The Missouri Compromise of 1820 & Manifest Destiny How did the Missouri Compromise resolve a...

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The Missouri Compromise of 1820 & Manifest Destiny

How did the Missouri Compromise resolve a conflict between the North and South?

How did the idea of Manifest Destiny affect Mexicans and Native Americans?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 & Manifest Destiny

Westward Expansion and the Consequences it Brings

U.S. Boundary Settlements, 1818 and 1819

Territory gained:Adams-Onís Treatyof 1819 with Spain(including new southwest border line)Convention of 1818with Great Britain(including new north border line)

Oregon CountryClaimed by U.S. &Britain

Mexico(New Spain)



British Territory

*In the spirit of Nationalism, the U.S. wanted to expand the country’s borders. *The U.S. and Canada agree on the 49th parallel (latitude) and the boundary between the two countries as far as the Rocky Mountains.

*Spain gives up control of Florida and the Oregon Country after tense negotiations.

*The U.S. borders now spread from the Atlantic to Pacific oceans.

The Missouri Compromise, 1820–1821

Oregon CountryClaimed by U.S. & G.B.



36°30’ Missouri Compromise Line

New Spain(Mexico)

Claimed by U.S. & G.B.








MissouriSlave State, 1821













British Territory

Free States& Territories

Slave States & Territories

Closed to Slavery by Missouri Compromise

Open to Slavery by Missouri Compromise

The DebateIn the North The SouthWanted to ban slavery in

MissouriMaine, which was a part

of Massachusetts, wanted statehood

Worried that free states would have the majority in Congress

Felt that the Constitution did not give Congress the power to ban slavery

The Compromise, 1820Henry Clay, the Speaker of the House, saw an

opportunity for compromise.He suggested admitting Maine as a free state

and Missouri as a slave state, keeping the balance between the number of slave and free states, and the balance of power in Congress

The Missouri Compromise also banned slavery in the Louisiana Territory, north of the 36° 30’ parallel

Thomas Jefferson, at 80, worried that this might destroy the country

Manifest DestinyThe belief that America is destined to stretch

across the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean

“Our manifest destiny [is] to overspread and possess the whole of the continent which Providence (God) has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and.....self-government.” John O’Sullivan, United States Magazine and Democratic Review

Manifest = clear, obvious

The Oregon TrailBy the 1840’s thousands of Americans had

moved into the Oregon Territory.Presidential hopeful, James K. Polk, used the

Oregon Territory as a platform for election. His slogan ‘Fifty-four forty or fight!’ referred to the 54° 40’ N latitude. This was the northern most boundary of the Oregon Territory.

Rather than fight, Great Britain and the U.S. settled for the 49th parallel as the northern boundary in 1846.

The border stands today between the U.S. & Canada.

The California Gold Rush

How did the CaliforniaGold Rush affect the growth of our country?

California Gold Rush, 1849

CaliforniaBefore the Gold Rush After the Gold Rush150,000 Native

Americans lived there6,000 ‘Californios’, of

Mexican descent lived there

Controlled by prominent Spanish families

Mexico feared American immigration

1 Swiss immigrant allowed: John Sutter-his mill is where gold was discovered

1849-Forty-niners rushed to California in search of gold

People from all over the world immigrated to California in search of gold, about 250,000

By 1851, one out of every ten immigrants was Chinese

Big cities sprouted up in California

By 1852 the Gold Rush was over

Other Changes to the U.S.U.S. Expansion, 1846 - 1853

Cause Effect

Westward trails move thousands to new territories

Oregon Territory acquired by the U.S.

Austin and others colonize Texas Texas Revolution

United States annexes Texas War with Mexico

Mexican Cession acquired by the U.S.

U.S. expands ‘sea to sea’

Transcontinental railroad route needed

Gadsden Purchase

Thousands of gold seekers rush to California

California becomes a state

Women found that out that their skills for homemaking were needed in California.They made money by feedingminers and opening hotels.

1873, Levi Strauss invents Sturdy pants to sell to miners. Made of heavy cotton denim, the pockets were reinforced with copper rivets to prevent them from ripping from the weight of heavy tools.