.22v5-41, 23v1-30, 24v1-24, and finally death by sword Num.25v16-18). Old Testament reference located at Num.16v1-50.

Jude 1v11 Woe/Alas to them, because they (personally) traversed/travelled/journeyed with Cain, also to themselves {poured forth}/{gushed out}/{ran greedily} with the fraudulence/deceit/deception/delusion/error of Balaam’s {pay of services}/hire/reward/wages, also with the disputing/disobedience/contradicting/gainsaying/striving of Korah they were lost/perished/destroyed. All this is written in a form of allegory for our instruction and warning not to behave like these foolish people – ‘in The Know’ – but freely choosing worldly methodology to rule their lives behind The Façade/Veneer that “god” is being worshipped. Just as are all those religious members of other worldly religions sincerely trying to find Yahweh but being duped in the process by their leaders who do not really believe in “God” (= The Almighty God) shown by their actions support/edify The Self in a worldly manner rather than be edifying their neighbour to be fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire. The leaders therefore make themselves ‘god’ being a form of worship offered to them by devotees - presumed to be the conduit to God (Matt.23v5-8, etc).

So Jude warns (just as do the other apostles in their epistles):- Woe/Alas to these people because:-

1. They personally go the way of Cain. Inasmuch they know Yahweh (being His Word) just like Cain was a grandson of The Creator and would know Yahweh very well from his parents. God warned Cain: Sin crouches at the door” but Cain refused to listen, sinned and he was then cast out from God. So we reason these persons (like Cain were/are warned) but freely choose not to personally reform their inner self to become Christ-like and thus operate in hypocrisy (having form of godliness – but denying The Power of The Word of God to be reforming their mind to become Christ-like – 2Tim.3v6).

2. They personally pour upon themselves a similar fraudulence/deceit/delusion as that which drove Balaam for worldly hire/reward/wages. Again a very good analogy because Balaam was a good prophet of The Lord, but he changed sides. He forsook the position of being Yahweh’s mouthpiece for The Israelite Nation and worked for ‘the other side’. He worked for the pay and rewards the nations round about Israel would give him – and finally suggested the best way to bring about the demise of Israel. Send in foreign women to lure the men so that they might marry into the Israelite Nation. And likewise today – our worldly Christian leaders are luring members within The Christian Nation with enticing worldly suggestions as being perfectly acceptable – but this methodology becomes The Antichrist which comes into its own at the end of The Gospel Age (all as 1 and 2John teach us, Matt.24v23-25, etc).

3. They personally dispute/contradict/strive against the TCs who are truly representing Yahweh – just as did Korah did against Moses – Yahweh’s faithful prophet representing The Christ who was to come much later. Likewise the TCs themselves will become the brothers of Christ because they personally fulfil Yahweh’s Desire (Matt.12v48-50) – thus sit alongside JCg in The Millennium as sons of God. Obviously destroys the Trinity myth – because if JC was Yahweh then how can we become brothers with Yahweh! However we can if we remain as brothers with JC! If JCg is a son of God and we becoming TCs are likewise resurrected to sit alongside JC (as taught at Matt.20v21) as the future sons of God and brothers to JCg - all under Yahweh The Father. When will our senseless theologians open their mind to reason – and just dump the Trinity myth once and for all time!

And Jude’s conclusion:- “They all became lost/perished/destroyed” to mean by analogy “annihilated” for charlatan Christian leaders.

Please read “2 part life” in glossary that thoroughly explains Yahweh’s Plan and how we personally sit within it – depending upon how we behave. Jude 1v12 og these/those (specifically) is/are in to the (plural) benevolences/charities/dears/loves/(agape) (of the) you Jude 1v12 og (the) ledges/reefs/{rocks in sea}, Jude 1v12 og (the ones = they) {to be in good condition}/{to fare well or feast}/{to entertain (sumptuously in) company with}/{to revel together}/{feast with} (passive/middle voice) Jude 1v12 og {to/with you/yourselves} fearlessly/{without fear} {my/our/your/it them self} (= themselves) Jude 1v12 og (the ones = persons are) {tending as a shepherd}/supervising/{feeding cattle}/ruling, Jude 1v12 og (the) clouds {not water}/waterless/dry/arid under/through/inferior/below/by (of the) winds Jude 1v12 og (having been) {conveyed around}/{transported hither and thither}/{borne/carry about}; Jude 1v12 og (the) oaks/trees {wane in autumn}/autumnal/{stripped of leaves/fruits}, Jude 1v12 og again/twice dying/{being slain} (having been) {out of root}/uprooted. Jude 1v12 These are the {rocky reefs} in your charities/agapes, they (personally) {to fare well or feast}/{entertain sumptuously together in company} with yourselves, the persons supervising/feeding/ruling themselves, (like) waterless/dry clouds having been {conveyed around}/{borne about} by the winds, the oaks/trees {waning in autumn}/{stripped of leaves/fruits} again/twice dying/{being slain} having been {out of root}/uprooted.

So what does this mean? Is it what our worldly Christian leaders teach us?

Hardly (for several obvious reasons)! - But let us find out! This is what our scholars teach:-

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They read something out of The Bible and then state:- “There ends our ‘lesson’!” With no explanation except some worldly experiences which offer no understanding but rather reinforces deviancy unto worldly norms! This behaviour is spiritually criminal!

So what has this preamble got to do with the verse and the commentary to follow? I will bring the understanding/explanation full circle at the end of the commentary.

Firstly we had better get the translation correct – so we are in the position to understand what Jude is teaching us! It is presumed that plural charity/agape means feasts – but why? There is nothing in The Greek text to tell us this – therefore an invalid presumption. Perhaps our translators should read Rev.22v18-19 and thus learn from what is stated – do not add words to God’s Word to cause confusion. Therefore we understand the Greek text can mean any multiple things/actions being apparently ‘given’ (more later). Perhaps our translators looked further into the verse and came to “{to fare well or feast}/{entertain sumptuously together in company}” – this is it! This is the word that tells us “feast” – thus together with “agape”, we have “love feasts” – and consequently solved the worldly translation!

Or have we? I suggest that perhaps we have absolutely not solved the translation – but rather, we have skewed it with two errant presuppositions! It is essential to understand the apostles write in similes and allegories to explain God’s Word. Therefore we must not take everything blandly at face value. We have the one presumed translation “feast” but we also have (1)“{to fare well}” also we have (2) “{to entertain sumptuously together in company}” which does not mean “eat” but rather “{have a pleasing lifestyle}” which again “can mean any multiple things/actions” – we start seeing a common denominator – being a much wider application of “{giving so that we might fare well together}” brings this warning into harmony with what The New Testament teaches throughout. Some differing examples: The Most become The Least, sell everything we have, let not the right hand know what the left is doing, let your alms be given in secret, the widow gave far more than the rich people, do not have two masters, etc, etc, etc, etc. Thus we understand the following:-

These specific leaders within the Christian community are offering agape (not simply – but with strings attached) so that they might on the back of this ‘agape’ be living sumptuously (of whatever [money/power/influence/prestige/sex/etc] together [leaders working together]) on the proceeds which come back to them through these (supposedly) agape activities.

The agape might even be the wonderful oratory (or the singing of hymns) given to please the ears of their adoring listeners – so that these listeners might offer money to be given “In the service of The Lord” – “Help me to get ‘The Message’ to all those persons who are still in the dark” – etc. Interestingly:- While the devotees give in genuine “agape” in the supposed understanding it is going where they have been told – but:- Yes, some goes to where it has been claimed – but ‘a percentage’ is siphoned off to support The Needs of the leader – hardly “charity/agape”! And this is the pretence these worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders operate under – as John tells us:

“Walking contrary alongside” The Word of God. So we are starting to get under the text and into the mind of Jude to clearly understand what was occurring then – and Yes - Now!

Occurring even more today – just as JC forewarned in Matt.24v24. Yes – Jude teaches us to beware! Yes I am explaining his word – we are to beware! It must be clearly understood, the devotees – being most of us are genuine in our desire to reach Yahweh – but not necessarily do our leaders have the same inclination – they will give the façade/veneer to keep their income stream coming in, but inside (being the part Yahweh sees – 1Sam.16v7) they are using God’s Word to bolster their position over The World – being specifically what Judas Iscariot was doing within The Twelve (being the example of what was to occur throughout The Gospel Age).

So I ask the reader: – Have YOU personally audited (1) the lifestyle of your leader and (2) where the money he collects goes? Or do you just accept at face value what you are told?

If someone claimed to be capable of repairing your car or building you a house – would you just accept what they said or would you assay their capability first? Because - they might well be “a rogue trader” giving all the wonderful words, convincing sales spiel – but in reality not capable. Sadly that is precisely what we face in ‘The Religious Market’ – full of rogue traders mincing The Word of God into a complete mess of unrighteous exegesis – and if they are so proficient in that – then surely they will find plenty of reasons to excuse their delinquent behaviour here and elsewhere!

Just beware! So Jude goes on to explain:- These persons giving the wonderfully crafted spiel about ‘God’ – so proficient in their worldly delivery/hype to titivate the minds of their listeners – perhaps likened to a circus act upon which all participants might indulge – and to be giving by return worldly glory to these worldly leaders! This is detestation to Yahweh – merely given to indulge The Self – rather than be delivering genuine exclusive glory/honour/worship to Yahweh, (which is to be precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle, just as did the martyred 1st century Christians, and people like William Tyndale following later). It is the pretence and the hypocrisy, – not reform of The Mind to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire but rather reforming God’s Word to justify the present mind! The reader must understand that we are to be precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle for absolutely no worldly return – except worldly abuse sourced by these delinquent religious leaders – just as it occurred in the 1st century by those leaders who presumed themselves to be God’s Representatives – but whose father was/is Satan (John.8v31-59). Therefore Jude continues:- To confirm this understanding with the next word in the verse to mean: “supervising/ruling/feeding” which teaches us these individuals are orchestrating these events so that they might be in the position to indulge/feed upon the spoil of these crafted events! I have not made any of this up – but merely explain by understanding what Jude is teaching us from the very words he has used. I have merely used the worldly recognised StrongsTM dictionary – however our delinquent translators ignore this and build in a systematic error within their translations to hide The Truth being The Warning Yahweh gives to us through His faithful scribes. Basically “he who pays the piper calls the tune” – and obviously these translators are paid by ‘the worldly Christian Establishment’ to deliver whatever the commissioners desire to read! The systematic error is to hide the delinquent nature of many of our worldly Christian leaders. Note – as I state elsewhere – there are good Christian leaders in The World fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire – and these individuals would welcome what I state here, it is only those delinquent worldly (and worse charlatan) Christian leaders who would fear The Light (The Knowledge of God’s Word) of what is written here shining upon their deviously inspired deeds.

