The Lost Penguin By Annabelle Molloy and Nichola Judd.

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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The Lost Penguin

By Annabelle Molloy and Nichola Judd

• One day there was a penguin who lived in Antarctica.

• He was very sad because he looked different from the other penguins who lived in Antarctica.

• All his life he had dreamed of living with other penguins who looked just like him.

• One day he decided to go and find the other penguins who looked like him, so he took off around the world.

• After searching and searching, he had almost given up hope of finding other penguins, and was on his way back to Antarctica, when he spied an island.

• When he got to the island, he discovered all the other penguins looked just like him!

• He was so happy to have found new friends, he decided to stay there forever.

• The new penguins were so happy to have a new friend, they decided to have a party!

• And they all lived happily ever after, even the penguins in Antarctica.