The Master and the Servant

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Master and the Servant

A servant does not have possessions, he/she does not have a right to make his/her own choices.

Servants were bought and sold as a mere object, and become a property of those who bought them. This is the case of the true servants of the Lord Jesus Christ since He paid a price for us-not with money, but with His precious blood. 1 Corinthians 6: 20

Character of a Servant

A servant is considered unprofitable even when he does what is commanded.

A profitable servant, on the other hand is the one who applies himself, with love and dedication, in order to do what he is commanded, he surrenders all and is always available to serve the Lord. Luke 17:10


Humbleness is a virtue that originates in God Himself. Those who humble themselves, or those who have a humble spirit will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

Those who are humble in spirit will inherit the kingdom of Heaven, because they were born of the source of Humbleness, and will dwell and be spiritually sustained by it forever. Psalm 113: 5,6

The Greatest and best Servant

A servant is the one who serves, the more he serves the greater and better he will become, for everything he does is an offering to his Lord.

The Joy of a good and faithful servant is to serve more and better, without having a second intentions, but simply because he has the same spirit of Him who serve him first. Matthew 20: 28

The Conscience of the Master

A servant of God does not worry about his future or his family’s future, for if he did even for a moment he would no longer be serving the one who raised him, but rather himself. Colossians 3: 2-4

The Obedience to the Master

A servant who is sincere obeys he doesn’t ponder, he executes. His only right is the right to obey. colossians 3: 22-24

The Right of a Servant

A servant was not called rationalise or express his views on anything, but to serve.

A Servant’s Dependence

Everything a servant uses belong to the Lord, who lends him what he needs for sometime.

His only possession is the Lord. John 6 :27

Spirit of Humbleness Vs the Spirit of Pride

The Spirit of humbleness is one of God’s sublime virtues. The spirit of humbleness, love, joy, self-control, and peace is God’s gift for His children.

We must be very careful with our hearts, for it’s precisely in the heart that the spirit of pride finds its dwelling place; however there’s only room for pride when the Spirit humbleness no longer exists.

The Tribulation of a Servant

Every tribulation a servant goes through is for his own good.

Tribulations comes from the devil, but the benefits resulting from tribulation comes from the Lord.

1 Peter 1: 6-9

Different Kinds of Tribulation

Regardless of the kind of tribulation, it will always be a test of our faith.

The Will of a Servant

A faithful servant knows the will of his Lord; He knows what to do and where to go in order to please Him, because the Spirit of the Lord is in Him to guide him.

But a servant who does not submit to the Lord doesn’t know where to go, for his own Spirit does not know the future; he feels disoriented, blind.

A Victorious Servant

What really matters for a servant is to have a close relationship with the Lord, for in Him he finds riches, glory and above all, victory.

A servant who is far from the Lord cannot know His will.