However these good Christian leaders are not to be found in the same places where The World would expect these leaders to be operating within! JC told us in John’s gospel, The World knows its own and looks to its own and will listen to its own!

The responsibility is for YOU to search The Bible and you shall then find The Solution, being The Solution to personally solve The Mystery of God – which I explain precisely what it means and how we personally solve it elsewhere – and why it is still a mystery to our worldly Christian leaders! Else quite simply you shall be deceived by those of whom Jude speaks in this verse and the apostles give in their other epistles. These specific epistles were allowed to be captured and compiled by Yahweh early in The Gospel Age to form The Bible because Yahweh wanted these warnings to be carried through unto The Last Days of The Gospel Age – so that all persons might “{absolutely know/understand}” and “to watch”. Interestingly the exhortations of which the apostles constantly gave their readers in their epistles to remain faithful to The Truth (being The Truth as sourced by The apostles/TCs) has been perverted by our worldly Christian leaders from about 200 CE onwards! The real perversions came in AFTER these epistles were written and subsequently became Christian doctrine. Thus what we have today is ‘perversion’ considered as ‘truth’ and the original Word of God is considered as perversion! Satan has done a ‘wonderful’ job! However those individuals who search will get underneath this pretence and see it for what it really is.

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Charlatans by nature operate on the gullibility of their victims – and charlatan Christian leaders are no different! These rogue traders use the genuine desire of the devotees trying to find Yahweh to their own ends and in the process shut off the gates to heaven (Matt.23v23) to these devotees who should be precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle if they were to be fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire. Thus personally read and understand The Bible – use a good translation – there are many useless translations out there today – use the KJV which is a sincere translation (even though it might have a few errors within it), or perhaps NAS, or NWT – but the very best is the translation given on this website – together with its exhaustive commentary for many verses in The New Testament to thoroughly explain The Absolute Truth as sourced by Yahweh. Therefore Jude now explains by simile:-

These individuals “are waterless clouds”. It must be understood by the reader “water” by analogy in The Bible always means “knowledge” (and the imparting of - baptism/fountains/springs/etc). Further it must be understood “air” always means “the methodology in The World which operates upon/within us” (Eph.2v2). Thus by analogy, Jude is teaching us these individuals as “clouds” give ‘The Promise of Knowledge’ supposedly sourced by Yahweh, but in reality they are “waterless” – to mean they have no REAL knowledge sourced by Yahweh, and are thus being carried about by the “winds of the air” being The Methodology ruling this present worldly system – best described as “self-indulging over ones’ neighbour” (as originally sourced by Satan). And further Jude explains:- These individuals are like oaks/trees apparently being strong, but in reality they are dying at the end of The Year – being metaphorically The Acceptable Year of The Lord (see Luke.4v16-19 and also “The Lord’s Acceptable Year” in glossary). Thus Jude continues these trees are waning, losing any remnants of spiritual growth, having no fruitage (being no next generation of TCs following in their wake), and thus shall be uprooted as their 2nd Death of annihilation. Therefore they die now during what would normally be the 1st part of our life – but while other humans will be resurrected into the 2nd part of their life, these charlatan Christian leaders will be ignored by Yahweh at the 1st resurrection (given to the 144000 TCs) and also ignored at the 2nd resurrection (= The Main Resurrection) given for all humans into The Millennium. There is no 3rd resurrection- thus if not being resurrected by Yahweh in the 1st or 2nd resurrection – then it means personal annihilation. This explains Jude’s “twice dying having been uprooted”. And thus as Jude started: The actions of these worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders who ‘give to receive’ are going into dangerous areas within the sea (where “sea” always means “turbulent mankind” blown by the wind of the air – see “air” as explained earlier). Let me roll back to the beginning of this commentary where I asked:-

So what does this mean? Is it what our worldly Christian leaders teach us?

Hardly (for several obvious reasons)! - But let us find out! This is what our scholars teach:-

Read something out of The Bible and then state:- “There ends our ‘lesson’!” With no explanation except some worldly experiences which offer no understanding but rather reinforces deviancy to worldly norms! This behaviour is spiritually criminal!

After reading the commentary it becomes very obvious why this would not be taught! But moreover we understand precisely why worldly Christian leaders will read a few verses from The Bible, give out a few sound-bites and then some worldly exegesis in all its unrighteousness.

1. They wish to keep their congregations ignorant. 2. Thus the members of these congregtions become easier to manage, farm and then milk,

However none of this is fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire – but the very reverse. But www.FutureLife.Org teaches and explains - because everything the apostles teach is by means of illustration, and Yahweh through His HS (being His Desire made manifest within The Environment) will make all known to those individuals who search “in due season”:-

I leave a short piece I wrote some seven years when I was starting to understand Yahweh’s Plan for human salvation. With reference to 2Pet 2v1-2, v22 and many other places speaking of charlatan Christian leaders returning back to The World, the tree symbolising the human person having two serial parts to their life, if it fails in the 2nd part of its life then it becomes up-rooted and permanently destroyed (by being consumed with energy/power/ fire to nothing – and absolutely not tormented as suggested by false Christian doctrine)! The 1st part of our physical life is our present one, the Gospels and Epistles instruct us to produce fruit by the HS from God, dispensed to us by JCg – these fruits being a sign of righteousness (from our works). Please note: We are not saved by our own works – that covering came from JC’s personal self-sacrifice (from his works). But our works demonstrate whether we have truly imbued God’s Word or not to be imitating The One who gave us our salvation! Virtually all of the human species will be resurrected in The Millennium to learn righteousness and practice it through works, the fruits we have produced then (to be precisely imitating JC) will save us from The 2nd Death. This is precisely what this verse means. If you produce no fruits of righteousness then you will face your 2nd and Everlasting Death to a non-existence of annihilation (but certainly not to a torment for eternity). Jude 1v13 og (the) swells/bends/curves/billows/{bursting/toppling}/waves wild/fierce/raging (of the) sea, Jude 1v13 og {foam upon}/{exhibit (vile passion)}/{froth up} the (plural) (of) {my/our/your/it them self} (= themselves) Jude 1v13 og (the) shames/disgraces/dishonesties, stars {rover around}/”planet”/{erratic teaching}/wandering, Jude 1v13 og {to whom/which} the {surrounded by a cloud}/gloom/blackness/darkness/mist of the Jude 1v13 og shadiness/obscurity/darkness into/unto the age/perpetuity/{Messianic period} Jude 1v13 og (has been) {watched/guarded over loss/injury}/detained/maintained/{held fast}/kept. Jude 1v13 Wild/Fierce swells/billows/waves of the sea, {foam upon}/{exhibit (vile passion)} of {their own} shame/disgraces/dishonesties, {rover about}/{errant teaching}/wandering stars, to whom the {surrounded by a cloud}/gloom/mist of the shadiness/obscurity has been maintained/{held fast}/kept unto the age/{Messianic Period}. I touched on the allegories in the previous verse. Let me go through them again here, together with the other allegories.

“Wild/fierce” means “uncontrolled by The Word of God”, humans operating according to worldly methodology. “Swells/Billows/Waves” means “turbulent/changing to suit the moment”. “Sea” always means “mankind”. “Foam upon” means “coming to the surface”, exhibiting internal passions. “shame/dishonesties” means “deeds they would prefer to hide – contrary behaviour to the public façade/veneer - internal drivers. “Stars” means “celestial entities = angels/{bringers of tidings}/messengers (affiliates of God or Satan) – in context = Christian leaders. “gloom” means “no positive future outcome” (the conclusion cannot be changed) alienation from Yahweh. “shadiness” means “”not having/{operating to} The Word of God” and thus not {knowing how}/desiring to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire. “age/{Messianic Period}” means “into and unto the conclusion of The Millennium”.

So let me interpret precisely what Jude is teaching us in this verse within the context of the surrounding verses. These worldly (and worse, charlatan) leaders are uncontrolled by The Word of God (they may know it – but choose not to follow it) and are thus turbulent to ‘suit the moment’ like the members of mankind. They exhibit internal passions of their deeds they would prefer to hide from public view, wandering teaching (unrighteous exegesis) given by these persons claiming to represent The Almighty God. These persons have no positive future outcome because they choose not to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire and because this state of theirs is unchanging, then they effectively hold themselves in this state until The Decision of Finality is to be made upon them in The Millennium.

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Notice that Jude makes use of the “Both” examples by allegory (v6) here – (1) the angels/demons forsaking their place (2) humans of the 1st and 2nd Epochs of Israel forsaking their place which was available to them if they had stayed faithful to be fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire. Thus as we reason if these individuals are participating within their own shame then how can JCg call them alongside him by pleading with Yahweh to resurrect them to become his bride (Mark.8v38, Luke.9v26) in The Millennium to rule over the resurrected mankind? These individuals have demonstrably shown that they are not prepared to correctly teach The Word of God (JC) to The World when they had the opportunity – but rather preferred what The World could deliver upon which to self-indulge. Jude 1v14 og (he) {foretold events}/{spoke under divine inspiration}/prophesied and also {to these (persons/things)} Jude 1v14 og (the) seventh off/away/separated/from Adam, Enoch, stating/exclaiming: Jude 1v14 og Behold/Lo/Look/See (middle voice) (he) accompanied/appeared/brought/came (middle voice) Jude 1v14 og (the) lord/master in (= with) {ten thousand}/myriad/{indefinite number} Jude 1v14 og (to the = with) blameless/{holy persons}/saints (of the) him,

Old Testament reference located at Gen.5v18-24. Jude 1v14 And Enoch, the seventh (generation down) from Adam also {spoke under divine inspiration}/prophesied to these things (occurring), stating/exclaiming:-

(Personally) Behold/Look the lord (= JCg) (personally) appeared/came (at the 1st 2nd C) with his myriad/{indefinite number} (= 144000) {holy persons}/saints.

