The Living Photograph

Post on 17-Jul-2016

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The Living Photograph - Form 4 Literature


The Living Photographby Jackie Kay

Today’s Objectives

1. List adjectives which best describe you grandmother./ Tell the class about your grandmother.

2. Read the poem “The Living Photograph aloud”

3. Draw mind maps4. Provide appropriate answers to questions



Adjectives describing your grandmothers:

About the author/poet

• Born Jacqueline Margaret Kay (1961)• Scotland• Scottish mother and Nigerian father (biracial)• Adopted by Caucasian family in Glasgow,


Jackie Kay

The Living PhotographMy small grandmother is tall there,

Straight-back, white broderies anglaise shirt,Pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun,A kind, old smile round her eyes.

Her big hand holds mine,White hand in black hand.

Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

It was true after all, that look.My tall grandmother became small.

Her back round and hunched.Her soup forgot to boil.

She went to the awful place grandmothers go.Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.

But there she is still, In the photo with me at three, the crinkled smile is still living, breathing.

Stanza One

Stanza 1

My small grandmother is tall there,Straight-back, white broderies anglaise shirt,Pleated skirt, flat shoes, grey bun,A kind, old smile round her eyes.Her big hand holds mine,White hand in black hand.Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.

Words I don’t know

White Broderies anglaise shirt Pleated skirt

Flat shoe

Grey bun

Grandmother (stanza 1)


Pleated skirt


Blue eyes

Who is the persona?/ Point of View?

• Grandchild


• Black hands – not Caucasian (white), maybe African/ Indian? What do you think?

• Small hands – still a child

Stanza 1

• Stanza one describes how the grandmother looks like through the eyes of the grandchild

• Grandmother – wears “white broderies anglaise shirt, pleated skirt, flat shoes” – a typical wardrobe for grandmothers.- she has “kind eyes”, and she holds the grandchild’s hands.

“A kind, old smile round her eyes.Her big hand holds mine,”

• from the excerpt (petikan) – grandmother is loving even though the grandchild does not share any blood relations

“Her sharp blue eyes look her own death in the eye.”

• Grandmother may be very old


1. Who is the poet of “The Living Photograph”.– Jackie Kay

2. She is biracial. She is a mix of Caucasian and ___________.– Nigerian/ African

3. Who is the persona? (Point of view)– grandchild

Today’s Objective

1. Discuss meaning of Stanza 22. Orally answer questions / mini Quiz

Stanza Two



Stanza 2It was true after all, that look.My tall grandmother became small.Her back round and hunched.Her soup forgot to boil.She went to the awful place grandmothers go.Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.


•hunched = bongkok•forgot = lupa•boil = rebus•awful = teruk•unknown = tidak diketahui•unthinkable = tidak dapat difikirkan/dibayangkan

Complete the mind map with Grandmother’s physical/mental characteristics from stanza 2.



Back -hunched

Back - round

What are the differences between grandma in stanza one and grandmother in stanza two?

Stanza One Stanza 2Tall small


What are the differences between grandma in stanza one and grandmother in stanza two?

Stanza One Stanza 2Tall small

Straight back back - round back - hunchedVS

Why does Grandmother changes in appearance?

• To show readers that grandmother is getting older, and getting more frail (lemah).

Line 8

“It was true after all, that look.”

• The author confirms that grandmother is looking at “death”/ is getting older.

Line 9 and 10

“My tall grandmother became small.Her back round and hunched.”

• Grandmother changes from appearance from strong to weak. She is getting older.

Line 11

“Her soup forgot to boil”

• Shows that Grandmother might have Alzheimer (nyanyuk) because she does not remember to turn on the fire to cook her soup.

• She becomes forgetful as she becomes older.

Line 12 & 13

“She went to the awful place grandmothers go.Somewhere unknown, unthinkable.”

1. It might mean that Grandmother succumbs (kalah) to Alzheimer and does not know what is going on around her.2. She had passed away, and the author does not know what happened to her grandmother.

Stanza Three

Stanza 3

But there she is still, In the photo with me at three, the crinkled smile is still living, breathing.


• Crinkled = kedut• Living = hidup• Breathing = bernafas

Line 14 & 15

“But there she is still, In the photo with me at three, the crinkled smile

is still living, breathing.”• Grandmother is “alive” in a photo.



• Family – the author is talking about her grandmother- Even though the grandmother does not have blood relations to her granddaughter (the author), the grandmother’s action towards her granddaughter suggest (mencadangkan) she loves her granddaughter.


• Reminiscence / Memory (terkenang)– The poem/the author talks about her grandmother.– The author recalls/ remembers how her

grandmother look like through her memory when she was small.

– Like the song So Far Away by Avenged Sevenfold, the author and the singer remembers their deceased (sudah meninggal) family or friends through words (poem/song).

Moral Values

• Appreciate our loved ones (hargai orang yang tersayang)– You should appreciate people around you because

you could never know when they will “leave” (tinggalkan) you.

– Especially (lebih-lebih lagi) your elders (orang tua = nenek/datuk/ibu/bapa/mak cik/pakcik).

– You should spend more time with them and appreciate (hargai) their advice (nasihat) and their company (kehadiran).

• Treat others nicely (layan orang lain dengan baik)– The grandmother still treats her granddaughter

with love even though her granddaughter does not have any blood relations.

– The grandmother is therefore loved by the author/her granddaughter.
