The Mutual Shaping of Social Media, Learning Experiences, and Literacies: The Methods Revisited

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This paper is a follow up to the paper Studying the Influence (or Mutual Shaping) of Social Networks in a Learning Experience: Methods for a Pilot Study, which was presented in QQML 2011. It summarizes some of the developments that have taken place within this doctoral research after its pilot study took place. Specifically, the methodological refinements developed in order to conduct the final study. The research aims are to determine significant issues, challenges and opportunities that emerge when social media are integrated into learning environments in higher education. Furthermore, learning, literacies, and social media are conceived as elements that mutually shape one another during the study. The method used in this research is participatory action research. With this methodological approach, a series of learning interventions, activities, and assignments labeled as ‘Doing Online Relearning through Information Skills’ (DORIS) were planned. These were comprised of physical meetings and different assignments and online activities between them. The instruments considered for the collection of data are: a diagnostic questionnaire, a blog, social learners’ reports, a second questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The method for analyzing data is going to be content analysis, so a framework of preliminary categories is presented. Moreover, the three dimensions of learning (cognitive, social, and emotional) and the theory of affinity spaces provide powerful analytical lenses for analyzing and discussing the data gathered in this study. The framework of DORIS is might be useful for researchers, academics and librarians. It can be taken to develop learning interventions for learning and researching about and with social media or other technology mediated learning environments. Furthermore, it can also be adapted for teaching information literacy programs or other topics from an information skills framework.


The Mutual Shaping of Social Media, Learning Experiences, and Literacies: The

Methods Revisited

Juan Daniel Machin Mastromatteo1

1 PhD Candidate in Information Science, Institute of Information Studies, Tallinn University


This paper is a follow up to the paper Studying the Influence (or Mutual Shaping) of Social Networks in

a Learning Experience: Methods for a Pilot Study, which was presented in QQML 2011. It summarizes

some of the developments that have taken place within this doctoral research after its pilot study took

place. Specifically, the methodological refinements developed in order to conduct the final study. The

research aims are to determine significant issues, challenges and opportunities that emerge when social

media are integrated into learning environments in higher education. Furthermore, learning, literacies,

and social media are conceived as elements that mutually shape one another during the study. The

method used in this research is participatory action research. With this methodological approach, a

series of learning interventions, activities, and assignments labeled as ‘Doing Online Relearning

through Information Skills’ (DORIS) were planned. These were comprised of physical meetings and

different assignments and online activities between them. The instruments considered for the collection

of data are: a diagnostic questionnaire, a blog, social learners’ reports, a second questionnaire and

semi-structured interviews. The method for analyzing data is going to be content analysis, so a

framework of preliminary categories is presented. Moreover, the three dimensions of learning

(cognitive, social, and emotional) and the theory of affinity spaces provide powerful analytical lenses

for analyzing and discussing the data gathered in this study. The framework of DORIS is might be

useful for researchers, academics and librarians. It can be taken to develop learning interventions for

learning and researching about and with social media or other technology mediated learning

environments. Furthermore, it can also be adapted for teaching information literacy programs or other

topics from an information skills framework.

Keywords: social media, higher education, teaching, learning, participatory action research, literacies,

information literacy, digital literacy, new literacies.

1. Introduction

This paper is a follow up to the previous paper titled Studying the Influence (or

Mutual Shaping) of Social Networks in a Learning Experience: Methods for a Pilot

Study, which was presented in the 3rd International Conference on Qualitative and

Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML 2011). This previous paper summarized

the methods and preliminary findings from the pilot study conducted to test the

methodology put into place to use social media (SM) for learning purposes. The

present paper summarizes the methods developed to conduct the final study. These

studies are part of a doctoral research in the Institute of Information Studies of Tallinn


The research aims of this research are to determine significant issues, challenges

and opportunities that emerge when social media are integrated into learning

environments in higher education. Learning, literacies, and social media are

conceived as elements that mutually shape one another during the study.

In order to fulfill the aims and answer to the research questions of this study, the

method chosen was Participatory Action Research (PAR). The research methodology

was based on a series of learning interventions to be experienced by the participants,

who are students of a Library and Information Science (LIS) master program.

Following the Freirean tradition within PAR, the students who are participants in the

research are referred to as the social learners (see 2 and 2.1). At the moment of

writing this article, the refined methodology, which is summarized here, is finished

and ready to be applied for the final study.

The learning interventions were intended at the same time to reinforce some of the

courses the participants were taking and also to gather data for the present study.