Jude now affirms what he understands is to occur at The End Times of The Gospel Age (being the closing of Satan’s hold of 6000 years over The World). Jude quotes Enoch who “walked with God (Gen.5v22, 24) and equally was the seventh generation down from Adam (perhaps even in Jude’s mind by allegory, Enoch was representative/herald of the 7th block of completeness/perfection of The Millennium) who “walked with God” and “taken by God so that he should not see death” (perhaps along with Elijah because of Rev.11v2-7 – see local referenced commentaries). Enoch stated by way of prophecy what Yahweh had told him for our benefit:-

We of the last days of The Gospel Age are to ‘personally witness’ the ‘personal coming’ of our lord with a myriad of his {holy persons}. So what does all this mean?

The Bible makes many references to the occurrences of a twofold account being:- 1. The collection of the {holy persons} in the 1st resurrection (Rev20v6) 1Thes.4v13-18, Matt24v27, 40-44, 1Cor.15v52, Rev.11v15, 19v7-8, etc,

Being the point in time where The Mystery of God is made complete/perfect (= 144000 humans transfigured to become sons of God). 2. And then they return some 3.5 years later (Jude.1v14, Dan.12v11-12, Rev.19v11-21, etc)

All this is to occur just prior to the onset of The Millennium. Where it is JCg and his bride have been tasked by Yahweh to remove the old earth and old heaven, to be replacing with the new earth and new heaven (see.2Pet.3v7-13). Where:-

1. Singular heaven means the {ruling zone}/authority around the earth (presently = Satan, but in The Millennium and beyond it will be JCg). 2. Earth means ‘the occupation’ of mankind (being the deeds driven by worldly methodology – sourced by the ‘singular’ heaven).

Thus Enoch tells those persons who are interested (prior and subsequent to The Flood) by means of prophecy that The Almighty God Yahweh through His representatives will turn about the present evil occupation of The World – being self-indulgence ultimately taken to excess by those persons with the power to exercise it over their neighbours. Thus Jude is explaining to us along the same lines as did Enoch by way of his prophecy. This eventuality of Yahweh’s Decision will occur - to resolve The World’s present chaos made so by those persons taking positions of authority, presumptuously proclaiming they represent Yahweh will be replaced by those {holy persons} who truly indeed demonstrably represent Yahweh during the 1st part of their life (= 144000 TCs and the prophets coming together – John.10v16 as one flock in The Millennium to rule The Resurrected World). It was that Yahweh needed The Two Covenants to righteously extract His true servants (Remnant that return to The Lord: Isa.10v20-22) out of the dross comprising of those leaders through time who demonstrably showed themselves delinquent to be fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire when allowed to take the opportunity upon themselves during the 1st part of their physical life. Thus JCg and his bride of 144000 TCs shall “personally” come back to The Earth as The Bible teaches us and take away Satan’s authority (Rev.20v1-3) and at the same time remove the authority of our self-indulgent hypocritical leaders from their positions of power, and the 144000 TCs (now as sons of God) shall install themselves to rule The Earth (Luke.19v16-22) metaphorically over 5 and 10 cities to each TC (son of God with infinite power of the HS to ensure Yahweh’s Desire is made manifest within The Environment). Very important Note: To personally show our utter humility to The Sovereign Power of The Universe then we who are aiming to become TCs must respect the positions of present power within The World. We must never demonstrate or rebel against our present rulers (Matt.23v3 is a good covering reference – along with many other references) so that our only persecution comes not ‘from disobeying our worldly masters’ – but rather ‘from obeying Yahweh’ – being that we precisely imitate JC’s ministry/lifestyle. In this way we demonstrably show that we become worthy to rule The World in the 2nd part of our physical life – having personally committed ourselves to humility by being “The Least” in The (present) World fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire, and unblemished from The World by remaining utterly neutral in all its (political) activities.

This is precisely what The Bible teaches us – but absolutely not what our delinquent worldly Christian leaders errantly teach us. Jude 1v15 og (to) do/work/make/produce/yield/perform/provide/practice Jude 1v15 og {decision (either for or against)}/tribunal/justice/judgment down/accordingly/intensely/against (to) Jude 1v15 og (of the ones = persons) all/whole/every, also Jude 1v15 og (to) {from/out of confuting/admonishment}/{fully convinced/rebuked}/{convict fully}/punish/convict Jude 1v15 og all/whole/every the (plural) (the ones = persons) impiety/wickedness/ungodliness {of them}/their Jude 1v15 og concerning/about (of the ones = persons) all/whole/every of the Jude 1v15 og {occupational efforts}/doings/works/labours/deeds {of whom/which} (they) spoke/uttered/said Jude 1v15 og down/accordingly/intensely/against (to) (of the) him (the) sinful/sinners Jude 1v15 og irreverent/impious/wicked/ungodly. Jude 1v15 To do/perform/provide {decision (for or against)}/judgement accordingly to all persons, also to {fully convince/rebuke}/{convict fully} all the impious/wicked/ungodly persons concerning/about all their {occupational efforts}/works/labours, of which the irreverent/wicked/ungodly {sinful persons}/sinners spoke/said against him. Thus Jude is continuing what Enoch stated to support his conjecture that JCg with his then-to-be empowered assistants will be coming to sort out the present chaos which now operates today (and has done for the last 6000 years under Satan’s inept management style given through his methodology). Therefore Jude uses this quotation of Enoch to state:-

JCg and his 144000 TCs will accordingly judge (1Cor.6v2-3) ALL persons who have existed (else it is unfair and also counters this statement) after he has saved them (1John.2v2) (else he has not saved them)!

Is this a contradiction? Absolutely Yes (based upon the all-so prevalent unrighteous worldly Christian doctrine)! Absolutely Not (based upon what www.FutureLife.Org teaches throughout its website)!

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Bring into our reasoning centres the concept of “The Millennium” for all humans and then all unrighteous exegesis just disappears! Also “The Millennium” fits in precisely what ALL the verses of The Bible teach us on this subject. I cordially invite our very best worldly Christian scholars/theologians to find ONE contextual verse in the WHOLE Bible to contradict what I state here. They will not find one – I know The Bible like the back of my hand (perhaps even better) and I absolutely know there is no contrary verse in The Word of God as presented.

So how is this explained? JC has saved each and everyone of us (= absolutely ALL humans) from death (= annihilation) to make it now “asleep” and thus becomes The 1st Death (= “asleep” John.11v12-14 – but please see the commentary at that location – because it is a form of prophecy regarding the two days). However this is not guaranteed everlasting life (unless we are part of the 1st or 2nd “Remnant that returns back to The Lord” [prophets and TCs]) – we are merely given an opportunity to learn in a righteous new environment (new heaven/earth – 2Pet.3v10-12, Rev.21v1). We must learn how we are to imitate JC’s lifestyle to edify our neighbour – which is to be mutual between all people to yield a perfect society. The new rulers who have personally proved themselves utterly faithful in fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire during the 1st part of their physical life shall be given the greater responsibility (Luke.19v16-20) during The Millennium to teach righteous to Their Inheritance (= The Resurrected World) – being the fulfilment of The Promise given all the way back to Abraham.

Let me explain the precise point our worldly Christian leaders/theologians/scholars completely miss in their reasoning! Quite simply - they make an invalid assumption. They assume “Judgment” is “immediate upon resurrection”. There is no statement anywhere in The Bible to support that assumption! However “Judgement” will occur at some time after The General Resurrection which shall be during “The Day of the Lord”, where “The Day of The Lord is as a 1000 years” (2Pet.3v8) – and this is certainly “The Day of The Lord” (= The Millennium) – could anyone argue in any other manner? Therefore during this 1000 years humans will have an opportunity to learn how to truly “believe in JC” to attain everlasting life – all as The Bible specifically teaches us. Where “believe in JC” means “precisely imitate JC” driven by agapao – else ‘belief’ becomes hypocrisy! There is one group who are judged successful before they are resurrected – these are the 144000 TCs (being blessed) are resurrected in The 1st Resurrection upon which The 2nd Death has no power (because the TCs are sons of God resurrected into heavenly/spiritual/celestial bodies which are incorruptible (= incapable of dying – Rev.20v6) because they sowed correctly (1Cor.15v35-55) during the 1st part of their physical life.

Our worldly Christian leaders obviously do not believe any of this because they never correctly teach it – But this is The Gospel News! If they do know it, but keep quiet – then they are doubly culpable and “shall be beaten with many strips” (Luke.12v47-48).

Therefore during The Millennium period these resurrected individuals (= most of The World) shall be judged; and those specific individuals who are wicked in their {occupational efforts} shall be {convicted fully} unto The 2nd Death of annihilation (because they refused to reform their mindset away from that which operated in the 1st part of their physical life). Obviously these persons are irreverent/ungodly sinners speaking against Yahweh (through JCg) because they detest The New World Order (whose mantra/methodology is ‘we are to be edifying our neighbour’) and they fervently lust for the 1st part of their life ‘to be self-indulging themselves over their neighbour’! So just like the example given by Jude of Korah (v11) knowing of Yahweh’s power and exploits to be saving him from Egypt (represents The World) these individuals will know The Real Truth having Yahweh saving them through resurrection from The World (of the 1st part of their life) – but they still lust for the past and thus rebel. JC only covered them The Once (Heb.6v6, etc) and thus these individuals become like the never-to-be resurrected charlatan Christian leaders of Satan’s old worldly system – inasmuch they too knew The Word of God but utterly turned their back upon it for what Satan’s worldly methodology could deliver.

Again, none of this is taught correctly – our worldly Christian leaders/theologians/scholars just do not understand it! - Else surely they would teach it!

Jude 1v16 og these/those (specifically) {they are/be} grumblers/murmurers, Jude 1v16 og {blaming fate}/querulous/discontented/complainer down/accordingly/intensely/against (to) the Jude 1v16 og lusts/{forbidden desires/longings}/concupiscence {of them} Jude 1v16 og traversing/travelling/departing/journeying (middle voice), Jude 1v16 og also the {‘gash in face’}/{front/edge of weapon}/mouth/edge/face {of them} speaks/utters/says Jude 1v16 og (the) {bulging over}/insolent/{great swelling}/arrogance/boastful (plural), Jude 1v16 og (the ones) wondering/{having in admiration}/marvelling Jude 1v16 og (the) {frontal visages}/countenances/aspects/appearances/faces/fashions Jude 1v16 og (of the) usefulness/benefit/advantage/profit {(through) favour of}/{on account of}/{for sake/cause of}. Jude 1v16 These (persons) specifically, they are grumblers/murmurers, {blaming fate}/discontented/complainers (personally) traversing/travelling/journeying according to their lusts/{forbidden desires}, also their mouth speaks/says {bulging over}/insolent/arrogance/boastful (things), the persons wondering/marvelling the {frontal visages}/countenances/appearances/fashions {(through) favour of}/{on account of}/{for sake/cause of} benefit/advantage/profit. Jude explains the common denominator which operates within such people through all ages and epochs of ‘Israel’. As I very carefully explain elsewhere with all the supporting information and evidence we understand ‘Israel’ takes on the grouping below:-

1st Epoch of ‘Israel’ = The Jews (prior to JC’s ministry). 2nd Epoch of ‘Israel’ = The Christian Nation (after JC’s ministry). 3rd Epoch of ‘Israel’ = The Resurrected World (in The Millennium).

