The Mayan Calendar - 9 Cycles of Creation (Chart Excel)

Post on 14-Dec-2014

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(1) Cellular Cycle

Cycle nature Unitary

Duration (Mayan units)

Duration (solar years) 16.4 billion yrs

One day/night length 1.26 billion yrs

Nr Character: Ruling Aztec deities: Light/Heaven: Beginning:

1 Initiation 16.4 billion yrs ago

2 15.14 billion yrs ago

3 Expansion 13.88 billion yrs ago

4 Reaction 12.62 billion yrs ago

5 11.35 billion yrs ago

6 10.1 billion yrs ago

7 High point 8.83 billion yrs ago

8 7.57 billion yrs ago

9 6.31 billion yrs ago

10 Destruction 5 billion yrs ago

11 Renaissance 3.78 billion yrs ago

12 2.52 billion yrs ago

13 Completion 1.26 billion yrs ago

End of cycle 28 Oct 2011


Action/ReactionEstablishment of all physical lawsthat we understand and still use today

13 x 207 tuns (hablatuns)

Xiuhtecuthli, Godof Fire and Time 1st DAY

Tlaltecuthli,God of the Earth 1st NIGHT

Chalchiuhtlicue, Goddessof Water and Birth 2nd DAY

Tonatiuh, God ofWarriors and the Sun 2nd NIGHT

Anchoring (truthcomes forward)

Tlacolteotl, Goddessof Love and Childbirth 3rd DAY

Mictlantecuthli,God of Death 3rd NIGHT

Cinteotl, God ofMaize and Sustenance 4th DAY

Tlaloc, God ofRain and War 4th NIGHT

Breakthroughto Light

Quetzalcoatl,Lord of the Light 5th DAY

Tezcatlipoca,Lord of Darkness 5th NIGHT

Yohualticitl,Goddess of Birth 6th DAY

Tlahuizcalpantecuthli,God ruling before Dawn 6th NIGHT

Ometeotl, The supreme deity,Lord and Lady of Duality 7th DAY

(1) Cellular Cycle (2) Mammalian Cycle (3) Familial (Anthropoid) Cycle

Unitary Dualistic Unitary

820 million yrs 41 million yrs

63.1 million yrs 3.1 million yrs

Important events: Beginning: Important events: Beginning:

Matter, "Big Bang" 820.3 million yrs ago First cell clusters (animals) (850 mya) 41 million yrs ago

757.2 million yrs ago 37.85 million yrs ago

694.1 million yrs ago 34.69 million yrs ago

631 million yrs ago 31.54 million yrs ago

Galactic disk 567.9 million yrs ago 28.38 million yrs ago

504.8 million yrs ago 25.23 million yrs ago

Siral arms 441.7 million yrs ago Fishes (440 mya) 22.08 million yrs ago

378.6 million yrs ago 18.92 million yrs ago

Solar system disk (5-6 bya) 315.5 million yrs ago 15.77 million yrs ago

252.4 million yrs ago 12.62 million yrs ago

Prokaryotes 189.3 million yrs ago Mammals (190 mya) 9.46 million yrs ago

126.2 million yrs ago 6.31 million yrs ago

63.1 million yrs ago 3.15 million yrs ago

28 Oct 2011 28 Oct 2011

Action/ReactionEstablishment of all physical lawsthat we understand and still use today

Stimulus/ResponseHerd instinct - everybody goes,a survival tool still working today

Stimulus/Individual ResponseConcept of family developed > recognition of an individual > more flexibility/choice on how to survive

tuns (hablatuns) 13 x 206 tun (alautuns) 13 x 205 tuns (kinchiltuns)

First symmetrical soft-tissue animals, Ediacaran Hills fauna (680 mya)

Cambrian explosion: trilobites, ammonites, molluscs (570 mya)

First transition of life from water to land, reptiles (300 mya)

250 mil yrs of meteor bomb-ardment of Earth (4.5-3.8 bya) = source of all water

Permian-Triassic extinction (another comet): 97% of all species extinct (251 mya)

First live cells - Eukaryotic cells (1.5 bya)

Placental mammals, first life births (65 mya); extinction of dinosaurs (65 mya)

(3) Familial (Anthropoid) Cycle (4) Tribal (Human) Cycle (5) Cultural (Regional) Cycle

Unitary Dualistic Unitary

2 million yrs 102,440 yrs

158,000 yrs 7,880 yrs

Important events: Beginning: Important events: Beginning:

