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The Messenger

Monthly news for Emmanuel Lutheran Church - Menominee, Michigan


November 25

November 4 Commitment Sunday November 11

November 21 - 6:00 p.m.

At Bethel Lutheran Church

With Pie Social to follow

This month’s Messenger is sponsored by


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Thank you , John, for sponsoring the Messenger Emmanuel members who own or operate their own business or members

who would like to recognize a significant event in their lives are invited

to sponsor the Messenger. Full sponsorship of the Messenger is $100.

This covers a portion of the cost of mailing the Messenger each month.

from the pastor

Brothers and Sisters in Christ;

On September 30th, Emmanuel participated in the ELCA Funds

for Young Leaders offering. The purpose of this offering was to

raise money to offset costs for those who are enrolling into

seminary to prepare themselves as leaders in the church. Your

response was awesome - $564 was raised and sent to the Synod

Office to be joined with other monies in giving our future leaders

in the church a head start in their seminary careers.

But what also transpired on this particular Sunday was a Pastor

Appreciation event in which 113 “Thank You” cards were handed

to me by Deb Villas prior to our worship services. To say that I

was humbled was an understatement of enormous proportions.

You could have knocked me over with a feather when I received

those cards (and, based on my girth, that’s saying a lot!). I have

read each one of them over and your words, encouragement,

messages and invitations remind me why I am so blessed to call

Emmanuel my home. Thank you.

It feels so wonderful to say “thank you” as we transition into this

season of thanks in our nation, as well as in our church. For the

past two months our sanctuary has been ordained with two banners

which celebrate what God provides with the words of Psalm 107:1

“O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love

endures forever.” On Sunday, November 4th, All Saints Sunday,

we not only recognize those saints who have been born into their

eternal homes during the past year, but also give thanks for their

lives of faithfulness and passing along that faith to those of us who

yet carry out the ongoing work of God’s kingdom. On Tuesday,

November 6th we have the opportunity to go to the polls and to

cast our ballots for those who we want to represent us on local,

state, and national levels. We give thanks because there are so

many places around the world where citizens don’t have this

opportunity. On Sunday, November 11th, we celebrate Veterans

Day, and will do so in the church as well, taking time to recognize

those among us who have so selflessly given of their selves.

Thank you veterans; your commitment to a greater cause has not

gone unnoticed. On that same Sunday, November 11th, we collect

our 2019 Stewardship pledges, our theme being, “God’s Gift to

Me, My Gift to God.” As a congregation we give thanks for the

continuing work of the church the following Sunday, November

18th as we announce our pledge total. Lastly, on November 22nd,

Thanksgiving Day, we give thanks for abundance that we have and

share. The church will give thanks in worship when we join with

our brothers and sisters down the street at Bethel Lutheran on

Thanksgiving Eve, November 21st. Our church certainly has

much to give thanks for!

My encouragement for you all in the coming weeks is to be

intentionally mindful of these various opportunities to give thanks

for what God has so graciously and generously provided for us.

For each one of these days that I have listed, as well as every day

that God gives you breath and sustenance, live in the moment and

allow the thanksgiving to wash over you. Because, unfortunately,

as our culture dictates, before the Thanksgiving turkey settles, the

big Christmas machine will already be moving full steam ahead

and these moments for giving thanks may be more difficult to

come by as we get swept up into it.

I pray every one of you has a most blessed November, that deer

hunters may be safe and bounteous, that those traveling will arrive

at their destinations without incident, and that your turkeys may be

filling and our fellowship more so. Be reminded that God is

present in it all, for without God’s generosity, we would have

nothing to give thanks for. Thanks be to a God who provides, and

does so always; never giving too little, never giving too late.

In Christ,

Pastor Mark

This time of year brings our focus to giving thanks

and serving others. As we celebrate Thanksgiving and give thanks

to God for all we receive, we also think of ways we can give to

each other.

In the November issue of Parenting Christian Kids we learn

the importance of making acts of serving others a family affair.

The main article of this newsletter points out that “when we teach

children to serve, we’re also teaching them to become servants for

life….kids who serve, become adults who serve.” Fitting big service events into busy family schedules isn’t

always possible. The good news is that not every service project

must be a large affair. The truth is, Jesus loves and honors service

of every size. As we model the giving of aid and encouragement in

our homes and in the community, children learn that service is a

way of life, not necessarily just a single event. The November

Parenting Christian Kids has a wonderful list of service ideas you

can do with your family along with the service activities we offer

here at Emmanuel. Read through this month’s Messenger for fun

ways you can get involved and serve others!