I shall explain the future of the specific rebellious persons of the various epochs:- 1st Epoch of ‘Israel’ = All rebellious individuals shall be resurrected, they are the pattern for our learning, prior to JC are given a 2nd chance. 2nd Epoch of ‘Israel’ = Charlatan Christian leaders are rebelling against Yahweh, living in the 2nd part of their spiritual life – no 3rd chance. 3rd Epoch of ‘Israel’ = Any person rebelling against personal reform, living in the 2nd part of their physical life – no 3rd chance.

Can the reader see the utter righteousness of this exegesis? – It is perfect! Thus correctly sourced by The Righteous God – Yahweh. But far more importantly – all this and just so much more – is precisely what The Bible specifically tells us – by illustration and subtext. Everything that Jude wrote within this verse precisely describes the inner operation of the individuals falling within the various Epochs of Israel as given above. It must be understood these individuals are internally, grumblers at what they have within The World – and want more. They will use their gifts (fleshly capabilities) to maximise the ROI (= return on investment) they put into The World. During the Gospel Age the charlatan Christian leaders being recipients of Yahweh’s Vengeance (because they are despoiling God’s Personal Word for their own gain) will be very proficient ‘confidence tricksters’ – having huge followings of devotees beguiled by the sweetly seducing words – just as Satan used in The Garden of Eden against Eve.

And the rest we read in that verse just perfectly describes a charlatan Christian leader! Thus Jude is basically saying:

Just as it was then (prior to JC), it is now (Gospel age), and it will be like it then in the final testing time in The Millennium. But Jude is writing to specifically warn Christians of The Gospel Age – being Jude’s immediate concern and responsibility – hence the next verse. Jude 1v17 og {specifically you} and (the) {dearly/well loved}/beloved, Jude 1v17 og (you) {fixing within the mind}/recollect/remember/{be mindful} of the Jude 1v17 og utterances/topics/narrations/words of the (ones = apostles) predicted/{said already}/foretold/{said before} Jude 1v17 og under/through/inferior/below/by of the apostles/delegates/commissioners/{appointees to tell} of the

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Jude 1v17 og lord/master {of/from us} (of the) Jesus (of the) Christ/Messiah/Anointed, Jude 1v17 And {specifically you} the beloved, you {fix within the mind}/recall/{be mindful} of the utterances/topics/words {said already}/{spoken earlier} by the apostles/{appointees to tell} of our lord Jesus Christ. Thus based upon the illustrations and warnings given in the earlier verses, Jude continues:-

{Specifically you} brethren aiming to become TCs recollect the words spoken earlier by the apostles (= those persons appointed by Yahweh [and not The World] to tell) of JC (as The Word of God).

Jude is now calling upon The Brethren to recall what the apostles spoke as by warning of what JC had taught them during his ministry. What do we have during The Gospel Age?

It must be clearly understood that this must not be selective recalling of what we have selectively read! Sadly the vast majority of Christians have virtually no understanding of what The Apostles state in their epistles – because quite simply what they do not read (all) the epistles. The few individuals who read the epistles only read what they like to read and ignore the rest. Of what people read – even fewer understand what they have read! And finally what is read cannot even be trusted to be an accurate translation! What a sad state of affairs, only to be made worse (if it could ever be), our worldly Christian leaders who claim to know, have not much more clue than their flocks in how to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire!

Why? Because they “{choose to be ignorant}/{prefer not to know}” (StrongsTM = 50), else finding The Truth will mean they now have a dilemma, do they imbue what they know and seriously cramp their lifestyle – or reject what they know and have a lovely lifestyle at their devotees expense! Jude 1v18 og because (they) stated/exclaimed {to/with you/yourselves}: Jude 1v18 og because in (to the) farthest/final/{ends of}/lowest/uttermost/last Jude 1v18 og {unspecified space of time}/opportunity/delay/while/time {shall be}/{come to pass} Jude 1v18 og deriders/{false teachers}/mockers/scoffers, Jude 1v18 og down/accordingly/intensely/against (to) the {my/our/your/it them self} (= themselves/their) Jude 1v18 og lusts/{forbidden desires/longings}/concupiscence Jude 1v18 og (they) traversing/travelling/departing/journeying (middle voice) of the impiety/wickedness/ungodliness. Jude 1v18 Because they (= apostles) stated/exclaimed to yourselves:

Because in the final/last time/period (of The Gospel Age) there {shall be}/{come to pass} deriders/{false teachers}/scoffers (personally) traversing/travelling/journeying according to their wicked/ungodly lusts/{forbidden desires}.

The apostles gave the warning:- To beware! Taking the last part first, because it unlocks the earlier section of the verse - especially when placed into the context of the previous verses:

“Personally travelling according to their ungodly lusts.” Where “ungodly” means “methodology not sourced by Yahweh”.

Therefore their methodology is sourced by The World which means self-indulgent activity to be “seeking for the self”. “Seeking for the self” – does not just mean sexual – but anything (= power/position/influence/glory/money/etc/etc) being The Driver to make individuals falsely act upon The Word of God in their worldly manner. In this manner these worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders become “deriders/{false teachers}/scoffers” to what The Power of God’s Word means in their life – being that they choose not to reform their spirit/personality/desires/traits to become at one/same as JC (and are thus not part of Yahweh either – John.14v20, 17v21). This is not mumbo-jumbo as given by many charlatan Christian leaders spinning a web from out of God’s Word to support their self-indulgent activities – but rather just shear common sense – being specifically what The Bible teaches us correctly explained – because I have no reason to spin The Truth! I gain absolutely nothing from The World for correctly spreading The Word of God except perhaps abuse from those who feel very put-out by what they read here! However there are a few individuals trying to fulfil Yahweh's Desire will love what is written here – and try to implement what this states within their lives to become part of JC’s body physically operating here upon the Earth. So I ask:-

What would come from Yahweh – ‘common sense’ or ‘intrigue and mystery’ (a spring not gives both clean and salty water, James.3v11-12). Especially when we are told “search and you shall find” (Matt.7v8, etc)!

Thus we reason these charlatan Christian leaders will be “sliding in alongside” The Truth (as antichrists – 1John.2v18-22, 4v1-3, 2John.1v7-9), and be giving the most wonderful (worldly) sermons to delighted audiences (2Tim.4v3-5, etc) – but they have scoffed at Yahweh in their pretence because they have not internally reformed and are being driven by worldly desires (lusts) of money/power/influence/etc rather than for humility as that required to be successful in The Millennium. The only way to determine if they are sincere is to examine the members of their audiences (being The Fruit of the tree [Matt.7v17-19]).

Are these members precisely imitating Paul as he imitated JC (1Cor.4v16, 11v1, etc)? – If not, then The Tree is a worldly (or worse, charlatan) Christian leader!

Why? Because quite simply they (in their ministry of both words and deeds – the leader and flock) are not precisely copying Paul as he copied JC (especially at 2Thes.3v6-12)! The leaders are being paid to perform in the manner they act – which comes from The World to be paid by The World! They are not freely giving in agape (and thus not impartial from what The World requires)! It is just utter common sense – but nobody dares speak out about “The Big Gorilla in The Corner!”

Why? Quite simply - When in glass houses do not start throwing stones! It must be clearly understood:

The New Testament in The Bible is not speaking about non-Christians – they are ‘just an aside’ to be righteously captured in The Millennium. JC and The Apostles are ONLY speaking about Christians which are:-

1. Gaining Christians out of The World and:- 2. Firmly keeping Christians in The Real Faith (= accurate knowledge + assurance + fidelity) and stop them from sliding back into The World.

This is what The New Testament teaches us. However our worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders over the last some 1900 years have spun this around (to dumb-down The Word of God to make it palatable to The World – being the world they inhabit), so that they can then ‘milk the proceeds’ out of their ‘handy-work’! What they have done is utterly devalued what The Word of God means – so that any person who “personally accepts JC existed” is a “Christian”! No – from Yahweh’s point of view you are only on the very first rung (1Cor.3v1-23) living on milk, practicing all the things stated there (in some 37000 Christian schisms) and thus as Paul further says “you behave as kings” (over other people – being the mentality of ‘holier than thou’) 1Cor.4v8 (in context), but in reality still on ‘milk’ – however Paul further exhorts us to come off milk and get onto the next rung (Heb.5v12-13) to become personally competent teachers and instructors.

So what does this mean? Is it what our worldly (and worse, worldly) Christian leaders do?

Absolutely not! And they stand condemned as faithless stewards as we are told in Luke.12v47-48 and just so many other places. All these religious leaders are doing is putting sticky plaster over The Wound (being The Spiritual Wound within The Mind). They are not giving solid information/exegesis to enable the recipients become competent in their subject matter.

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They merely give worldly platitudes, nice sound-bites, behave as paid ‘news readers’ or ‘reporters’ about something they claim to know but most certainly do not understand – because quite simply they prefer what The World gives now – rather than what Yahweh has promised to give to those specific individuals who run hard and drop exhausted over the finishing line to achieve The Prize of coming first in their particular race to fulfil Yahweh's Desire (and run according to The Rules: 2Tim.2v5). None of this is taught correctly by our worldly Christian leaders – because it would hurt their worldly income – being The Nest they freely choose to feather now – so they pander to The World (this being their master) to keep their large flock sending in the donations in the pretence it is to further The Word of God. But actually Yahweh is not looking for those type of people - He is looking for volunteers – who personally gain nothing from The Word of God – except The Promise being The Prize. Thus like Abraham – he did not receive The Promise but worked with Yahweh so that he and his heirs (the prophets and TCs) might attain The Promise of The Inheritance of the Resurrected World in The Millennium.

