The migration of French words 1°) in Poland 2°) in Turkey 3°) in Romania 4°) in Spain.

Post on 29-Mar-2015

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The migration of French words

1°) in Poland

2°) in Turkey

3°) in Romania

4°) in Spain

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The migration of French words

1°) in Poland

Words with a French origin in the Polish language


Many French words were introduced to Poland thanks to political events:

for example: the marriages between Princes and Princesses.

As Louise-Marie de Gonzague Nevers (Sister of princess Palatine)

who married

Ladislas IV of Poland.

French words travelled across Europebrought also

by soldiers,and poets,

at different times…

• Bonzerie = « bonjour »,


• Toujourek = « toujours »,


Some French words:

Bagietka = « baguette », french bred.

Rondel = Casserole.

• Bonierka = Box of chocolate

(the word comes from « bombonnière »).

Frytki = « frittes » , Fries.

Alarm: Alarm

The word " Alarm " came from French "Alarme".

In Poland, following

the treaty of Tilsit (1807,

Napoléon and Tsar Alexandre Ist),

French codes are imperative.

Military service became compulsory.

Words with a French origin in the Polish language

"Makijaz" (maquillage) means “make-up” in French= Cover the face with products that embellish.

"Aplauz" (applaudir) means “applause” in French.= The action of applauding, cheer, approval.

"Atakowac" ( attaquer) means “attacking” in French.= Assault, try to conquer, to dominate .

Words with a French origin in the Polish language

" Agitacja " (agitation) means “excitement” in French.

= Action to shake; state of what is shaken.

"Aktor" (acteur) means “actor” in French.

= The profession of interpreting a character

in a play or in the screen.

The word " aktor " comes from French "acteur" because

in the XVIIIth century,

Prince Adam Kazimierz Czartoryski

develops a love of French theater.

The word " Bizuteria “ comes from French “bijou”,

(“Jewel” ) which means clothes and finery.

"Prezydent" (président) means “president” in French.= In France, leader of the executive power.

"Fotel “ (fauteuil) means “armchair” in French.= Siège single with back and arms.

Terrace: (terrasse) Taras

Sofa: (sofa,

canapé) Kanapa

Komoda: Chest of drawers

The words " Taras " " Komoda "

"Kanapa" are words which come from the lifestyle of France.

A new art to live, inspired by Versailles,

is outlined.

Some Polish words come from French thanks to the actress Brigitte Bardot

in the movie: " And God created woman. "

The word: “bardotka" means

“ a little bardot ", it indicates a person with fair hair.

This word also indicates an uplift bra which we call "bra".

Blouzka =Blouse.

“ordynarny” = “vulgar”, “galant” = “boaster”, “buffon” = “fanfarron”, “arogant” = “arrogant person”,

“agresywny” = “aggressive” and “kujon” = “asshole”.

It could be said that the Polish have a bad opinion of the French,thanks to pejoratives words such as:

“Francuski piesek” comes from the French expression

“small French dog”.

It means “a pretentious and difficult person”.

The migration of French words

2°) in Turkey

Map of Europe with Turkey

Many French words travelled across Europe to Turkey.

For example, Mustapha Kemal (the chairman in the thirties), was influenced by the ideas of the French Revolution


He westernized Turkey .

Tg Alex

We can find 3000 words with a French origin in the Turkish language.

• In 1932 Mustapha Kemal imposed the Roman alphabet

to replace the Arabic alphabet.

• All Turks between the ages of 6 and 40 years old

had to learn it.

Example of words:

• In 1934, the words : «opéra », « bale », « müsik» came through the radio.

• At that time, Turkish people used to listen western music.

• In the XXth century, Kemal also based his westernasation

on the European model.

• He banned the fez and replace it by « bere , kasket, panama ».• Women used to wear a « korsay ».

• Béret = bere • un corset = un korsay

Casquette = Kasket

a fez

Chapeau = Panama

The migration of French words

3°) in Romania

The journey of French words

French words traveled all over Europe, to Romania at different periods.

With the conquest of Napoleon 1st and the influence of France in Europe,

many Romanian students came to study in Paris.

Some migratory words…

« avocat »« avocat »

Is a French word also used in Romania.Is a French word also used in Romania.

It arrived in Romania in the 18It arrived in Romania in the 18thth centurycentury because of the migration of because of the migration of

the French aristrocats.the French aristrocats.

« merci »

Is spelt « mersi »in Romania.

This typical French word arrived

thanks to students.

French « cuisine »

« legume » and « salade »are French words who came to the Romania language.The students brought those words with them in the 19th century.

The word « salade »

is spellt « salatà »

in Romanian.

And still more!

« biblioteca » « canapea »

« lampa »

All these words were transported thanks to pilgrims and travelers.

The migration of french words

4°) in Spain

Words which travelled with the pilgrimage of Santiago de Compostela in the XIth century:

• « Mesón » comes from « maison » and means « Auberge ».

• « Vinagre » comes from « vinaigre ».

• « Chimenea » comes from « Cheminée ».

In the 11th century, the reconquest

of the Iberian Peninsula by christians began.

French Knights helped the Spanish Christians

chase them out of Spain. :

(Norman, Poitou, Burgundians ...)

Flècha (« flèche » in French) (arrow )

Botin (« butin in French») (booty)

• « Malla » comes from « maille ».

In the Renaissance (XVIth) a new wave of gallicism affects Spain.

(“gallicism”, is when the other languages borrow some French words).

• « Pincel » comes from « pinceau ».

• « Fresa » comes from « fraise ».

In 19th century Napoleon encouraged the French fashion.

Servilleta : Towel (« serviette » in french).

And military context:

Bayoneta : Bayonet, (« bayonnette » in French, from the town of Bayonne in the French Basque land).

The immigrants (political and economical) of the 20th century

brought French words such as:

Biquini : bikini…

Our sources:










• rubrique,18e-siecle-fra...• Expert jcdey




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