Grade Bible


Pastor Mark and

Sunday School

teacher, Margaret

Stewart present the


grade class with

their Bibles on

Sunday, October 14th

during the 10:00 a.m.

worship service.

Thank you congregation for your gift of Bibles for our children!

Those receiving Bibles were: Brody Daigneau, Brayden Daigneau,

Oliver Jones, David Machalk, Madi Christiansen, and Mylie Slawinski.

Missing from the photo are: Kaden Hoppe and Lilli Menza.

From the Director: Patti Treptow

Youth and Family Ministry

Sunday School

Children’s Christmas Program

Sunday, December 16th during the

10:00 a.m. worship service

Program Dress Rehearsal and Christmas Party

Saturday, December 15th, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Program practices will begin on Sunday November


during the last part of the Sunday School class time.

Because we have limited practice time, it is important to have

your child at Sunday school as much as possible. If you

know that your child will not be able to participate in the

Christmas Program on December 16th

, please let Patti

Treptow know as soon as possible so a speaking role is not

given to your child.

This year, the Youth Committee/Little Lutherans will be

providing the Christmas party that

immediately follows the children’s

program dress rehearsal on

December 15th

. The party will be

from 11:30-1:00 p.m. This allows

parents free time from 9:00 a.m.

until 1:00 p.m. to get those holiday

chores accomplished!

Children will enjoy pizza, cookies, and beverages. They will

also make Christmas ornaments and receive a gift from the


Upcoming Classes – November 4th and

December 2nd

. 4:00 -6:00 p.m.

Leaf Raking – Sunday, November 4th

11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. confirmation

students will be raking the leaves of our members who need assistance.

A lunch will be provided before we head out. Youth should bring a rake,

gloves, and dress weather appropriate. Parents who can help drive and

chaperone are needed – please let Patti Treptow know if you can help.

Reminder to confirmation students - this activity will count toward your

community service requirement for confirmation.

Baking for the Church bake sale – Confirmation students will join with

our members of the Youth Advisory Council to bake cookies and other

yummy treats on Saturday, December 8th, 10:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon.

A sign-up sheet will be handed out during confirmation class. Parents

are encouraged to help!

Emmanuel's High School Youth!

Emmanuel’s Youth Advisory Council – GLOW invites you to a bonfire

party to kick off our fall program year.

When: Sunday, November 18th

Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Where: At the home of Olivia Engman

N1753 County Road BB, Marinette

Please RSVP to Patti Treptow at the church office.

GLOW Youth Advisory Council is open

to all of Emmanuel’s high school youth and is a

great way to grow in faith and engage in fun and

meaningful activities. Please contact Youth

Council Representative Anna Magrane or Patti

Treptow at the church office for more information.

Rite of Confirmation

Our 2018 confirmands who were instructed in the Word of God and the

teachings of the Lutheran Church affirmed their baptism on Reformation

Sunday, October 28th

during the 10:00 a.m. worship service.

Congratulations Confirmands!

This year’s confirmands are (back row, left to right) Laura Magrane, Aidan

Bellisle, Mason Heckel, Molly Knutson, Dylan Ziemke, Rylee Wickstrom,

Layla Weissgerber, (front row, left to right) Kade Lesperance, Seth Johnson,

Nick Kriedeman, Collin Engman, Alex Engman, and Max Heckel.



Sunday, November 4th, is All Saints’ Sunday in the church. On this festival day we remember Emmanuel’s members who during the past year have died to Christ in the waters of baptism and those who have risen to new life eternal with Christ. If you would like to add a loved one’s name, in addition to Emmanuel’s members, to this list of those to be remembered, please contact the church office this week. As their names are read, a bell will toll in their memory.

Larry Eatherton 3-10-1942 / 11-28-2017

Leona Webber 9-5-1917 / 3-7-2018

Ellen Raygo 3-27-1924 / 6-1-2018

Nathalie LaPlante 10-28-1930 / 6-16-2018

Carol Klumb 2-13-1938 / 7-2-2018

Shirley Pedersen 5-5-1933 / 9-21-2018

William Swanson 6-6-1932 / 9-29-2018

Scott Klitzke 8-29-1958 / 10-8-2018

Wayne Louis 10-20-1937 / 10-12-2018

Christmas Food Baskets

The collection of food and non-food items for the Christmas food

boxes will take place November 18th

through December 16th

. The

donated items will be given to individuals

and families in our community who are in

need. This gift will help bring some joy

and hope to them at Christmas. Donated

goods may be placed in the marked area

in the narthex.