These learning interventions are comprised of physical meetings and different

assignments between them. The physical meetings involve participatory knowledge

construction between the researcher and the participants, dealing with the subject

matter of the use of SM for organizational and educational purposes. The research

design was structured taking into account the three core information skills: access,

use, and evaluation (Lau, 2006). This allows for the analysis of social learners’

learning processes in relation to this simple but comprehensive differentiation of

information skills. Within this research, the concept of learning is seen from the

approaches of constructivism and social constructivism. Furthermore, the activities of

this study are based on inquiry or problem based learning interventions (Hepworth &

Walton, 2009). The assignments use real problems for the students to solve by

accessing, using and evaluating SM for such purposes. Thus, providing a basis to

reflect upon their practices and learning, and to analyze the ways social learners

possess information literacy (IL) and digital literacy (DL).

1.1 Brief background theories

The activities and learning interventions planned for the social learners follow the

learning theories of constructivism and social constructivism. Some of the bases of

this research follow Vygotskian ideas of learning, as his theories stress the

fundamental role of social interaction in the development of cognition (Vygotsky,

1978). Moreover, social interactions allow for learning scenarios that lead to practice.

The social dimension of learning is important within this study. However, other

dimensions were contemplated. According to Illeris (2003), learning has three

different dimensions: cognitive, emotional and social. The cognitive dimension "may

be described as knowledge or skills and which builds up the understanding and the

ability of the learner"; the emotional dimension, which encompasses "mental energy,

feelings and motivations. Its ultimate function is to secure the mental balance of the

learner and thereby it simultaneously develops a personal sensibility"; and the social

dimension is the " external interaction such as participation, communication and co-

operation. It serves the personal integration in communities and society and thereby

also builds up the sociality of the learner. " (p. 399). Probably this is a very simple but

comprehensive approach to take into account. Using social media and having the

social learners build something with them and using them to discuss is likely to fulfill

their social dimension of learning, as they are interacting with them and with the

researcher in the study, both in class and online. Also, they should apprehend some of

the content of the lectures in order to reason in front of practical issues. This should

be related to the cognitive dimension. The pilot study has shown that there are some

emerging insights regarding the emotional dimension. For example, from observing

the social learners, it was possible to see that they were having fun with one of the

practical assignments and also there was a student who stated in the interview with

her that she did not believe that social media were good for learning or that they were

worth to use in an organizational or in a library context and for that matter she was

very pleased and happy to have had such a learning experience with social media.

Mayer (2004) proposes learners should be "cognitively active" during learning and

that instructors use "guided practice." It is important to mention that this study

involves the social interaction in different scenarios, such as the learning interventions

in class, assignments and the socialization through SM. The impact and efficiency of

each scenario will provide interesting points for comparison.

The epistemological assumptions forming part of the basis of this study can be

summarized as follows:

The concepts of learning and knowledge are closely connected

Knowledge is created through socialization (Vygotsky, 1978; Nonaka &

Takeuchi, 1995) and can be discovered (Whitehead & McNiff, 2006), as

people possess tacit knowledge within (Polanyi, 1958).

Teachers are capable of generating personal theories by systematically

studying their practice (Whitehead, 1989)

Finally, the theory of affinity spaces is also relevant for this study, as it seeks to

account for both content and interactions. Gee (2007) offers the concept of affinity

spaces, as a conceptual tool for thinking about and researching learning. He highlights

its importance for the future of schooling. Further, it offers a powerful way of

thinking about teaching and learning processes mediated by different technologies,

such as social media (blogs, wikis, Facebook, Twitter, among others) or videogames.

Within this research, it shapes and focuses data collection and analysis.

1.2. Social Media

The working concept of social media (SM) used throughout this research is: Web

based applications that allow the publication or posting of user generated content and

interactions between users. Kaplan and Haenlein (2010) set the genesis of these

computer based SM on 1979, when Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis, both from Duke

University, created Usenet, establishing it in 1980. Usenet allowed its users to post

and read messages into categories or newsgroups, resembling a bulletin board system.

However, they claim that the age of "social media" as we know it, probably started

“when Bruce and Susan Abelson founded ‘Open Diary’ in 1998: an early social

networking site that brought together online diary writers into one community" (p.


The importance of the consumption or the use of multimedia information in the era

of SM is high. However, it can be argued that textual information is very much used

everyday in SM, for example in the form of links for our friends, comments, products

reviews or blog posting. Perhaps there is more text produced now than ever.

To use SM in a learning experience is a good opportunity to see how students can

use these tools that they usually use for entertainment and communication, with the

purpose of learning. The literacies needed to use these tools for entertainment

purposes might not be enough for achieving learning goals, but each individual might

reshape them. For example, while attempting to evaluate a piece of information only

for entertainment purposes can be clearly different than to evaluate a piece of

information that might enrich a person’s knowledge or to contribute to learning

outcomes. Also, an individual with poor digital literacies might find challenges in

using social media. It is one aim of this study to find out how much it can affect

learning, what opportunities this issue pose and finally how this can be alleviated.

