The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ Our Lady of Lourdes High School Grade 9 Spring Semester ...

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The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ

Our Lady of Lourdes High School

Grade 9 Spring Semester Mrs. Safford

Christ’s Incarnation

Questions to Think About What is the Mystery of the Incarnation? How did the Incarnation Come About? How was Christ’s life a sign of

contradiction from the beginning?

What is the mystery of the Incarnation? The Mystery of the Incarnation refers to

the infinite God, who is beyond the limitations of human comprehension, emptied himself to become man to reconcile all people to himself.

Video: “Why did God Send Jesus?”

How did the Incarnation Come About? Christ’s Incarnation was announced by

the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who humbly agreed to be the Mother of Christ.

The name Jesus means “God saves”

How was Christ’s life a sign of contradiction from the beginning? As a sign of contradiction, Christ was born

into poverty, and his life was in danger from the very beginning.

Video: “A Child is Born”

Homework ( 2 pages)Define each word on loose leaf to hand in: Baptism Circumcision Covenant Eucharist Fast Greatest Commandment Incarnation Kingdom of God Lamb of God

Homework (continued) Lent Papacy Parable Redemption Resurrection Scribe Tempt Transfiguration Visitation

Christ’s Hidden Life

Questions to Think About What is the significance of Christ in the

temple at age 12? What is the relationship between Christ

and the Essenes? What is the meaning of Christ’s hidden


What is the significance of Christ in the Temple at age 12? Christ’s greatness was revealed at age

12 in the Temple, but he lived in obedience and obscurity for the next 18 years.

The effect that Jesus had on the learned listeners in the Temple, was that they were amazed at the understanding of his answers.

What is the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Essenes? Christ and Saint John the Baptist have

some common points of reference with the Jewish sect of the Essenes, but are essentially different from them (for example, the Apocalypse and contact with others.)

Both share in a lifelong celibacy and an austere lifestyle.

What is the meaning of Christ’s hidden life? The sanctity of ordinary life and work

are exemplified in the years of Christ’s hidden life.

The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus

Questions to Think About What is the significance of the Baptism

by Saint John the Baptist? What is the significance of Christ’s

temptation after fasting for 40 days and nights in the desert?

What is the significance of the Baptism by Saint John the Baptist? Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan to

fulfill the Father’s will. Jesus identified himself with sinful men,

and revealed himself as the Messiah of Israel and the Son of God.

What is the significance of Christ’s temptation after fasting for forty days in the desert? In keeping with the biblical model, Christ

fasted for forty days and nights before beginning his public life.

In his trial by the devil, Christ successfully recapitulated Adam and Israel's’ temptations.

The Call of the Apostles and Christ’s Healing Ministry

Questions to Think About How did Christ call his Apostles? How did Christ heal the sick?

How did Christ call his Apostles? Christ called his apostles individually,

personally, and by name to proclaim the him.

He does the same today through his followers.

Video: Is Jesus Giving Us Signs Today?

Why did Christ heal the sick? Christ healed sickness out of

compassion and to reveal his divine ability to forgive sin.

Video: Why does God let us suffer? Video: Does Jesus still heal people?

Christ’s Parables

Questions to Think About How did Christ’s teaching methods differ

from the Rabbis at that time? What is a parable? What are the lessons of the Good


How did Christ’s teaching methods differ from the Rabbis at that time?

Christ taught with authority-not simply quoting various teachers-by providing his own interpretations of the Law and Prophets.

What is a parable? A parable is one of Christ’s teaching

devices, a narrative or allegory, based on something that might occur naturally, used to illustrate and explain moral or spiritual principles.

How many parables can you name?

What are the lessons of the Parable of the Good Samaritan? Video: Samaritan In the Parable of the Good Samaritan,

Christ taught that every person in need is a neighbor who must be aided.

This parable is also an image of human history.

According to Pope Benedict XVI: The road to Jericho is an image of human

history. The victim of the assault is every human who

has fallen from human nature. The priest and the Levite are human culture

and man-made religions, from which no help can come.

The one who comes to the victim is Christ. The wine and are images of the sacraments,

and the inn is the Church.

