The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Reader November, 2014 · The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer...

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The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer Reader November, 2014

The Lutheran Church of The Redeemer is a community of diverse people called and guided by the Holy Spirit to

nurture with God’s love those within and beyond our congregation.

1515 Boundary Street

Newberry, SC 29108

Phone: (803) 276-2003


Susan Jackson- (443) 614-2633

Pastor Webber- (803) 445-4445

Office Hours:

Mon.– Thurs: 9:00-4:30pm

12-1: Closed for Lunch

Fridays: Closed

Annual Congregational Meeting

Sunday, November 09 following a combined worship service at 10am in the sanctuary.

Sunday School– 9am Worship– 10am

Those qualified to participate in the meeting are the voting members. The following provision in

our constitution (C8.02.c) states that voting members are confirmed members, defined as a baptized

individual who has been confirmed in this congregation, received by adult baptism or by transfer as

confirmed member from another Lutheran congregation, or received by affirmation of faith. Such

confirmed members, during the current or preceding calendar year, shall have communed in this

congregation and shall have made a contribution of record to this congregation. Members of this

congregation who have satisfied these basic standards shall have the privilege of voice and vote at

every regular and special meeting of the congregation.

Agenda Items Include:

The proposed 2015 Ministry Spending Plan as prepared and recommended by

Congregation Council at the September 15, 2014 meeting. Please bring this copy

with you to the meeting in case reference is made to specifics.

The election of six persons to serve a two-year term on the Congregation Council. The

term begins January 1, 2015 and ends December 31, 2016. The nominees are:

Dale Brown, Chuck Byrd, Helen Fellers, Donna Franklin, Clint Harshaw, Jerry

Haltiwanger, Rey Lominack, Sue Parks, Susan Thomasson, Cathy Turner, Doggett

Whitaker, and Deedee Westwood. Nominations can be made from the floor

provided the nominee meets the eligibility criteria and is agreeable to serving if


The election of six persons to serve a one-year term on the 2015 Nominating

Committee. The nominees are: Anna Marie Berley, Matt Bowers, Bryan Derrick,

Susan Derrick, Bob Montgomery, and Kathy Riggin. Nominations can be made

from the floor provided the nominee meets the eligibility criteria and is agreeable

to serving if elected.

Ratify the Constitution of the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer as voted upon in the

October 19, 2014 Called Congregational Meeting.


Dear Fellowship of the Redeemed,

Most of you know me well enough by now to know that every month on the 24th or 25th I

will be reminding you that Christmas is just a few months away. Usually my reminders that

Christmas is coming brings forth frowns and weary sighs! Even though Christmas comes at

the exact same time every year (not like Easter which has a changing date annually), we

never seem quite prepared to receive it as it comes to us!

So, maybe we need to talk about why it is that we are not prepared! One of my favorite

hymns is "Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" from the musical Godspell. As we sing these

words, we need to examine just what it is for which we are preparing! Are we preparing for

parties, gift giving and all of the commercial aspects of Christmas? Or, are we preparing our

hearts and lives to receive the Christ child who has come to us in this one time event of his

birth and subsequently, daily through the power of the spirit. The former causes us to be

weary. The latter causes us to rejoice.

I love celebrating Christmas as much as all of you! I love the gift giving, the special shows

and music, and celebrating with friends and family! But, we need to find a balance by

keeping our focus on the reason for our celebration: the wondrous Grace of God become

flesh in Jesus!

So, on October 24 and 25th when you are reminded that Christmas is two months away, I

hope your heart will fill with joy and you will respond with a smile on your face! I live for

the time when I can remind people about the proximity of Christmas and hear cheers instead

of groans!!

God's Peace,

Pastor Webber

Pastor ’s Thoughts


From the Ministry Coordinator

Living out a vibrant faith is a difficult thing. We become preoccupied with the busyness of life; the rush of

the “to-do” list, shuffling kids, possessions, and ourselves from one event to the next that we often fail to

take time to stop and be in stillness with God. This only gets worse as the fall season continues towards

Christmas. It seems these days that everything becomes more and more rushed: Halloween Candy gets put

out in August, Christmas decorations and plans start being discussed in September, and talk of future plans

must happen now or it will be too late when that time comes up. In the midst of this, where does living out

our faith happen? We often have to make choices because of this busyness. Do I stay home and catch up

laundry, watch tv, sleep, (fill in blank here), do I attend that school/ family/community event, or do I come

to that church activity that’s going on this weekend?