This is precisely what we must be doing – this is precisely what The Word of God teaches us (if we freely choose to fulfil Yahweh's Desire)! So Jude is specifically teaching about worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders who are:-

1. Deriders of The Word of God (inasmuch they do not practice what they preach – Matt.23v1-3). 2. False teachers of The Word of God (inasmuch they do not teach precisely what it means to be a real Christian = a TC). 3. Scoffers of The Word of God (inasmuch they state these parts of The Bible are not relevant to The Modern World, or it does not mean what it

states, or there are Bible inconsistencies [only in our presumed ‘understanding’] and so we do not need to abide by what is stated, etc, etc). Jude is most certainly not speaking about non-Christians – because the non-Christians are very likely to be non-Christians because they can see and reason through what is occurring as described above. Thus the blame is not with the non-Christian – but rather with The Christians being false representatives of The Word of God – hence we come full circle in our reasoning.

Thus worldly Christians, sadly become like The Pharisees – hypocrites ((Mat.6v2-5, Luke.11v44, 12v1) to The Word of God. Hence the continual drive by The Apostles to be keeping the ‘brethren aiming to become TCs’ away from returning back to The World – being all its forms of self-indulgence which pull individuals back into the sludge!

And why? Because these people prefer to travel according to their ungodly lusts!

And ultimately why? Because these people have not truly imbued The Word of God to have JC operating as a presence/parousia from within! Therefore they are in various stages of being ‘born again’ but certainly no individual has yet been “Born Again” (irrespective of what our errant worldly Christian leaders might state). Those who shall become fully Born Again first are those who participate in the 1st resurrection (Rev.20v6) as the future 144000 TCs to rule The Inheritance (= The Resurrected World) as future sons of God. However those individuals who are to be resurrected in The 2nd Resurrection in The Millennium to become part of The Inheritance shall begin or (if worldly Christians now) continue their spiritual growth to become fully Born Again at the end of The Millennium if they pass through the final 3.5 year assay (Rev.20v7-12, Matt.13v30) – else they shall be ‘still-born’ = annihilated!. What I state here is The Absolute Righteous Truth given at 2011 CE. What you receive elsewhere is absolutely not the truth, but some variance from perhaps very roughly (for qualitative gauging only) 1% to 95% depending upon what Christian community you belong. From what I have personally witnessed, the vast majority operate around the 1 to 10% of The Truth – only perhaps one or two schisms get anywhere near the 95% - there is a huge probability (nearing that of ‘1’) that you belong to the 1-10% congregation. The question is:-

Do you want to stay there in the 1-10% groupings – or become part of the 95% grouping? Because the answer to that question – decides whether you wish to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire – or not!

How are you going to personally answer JCg in The Millennium? Did you search, examine, assay The Word of God – or just accept ‘at face value’ what other people want you to believe?

Jude 1v19 og these/those (specifically) {they are/be} the (ones = persons) Jude 1v19 og {from through appointing}/{disjoining (by an intervening boundary)}/separating/{dividing apart} Jude 1v19 og {my/our/your/it them self} (= themselves), animated/sensual/natural/{animal like}, Jude 1v19 og (the) spirit/personality/desires/traits not holding/taking/possessing/obtaining/having. Jude 1v19 These (charlatan Christian leaders) specifically, - they are separating/{dividing apart} themselves (from The Word of God operating within) (behaving) sensually/{natural (to The World)}/{animal-like}, not possessing/having the spirit/personality/desires/traits (sourced by Yahweh). Jude is only speaking about those specific individuals who are using The Word of God as a tool upon which to self-indulge. The term is “divide and rule” and that is specifically what Jude is stating here. These charlatans ‘spin-off’ another grouping (perhaps within an existing sect) upon which they can become its leader (all contrary to what The Bible teaches – remain utterly faithful to the core 1st [and not 3rd +] century Gospel Truth – hence the martyrs), thus these charlatans are driven not to give (“agape”) but rather to take (with strings attached).

With what validity can I make that claim? As JC taught us: Look at The Tree and observe it’s fruitage. I use this example in so many places – so not explain myself verbatim again here, but the point being (again as I keep stating – only because it is not stated elsewhere) that we are to personally imitate Paul as he imitated JC (1Cor.4v16, 11v1) – being that he drove himself to freely give The Word of God for no worldly return. And I will keep stating this because this is The Core of The Gospel Message being The Reform we must make within our mind to become utterly Christ-like. We must not be indulging off The World at our neighbours’ expense and most certainly not be indulging from The World on ‘The Back of God’s Word’ – this is an utter anathema when viewed by Yahweh. It is ‘Taking the Mickey’ (= holding in complete disregard) for what He staunchly stands/requires, and thus He will return upon those who do so with acute vengeance – being an attack on His Personal Word! Therefore just as these charlatan Christian leaders spring-up and split off another schism within or without an existing Christian schism to form the miry toes (Dan.2v41 – it is not quite as we are taught by our worldly Christian leaders) forming in exponential fashion at the end of The Gospel Age (some 20000 Christian schisms in the 1990’s CE and perhaps now in 2011 CE extending beyond 37000 Christian schisms) all united by “Christian” but not with much else of merit. All as Yahweh warned through his faithful representatives and scribes (an obvious example given at Matt24v22-26, Mark.13v20-22, etc) hence these charlatan individuals will be very proficient in their spiel – almost enticing over the TCs – so what ‘hope’ do worldly Christian members have if they do not “{absolutely know/understand}” The Bible? Sadly they will fall headlong over themselves to get to these individuals – because they know no other! And worse, sadly these duped individuals flocking to these charlatans, will be paying these charlatans (rogue traders) hard earned money for an effectively useless message – with regard to be precisely fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire!

It is this understanding that Jude is giving to us by warning. So Jude concludes in the same manner as I explained earlier:- These charlatan Christian leaders though knowledgeable and thoroughly skilled in The Word of God are behaving sensually/{natural to The World} because they do not possess the one/same spirit/personality/desires/traits which is separate from this world of sin to be precisely fulfilling Yahweh's Desire to make Yahweh's Desire manifest within The Environment (quite simply they do not have the HS). If JCg as the Word of God is not correctly imbued then JCg has no presence/parousia within these individuals – they have no HS, but with bewitching words of seduction they will be claiming to have copious amounts of ‘HS’ apparently endorsed by feigned miracles given to the ecstatic, but sadly seduced congregations willing-on further circus acts in their {hyped-up}/intoxicated state! This is absolutely counter to everything The Bible teaches – to which I will most enthusiastic take up with certain worldly Christian members using The Bible as my quoted witness!

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So please “Beware” of these charlatans! Jude 1v20 og {specifically you} and (the) {dearly/well loved}/beloved, to the (= in/with) Jude 1v20 og holy/pure/blameless/{separate from this world of sin} (of the) you Jude 1v20 og (to the) faith/{knowledge/assurance/fidelity} {constructing over}{building upon} Jude 1v20 og {my/our/your/it them self} (= yourselves), Jude 1v20 og in (the) spirit/personality/desires/traits (to the) holy/pure/blameless/{separate from this world of sin} Jude 1v20 og (the ones) supplicating/worshipping/{praying earnestly}, Jude 1v20 And {specifically you} beloved, {constructing over}/{building upon} yourselves with your holy/pure/{separate from this world of sin} faith/{knowledge/assurance/fidelity}, the persons supplicating/{praying earnestly} in the holy/pure/{separate from this world of sin} spirit/personality/desires/traits. So Jude goes on to state – but {specifically you} who are successfully aiming to become TCs then be building yourselves upon “faith/{knowledge/assurance/fidelity} which is separate from this world of sin”. Therefore as I state verbatim elsewhere – because it is just so important (and so very few people do it – only 144000 TCs) then we must:-

1. Gain accurate knowledge – else we shall go off in the wrong direction and obviously not fulfil Yahweh's Desire. This requires an immense amount of dedicated work outside your secular activity – (so that we might then ultimately give it freely and not to take a worldly return for it of any description).

2. Gain assurance on this knowledge – we must personally question it, attack its validity within our mind, is it righteous or unrighteous to every individual who has existed in the last 6000 years. Does this knowledge deserve to be within our mind – or should it be rejected? How would Yahweh, The Almighty Righteous God, be viewing the worldly situation and what I personally do to make His Desire manifest within The Environment. All these questions and many more must be brought against The Knowledge we have within our minds to assay/test/prove what we have rightly comes from The Almighty God – rather than from Satan through his representatives in these worldly religions.

3. Deliver “agape” with fidelity to The Knowledge which has been collected and assayed/proved to be righteous – deserving its source to be The Almighty God. Thus we will “{absolutely know/understand}” that we must give the knowledge freely, asking for nothing by return – while we are teaching the next generation of TCs to become like us - just as JC and the 1st century apostles behaved in their ministry.

By operating as above – then we will gain within a 6th sense that cuts right through the colourful façade/veneer painted by such competent artists fulfilling their own desires rather than fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire. Also we become fully emboldened to participate in “{all out speaking}/boldness” The Word of God, fully knowing that it is The Word of God being accurate and thoroughly tested/assayed to be righteous - and thus deserving from The Almighty God. Upon which we will then receive His agape to further expand the ministry work out into the very parched lands upon the present Earth.

This is not blind faith – but rather The Real Faith as sourced by Yahweh through His son JC as The Word of God. So the question is:-

Do your Christian leaders teach you to do this – through constant exhortation to thoroughly know and understand The Word of God? If not, then they are worldly (delinquent) Christian leaders, or worse charlatan (iniquitous) Christian leaders fleecing you on the back of God’s Word. However there are some Christian leaders who are trying their very best to teach their congregations as instructed above to become the next generation of (perhaps lay) preachers as possible future TCs for no worldly return. These specific individuals are more likely to be fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire than the vast majority who do not (but keep their starved congregations fed of scraps [at one extreme] or their intoxicated congregations hyped-up on sound-bites [at the other] – both practices are an anathema to Yahweh)!

Therefore we can understand Jude’s last instruction in this verse. Supplicating/{praying earnestly} in the “spirit/personality/desires/traits which is separate from this world of sin”

Importantly is this what our worldly Christian leaders teach? Absolutely not by both word and deed – virtually everywhere – and even in monasteries and nunneries! Being places where observing members of The World think these people are closest to God – but if they understood The Bible then they would realise they are far from Yahweh – but The World knows its own – conveniently presumes they are close to God – ‘a god’ they do not even “believe/entrust” in!