How to Pray in the Kingdom

Questions to Think About How does Christ teach us to pray? What is the Kingdom of God? What is the role of the Apostles in the

Kingdom of God?

How does Christ teach us to pray? Christ taught people to pray to God as

Father. Video: What is prayer? Video: How am I suppose to pray?

What is the Kingdom of God? The Kingdom of God is essentially the

Person of Christ himself: people enter the Kingdom through faith in him, interior conversion, acceptance of his Word, willingness to sacrifice everything for him, and living by her New Commandment of Love.

What is the role of the Apostles in the Kingdom of God? The Apostles, headed by Saint Peter,

shared in the spread of the Kingdom. Video: The Rock of Saint Peter

The Sermon on the Mount

Questions to Think About What is the Sermon on the Mount? What are the Beatitudes? How did Jesus perfect the Mosaic Law? What is purity of heart? Who is Saint Francis?

What is the Sermon on the Mount? The core of Christ’s teachings is found in

the Sermon of the Mount. The three parts are:1. The Beatitudes2. Perfection of the Mosaic Law3. Purity of Intention

What are the Beatitudes? The Beatitudes are paradoxical statements

that indicate the basis of true happiness in this life and the next life.

Beatitude comes from the Latin word for “blessed.”

The highest measure of true happiness is attained in this life by denying oneself, seeking Christ, and assisting others to accomplish their salvation.

Video: Sermon on the Mount

How did Christ Perfect the Mosaic Law? Christ proclaimed a New Law of Love,

which perfected the Mosaic Law.

What is Purity of Heart? Purity of heart means a person acts at

all times out of love for God and neighbor.

Christ’s Death and Resurrection

Questions to Think About What is the significance of the Last

Supper? What does the Nicene Creed mean by

the phrase “Suffered under Pontius Pilate?

Did Christ Rise from the Dead? What is the Ascension?

What is the significance of the Last Supper? At the Last Supper, Christ gave a new

meaning to the Passover, when he gave his New Commandment of Love.

This Commandment provided a dramatic example of how to love and serve others: through the washing of the feet, a sharing in his own Body and Blood: and established his priesthood.

What does the Nicene Creed mean by the phrase “ suffered under Pontius Pilate? Christ suffered his passion and death on

the cross under the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate.

Pilate had examined him, and despite the fact that he considered him innocent, condemned Christ to death.

Did Christ rise from the dead? Christ rose from the dead, confirming

his own divinity, and the Apostles died upholding the truth of the Resurrection.

Video: How do we know that Jesus rose? Video: Jesus Resurrection Appearances

What is the Ascension? Forty days after his Resurrection, Christ

ascended into Heaven with the Apostles looking on him.

Citations Why did God Send Jesus? Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying. Posted

on Dec. 21, 2011 at A Child is Born. Christopher Stefanick. Posted on Dec. 22, 2013 at https:// Is Jesus Giving Us Signs Today? Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying.

Posted on Mar. 8, 2013 at Why Does God Let Us Suffer. Christopher Stefanick. Posted on Dec, 5, 2013 at Does Jesus Still Heal People Today? Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying.

June 14, 2013 at Samaritan. Modern Apr. 5. 2011 at What is Prayer. Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying. Posted on Sept. 27,

2013 at How am I suppose to pray? Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying on Oct.

4, 2013 at

Book: Armenio, Rev. Peter. Faith and Revelation: The Blessed Trinity. 1st ed. Woodridge: Midwest Theological Forum, 2009.

Pictures were taken from various sources via Google images

Citations (cont.) The Rock of Saint Peter. Christopher Stefanick. Posted on Apr. 8,

2013 at Sermon on the Mount. From the movie King of Kings. Posted by

Mike Lovaglio. Posted on Mar, 29, 2013 at What is Prayer? Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop Hying on

Sept. 27, 2013 at How am I suppose to Pray? Archdiocese of Milwaukee with Bishop

Hying on Oct. 14, 2013 at How do we know that Jesus rose from the dead? Archdiocese of

Milwaukee with Bishop Hying on Mar. 29, 2013 at

Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances. Posted by Weat010 on Mar. 25, 2013 at