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The Newspaper of East Barnet Parish 3200 FREE copies delivered each month June 2014

Pilgrims making progress


Easter Monday,

these doughty

pilgrims from St

Mary’s hiked from

East Barnet to St

Albans for a service

at the cathedral.

They left at 7.30am

and arrived at their

destination at 1pm

after two stops for


“With more than a

thousand people

from all over the

county joining in, it

was a wonderful

experience,” said

Rector James

Mustard (centre in

the picture).

TODAY’S THE DAY (June 1) when the 2014 East Barnet

Festival is heralded by a season of Theatre in the Park, begin-

ning on Sundays at 3pm.

This starts with ‘Macbeth’ brought to Oak Hill Park by Festival

Touring Theatre, one of the country’s leading companies, who

tour to many National Trust and other prestigious locations.

Admission is £12 (£10 conc), £6 for 6-16s, under-sixes free. Eve-

ryone should bring a rug and cushion or a low-back chair and a

picnic, and light refreshments are available.

The gate at Oak Hill Park opens at 2.30pm. Blue badge holders

should come to the car park off Parkside Gardens by 2pm and

their cars will be escorted in.

Stewards are needed for the Theatre season, which continues from

July 13 with ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’, and for the main

Music and Dance Festival on July 4-6. More information

on or call 07071 781 745.

Bard bounces back

to Oak Hill stage

and the


Spirit: Pages 4 & 5

Bettina jumps

up and down in

the world: p7

T been




TODDLER PRAISE St Mary’s Church 10.30 to 11.45am,

MONDAYS May 12 & 19

Info: Claire Driscoll, 07957 584516

SUNDAY’S COOL Church Hill School, at 10am

Check dates with Parish Office, 8441 4401 All children from 5 to 11 welcome.

Mothers, Others

and Tots (MOT) Pre-school Playgroup, every Friday

1.30-3pm in term time.

Brookside Methodist Church hall,

East Barnet Village.

Contact Mike Pearce for info: 8361 5823

Services in June and July

2—Church Hill Herald June 2014


...may be held on the first

Sunday of the month

during the 10am service

or at 12 noon.

Inquirie to the parish

office, tel 8441 4401

(Mon-Fri mornings).

Sunday June 1 EASTER 6

10am Sung Eucharist

6.30pm Evensong

Sunday June 8 PENTECOST

10am Messy Mass

6.30pm Broken (Alt.


Sunday June 15 TRINITY

10am Festal Eucharist

6.30pm Evensong

Sunday June 22 TRINITY 1

10am Sung Eucharist

6.30pm Evensong

Sunday June 29 ST PETER

10am Holy Communion


6.30pm Festal Eucharist

and party to welcome the

Revd Sam Korn

Sunday July 6 TRINITY 3

9.30am Festival Eucharist

11.30am Songs of Praise

in Oak Hill Park (East

Barnet Festival)

No evening service

Sunday July 13 TRINITY 4

10am All Age Eucharist

6.30pm Evening Prayer

Sunday July 20 TRINITY 5

10am Sung Eucharist and


6.30pm Evensong

Sunday July 27 TRINITY 6

10am Sung Eucharist

6.30pm Evensong

St.Mary's School, Littlegrove,

East Barnet

Summer Fayre

Saturday June 28 12-3pm

*Boys’ and Girls’ Tombolas *Beat The Goalie

*Face Painting *Arts and Crafts

*Home Produce *BBQ

*Beer Tent *Bottle Tombola


Plus lots of other fun!

Church Hill Herald June 2014—3

From the


THERE is much in this

month’s Herald about

Pentecost and the Holy

Spirit. The Holy Spirit can be under-

stood as the “breath” of God

(one possible translation of the

Hebrew “Ruach” and the Greek

“Pneuma” which describe the

Spirit in the Hebrew Bible and

the New Testament), but it is

also understood to be more fo-

cussed and conscious than


The older English translation

“Holy Ghost”, related to the

Germanic “Geist”, makes this

much more clear. If the

“Zeitgeist” is the mind-spirit of

the age, the Holy “Geist” is the

eternal mind-spirit of God.