What a farce! Quite simply answered:– Did JC and the apostles (particular Paul) lock themselves away from the community? Absolutely not – but the very opposite! Remember we are guided by: “Copy me as I copy JC” (1Cor.4v16, 11v1, etc, etc) – therefore these people are obviously not fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire – but actually fulfilling Satan’s’ desire because they are demonstrating a perverse activity deviant to what The Bible teaches us! Quite simply they are absolutely wasting their life away and throwing it back in God’s face! Especially when they have their periods of silence – this really suits Satan’s desire!

Who would be the most pleased if JC and the apostles (being close to God) kept silent in their ‘ministry’ – would it be Yahweh or Satan? The reason why I launched into this logical reasoning process is because it helps us to understand what Jude means in the second part of this verse. For which we must take each word separately to understand how The World has twisted God’s Word to fulfil self-indulgent reasons. Sadly it is not The World who has twisted God’s Word, but rather worldly Christian leaders have twisted God’s Word to become palatable to The World!

1. “Holy” = “blameless/pure/{separate from this world of sin}”. What does this mean?

“Blameless” = no charge can be held against someone. They have done nothing wrong – they fulfil The Law. In this instance we shall realise they fulfil Yahweh's requirement of them (which is different for different individuals – ‘different parts of the body’, ‘2 and 5 talent stewards’). “Pure” = they have not become defiled/spotted/blemished. Thus they have kept themselves as virgins (Matt.25v1-21) away from worldly suitors (getting in bed with worldly methodology), because their betrothed is JCg and they precisely imitated his ministry/lifestyle. “{Separate from this world of sin}” = policy enacted does not follow the methodology sourced by this present worldly system. It means policy enacted is based upon The Methodology sourced off this world from The Heavens. Our connection off this planet is through The Word of God which is JC as recorded in The Bible – being that JC knew the Tanakh intimately, quoted it, explained it and then inaugurated The 2nd Covenant through The Golden Standard laid down for us to precisely imitate – so that we too might become separate from this world of sin. We therefore have The 2nd Covenant/{Bilateral Agreement} upon which we bind ourselves if we are desirous of The Promise (see elsewhere). All seems very logical – but as I showed earlier, it is not logical or practiced by those claiming to be closest to “God” (Yahweh)!

2. “Spirit” = spirit/personality/desires/traits = “What makes a reasoning entity’s Character”. It does not mean an embodied individual but rather ‘the character’ which operates within an individual/entity. Now we are drawing out what this righteously means rather than the nonsense we are presently taught by our worldly Christian leaders! By our understanding of John.14v20, 17v21 we realise that those specific individuals who operate under the one/same spirit/personality/desires/traits have the same character because they are driven by a common methodology which they faithfully express within The Environment. Clearly those individuals having the same character as Yahweh operate in agape because they are driven by agapao being the common knowledge expressed with fidelity into The Environment. This knowledge was given to us through both word and deed by JC who was The Word of God expressed as The Wisdom of God – because JC faithfully practiced what he knew in his lifestyle. We therefore understand because Yahweh is Omnificent and His Desire will be ultimately be done within His Environment (= The Universe of which this earth is an infinitesimal part of Yahweh's (= His) Universe, then those persons who “make His Desire made manifest within The Environment” operate with the one/same spirit/personality/desires/traits (= character expressed) as does Yahweh. Therefore these people become “holy”, and thus full circle link to (1) above.

3. “Supplicate/{Praying earnestly} = “In deference to be asking for (continual) assistance”.

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So what does this mean? Again - Is it what our worldly Christian leaders teach by both word and deed?

As usual – the same answer – absolutely not! So what does this mean in context of what The Bible teaches us?

The clue is given elsewhere when the Greek word is examined: “prayer with a vow”. Also elsewhere we are told: We are to ask on behalf of our brother, not to take for our ministerial services, instructed to imitate JC and the apostles, “agape” to give freely, to learn the scriptures, not to test The Lord, to personally go out and spread the word of God, etc, etc.

So what does all this mean when taken together and then applied with the instruction to “Supplicate/{Praying earnestly}”? We realise everything is personal – being us directly interfacing with another human being. Suddenly the ‘wonderful’ sound-bites given in our worldly Christian sermons sound crass in a TC’s ears. Being words to push the responsibility onto someone else – effectively “Yahweh to do our bidding”! Inasmuch we have thought of someone across the world of whom we do not know – ‘now over to You God’ – You are now under my orders to do Your stuff! This practice is horrible – utterly irreverent – it treats Yahweh as a kicking block for our presumed concern for others (James.2v1-25). And further, people locking themselves away in monasteries and nunneries supposedly saying nice and beautiful things to “God” all their lives! This is a travesty of what The Word of God teaches us if we are to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire! Yahweh has long shut His ears and closed His eyes to them – operating in their isolation and self-indulgent lifestyle for The Self in supposed exclusion from The World (having entirely missed the point of their existence – which is to fulfil Yahweh's Desire by precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle)! Sadly they do not understand and are blind like their peers before them, and they both fall into the ditch (Matt.15v14, Luke.6v39).

So what does all this mean? We see that we must not be asking for ourselves. We see that we must be asking for others. We see that we must be edifying others so that they too might know why/how they too are able to fulfil Yahweh's Desire. We clearly reason, as the scriptures teach us, that we ask for Yahweh’s assistance to make His Desire made manifest within The Environment. Not that we ask our spirit/personality/desires/traits be fulfilled upon which to self-indulge, but rather that Yahweh’s spirit/personality/desires/traits be fulfilled (Luke.22v42, 1John.5v15, etc) which if we are of the one/same spirit/personality/desires/traits then it will be the same (obviously). But very sadly for the vast majority of people their spirit/personality/desires/traits is not the same as Yahweh's (as witnessed by their deeds), but worldly to fulfil their desire because they have not imbued The Word of God to make The Change to form The New Thing/Creature within – see earlier). Conceptually this is very easy to understand - but our worldly Christian leaders have spun everything around so that a line cannot be drawn between what is worldly and what is sourced by Yahweh – which clearly suits Satan’s desire because we having that mentality are unable to make the distinction between what Yahweh requires and what The World wants! So if we fully imbue God’s Word and make that complete change to be precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle then we are able to penetrate through the mystery and fog created by worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders in their near-useless exegesis. Therefore having this inner knowledge which we must not keep to ourselves (in a monastery – for example), then we are able to ask Yahweh to help us in The Ministry work out into The World (Matt.24v14), by example of JC (Mark.1v38), to make us more efficient in what we do, to ask for speedy recovery from ailments, asking to meet receptive people (who could become future TCs), to ask Yahweh to protect us from those in authority hating The Word of God being accurately taught (1Tim.2v1-3), etc. But again notice – there is no subject matter where we are to be asking anything for ourselves – except whatever we might gain from Yahweh in charity/agape is to make The Word of God more widely known – enabling more people to fulfil Yahweh’s desire to be imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle.

Why? Because it fulfils Yahweh's Desire that He might achieve His 144000 sons of God so that He might then bring in The Millennium. This is a specific number (absolutely not an allegory) and subject matter (of specific rulers in The Millennium) our worldly Christian leaders fail to recognise (they never teach it correctly) because it will cramp their present lifestyle.

So how can they be viable representatives of Yahweh – when they do not even teach His Word correctly? Will Yahweh embrace them in The Millennium?

I hardly think so! Luke.12v47-48, 16v1-8 and possibly (if a charlatan) then 16v19-32)! Etc/etc! In conclusion we understand that we are to continually supplicate/{pray earnestly} that we might fulfil Yahweh’s Desire by us personally going out into The Ministry “{occupational effort}/work/labour” (to quote The Bible) with Yahweh working alongside, opening and closing doors as we read in ‘The Acts of The Apostles’. However for Yahweh to reciprocate then we must be fulfilling His Desire, else He will not be within and without us operating in The Environment. We do not pray to fulfil self-indulgent desires to titivate a worldly mind – because Yahweh is seeking Sons of God who precisely fulfil His Desire ready for the increased responsibility as a ruler in The Millennium – where The Least in The Gospel Age have demonstrably proved themselves worthy - shall become The Most to rule over The Inheritance in The Millennium.

This is “The Word of God”- and not the near-rubbish taught by our worldly Christian leaders in their very worldly sermons! I cannot overstress (hence I repeat it again), we must be constantly building ourselves up in The Word of God – learning it and understanding precisely what God is teaching us. Unlike worldly Christian leaders who spend their time reading material sourced by The World and disregard what is in The Bible. They prefer what comes from man and treat what Yahweh sources with disdain – because they state: “It is not relevant for us today”, “times were different then”, “we are more knowledgeable now!” (Oh really!), etc. This shows a rebellious heart condition and why Yahweh has ignored them. They are like The Scribes and Pharisees in the days of JC’s ministry who equally felt they were so well educated and thus they do not need to repent (Matt.3v5-11), while those in Nineveh repented completely when Jonah warned them (Jonah.3v9-10). But many of our worldly Christian leaders do not even believe this event occurred (how convenient for our worldly Christian leaders)! Thus after that excursion, we must personally, thoroughly know The Word of God being The Bible accurately translated (and we will not get that in many versions) so that we become entirely competent and fluent with its contents to contend with those ‘professional religious leaders’ skimming off from The World by distorting The Word of God to suit their worldly aims. To become competently The Best in anything that we do, and then we must be constantly exercising – never slowing down. If we slow down, then we shall be overtaken by others and not come first – being precisely what Paul taught us in his example of The Race having many runners but only one comes first (to be elected as a future son of God). In worldly examples it is recognised and given the title “Red Queen Theory”, inasmuch we must be running to stand still (taken from “Alice through the Looking Glass) – true throughout industry and further if we are trying to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire. Jude 1v21 og {my/our/your/it them self} (= yourselves) in (to the) benevolence/charity/dear/love/(agape) (of the) God Jude 1v21 og (you) {watch/guard over loss/injury}/detain/maintain/{hold fast}/keep, Jude 1v21 og (the ones = persons) {admitting (into some intercourse of hospitality/credence/endurance)}/awaiting/allowing/looking (middle voice) Jude 1v21 og the {have compassion}/{shown mercy} of the lord/master {of/from us} (of the) Jesus Jude 1v21 og (of the) Christ/Messiah/Anointed into/unto (the) life/existence (the) perpetual/eternal/everlasting.