Recently, I read a blog article by Tom Schwolert entitled “The Magic Pill.” Mr. Schwolert is a part

of the Vibrant Faith Ministries Team. Vibrant Faith seeks to help equip families and congregations to live

out their faith daily, not just within the walls of the church building. This article focuses on how the leaders

and members of the church seek to share God’s love with others. He writes,

“We live in a constant tension, don’t we? There is an urgency that we live in to reach our community with

the love of God. We feel that urgency deeply. We also hear the cries of the people who come through our

doors. We want so desperately to help them “get better” that we grasp for whatever quick fix program in

hopes of making a difference. In lifelong faith formation, ministry is more about improving spiritual health

for the long haul rather than quick remedies. Ministry is about surrounding people with relationships

that last a lifetime. And most of all, ministry is about trusting that the great Physician will do things in

people’s lives that only God can do.”

“Ministry is about surrounding people with relationships that last a lifetime.” While it is difficult to choose

whether or not to attend that next event, program, or even get up and come to worship on a Sunday morn-

ing, I hope you realize that ultimately, these things are available to help you grow in your faith, to equip

you to share God with those you meet in your lives, and to also help you build relationships and be a part of

a community. It is true that we are all busy. It is true that we all run around in a million different directions

every day. It is also true that God is with us whether we head out to the mountains, to the pew on Sunday

morning, or even stay home in our pj’s. Martin Luther once wrote in his preface to the Commentary on

Romans that “ Oh, it is a living, busy, active, mighty thing, this faith. It is impossible for it not to be doing

good things unceasingly.” It is true that our faith is alive and active as we engage in the every-day busyness

life springs at us. I hope that you will take time to stop, marvel at God’s grace and goodness this fall, and

even reflect upon your own lives. Maybe you are too busy and need to give something up. Maybe you are

called to step into a different role that helps you grow closer to God. Maybe you are called to do something

bold and daring that you thought you could not do. Finally, I ask you, as Mr. Schwolert ends his article

asking his readers, “What are you currently doing that is not contributing to lifelong faith? Can you

stop doing it?” I would also add: What are you NOT doing that you could be that would contribute to your

own lifelong faith journey? Or to contribute to the lifelong faith journey of others?

May you find time to rest in the midst of the busyness and listen for how God is calling you to live out and

nurture your lifelong faith.

Susan Jackson


Youth Events for Fall 2014 November 2– Lunch/Devotions/ Riverbanks Zoo (5th Grade and


Following 11am Worship

Contact Chelsea Ellisor to sign-up by October 26. or 924-2698

November 16- Shopping for Operation Christmas Child Shoebox

Devotions/ Dinner to Follow (All Ages)

We will meet at the church at 4pm to go shopping for our shoeboxes! Please bring $20.00 for your box and $7.00 donation to put in the box for shipping costs. Devotions

and Dinner will follow.

Nov. 14-16 Hand in Hand Servant Event – Coastal Ret. Ctr., Isle of Palms (9th and up)

Dec. 6 Club 456 – 10am– 3pm

“Rise and Shine” for 4th– 6th grade students

Join us for a day of fun and learning! We meet new friends, interact in bible study and service, and will play lots of silly games.

Let Susan know by November 16th if you wish to attend.

December 7– Lunch/Devotions (5th grade and up)

Dec 14- Christmas Caroling/Dinner/Saluda Shoals Lights (All Ages)

Offering Envelopes

In January 2015, all congregation member giver numbers will be

changed. This means that the envelopes you use in 2015 will

have a different number than the ones you used in 2014. The

donations you make are tied to this number. If you use an

envelope dated 2014 during the calendar year of 2015, the

donation will be attributed to someone else. Caution: Your giver

envelope numbers will change in 2015. Do not use envelopes

dated 2014 after January 01, 2015. Also, please do not use your

new envelopes before January 01, 2015. Offering envelopes

will be placed in the church narthex for pick-up in December

and January. If you wish to have your envelopes mailed to you,

please contact the church office.

During Worship on All

Saints’ Sunday,

November 02, 2014

we will remember our

members who have joined

the Church Triumphant in

the past year:

George Lynn Derrick

Jerry Anne Hoke



Gifts of Hope

How do we make Christmas less about buying “stuff” and more about what Christ means in our lives?

We are so very blessed in comparison to almost all other peoples of the world. Give a Gift of Hope

instead of searching the mall for the “perfect” gift. The Gifts of Hope program offers you an easy way to

take care of your shopping list. Be a witness this Christmas. Buy Gifts of Hope and give your family

member or friend the card to tell them of the truly needed gift that you purchased in his or her honor.

The alternative gift-giving program had a ninth successful year in 2013. This program has raised over

$211,00 to benefit the South Carolina Synod’s ministries and institutions.