First monkeys 2 million yrs ago First humans: Homo habilis 102,440 yrs ago

1.89 million yrs ago 94,560 yrs ago

Aegyptopith 1.74 million yrs ago 86,680 yrs ago

1.58 million yrs ago 78,800 yrs ago

Dryopith 1.42 million yrs ago Homo erectus 70,920 yrs ago

1.26 million yrs ago 63,040 yrs ago

Dryopith 1.11 million yrs ago Homo erectus 55,160 yrs ago

948,000 yrs ago 47,280 yrs ago

Dryopith, colour vision for mammals 790,000 yrs ago 39,400 yrs ago

??? 632,000 yrs ago 31,520 yrs ago

474,000 yrs ago Arch Homo sapiens 23,640 yrs ago

316,000 yrs ago 15,760 yrs ago

Australopithecus afr. (3 mya) 158,000 yrs ago Homo sapiens (150,000 ya) 7,880 yrs (5869 BC)

28 Oct 2011 28 Oct 2011

Stimulus/Individual ResponseConcept of family developed > recognition of an individual > more flexibility/choice on how to survive

Similarities & Differences - The MindNot just reaction but decision -mind becomes a powerful survival tool

ReasonThe Shaman comes upwith reasons for things

tuns (kinchiltuns) 13 x 204 tun (kalabtuns) 13 x 203 tuns (piktuns)

Homo erectus got the consciousness of fire - all over the world within 3000-4000 years (800,000 ya)

Illinoisan Ice Age - Middle Pleistocene era (600,000 ya)

Australopithecus afr. (first tailless ape, most distant ancestor of ours)

(5) Cultural (Regional) Cycle (6) National Great Cycle

Unitary Dualistic

5,125 yrs

394 yrs

Important events: Beginning: Important events:

3115 BC

2721 BC

2326 BC Abraham moved to Canaan

1932 BC

Neanderthal 1538 BC

1144 BC Islam created; Pythagoras - geometry

Neanderthal 749 BC

355 BC Persians

40 AD

Extinction of Neanderthals (32,000 ya) 434 AD

Cave paintings 829 AD

1223 AD Mongols; second wave of Islam

Agriculture (8,000 ya) 1617 AD

28 Oct 2011

ReasonThe Shaman comes upwith reasons for things

LawNatural consequences are replaced by human-imposedsanctions: right and wrong, crime and punishment

tuns (piktuns) 13 x 202 tuns (baktuns)

Musterian; spoken language; living in caves

Written language - first scriptures; first idea of one God; Hebrew Bible: Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden - into the consciousness of right and wrong

Abraham applied the idea of one God and started a church

Moses received 10 commandments - the law was laid down

Law overcame reason: Greece, settling of Rome; philosophers: Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha (the idea of reincarnation in India)

Neanderthal; aesthetics, art - consciousness of future, prediction, shamanism (40,000 ya)

Roman empire; just after Jesus' death - Christianity born and spread over the world; Buddhism started in China, Judaism and Quetzalcoatl began

Collapse of Roman empire, Huns (434), Dark Ages; Islam inspired

Vikings, crusades; proto-nations; Christianity expands, Catholic Church developed - Papacy; 2nd Quetzalcoatl

Modern nation, Munich treaty (1648), 30-year war in Sweden; Pilgrims, more development of Christianity

Egyptian civilisation: Beginning: Mesopotamian civilisation:

3115 BC

2721 BC End of Sumer

2326 BC Sargon 1 (2331), Acadian Empire

Renewal of Cult of Osiris 1932 BC Collapse of Ur (2004)

1538 BC Old Babylonian Empire (1570)

Rapid decline of New Kingdom (1153) 1144 BC End of Old Babylonian Empire (1208)

Late Period (767) 749 BC Rule of Assyrian Empire (747)

355 BC

Universal Christian religion (49 AD) 40 AD

434 AD

829 AD

1223 AD

1617 AD

28 Oct 2011

(6) National Great Cycle continued

King Meanus married the upper- and lower-Nile culture into the first nation: Egypt (3100 BC), Thinite Kingdom, Cult of Ptah

First writing (3200), beginning of Sumerian high culture

Old Kingdom, Building of the Great Pyramids (2650), Cult of Osiris

Middle Kingdom (2061), Unas (2350), Cult of Ra

New Kingdom (1560), Cult ofAmon-Ra, Echnaton's cult of Aton

End of Egyptian culture, conquest by Persia (525)

End of Mesopotamian culture, conquest by Persia (539)

(7) Planetary Cycle


256 yrs

19.7 yrs (the usual "generation gap")

Mesoamerican civilisations: Beginning: Important events:

1755 AD Industrial revolution in Europe









Founding of Palenque (431), The Great Pacal (616-690) 1932

5 Sep 1952

25 May 1972

Fall of the last independent Mayan kingdom (1697) 10 Feb 1992

28 Oct 2011

(6) National Great Cycle continuedPowerMachines doing thework of men and animals

13 x 201 tuns (katuns)