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Jude 1v21 {Watch/Guard over loss/injury}/{Hold fast}/Keep yourselves in with the charity/agape of God, the persons (personally) {admitting (into hospitality)}/awaiting the {have compassion}/{shown mercy} of our lord Jesus Christ unto the perpetual/eternal life/existence. Thus again the continual warning and exhortation:-

{Watch/Guard over loss/injury} yourselves in with Yahweh’s charity/agape! Examine this warning and exhortation: – Why did Jude state it – if we are “Christians”? Because surely we, as Christians, should get it anyway!

Well- that is what our worldly Christian leaders’ state! – But notice it is not what The Apostles (= TCs) teach us! Let us examine what Jude is really teaching us.

We have seen his continual warnings throughout this epistle (and others) about worldly and worse charlatan Christian leaders sliding their way into the ecclesia and climbing to take leadership so that they might gain out of those persons genuinely trying to get close to Yahweh, and then shutting the door to them (Matt.23v13).

With that background Jude then exhorts ‘these persons aiming to become TCs’ to build themselves in with the holy faith, supplicating/{praying earnestly} - Why?

As I explained in the previous verse? No - not everything! Because it was a prelude to this exhortation for us to maintain ourselves in a mental condition that Yahweh can work through to fulfil His Desire. And thus we become the demonstrable outlet (as The Body of Christ) for Yahweh to operate His agape within – so that through us being driven to be precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle we fulfil Yahweh’s Desire to be bringing on the next generation of TCs (as an offering in our personal sacrifice away from worldly indulgence) so that they might be further fulfilling Yahweh’s Desire.

So would you get that understanding from our ‘dumbed-down’ worldly bible translations:- “Keep yourselves in the love of God” ? Now let us together move onto the next section of this verse which follows through as a continuation. In the context of the earlier verses and as a lead into this verse we understand Jude is speaking of persons who are eagerly trying to become TCs in their “{occupational effort}/work/labour” faithfully teaching The Word of God and thus admitting/awaiting to {have the compassion}/{be shown mercy} of our lord JC unto everlasting life.

How are these TCs “admitting into hospitality themselves the compassion of JC unto everlasting life”? And why are worldly Christian not doing likewise?

Because TCs have demonstrably shown themselves as having fully made a Christ-like change – utterly thrown away the baggage of their former existence and are growing The New Creature/Thing from within. These individuals do not just believe JC existed (and then behave in a worldly manner [of varying degrees] as would do a hypocrite), but rather they really believe so that they have nowhere to go (Matt.19v27-28) – because they rejected The World and The World (those leaders operating in its methodology) have rejected these TCs. This is why it is recorded in John.6v60-71 for our learning – being the differentiation between a ‘worldly Christian believing in JC’ (of various degrees) and a ‘TC believing in JC’ (as The Absolute Standard upon which to imitate)! And this comes out in JC’s allegory of The Tree (= Christian leader), being the DNA passed on into its fruitage (= the members of the congregation). You recognise the quality of The Tree by observing The Fruitage: – Is ‘The Fruitage’ precisely imitating JC’s ministry/lifestyle? If not, then The Tree is diseased and will be ultimately uprooted as Jude tells us earlier (Matt.7v17-20). Likewise you do not gather grapes from thorn bushes (Matt.7v16) and thus with that reasoning based upon what JC taught us – then how can Yahweh attain TCs from worldly (and worse, charlatan) Christian leaders? But in The Millennium Yahweh shall gather wonderful grapes from The Vine (John.15v1-10) that Yahweh is carefully nurturing in His TCs being gathered out of The Gospel Age, being The 144000 TCs who shall become the kings/priests of The Millennium ruling over The/Their Inheritance of The Resurrected World out of which shall come The Grapes (being the 3rd Remnant that returns back to The Lord). Sadly this understanding is utterly unknown to our worldly Christian leaders/theologians/scholars – because they never teach The Real Gospel News but little (and almost) unintelligible sound-bites to keep their congregations in the dark (lost within “a mystery”) with regard to The Word of God. If we have The Word of God then we must put our light up on a lamp-stand, but certainly not to hide it (Matt.5v15, Mark.4v21, Luke.11v33).

Thus the point Jude is making:- If we become The New Creature (accepted by Yahweh as a TC) then we moulded ourselves to become identical to the very best we are able to think and reason precisely as did JC while we precisely imitate his ministry/lifestyle simply (= with no conditional strings attached within our reasoning centres). Because of this then Yahweh will consider us being “deemed entirely worthy” of a position alongside JCg (as a brother, Matt.12v47-50, Mark.3v33-35) in The Millennium. Notice this is another ‘nail in the coffin’ for the Trinity myth – how can we be Almighty God if we are ruling alongside JCg in The Millennium – perhaps our worldly Christian leaders are so presumptuous enough to think that they are Almighty God – especially when they consider themselves capable of deciding who is to sit alongside JCg (through beatification/canonisation) when JC taught us only Yahweh can make that decision! Their activities are just farcical (do they actually read the Bible?) – Which shows what their true driver and master is within this present worldly system!

If they cannot even get the basics correct – what else do they get wrong? Actually just about everything – because they think and reason as does a worldly person - but just throw in “God” upon which to derive a living! And thus they behave just as does any religious leader fronting any worldly religion! Therefore in conclusion – it is those humans who are personally driven to precisely imitate JC’s ministry/lifestyle to deliver an uncorrupted message being precisely The Word of God correctly explained as appropriate for the time within The Gospel Age to allow Yahweh’s Desire to be fulfilled throughout the some 2000 years who Yahweh is electing to be alongside JCg for an eternity. Metaphorically, the Husband and Wife of the special marriage shall be ruling over The Resurrected World which ultimately shall be perfected (as the children of this union) to create a fully harmonious society within paradise (were self-indulgence to the hurt of our neighbour shall be a thing of the past). Finally JCg is compassionate/merciful because he (as can Yahweh) can see that these specific 1440000 TCs have dedicated their life to be precisely imitating JC and thus is not ashamed to speak on their behalf (over perhaps some sideslips in their life) as being worthy to become future sons of God (Mark.8v38, Luke.9v26) and thus to sit alongside him in The Millennium during the Messianic Age of teaching The Resurrected World righteousness on The 7th Day of completeness/perfection, where The Sabbath Day was made for man (to purify them) under The Lord of The Sabbath Christ Jesus. Amen. Jude 1v22 og Also (the ones = persons) whom/which/that truly/indeed (you) {have compassion}/{show mercy} Jude 1v22 og (the ones = persons) {separating thoroughly}/{withdrawing

from}/hesitating/doubting/wavering/considering/discerning/discriminating (middle voice). Jude 1v22 Also truly/indeed the persons who are (personally) {separating thoroughly}/considering/discriminating, you (= TCs) {have compassion}/{show mercy}. And thus the previous verse in context becomes the lead-in to this verse. Just as JC is showing us mercy (= those who are aiming to precisely imitate JC) when he speaks up for us to Yahweh as being potential candidates for sonship, then we likewise must behave in similar fashion to those persons who are examining The Evidence for themselves – so as to come to a conclusion about what is taught. This is all part of The Assay/Proving that each one of us must personally partake within if we are to fulfil Yahweh’s Desire to become competent (soldiers of Christ) and fiery opponents to consume the worldly religious bunkum sourced by those leaders making a nice worldly return on what they ‘give’ (not in “agape”)! We must be assaying/proving The Word of God to ensure that it is The Word of God rather than accepting the prolific worldly hogwash sourced by our worldly religious leaders. This is precisely what The Bible teaches us, to protect us from the religious leaders who pretend to be representatives of God! So with that background we must understand what this verse is teaching us.

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It is because these specific individuals have been bitten once and perhaps twice by worldly religious leaders – which is making them cautious in jumping onto what has been given to them. They are carefully reasoning upon what has been given to them – just as Paul commended the persons from Berea (Acts17v11-12) for precisely doing this – so that they might have great strength when all things click into place within the mind – so that it is not a mystery – but rather a very clear visa, being The Vision of The Millennium and how to successfully get there!

But again what do our ‘dumbed-down’ worldly translated bibles teach us? “Have mercy on those doubting”. And what perceived understanding do we get from that ever-so passive message?

The errant understanding we gain: - It is quite OK to be “doubting” – but we must just be ‘understanding’ of them! A horrific understanding – just what Satan wants to hear!

No it should be the opposite! - Be dynamic – active, but not passive! We are to be there to actively help these people so that they might understand at a personal level. Jude is teaching us to be merciful inasmuch we are not to criticise their present weak state (put into that state by worldly religious leaders giving their utterly errant spiel – rightly laughed upon by atheists). But rather use ‘the strength of argument’ carefully explaining how The Scriptures of The Bible knit so closely together to produce a most wonderfully righteous and utterly logical scenario for our future existence (Matt.7v29, Mark.1v22, etc).