1.3. Literacies

The concept of literacies was chosen in this research to be used instead of just IL

based on the point that there are an almost indeterminate number of literacies,

depending on the field where the different researchers that have used a literacy

associated concept come from; such as: new literacies, digital literacy, media literacy,

numerical literacy, scientific literacy, musical literacy and so on. What all these and

other sorts of literacies have in common is that they define the ability to handle a

certain kind of information object or technology. As such, different literacy based

terms may come together under the umbrella term of literacies, and be partly related

to the term of IL. The working definition of IL used in this research is defined as the

varying degree with which an individual possesses or has mastered competencies or

skills for handling information of different nature or information, mostly in paper or

traditional media and formats (working definition inspired by Zurkowski, 1974;

Virkus, 2003; Tuominen, Savolainen, & Talja, 2005; Lau, 2006). The main interest of

this research regarding these concepts lies in information handling as a general-

purpose skill and also in the handling of information and communication technologies

(ICTs) they include SM. Hence, the scope of this research regarding different

literacies is limited to information literacies and digital literacies. It might be useful to

include the concept new literacies, although problematic in its nature that gives

uncertainty regarding when something is new and when it is not. In summary, the

term literacies is used as an umbrella term to refer to the sum of different literacies, as

stated before: information literacy, digital literacy, and new literacies. IL refers to the

skills used to handle information, or an individual’s capacity to handle information,

mostly within traditional media; and DL refers to the skills used to handle, or an

individual’s capacity to handle ICTs (working concept inspired by Shapiro & Hughes,

1996; Lankshear & Knobel, 2006). Finally, the term New Literacies (NL) (Gee, 2001,

Lankshear & Knobel, 2007) would go beyond DL, as there are DL skills that are

helpful to develop NL, but there are new activities that involve unique skills that

might not correspond to traditional DL.

Figure 1. Articulation of literacy related concepts

Figure 1 above represents the articulation of literacy related concepts mentioned in

the previous paragraph. The term literacies contains the other three concepts. Some

ILs are translated to the digital world (ICTs). NLs are less intersected with IL and

more with DL, as in their majority they imply the use of newer technologies,

frameworks or workflows. Some NL might be the ones related to the content creation

and curation using SM (as they might not be considered established skills).

Obviously, DL and NL are related with one another because of technology, but at the

same time, they would be somehow related to IL, as this technological side is related

at the same time with the ICTs.

1.4. Research Questions

Research questions of this study are:

What significant issues, challenges and opportunities emerge when social media

are integrated into learning environments in higher education?

a) How do social learners’ experience learning when they are engaged in a

learning activity that integrates social media?

b) In what ways are social learners' experiences of engaging in the learning

activities dependent upon their literacies?

c) In what ways do learning, literacies and social media mutually shape each


2. Methodology

The methodological approach taken is qualitative. It involves the collection of in

depth data related to: social learners' experiences and interactions when using social

media, their performance of learning activities, the emergence of issues according to

their literacies, and their learning processes. Data gathered is bound to be highly

diverse and subjective. The methods and design of the methodology follow a

participatory action research (PAR) perspective. This form of research builds on the

action research and “group dynamics” models developed by Lewin (1958). Its focus

lies on the effects of the actions of the researcher on within a participatory community

in order to discover or improve practices. McTaggart (1997) implies that PAR is a

dialectical process, one that changes the participants, the researcher, and situations in

which the action takes place. Additionally, McIntyre (2008, p. 1) claims that the aims

of these studies “are achieved through a cyclical process of exploration, knowledge

construction, and action at different moments throughout the research process.”

This method is applied to education within this work. Hence, other pertinent

literature that associates PAR with education was followed. Freire’s (1990) approach

emphasizes the active participation of students and collapses the teacher-student

dichotomy. Furthermore, Freire advocated for an active participation of the researcher

and the participants to plan and implement processes to achieve knowledge co-

construction and co-learning, and the promotion of critical awareness leading to

individual, collective, and/or social change. Fals-Borda is also of relevance, from his

incorporation of the community action into research plans (1973).

The methods planned for the collection of data in the final study are: a diagnostic

questionnaire, a blog, social learners’ input, social learners’ reports that are related to

the assignments, and by the end of the study a second questionnaire and semi-

structured interviews. Many methods were chosen for collecting data to be able to

triangulate the data obtained using each of them, in order to achieve a comprehensive

analysis of the content, interactions and experiences that occurred along this study.