Civil wars all over the world (US, India, Russia, Spain, France)

First known use of writing and the Tzolkin (Zapotecs, 6th cent. BC)

Rockefeller, Carnegie and Westinghouse were becoming corporate powers that overcame the laws of nations and people

First appearance of sculpted Mayan temples and of writing, Popol-Vuh mythology (Izapa, 2nd cent. BC)

Desertion of several prehistoric sites (50 AD), rise of Teotihuacan and cult of Quetzalcoatl; beginning of the institution of kingship (220) and of Classical Mayan culture (250)

Dual nature of light, Einstein: E=MC2, general theory of relativity (1915); Hubbell discovered that we live in an infinite universe (1924)

Hitlerism (1933), Stalinism, World War II, atomic weapons

Collapse of Teotihuacan (750), collapse of all southern Mayan cities (800-830), founding of Chichen-Itza (842); end of rule of Ce Acatl Tipiltzin (999-1063), height of Cult of Quetzalcoatl in Chichen-Itza (around 1000)

Decision to create European political union (10 Sep 1952)

Desertion of Chichen-Itza (1223), desertion and collapse of Tula (1224), beginning of Aztec Empire (1350); fall of League of Mayapan (1451), arrival of the Spanish (Columbus 1504, Alvarado 1512, Cortes 1519) and fall of Aztec Empire (1512)

Beginning of monetary convergence (21 Mar 1972)

Decision to create monetary union, Maastricht Treaty (7 Feb 1992)

(7) Planetary Cycle (8) Galactic Cycle

Unitary Dualistic

12.8 yrs

360 days

Evolution of telecommunications: Expanding of power of the US: Beginning: Important events:

4 Jan 1999

31 Dec 1999

Louisiana Purchase 24 Dec 2000

19 Dec 2001 "Old and new consciousness collide"

14 Dec 2002

Civil War (1854-1861) 9 Dec 2003

3 Dec 2004

28 Nov 2005 "Ethical procedures are implemented"

23 Nov 2006 Blending of religion and science

18 Nov 2007 Teleportation for objects

Leader of Western bloc 12 Nov 2008

7 Nov 2009 "Bliss - we will need to practice"

Only superpower 2 Nov 2010

28 Oct 2011

EthicsEthics overcomes power; science maps our entiregalaxy and merges with spirituality (quantum physics)

13 (x 200) tuns

First theory of telegraph (anonymous 1753, Bozolus 1767)

Consolidation of 13 states, Declaration of Independence (1776)

Euro goes into effect (4 Jan 1999); awareness of Y2K risen (possible unreliability of the power we're using); "seeds of consciousness planted"

Millennium shift of Gregorian calendar; World Federation Organization riots, power rebelled against - a display of polarity; "consciousness is activated"

Optical telegraph (Paris-Lille 1794, Sweden 1794)

9/11 attacks; financial collapse - the tech bubble burst; "polarity is displayed"

Electrical telegraph (Morse 1835, Washington-Baltimore line 1843)

Conquest of Texas and northern Mexico (CA, NM, AZ, OK ...), incorporation of the Pacific Northwest

Enron - scandals coming to light; people are finding out about how rickety economy is; "the truth rolls out - like it or not"

People going to jail (truth applied); economy failing (money over-supply); "adjustments to the truth - don't hold on but flow"

Telephone invented (Bell's patent application 1876, first telephone station in US 1878); Nikola Tesla - free energy

Expansion of railway system, massive development of industry and agriculture

Exposure of free energy; "new foundations of human relations"

Radio invented (first regular broadcasts in US 1910, Belgium 1913)

Victory in World War I, rise to world power

Television invented (first public broadcast in England 1952, colour TV in US 1953)

Getting used to bliss: creating things going right; "consciousness surpasses technology"

Computer networks (www 1992), global television channels, mobile telephones

"We evolve to conscious co-creation of existence and experience"

(9) Universal Cycle


13 x 18 kins (uaxaclahunkins)

234 days

18 days

Beginning: Events:

9 Mar 2011

27 Mar 2011 ?

14 Apr 2011 ?

2 May 2011 ?

20 May 2011 ?

7 Jun 2011 ?

25 Jun 2011 ?

13 Jul 2011 ?

31 Jul 2011 ?

18 Aug 2011 ?

5 Sep 2011 ?

23 Sep 2011 ?

11 Oct 2011 ?

28 Oct 2011

Co-creationConscious co-creationof our future experience

"We are consciously co-creating our experience"

"If you can travel in time, what good is a calendar?" :)