For your shopping pleasure, this website contains 31 unique gifts priced from $10 to $100 that give

hope to others. The gifts are presented by the institutions and social ministry organizations affiliated

with the SC Synod of the ELCA, as well as the SC Synod’s companion synods. For each gift you

purchase, you receive two items - a gift card and an insert describing your chosen gift - which you

give to the person receiving the gift. The actual gift will be delivered by the designated organization or

institution to the beneficiary, (for example, new shoes and backpacks for children or new vegetable

plants for a community garden).

Whether you give Gifts of Hope to share your faith and blessings, to advocate for a simpler lifestyle or

to make a difference in the lives of all those touched by your gift - we thank you for participating in

this program to give hope to someone who really needs it.

Please visit for more information, to browse the catalog, and for information

concerning placing an order.

Thrivent, Kids, and Money Matters Workshop

Sunday, November 09 from 3pm-4pm at Pomaria Lutheran

TV, movies, websites, friends… all can affect your kid’s attitudes about life–

and money.

Find out how to talk to your kids about influences, choices, and responsible

money habits.

Join us for a free educational workshop.

Parents, Kids, and Money Matters is specifically designed for parents and their

children ages 6-10. The workshop will help you to:

Reflect on values you want your kids to learn

Teach your kids about money and values

Learn practical tools to make teaching about money fun

This fifty minute workshop will be presented by the Thrivent Financial repre-

sentative, Travis Goodman.

Sign Up: by

Friday October 31st.





November 24,


First Baptist



Pastor Albert



2014 Officers

President: Matt Bowers Vice-President: B L Brown Treasurer: Tommy Fellers

Projects: John Hammond Committee of 100: Johnny Lindsay Yard Schedule: Ben Bowers

Lutheran Men in Mission will meet on Tuesday, November 11th, 7pm in the FLC.

Lutheran Men Ladies' Night will be held on Thursday, November 20 , 7pm, at St.

Philip’s Lutheran Church in Newberry. The cost is $15.00. The Menu is: Fried Steak,

Rice/Gravy, Green beans, mac/cheese, dessert. Please RSVP to Matt Bowers or Ben

Bowers by Sunday, November 16. The Program will be led by the Newberry College


The Miriam Circle will meet on Monday,

November 03 at 3pm in the Library. Join us as we

will be making cards for those on Hospice at the

Heritage at Lowman.

Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls– Women of ELCA Initative

We are committed by our purpose statement to promoting healing and wholeness in our church, society,

and world. Making a real difference in the total health of women begins at the “heart” of the matter:

being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy and balanced women. We are committed

to raising up healthy women and girls by: Educating women to care for themselves physically, spiritually,

and emotionally; Sharing knowledge and experience in order to prevent women and girls from continuing

today’s health risks tomorrow; Advocating for more research, particularly to hasten toe elimination of

heart disease and stroke in our lifetime.

To carry out that plan, we pledge the following: As physically healthy women, we will make healthy

choices for our bodies. As spiritually healthy women, we will engage in Bible study, spiritual renewal,

and holistic healing. As emotionally healthy women, we will engage in and seek healthy and meaningful

activities and relationships to better support one another.

Will the churchwide organization plant a seed in your congregation, allowing to engage women and girls

in your church and communities in making and fostering emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy


The 2014 - 2015 cycle for seed grants in our health initiative, Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls,

opens October 15. Application materials will be available at All applications must

be postmarked or emailed by December 15, 2014 and be submitted by active units of Women of the

ELCA who are familiar with the Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls initiative and the criteria of this



Ramblers are roaming to:

Thursday, November 6: Laugh, Learn, and

Lunch “For All the Saints”

Cost: $20, includes lunch.

Camp Kinard, Leesville

Join us as we travel to Camp Kinard to study the Gospel of Matthew with Pastor

Tommy Lineberger, meet Christian Priesmeier, have craft time, explore the camp

ground with a hayride, and end the day with S’mores and Hymns.

Christian Priesmeier is a direct descendant of Martin Luther and Katherina Von Bora.

He currently serves the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany as a seminary

trained, licensed lay Minister.

Thursday, November 13: Christmas at Biltmore

Visit the wonderful Biltmore Estate all dressed up for Christmas!

Group Rate of 10 people: $42.80 per ticket, plus lunch and spending expenses.

Let Susan know by November 06 if you are attending.

Thursday, December 11: Charleston, S.C.

Visit the Joseph Manigault Home, Southern Seasons Store, and the Charleston City

Market, amid other possibilities!

Sign-up by December 04.

