The mart

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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Route one initial ideas



The Mart Theatre

The Mart Theatre

The Mart Theatre




Primary Typeface.Univers LT Std


Typeface 1.

Universe is clear and ledgible and can be used for header copy and secondry headers. Arial on the web can be used as the typeface is simialr in apperance and will not be noticable to the audience.

The Mart TheatreThe Mart Theatre




SecondaryTypeface.Century Schoolbook


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vel imperdiet tortor. Ut convallis feugiat ligula, quis vulputate urna congue quis. Donec euismod, risus quis posuere congue, massa nunc feugiat orci, ut blandit magna diam elementum erat.

Vestibulum congue tristique scelerisque. Proin tincidunt venenatis orci sed vulputate. Donec in mi nulla. Cras in sollicitudin leo. Sed a vulputate sapien. Donec porttitor semper quam, vitae bibendum quam lobortis varius. Fusce faucibus dictum purus, eget adipiscing elit malesuada vel. Nulla facilisi.

Nam posuere elit ac purus hendrerit lobortis. Nulla id tempor enim. Aliquam dolor tortor, gravida eu feugiat porta, ullamcorper sed est. Nunc luctus tellus nec mi fermentum ultrices.

Aliquam et posuere tortor. Morbi accumsan interdum orci id mollis. Aliquam dignissim egestas arcu, nec ornare metus feugiat ac. Quisque auctor nisl et risus molestie a venenatis nibh accumsan.


Typeface 2.

The secondry type face century Schoolbook adds a more tradtional look and can be used for body copy and underliying type.

Coulor Way.

Simplified colour pallete creating a more offical and less cluttered look.

Colour is in key with the colours within the actual building itself.

Business Cards.

Simple effective design that in keeps with the rest of the branded material sending a professional message that is recognisable.




Simple effective design that in keeps with the rest of the branded material sending a professional message that is recognisable.

Compliment Slip.


Copyright of The Mart Theatre 2011©

Shakespeare.Romeo & Juliet.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lacus arcu, ornare at bibendum a, mattis eget mauris. Pellentesque sed mauris vitae ipsum venenatis feugiat quis sed nulla. Pellentesque a justo augue. Ut ultrices mauris sed justo dignissim lacinia. Fusce euismod pharetra lectus a commodo. Donec massa tellus, faucibus ut semper vel, convallis vel neque. Nulla ullamcorper consectetur tincidunt.

Let It Grow.With Celebs.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lacus arcu, ornare at bibendum a, mattis eget mauris. Pellentesque sed mauris vitae ipsum venenatis feugiat quis sed nulla. Pellentesque a justo augue. Ut ultrices mauris sed justo dignissim lacinia. Fusce euismod pharetra lectus a commodo. Donec massa tellus, faucibus ut semper vel, convallis vel neque.

The SingingFarmers6 Great Performers.Pellentesque sed mauris vitae ipsum venenatis feugiat quis sed nulla. Pellentesque a justo augue. Ut ultrices mauris sed justo dignis-sim lacinia. Fusce euismod phare-tra lectus a commodo. Donec massa tellus, faucibus ut semper vel, convallis vel neque.

Current Events

Click To Book!

Click To Book!

Click To Book!

IT’S SOMETHING IN A UNUSUAL PLACE.Look out for mini promotional events held in and around the Skipton area.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lacus arcu, ornare at bibendum a, mattis eget mauris. Pellentesque sed mauris vitae ipsum venenatis feugiat quis sed nulla. Pellentesque a justo augue. Ut ultrices mauris sed justo dignissim lacinia. Fusce euismod pharetra lectus a commodo. Donec massa tellus, faucibus ut semper vel, convallis vel neque.


Again the look of the website is in keeping with the rest of the material. Fetured events are held on the home page creating promotion for the events.

Clean and easy to use website that looks great.

Website in Context.

Flyers + Concept in use.

Again all tied in creating visual consitantcy a nice clean flyer that gives of impression of a profeesional brand.

The brand idea is ‘it’s something in an unusual place’, so we could arrange simple small events that are held in unusual places

Front. Back.

Flyers + Concept in use.

Again all tied in creating visual consitantcy a nice clean flyer that gives of impression of a profeesional brand.

The brand idea is ‘it’s something in an unusual place’, so we could arrange simple small events that are held in unusual places

Front. Back.

Flyers + Concept in use.

Again all tied in creating visual consitantcy a nice clean flyer that gives of impression of a profeesional brand.

The brand idea is ‘it’s something in an unusual place’, so we could arrange simple small events that are held in unusual places

Front. Back.

Seasonal Programme.

Created a Design that was much less cluttered and busy than the previuos design giving off a much more high qaulity look and making it easier to be read/ looked at.

Example Spread.Front Cover.