The Meaning of Love - What You're Missing

Post on 17-Aug-2014

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If you've ever felt like there was something missing in your relationship/marriage, check out this new course summary from LifeMAPP. Having a great relationship comes down to a few simple things that, in the midst of noise and Survival, can be tough sometimes to execute.


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Because life is too short for trial and error.

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TWO TYPES OF LOVEEMOTIONAL NEEDS REAL SUPPORT&1Recognize when you need someone because you are empty. Instead know your Identity/Goals and surround yourself with people who Support your vision unconditionally.

EMOTIONAL LOVETHINK TWICE BEFORE FALLING IN LOVEIdentify and be cautious of those who take away from and drain your bucket - usually taking far more than they give. Most storms can be avoided with a simple awareness of needs.

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REAL LOVE SUPPORT&INVEST IN THOSE WHO INVEST IN YOUA real friend or partner will Support you when you are up, down or upside down. They will give objective feedback even if it’s tough for you to hear - all to help you develop into your vision.

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YOU HAVE A CHOICE IN YOUR DESTINYLOVE IS A DECISION4Adrenaline is the only thing you "feel" in your heart. Be aware of your own needs and the needs of those around you & make honest evaluations about your ability to meet each other's needs.

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STAY CONNECTEDLEARN EACH OTHER’S GROWING NEEDS5The key to a loving and lasting relationship is working to meet each other's Identity needs. An Identity need is what drives each of us to be who and how we are - our ideal vision of ourselves.

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ESTABLISH BOUNDARIESPROTECT YOUR ENVIRONMENT6It's okay to have boundaries, in fact, it's healthy. The only people who don't respect boundaries are the people you don't need in your life anyway. At best they will clutter your life with noise.

BLOCK OUT THE NOISEKEEP FOCUSED ON YOUR IDENTITYNoise is a distraction. Noise is what happens when people fight for their own needs above the needs of others. We only get what we want in life when we help others get what they want.

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KNOW THE DIFFERENCESEPARATE NOISE FROM UNMET NEEDSPay attention to spoken, unspoken words and patterns. Recognize masked, unmet needs that often go overlooked due to noise. These are the greatest challenges in a relationship.

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REACH FOR THE STARSCHALLENGE BE CHALLENGED&Don’t get too comfortable. Our environment and life itself are always changing and evolving. Adapt together and challenge each other towards goals that meet team and individual needs.

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FRUITS OF LOVEENJOY THE JOURNEY THE REWARDS&10Building a great relationship is not luck and it certainly isn’t magical or mystical. Find someone who cares about your needs and focus on their needs. Work together and you will be rewarded.

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LEARN MORE TODAYJOIN US FOR FREE11Join us on and Self-study for FREE or group study with a coach/mentor for only $39/month. Grow with us and find your Opportunities/Significance.

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THANK YOU!12Copyright ©2003-2014, LifeMAPP, LLC. All rights reserved.

Published in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, US

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