2.1. Participants

This research has so far involved one group of international students from an LIS

master course, which participated in the pilot study. Another similar group is sought

in order to conduct the final study. Having LIS students as participants ensure that

many participants are familiar with relevant LIS concepts like literacies, information

needs and information practices. Most of them also use social networks in their

everyday practices. These participants are labeled as ‘social learners’ throughout the

rest of this paper. According to the logic of Participatory Action Research, the

researcher is a participant as well. This is opposed to different paradigms demanding

the researcher to remain as a ‘fly on the wall’ during the study. The role of the

researcher is to plan the learning interventions and devices (class materials,

documents, software applications and websites) to use throughout the study.

Furthermore, the position of the researcher is to participate, intervene and interact

with the social learners. Moreover, the researcher prepares, explains and mediates

themes and shared meanings, which are discussed in the next section. The researcher

as participant is labeled as ‘lead social learner’ throughout the rest of this paper.

When referring to both the lead social learner and the social learners at the same time,

and for the sake of brevity, the phrase ‘all participants’ is used. At the moment of

writing this paper, the final study has not been conducted, as a suitable group of social

learners has been sought.

2.2. Research Design: The Learning Interventions

The research design for the final study is labeled as ‘Doing Online Relearning

through Information Skills’ (DORIS). It is comprised of different learning

interventions, and it is divided in five stages. Figure 1 below indicates the sequence

and contents of the different stages planned for DORIS. Each of them has a series of

topics that all participants are to discuss in the classroom. Before each of the themes,

the social learners discuss what they already know, think and believe. Then, the lead

social learner explains the topics from that input, in order to mediate a mutual

understanding of the topics. At the end of stages 1 to 4, the social learners are

encouraged to discuss or comment on the blog created by the lead social learner both

as a dialog space and content hub. After Stage 3 social learners have to create social

sites. These sites are other spaces to dialog and discuss among all participants.

Figure 2. Design of the Learning Interventions for the Final Study or ‘Doris’

Stages 2 to 4 were thematically organized after core information skills. These

different skills are: access, use, and evaluation. Lau (2006) states that these

dimensions of information skills are commonly found in the works of different

educators as Byerly, Brodie, and Kuhlthau. Furthermore, they appear in standards

prepared by library associations, such as AASL, ACRL, SCONUL and the Australian

and New Zealand Institute for Information Literacy.

The results of the pilot study pointed to the need for greater coherence and

uniformity in the research design. The organization of DORIS addresses this by

clustering the three main stages of the design after the core information skills. This

provides a more effective framework for determining how social learners’ literacies

mediate their learning and engagement through the use of social media. The stages of

DORIS and the assignments are briefly summarized in the following paragraphs.

Stage 1 Introduction: the lead social learner introduces the social learners to

PAR, the research methods, addressed privacy and ethical concerns, handed

out the privacy statement and the ways he intended to conduct the study.

According to the tradition of PAR, all participants must have all the

information possible concerning the research. Under the positivist tradition,

this would carry a bias in the research. However in PAR, the issue of bias,

trustworthiness and ethical issues are different. After gaining the consent of

the social learners, the researcher introduces the concepts of literacies, the

three dimensions of learning (Illeris, 2003), and SM.

Stage 2 Access: the topics to explore in this stage are related to the users’

practices, information needs, location and selection of information, and

accessibility issues. At this stage, the social learners have their first

assignment: to write a short report by reflecting on their own practices as

users of SM.

Stage 3 Use: the topics explored in this session involve the issues of SM,

tool integration, content curation, the creation of SM sites, and tool

integration. In this stage, the social learners have to develop their second

assignment: create a social site for a fictional information service and hand

in a written report about what they did, and the challenges and issues they


Stage 4 Evaluation: the themes addressed in this session are the use of SM

in organizations and libraries and the evaluation of social media sites. This

session is purposively located after the stage related to the use, because the

third assignment was to evaluate one social site of a library or information

service and. As they have to develop one site for themselves in the previous

stage, this arguably gives them a better understanding on the development,

evaluation and quality of such sites. It is hypothesized that this way of

ordering the stages and hence the assignments, would bring a learning

dissonance which would help social learners gain better insights into the

themes researched. The written report for this assignment has to include the

evaluation of the social site. Furthermore, the social learners are asked to

revisit their second assignments (their own social sites) to say if they would

change something after analyzing and evaluating a real social site.

Stage 5 Wrap up: this stage starts after the previous ends. It is intended to

finish collecting the data to analyze. All social learners are to fill the

questionnaire and the researcher makes appointments with the team leaders

to have the interviews.