Reformation and Martin Luther

Sundays at 9:45 am, November 16– December 14th.

Class will be held in the church library unless it is too large .

Who was Martin Luther? What did he do? Why is he still important to the Church today?

Join Susan Jackson as she takes us on a journey as we visit the life of Martin Luther, the

Reformation time period, and discuss how that time period has shaped us as a

church today.


Treasurer’s Report for September, 2014

Period Activity YTD Balance

Income $17,173.23 $180,798.01

Operating Expenses - $17,201.41 -$160,794.40

Difference ($28.18) $19,823.61

Total Debt Retirement -$2,586.83 $22,496.07

Differene (2,615.01) ($2,672.46)

Sunday Attendance



8:30 am 11am

9/28 48 33 67

10/05 39 36 82

10/12 28 36 65

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collection Week at

The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

November 17– November 24th.

For 20 years, Samaritan’s Purse has delivered shoebox gifts packed by caring

people like you to hurting children around the world. Consider packing a

shoebox for those in need. For more information visit on how to pack a shoe-

box visit:

GIVE. A donation of just $7 per box makes it possible for Operation Christmas Child to deliver each

gift that you pack to a child thousands of miles away. Use the Follow Your Box feature to donate online

and discover where your gift is


November Drop Off– Hours are:

17 Mon: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. 18 Tues: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

19 Wed: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. 20 Thurs: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m., 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

21 Fri: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. 22 Sat: 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.

23 Sun: 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 24 Mon: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Whitaker Funeral Home invites you to join them for their annual

Service of Remembrance

Honoring Loved Ones

4:00 pm

Sunday, November 9 at our Newberry Location

All are welcome to attend.

Whitaker Funeral Home is located at 1704 College Street, Newberry SC.



November 01– Youth Lunch and Trip to Riverbanks Zoo

November 09– Annual Congregational Meeting following 10am Worship

November 16– Youth Operation Christmas Shoebox Shopping

November 16– December 14– Reformation and Martin Luther Class

November 20– Poinsettia Orders Due

November 17-24– Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Collections

December 06– Club 456

December 07– Youth Lunch/Devotions following worship

December 11– Ramblers to Charleston

December 21– Christmas Play, 5pm

December 24– Christmas Eve Services at 4pm and 11pm

January 24– Snow Tubing at Moonshine Mountain

Poinsettia Orders

Orders are due

November 20, 2014.

It’s time for those Poinsettia

orders. Plants cost: $ 10.00 and will have a bow.

Order forms can be found in the narthex, church

office, and can be available by email upon

request. Please place your order and payment in

the basket provided in the narthex.

2014 Holiday Office Closures

November 11– Veteran’s Day

November 26– Thanksgiving Eve

November 27– Thanksgiving Day

December 24– Christmas Eve

December 25– Christmas Day

December 26– Day After Christmas

December 31– New Year’s Eve

Altar Flowers Needed:

November 2,16

December 21, 24 (Chr. Eve), 28

Please sign-up on the altar flower chart

or call the church office.


Prayers for the Sick Redeemer Members: Carol Wessinger, Helen Smith, Anna Lea Gordon, Carolyn Moose, Robert E.

Summer, Jr., Miriam Willingham, Austin Longshore and his Unit., Anna Lea Gordon; Bobby Lominack

Extended Parish Family: Camille-Griffin Women’s Prison Ministry; Bruce Payne, friend of many in

our congregation; Steve Lathan, cousin of Darr Wise; Vernon Koon, cousin of Debra Metts; Beth Nelson,

daughter-in-law of Gloria Nelson; Dot George, mother of Becky Everett; Jeanette Renwick, friend of Jerry

Whitesides; Ruth Hook, grandmother of Jessica Bowers; Kent and Mary Beth Richardson, cousins of Debra

Metts; Mackie Haltiwanger Satterfield, sister of Ed Haltiwanger; Lucien DeBacker, father of Jeff DeBacker;

Cecil McRacken, father-in-law of Lloan McRacken; Mahalia Schumpert, friend of Deedee Westwood; Rob-

ert Johnson, brother-in-law of Ernest Shealy; Mary Osborne, niece of John and Carolyn Hammond; Bobby

Metts, friend of congregation; Elaine Smith Story, sister of Frances S. Abrams and niece of Mathilde Smith;

Chip Turner, friend of Johnny and Kathy Lindsay; Mary Watson, cousin of Johnny Lindsay; Martyn

Cavanaugh, husband of Verna Cavanaugh; Mark Lyon, friend of Jessica Draeger; Charlie Edrington, friend

of Christy Wilkerson; Jody Lukac and Family, friends of Jeremy and Stacy Tyson; Grayson Bowser, friend

of Jessica Draeger.; Carolyn Matthews, sister of Rose Edwards and friend to many; Hal Kohn, father of

Carol Montgomery; Barbara Bowman– Thomas, friend of Jessica Draeger; James Conley, brother of June

Seymour.; Ron Seymour, husband of June Seymour.; Patricia Stiles and Reese Bordette, daughter and

grand-daughter of Willene Shealy; Clancy Nilles, friend of June Seymour; Arnold Perry, father of Lloan


Christian Sympathy is extended to the family of Dawn Stone at the death of her grandfather, Leo Holley,

who died on September 12.

