The Mediterranean Network for the management of food induced diseases WORKSHOP MEDI-CEL The...

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The Mediterranean Network for the management of food induced diseases


  The Mediterranean Network for Celiac Disease V Progress Meeting - Istanbul, June 30 th July 1st 2012


Montenegro (Crna Gora)

Contry: Montenegro Location: Southeast

Europe Area total 13,812 km2

Population (2011) 625,266   

Density 50/km2

Government: parlamentary republic

Capital: Podgorica


In Montenegro lives 145 126 children under 18 of age The total number of boys is 75 367 of girls 69 759 132 coeliacs

Referal center - Podgorica Clinical Center of Montenegro Institute for childen s diseases Ministry of Health Republic health insurance Coeliac society of Montenegro

Pimary care: Pediatricians and General doctors ( lack of awareness of CD in children)

Referal center - Podgorica Clinical Center of Montenegro Institute for children s diseases

Pediatrition – gastroenterologist endoscopist Pathology department Laboratory

Undergraduate and postgraduate education of physicians at University of Montenegro

Training for some young doctors

Training for physicians specializing pediatrics , 3 months

Society of Pediatrics ( lectures, meetings...)

Publication on the field of CD in national health journals and congress proceedings

Institute for children s diseases

ESPGHAN guidelines are applied

Diagnosis is in majority of cases confirmed with small bowel biopsy

We colected data and prospective study about CD

Support for national association


Anti tTG

Anti-gliadin antibody (AGA)

Endoscopic and biopsy small bowel mucosal

Patochystological examination (Marsh classification modified by Oberhuber)

HLA (not widely available the nearest place is Belgrade, Serbia)

We sometimes screen family members serologically and never genetically

Coeliac society of Montenegro

Establiched 2003gWeb pageEducation - lectures, seminars,Training for specific population groups –preschool

and school children, teachers in vocational school etcGive brochures, recepies, news, medical advaice etcAdults and children

After the diagnosis:

Written instructions on gluten free diet Some recepiesRecommendation to join the patients’


Gluten free diet

The situation of the gluten free diet in Montenegro, in relation to cultural and traditional attitudes

Some companies from Europe are present on our market, as well as some minor local producers

Traditional naturally gluten free foods are: potatoes and corn.

Children who suffer from coeliac disease have 4 to 10 kg of gluten- free flour


Awareness and recognition of celiac disease begins at the primary health care level

We havenot support groups nutritionits, nurses, psychologists...


Society of Pediatricians, Society of Gastroenterologists - lectures, meetings,

Coeliac society of Montenegro - articles in newspapers, interviews for radio and TV, educational workshops for family members and interested