The Assignments are intended as role-playing types of activities, these types of

hands-on activities are effective in the way that they “can equalize the relationships

between the literate and illiterate, between the marginalized and the self-confident”

(Mikkelsen, 2001, p. 118.) McIntyre (2008) states that because “PAR is context

specific means that practitioners draw on a variety of quantitative, qualitative, and

creative-based methods to engage participants in the construction of knowledge” (p.

49). In DORIS, social learners contribute their own different abilities to do the

assignment. The reports they have to write are a reflection of these abilities, the

challenges and issues they found by doing the assignments. It is important to note,

then, the limitations individual social learners may have, which is something the

individual questionnaires hope to address. The assignments are three, one per each

main stage (2, 3 and 4). As stated above, the first assignment involves an individual

reflection on the social learners’ practices as users of SM. The second is to create a

social media site for a fictional information service. The third assignment is to

evaluate an existing social site for an information service. For each assignment they

have to hand in written reflection reports and at the end they had to reflect given the

whole experience, if would they change anything in their way of doing the second


2.4. Ethical Considerations

A privacy statement was created to get the social learners’ informed consent,

although no personal information is needed for the purposes of this research. This

privacy statement asserts, among other things, that no information that could be used

to identify these individuals, will be used in the final work and that no personal

information will be given to third parties. The lectures and the class discussions are to

be recorded in audio and video after receiving consent from all participants. All

questionnaires are made anonymous. All interviews are recorded in audio format,

with consent from the participants and then they have to be transcribed for analyzing

the raw data derived from them. For this final study, the researcher created an agenda

in the form of DORIS, which is tailored after the time and availability of the social


2.5. Methods for the Analysis of the Data

The method chosen for the analysis of the data was content analysis, as Pickard

(2007) puts it, “is [used] to present an explanation of those shared meanings and

assumptions.” (p. 241). This refers to the shared meanings and assumptions of the

participants. For the analysis of the data, it was coded and a framework of categories

was created to present it in a certain order.

The categories that were created given the data from the pilot study are:

The identification of the most important issues of web 2.0 and SM that are

faced by users within a learning environment

A look at some of the challenges and opportunities of using SM in higher

education instruction related to the social learners’ literacies

A look at the most useful activities for learning, within this study

The topics social learners learned about throughout the activities of this


Additionally, the refinement on the methodology in respect to the one for the pilot

study, and the addition of new objectives and research questions, brought other set of

categories, which are as follows:

Insights into the mutual shaping phenomenon between SM, the learning

experience and social learners’ literacies.

The challenges and opportunities of using SM in higher education

instruction related to social learners’ literacies.

Social learners’ reflections on their practice based on the learning

dissonance created by the order of the assignments.

The researcher/practitioner’s reflections on his practices between the two

studies conducted within this research.

Furthermore, the learning that is taking place in DORIS will be analyzed by using

Illeris (2003) three dimensions of learning (see 1.1) as an analytical lens. Moreover,

as content and interactions are a very important part of all the participants’

experiences in DORIS, the theory of affinity spaces (Gee, 2007) is used as it allows

for the following two different dimensions or heuristics to shape and focus the data

collection and data analysis.

a) On the function of its content: this is an analysis of the content organization

or design. In the case of blogs or other social media sites, the content

organization and design emerges initially from whoever designed the space,

but then its users (that is all participants in DORIS) shape it.

b) On the function of how people interact with the content and/or with one

another: this analysis points to the interactional organization, contextual

and social interactions, and the organization of people’s opinions,

comments and actions.

4. Conclusion

This methodology represent an improvement in organization and depth compared

to that of the pilot study. It added two research questions to the pilot study and a more

solid philosophical background. One of the most important changes done in the

methodology was to improve the research design by taking the framework of core

information skills. This resulted in the construction of a more structured action

research learning intervention in the form of DORIS. This framework offers the

possibility to better differentiate literacy skills the social learners may be using per

stage of DORIS. In this manner, it is expected that the role of social learners’

literacies would emerge and would be possible to better analyze it. The research

design DORIS is proposed in this paper as a powerful way to organize action research

based on constructivist, blended (physical and online), and problem based learning

interventions through the structure of information skills. Other researchers, librarians

or educators can adapt this model in order to develop learning interventions for

learning and researching about and with social media or other technology mediated

learning environments. Furthermore, DORIS framework can be adapted for teaching

information literacy programs or other topics, by changing the themes discussed in the

different stages. This could result in a powerful framework to teach different topics by

going step by step through different information skills needed to research and use the

information, resources or devices relative to different disciplines.


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