Christian Sympathy is extended to the family of Cynthia Lominack at the death of her father, H.R. “Jimmy”

Sease, who died on Saturday, September 13.

Christian Sympathy is extended to the family of Shannon Lindsay at the death of her grandfather, Guy H.

Eargle, Sr., who died on Thursday, September 25.

Congratulations to the family of Stephen, Bonnie, and Zacharay Smith at the birth of Victoria Paige Smith

on September 24, 2014. Proud Grand-parents are Pastor Ronald and Helen Smith.

11/01 Alexis Lockyer

11/01 Janna Longshore

11/02 Mark Scott

11/04 Mary Franklin

11/04 Levi Richardson

11/05 Juliette Nguyen

11/06 Carl Amick, Jr.

11/07 Lee Ringer

11/07 Claire Grosshuesch

11/08 Cindy Mills

11/08 Mary Beth Pease

11/08 Jordan Cary

11/08 Sophia Lockyer

11/09 Ann Jacobs

11/09 Sheryl Fincher

11/09 Erika Crayne

11/10 Karen Krouse

11/10 Misty Cooper

11/11 Gloria Nelson

11/13 Mary Linda Hill

11/16 Lauren Flynn

11/18 Ernie Shealy, Jr.

11/18 Morgan Harshaw

11/20 Betty Cummings

11/20 Anne Epting

11/20 Danny Abrams

11/20 Lawson Bannister

11/21 Jane Doolittle

11/21 Jamie Newell

11/21 Kaley Stone

11/22 Lib Rodelsperger

11/25 Patsy Pruitt

11/25 Vanessa Harshaw

11/26 Peggy Richardson

11/26 Beth Lominack

11/27 Anne Caughman

11/27 John Coleman

11/28 Britany Alexander

11/29 Billy Davis

November Birthdays


Duties 11/02 11/09 11/16 11/23 11/30

8:30 am



Erin Whitaker No service Mandy Randall Paula Harshaw Paula Harshaw

11:00 am



Elaine Cornwell/

Denise Reid Dale Brown

Susan Thomas-

son/Ann Jacobs

Beth Singletary/

Briley Derrick Donna Franklin

8:30 am



Johnny Lindsay No Service Ernie Shealy John Hammond Tony Chapman

11:00 am



Deryll Satter-

white Chelsea Ellisor June Lominack George Franklin

11:00 am


Acolytes Steven Senn Philip Livingston Ledare Livingston A.C. Cary




Crucifer Drew Senn Adam Westwood Jordan Cary Chelsea Ellisor




Church Tony Chapman Tony Chapman Tony Chapman Tony Chapman Tony Chapman


Church Tommy Fellers Walter Jacobs Sonny Ringer Matt Bowers Walter Jacobs


830am Lib Rodelsperger Lib Rodelsperger Lib Rodelsperger Lib Rodelsperger





Lynn Cary

Benji Westwood

Bobby Willingham

Roy Mills

Lynn Cary

Benji Westwood

Bobby Willingham

Roy Mills

Lynn Cary

Benji Westwood

Bobby Willingham

Roy Mills

Lynn Cary

Benji Westwood

Bobby Willingham

Roy Mills

Lynn Cary

Benji Westwood

Bobby Willingham

Roy Mills

Flowers Mary Sue Clary Fellers Family





The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer

1515 Boundary Street

Newberry, South Carolina 29108



Please notify the church office with address

changes and if you wish to no longer

receive the Reader.

Return Service Requested

The Redeemer Directory

Rev. Dick Webber, Interim Pastor

Susan Jackson, Ministries Coordinator

Administrative Assistant

Gayle D. Lindley, Handbell Director,

Children’s Choir Director and Senior

Choir Director

Huger P. Caughman, Jr., Organist and

Junior Choir Director

8:30am Musician

Lloan McRacken

All Members:

Ministers in Worship and Daily Life

Jeffrey Truscott, Missionary—Japan