The life of David Samuel

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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With Damas (Rolling Glory) and Dody (Nightspade), I represent Indonesia and won International Software Design Competition Imagine Cup 2009 held by Microsoft in Cairo, Egypt, for Mobile Awards

We had discussion about healthcare project with Mrs. Siti Fadillah, the Healthcare minister of Republic of Indonesia 2009

With Jusuf Kalla, former (now current) Vice President of Republic of Indonesia 2009

With Steve Ballmer, former CEO of Microsoft 2009. I love your company, sir!!

In my free time, I build motorized skateboard. It’s not finished yet though. I don’t have enough time and money to build it. Perhaps when the time is right, I’ll get angel investors to realize this. Someday…

I graduated from Osaka University in 2012 from Engineering Science Division. This is my diploma in a language that I barely understand and my temporary tattoo.

I dropped my full scholarship PhD course to build a startup that at the time I didn’t know what the idea was…

After a long hiatus, I won the Startup weekend in Tokyo, Japan 2014 for Smart Wallet project

Sometime I play guitar for my church in Osaka, Japan

Sometime I shoot photo.

Sometime I give Tausyiah to my (fake) followers

And sometime, I save Intergalactic spaces

To be continued..