The moon is just another planet in our solar system waiting to be recognised by the rising sun.

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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The moon is just another planet in our solar system waiting to be recognised by the rising sun. The setting moon is superior and is watching what everyone is doing. The Eiffel tower looks beautiful at night. I wish I could be there. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The moon is just another planet in our solar system waiting to be recognised by the rising sun.

The setting moon is superior and is watching what everyone is doing.

The Eiffel tower looks beautiful at night. I wish I could be there.

The suns rising over beautiful Paris . That’s where my friend John used to live.

One day Hugo goes to the train station and finds a lost key to a chamber of magic.

As Hugo walks into the chamber he feels a gush of steam rushing over him as the train comes in.

The train station is busy at peak hour. Everyone is rushing home.

Hugo is worried . He thinks someone is following him because he has a secret.

Hugo steals some food and starts to slowly run up the stairs.

The police are chasing me through the station.

Hugo is looking for a toilet after having dinner in a very unusual building.

I have taken a wrong turn and should not be here. Then I hear the sound of high heels and voices.

I find a air vent to hide in. No one will find me in here.

I climb into the vent.

Where have all the children gone! I really would like to sell some of my toys to them.

If I find any children I will lock them up in a train locker.

The old man looked suspiciously around, when suddenly he heard a blood curdling scream .

His tired eyes scour the crowds in the café’s and shops looking for anything.

The upside down clock is mirrored. Maybe there is something very special about it…

Hugo is looking through the number 5. He is looking at someone or something and hoping that they cannot see him.

Will I ever find out what they are talking about? Maybe…