The Man God Uses Exodus 20:8-20:11/I Samuel 2:30 (Sept. 14, 2008)

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Eric Henry Liddell(b – d. 1945) ⇨ a great man of faith and a missionary in China, Eric Henry Liddell( ) Eric Liddell, often called the "Flying Scotsman," was a MK(missionary kid) and became a famous Scottish athlete.


The Man God Uses Exodus 20:8-20:11/I Samuel 2:30 (Sept. 14, 2008) Missionary biographies full of stories of people who have given up their comfortable lives to tell people about Jesus. Eric Henry Liddell(b d. 1945) a great man of faith and a missionary in China, Eric Henry Liddell( ) Eric Liddell, often called the "Flying Scotsman," was a MK(missionary kid) and became a famous Scottish athlete. At six, Liddell was sent to England and graduated from the University of Edinburgh. "Chariots of Fire"( : ) was based on the true story of Eric Liddell. The film won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Eric Liddell was one of the favorites to win the gold medal for the 100 meter race in the 1924 Paris Olympics. However the quarter finals( ) for the 100 meter were scheduled to be run on a Sunday. Liddell believed that to run on Sunday violated the 4th Commandment... to keep the Sabbath day holy. However God honored Liddell's stand to make Sunday a special day for God. Liddell got his gold medal in a totally unexpected way. 400 meter relay finals was be held on the following Thursday. At church service, Liddell reflected on Isaiah 40: 31. "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31) " . ( 40:31) "Those who honor me, I will honor." (1 Samuel 2:30) ( 2:30) Liddell won the 400 meter relay finals with a world record! God honored Liddell because Liddell honored God first!! Against all the odds, Liddell won the 400 meter Men's relay race!!! Liddell said: "I believe that God made me for a purpose... (the mission), but God also made me fast, and when I run, I feel His pleasure." How could he obtain the gold medal in the Men's 400 meter race which was not his main area of practice?" 400 . 100m 400m . . "For the first half of 100 meters I ran with my own power, for the other half of the 100 meters I ran with God's help." " 50 , 50 ." Liddell won the third place(bronze medal) in the 200 meter race. Liddell was guaranteed a comfortable and lucrative life at home because of the gold and bronze medals. But Liddell voluntarily gave it all up to serve as a missionary. * Service in China Liddell served as a missionary to China from 1925 to The school Eric taught at is still used as a school today. One of Liddell's two daughters visited Tianjin in 1991 and presented the headmaster of the school with one of the medals that Eric had won in the Olympic race. In 1941 the British Government advised British nationals to leave. But Liddell stayed for the mission work for the poor Chinese of the rural area. * Chinese and Japanese war: In 1943, Liddell at the Internment Camp( ). Liddell was suffering from an inoperable brain tumor. Overwork and malnourishment..Liddell died on February 21, 1945, five months before liberation. Conclusion: Eric Liddell's life on the earth was very short. He died at 43. But his legacy of strong faith and service for God are still remembered by many people. * Memorial 1) 1980 Moscow Olympics: Scotsman Allan Wells won the 100 metre race at the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Wells replied, "This gold medal was for Eric Liddell." 2) 1981 Hollywood Movie: Chariots of Fire( : ) In 1981, Hollywood remembered Eric Liddell by producing the film, Chariots of Fire.(Academy Award for Best Picture). 3) 1991 Memorial Headstone: In 1991, a memorial headstone was erected by Edinburgh University. The inscription: "They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary. (Isaiah 40:31) " , .( 40:31) 4) 2005 Chinese Government: The city of Weifang, Northern China, commemorated the life of Liddell by laying a wreath at the memorial headstone marking his grave in 2005. 5) 2008 The most popular Scottish athlete: In 2008, Liddell was voted as the most popular athlete of Scotland. For Liddell, Sunday or the Lord's Day was a special day for God so he would not run on Sunday. 1. Eric Liddell offered everything for God. 2. What about you? 3. What kind of legacy will you leave? 1) As a famous athlete, Eric served like a good soldier of faith. 2) As a missionary, Eric volunteered to serve God. 3) As a committed Christian, Eric separated himself from the world and gave his total commitment to Christ. 4) Eric had suffered for Christ 5) Eric had fought for the worthy cause of His King. 6) Eric stayed with his mission and given his time to the very end. Eric Liddell died but he still speaks to us through his strong faith and commitment! What kind of legacy will you leave? When you leave this life, what can honestly be put on your tombstone?