Food items needed include

canned meats (tuna and chicken), canned

dinners, complete meal foods like spaghetti sauce with meat,

peanut butter, soups, canned fruits and vegetables, pasta and rice

including boxed meals, pancake mixes and syrup, cereal, and

juices. Please no expired foods – we cannot include them in the

food boxes.

Non-food items needed include toothbrushes, deodorant,

soap and shampoo, paper towels, toilet tissue, dish soap, laundry

soap, and general cleaning supplies. Please note when buying in

bulk, items must be individually wrapped.

Local Tree of Love

Emmanuel's local Tree of Love will be located

in the narthex from November 18th


December 16th

. The Rainbow House, Haven

of Hope, and Abundant Life Homeless Shelter

will provide us with information about

individuals and families in need of support from our community.

If you wish to purchase a gift to help make someone’s holiday

brighter, take a tag from the tree and sign up on the sheet provided.

Please return wrapped gifts to the church office by December 16th


Emmanuel's Outreach Projects

Christmas Bake Sale….. We Need Your Help! Our annual Christmas bake sale will be held on Sunday,

December 9th between worship services. Our youth will

be baking cookies on Saturday, December 8th

to sell, but

we need your help to make this sale a success! Our youth

will be baking 24 dozen cookies and we are asking the

congregation to match or exceed that amount. If each person could bake

one or two dozen cookies or baked items, we will easily meet our goal.

Proceeds from the bake sale go to support the Christmas food basket

project. Please bring your baked goods for the bake sale to the

fellowship hall on Saturday, December 8th

by 11:00 a.m.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing! Saturday, December 1

st, 12:00 noon – 3:00 p.m.

Emmanuel will be ringing bells for Salvation Army. We

are seeking members of all ages to sign up for a shift of ringing and

maybe even some singing! A sign-up sheet will be made available in the

narthex where you can sign up for one hour shifts or more. Let’s make it

a great turnout and show our community Emmanuel cares!

Thank you! to everyone who donated for this

year’s Coats for Kids drive. Your response was

tremendous! You have made a warm and wonderful

difference for the children in need in our community.

Celebrate Community Day! – Sunday, November 18th

Menominee Marina 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Come celebrate our community and learn more about what our

local organizations are doing. Along with fun activities for the entire

family, non-profit organizations, churches, and schools will provide

information on their programs and projects in booths that will be inside a

large heated tent. Emmanuel will be participating. We are hoping that

you will come and enjoy this fun community event and help us by

manning our booth. We will have handouts and a photo board to help

you tell Emmanuel’s story.

Please sign up in the narthex if you are interested in working the

booth. We are asking for only ½ hour of your time. You may, of course,

sign up for more. If you have questions, please see Patti Treptow.

Emmanuel Lutheran Church

“Little Lutherans”

will be participating in the

10th Annual Downtown Parade

When: Friday, November 16th, 2018

Where: Line up will be on 7th street & we will walk to

the front steps of Spies Public Library

Time: 5:15pm (line-up) parade at 6pm

Who: PreK - 6th Graders

There will be a sign-in sheet at the lineup area for your child

and a sign-out sheet at the library when the parade is done. You

are welcome to walk in the parade with your child.

You are invited stay to enjoy free hot chocolate and/or cider,

dancing and singing performances, the giving of the First gift of

Christmas, and the lighting of Tree Ceremony.

Please dress your child for the weather. Any costume we may

wear will go over their coats/hats.

Sign-up in the narthex so we know how many children will be




The funeral for William Swanson, who was called to his eternal home on

September 29, was held at Emmanuel on October 5. Our sympathy to his

wife, Marilyn, and children Terry Wickman and Kristin Easter and their


The funeral for Scott Klitzke, who was called to his eternal home on

October 8, was held at Emmanuel on October 11. Our sympathy to his

wife, Kelly, and children, Tyler Klitzke, Mandi Thoune and Amber

Berman and their families. We also want to extend our sympathy to

Scott’s parents, Warren and Mary Ann Klitzke, and brother, Randy, and

sisters, Wendi Nolde and Sally Nielsen-Conklin.

The funeral for Wayne Louis, who was called to his eternal home on

October 12, was held at Emmanuel on October 17. Our sympathy to his

wife, Carol, and children, Terri Sue Krause, Kellie Hartman, Mike Louis

and Gary Louis, and their families


Ken Landree and Lori Ceesay were united in marriage on October 19.


Wyatt Michael Schmidt was claimed in the waters of baptism at

Emmanuel on Saturday, October 20th. Wyatt’s parents are Cody &

Jessica, and his sponsors, Lacy Schmidt and Jacob Kaster.