We get anything but this from our present worldly Christian leaders – lost in the mysteries of their own creation! Get Real! – Start understanding The Bible so that we all might be in the position to help others to correctly understand The Word of God (Matt.24v14). Carefully read this website www.FutureLife.Org to understand precisely what Yahweh is setting in place for our future. Jude 1v23 og (the ones = persons) whom/which/that and in (to the = with) alarm/fright/fear/terror Jude 1v23 og (you) deliver/{to save}/protect/heal/{make whole}/preserve Jude 1v23 og {from/out of} of the lightening/power/energy/fire Jude 1v23 og (the ones = persons) seizing/{catching (away/up)}/plucking/pulling/{taking (by force)} Jude 1v23 og (the ones = persons) hating/persecuting/detesting also the (garment) off/away/separated/from of the Jude 1v23 og flesh/{carnal minded} (the) stained/soiled/defiled/spotted tunic/shirt/coat/garment. Jude 1v23 And the persons whom you deliver/save/heal/{make whole}/preserve in alarm/fear, seizing/{catching up}/plucking the persons {from/out of } of the lightening/power/energy, also the persons hating/persecuting/detesting the stained/soiled/defiled tunic/coat/garment (sourced) from of the flesh/{carnal minded}. And thus continuing the correct understanding as given in the previous verse, where we are to be operating personally (not offloading it onto someone else – as witnessed in worldly Christian prayers), to be personally edifying our brethren/neighbour to precisely understand The Word of God and specifically how we are to implement it within our own life. The lead-in to this from v20-21 (building ourselves to become competent TCs) for the “{occupational effort}/works/labour” required to make what is stated in v22-23 occur. It is the TCs who are operating according to JC’s spirit/personality/desires/traits that will demonstrate their mercy and compassion while guiding those persons sincerely trying to search for The Truth. Then in this verse, Jude states the fearful message of warning (explaining of what can occur if we do not ultimately imitate JC) will help save/preserve people. The persons who take on-board The Accurate Message of The Gospel (rather than what our worldly Christian leaders teach us) will be seized/plucked from out of the power/energy of Yahweh’s Desire being made manifest within The Environment. And it is these specific persons making the reform who are hating/detesting their old self (being worldly methodology) which was originally a stained/defiled coat/garment (= character/personality) based upon fleshly/{carnal minded} worldly methodology. Therefore the TC is instructed to use God’s Word, accurately explained so that the recipient might “{absolutely know/understand}” The Truth and in so doing, pull the listener far away from the old worldly desires. Jude 1v24 og to the (one = JCg) and (being) able/possible/capable Jude 1v24 og (to) {isolation (to) watch}/{be on guard}/preserve/obey/avoid/beware/keep {specifically you} Jude 1v24 og {not stumbling/falling}/{without sin/offense}/irreprehensible (plural) also Jude 1v24 og (to) {stand staunch}/establish/{hold up}/appoint/abide Jude 1v24 og {directly in the face of}/{within the presence}/{in sight of} of the glory/honour/dignity/worship Jude 1v24 og (of the) him unblemished/{without blame/fault/spot}/faultless in (= with) Jude 1v24 og (to the) exultation/welcome/gladness/{(exceeding) joy}, Jude 1v24 And to the one (= JCg as The Word of God) being able/capable to {be on guard}/preserve/keep {specifically you}, also {not stumbling/falling}/{without sin/offense}/irreprehensible (plural) to {stand staunch}/{hold up}/abide {directly in the face of}/{within the presence}/{in sight of} of his glory/honour/dignity/worship unblemished/{without blame}/faultless in exultation/welcome/gladness. Just as Jude states:- It is The Word of God, being The Presence/Parousia of JC operating within us which will guard/preserve specifically us.

So what does this mean? It means we must first obtain The Word of God – that can only come from a good translation of The Bible. Do not use a translation of less than 60 years old – or ideally use the translation on this website – else you will be misled by the useless modern translations (for example avoid Good News, NIV, etc) – which are merely interpretations. And because our translators have not the faintest idea of Yahweh’s Plan for human redemption (many being atheists), then their interpretation is pretty near to being useless – bringing in errors at key points to sway objective reasoning/understanding to suit their paymasters! Also by now you will realise by now (reading this website) that our worldly Christian leaders have not got much idea about Yahweh’s Plan for human salvation based upon their equally near-to-useless sermons. So if you are trying to discover The Absolute Truth as sourced by Yahweh through JC then you have two options:-

1. Copy me. Start with a blank sheet of paper and throw away all worldly reasoning as sourced by our worldly Christian leaders leading to mystery – because it is utterly unrighteous and completely illogical - and therefore cannot be sourced by The Righteous and Logical Almighty God. Then read The Bible, once, then twice and then three times. Then home in on key areas of allegory and prophecy – using inductive reasoning upon all of this information. Start questioning it, and build within it logical pathways of righteous exegesis. Then you will gain Real Faith and also come to understand Yahweh’s Plan as given on this website. . Else:-

2. You could just read this website with an open mind and see how Yahweh’s Plan unfolds to yield a most righteous scenario for every human who has existed on this planet over the last 6000 years. Something that certainly cannot be said for worldly religions full of absolutely useless customs and equally useless reasoning outside the immediate domain.

Therefore if we fully inculcate The Word of God to gain Real Faith by thoroughly questioning and assaying the knowledge gained to ensure that it holds up to intense scrutiny – then we will not be stumbling, not be sinning nor offending Yahweh in what we do because we shall be of the one/same “spirit/personality/desires/traits as that sourced by Yahweh which is separate from this world of sin” (= the HS). And consequently we shall be able to stand staunchly/firmly/upright directly in the face of his (JCg’s) glory/dignity/honour/worship unblemished/faultless in exultation/welcome/gladness.

So what does this last piece mean?

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And when will it occur? It means if we personally push ourselves until we almost drop (just as did Paul) in the personal ministry of The Word of God accurately taught to The World for no worldly return, then Yahweh ‘just might’ deem us entirely worthy to become one of His future sons of God. If we do become one of those 144000 TCs to be taken early (1Thes.4v13-18, Matt.24v40-44, 20v1-12, etc) then we shall be supremely overjoyed welcoming JCg in exultation/gladness because we are so desirous to be there at his 1st 2nd C as future sons of God alongside him. We (having demonstrably proved ourselves unblemished) will be standing staunchly/firmly/upright basking in his glory/honour/dignity ready to be taken up in the air within our new incorruptible heavenly/spiritual/celestial bodies. TCs having lived for this opportunity during the 1st part of their physical lives (through the persecution delivered by worldly [religious] leaders) will relish this event and reach out to The Lord, but worldly people will be terrified and hide away from this stupendous event – because it is foreign to them – they prefer The World and what The World can deliver!

Let me leave the reader with something I wrote some seven years earlier:- The whole of this sentence is just so important – It is The Christian Message:

The TCs have handed the ONLY perfect thing they had to God on their sinful behalf, being the precious life JC gave on their behalf, at their baptism (and sacrificial service), and lived in the Real Faith through their works (imitating JC) to the expressed Desire of the Father through JCg dispensing the HS (Yahweh’s Desire made manifest within The Environment) upon them as his presence/parousia within them.

Can the reader see the mutually righteous nature of this whole circle – being totally complete in The Culmination? The TCs as The Bride of Christ united with her husband JCg (Rev.19v7), all of whom are now part of The Immediate Family of The Loving God to become His precious Sons. These TCs have righteously solved The Mystery of God in the 1st part of their physical life!

I personally reason upon the power of this statement which destroys all other false religions of The World. True Christianity is from Yahweh; all other religions of The World are as chameleons (from Satan being the temporary god of this world) propagated to blind humans to The Truth of Yahweh’s Word as carefully given in The Original Language of The Bible. I explain in this website why this is allowed to occur – but everything is under Yahweh’s perfect control while He draws out The Two Remnants during the 1st and 2nd Epochs of ‘Israel’ – because His eye is on the much bigger picture – gaining His faithful trustworthy servants (with the correct mindset) ready to rule in The Millennium to draw out His 3rd Remnant from The Resurrected World (during The Millennium = The Day [1000 years] of The Lord).

This is The Word of God correctly explained = The Real Gospel News! - But sadly never taught by our worldly Christian leaders. Jude 1v25 og (to the) merely/alone/only (to the) wise (to the) God (the) deliverer/saviour {of/from us}, Jude 1v25 [through Jesus Christ our lord = CA in some manuscripts] Jude 1v25 og (be the) glory/honour/dignity/worship also (to the = with) greatness/majesty/{exceedingly mighty}, Jude 1v25 og (the) {great vigour}/dominion/might/power/strength also Jude 1v25 og (the) privilege/competency/freedom/capacity/authority/power, also now/present/immediate also Jude 1v25 og into/unto all/whole/every the ages/perpetuities/{Messianic periods}. Jude 1v25 og Amen/Trustworthy/Surely/{So be it}. Jude 1v25 To the alone/only wise God (Yahweh), the Deliverer/Saviour of us (TCs), be the glory/honour/dignity/worship also with greatness/majesty/{exceedingly mighty}, the {great vigour}/might/power also the privilege/competency/authority, also now/presently, also unto all the ages/{Messianic periods}. Amen. A verse which confuses our worldly Christian leaders/theologians/scholars in their muddled Trinity myth. Jude has just stated “us” which means TCs (and those specific individuals aiming to become TCs). Thus Jude states:-

To Yahweh the only wise God our Deliverer/Saviour. Why has he not stated JC as being the deliverer/saviour – perhaps Yahweh and JC are the same Entity?

Absolutely not! – Only stated by individuals lost in mysteries! It is explained by “ho theos” – (please see elsewhere – glossary and other epistles) being a dual pointer rather than an absolute pointer. In addition, we understand that it is Yahweh becoming The Adopting Father of those persons making the transition from The World to The Heavenly Family look to Yahweh as giving guaranteed everlasting life as a future son of God – alongside JCg as a brother (with Yahweh as The Father). TCs (as did/does JC/JCg) direct everything to Yahweh as being The Specific God and there Yahweh becomes The Deliver - from Whom all ideal/good things are sourced. Worldly Christians vainly call upon “God” but He ignores them (being entirely perfect and righteous, then He can do no other), worldly Christians (like non-Christians) can only look towards JC (as we are told) to be The Intercessor/Mediator until they become truly “Born Again” (in The Millennium), to then become acceptable to Yahweh. Just restating what I teach elsewhere regarding Deliverance/Saviour.

1. JC’s ministry enables us to enter the 2nd part of our spiritual life. 2. JC’s ransom sacrifice (covering murder) enables Yahweh to resurrect us into the 2nd part of our physical life.

Thus JC is our saviour at a worldly level to give all of us (1John.2v2) a 2nd part of our life so that our (now 1st) Death becomes “asleep”. But what our worldly Christian theologians fail to realise is that JC has only given us all an opportunity to get into the 2nd part of our life so that we might then have a possibility of having eternal life provided we learn to precisely imitate JC’s lifestyle. However TCs have done this (and imitated his ministry) during the 1st part of their physical life living on The Expectation of The Promise - having demonstrably imitated JC in both word and deed – and thus deemed entirely worthy of their position alongside JCg as future sons of God upon their resurrection – having already perfected their mind with (sincere) agapao during the 1st part of their life. These future sons of God are given heavenly/spiritual/celestial bodies by Yahweh which are incorruptible (= incapable of dying) = guaranteed everlasting life (unlike that given to The Resurrected World – whose members are ‘only’ given perfected DNA fleshly bodies that can either:-

1. Live forever [if the spiritual mind reforms to imitate JC] or 2. Die in The 2nd Death of annihilation [if the spiritual mind continues to rebel]).

That is specifically why Jude and The Apostles can state Yahweh as being The Deliverer/Saviour to the TCs (at this point in time). Does the reader understand this exegesis? – Because it is essential to understand the logical subtleties within this information.

Yahweh is The Omnificent – All Powerful, All Mighty and All Authority throughout all time, from The Beginning of The Universe, during mankind’s existence, and into The Eternity. Sadly many of our religious scholars prefer to differ – presuming themselves to be more knowledgeable (and disregard The Bible’s authenticity)!