Thank you to the members of Emmanuel

Isabel Haulotte would like to thank everyone who sent cards while she

was in the hospital and nursing home.

To my fellow members of Emmanuel. I would like to thank you all for

your kind thoughts and prayers. Thanks to you, I am now home and on

my way to recovery. Hearing from so many of you really warms my

heart and gives me strength. Thank you so much! Bonnie Jackson


The following is a copy of Stewardship Committee member Cookie

Kramer’s 2018 Kick-off temple talk during church services on

September 23. We have received many comments from members of the

congregation about how Cookie’s speech has touched them, how

meaningful and inspirational it was to them. We thought we would share

it here for those that might have missed it that day.

Today is Sunday, September 23, 2018. I have the privilege and honor

to introduce to you our 2018 Fall Stewardship message to prepare for our

lives in Christ in 2019.

The Stewardship Committee selected a theme called “God's Gift to

me.... my gift to God.” With this theme there is a picture of a treasure

chest placed securely in the hands of God, one hand on top one on the

bottom of the treasure chest. The Bible verse is Matthew 10:8 - “Freely

you have received, freely give”. Throughout the next few months, we

will hear from others about their walks with God. We will have a church

committee information Sunday, a packet distribution Sunday, a

commitment Sunday, and a Celebration Sunday.

For a moment now, I'd like to flash back to a horrible tragic date that I

have talked about a lot, March 9, 1979 the day my husband died in a car

accident. I had a 2 and half year-old daughter, Kelly, and I was about 2

months pregnant. This tragic day touched the lives of many people in our

family, especially my mother-in-law, June Kramer. Because of my

pregnancy, I held back a lot of grief to keep from losing my baby, but my

mother-in-law, June, did not. She lost her way and became very angry

with God. My pregnancy went well and I was expected to have my baby

in October.

Let's forward to Sunday, September 23, 1979. Pastor Al Beyer, our

associate Pastor, was giving a sermon that day about my mother-in-law

and how her anger toward God for taking her son was destroying her life.

I have a copy of Pastor Beyer's sermon and I'd like to read just a short

part of the sermon to you.

He starts out his sermon with a prophesy about not hearing or seeing

God and how God's word comes to us, in reference to my mother-in-

law's experience. After the part about her, this is what Pastor Beyer


“Less than a year ago a young man from our congregation was killed

in a tragic auto accident. Now, months later, what was once a complete

family is now a young widow, a young daughter and a child soon to be


At that moment, that he said those words, September 23, 1979, I was

at the hospital giving birth to my son, Michael. Michael was born at 9:34

that Sunday morning when Pastor Beyer was preaching this sermon.

Throughout childhood, confirmation, High School graduation, College

graduation and a Master’s degree in History, through ups and downs of

life, Michael has been carried in God's hands every day, just as he freely

received his Gift of life in 1979. Today is his 39th birthday. The Flowers

(on the alter) are for him. He is my treasure. He is a gift from God, freely

received. Think about it for a moment . . . do you have a treasure? Do

you have a gift from God freely received? Let's keep these questions and

answers in our minds as we journey together on our Stewardship path,

freely receiving and freely giving.

Thank you.

Commitment Sunday is November 11. We will receive the pledge

responses during worship at each service. We invite you to prayerfully

consider your 2019 Plan for Giving, and deepen your relationship with

God. “And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by

always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good

work.” 2 Corinthians 9:8



Join us each Wednesday, 7:30 a.m., at the Serving Spoon for a time of

fellowship with friends, sharing stories and enjoying a cup of coffee.

Bring a friend!


The Sarah Circle will meet on Tuesday, November 13 at 1:00 p.m.

hosted by Ivon Butman

Seeking Enlightenment Group will be meeting on Thursday,

November 15, at 6:30pm. It is a time of sharing and encouraging each

other on our Christian journey, contact Robin Gustafson at 906-290-1003

for location details.


8:00 & 10:00am Nursery care provided at 10:00am

Sunday School at 10:00am


Phone: (906) 863-3431 Fax: (906) 863-4193

Email: Council President, Debbie Villas

Email: or

Visit us on the Web at Follow us on Facebook at

Emmanuel Lutheran Church Menominee Michigan ELCA

STAFF: Pastor

The Rev. Mark Laatsch - Cell Phone: 906-424-0003

Director of Youth & Family Ministry Mrs. Patti Treptow

Church Secretary Mrs. Judy Raygo

Custodian- inside Mrs. Carol Parrish Custodian – outside Mr. Lee Parrish

We are a congregation of the Northern Great Lakes Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America