God the Holy Spirit, as an

e x p r e s s i o n o f G o d ’ s

“consciousness,” doesn’t just

drift around aimlessly or change

with the times. Rather, it is

every bit as intentional and un-

changing as its co-equal per-

sons, God the Father and God

the Son.

F o r t h e C h u r c h , t h i s

“consciousness” of God is

evoked at particular moments,

especially when people are com-

missioned to serve it in minis-


Later this month, our new Assis-

tant Curate, Sam Korn, will be

ordained Deacon (from the

Greek “diakonos”, “servant”) to

serve this community and to be

a focal point for the work of

God in this place.

The Bishop will say to him

“Deacons are called to work

with the Bishop and the priests

with whom they serve as heralds

of Christ's kingdom. They are to

proclaim the gospel in word and

deed, as agents of God's pur-

poses of love. They are to serve

the community in which they

are set, bringing to the Church

the needs and hopes of all the

people…that the love of God

may be made visible.”

To be ordained is an extraordi-

nary privilege: one is commis-

sioned to make God and God’s

purposes through Christ and the

Holy Spirit more visible. It is a

ministry where one not only

proclaims the Good News, but

where one makes the Good

News known, felt and experi-

enced: in ministry, the “Geist”

of God meets the “Zeitgeist” of

one’s setting.

To encourage the meeting of

“Geist” and “Zeitgeist” is re-

warding, but is not an easy


Our task as Sam’s training par-

ish will be to show him the im-

mense diversity of this place, to

enable him to read the

“zeitgeist” of East Barnet and

encourage the “Geist” of God to

be made known through his

many gifts, skills and talents.

I look forward very much to

welcoming Sam and his fiancée

Donna to this parish and minis-

tering with him in this place.

DEADLINE DAY Copy for the next edition

of the Church Hill Herald

should be submitted to

the editor by June 7.

Welcome Sam with true spirit



It is with great sadness

that I announce the death

of Martin Horton, Reader

of this parish. He died on

May 9 as a result of com-

plications following sur-

gery. A full obituary will

follow in the next edition

of the Herald, but at this

time we hold his wife and

family in our prayers.

Our new deacon will

be called to serve

the community

T been


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4—Church Hill Herald June 2014

IT IS a lot more than just another

jolly spring Sunday with barbe-

cues and garden parties.

In the Christian liturgical year, it is a

feast commemorating the descent of

the Holy Spirit upon the Apos-

tles and other followers of Jesus

Christ (120 in all), as described in

the Acts of the Apostles 2:1–31. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other languages, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.

Pentecost is celebrated seven weeks

(50 days) after Easter Sunday, hence

its name.

For some Protestants, the nine days

between Ascension Day and

Pentecost are set aside as a time

of fasting, and world-wide prayer in

honour of the disciples’ time of

prayer and unity awaiting the Holy


While the Eve of Pentecost was

traditionally a day of fasting for

Catholics, today's canon law no

longer requires it.

Both Catholics and Protestants may

hold spiritual retreats,

prayer vigils and litanies in the days

leading up to Pentecost. In some

cases vigils on the Eve of Pentecost

may last all night. Pentecost is also

one of theoccasions specially ap-

pointed for the Lutheran Litany to

be sung.

The typical image of Pentecost in

the West is that of the Virgin

Mary seated centrally and

prominently among the disciples,

with flames resting on the crowns of

their heads. Occasionally parting

clouds suggesting the action of the

‘mighty wind’, rays of light, and/or

the Dove, are also depicted.

Paul notes the importance of this

festival to the early Chris-

tian communities. (See: Acts

20:16 &1 Corinthians 16:8).

Since the lifetime of some who may

have been eye-witnesses, annual

celebrations of the descent of the

Holy Spirit have been observed.

Pentecost is a happy festival.

Ministers in church often wear robes

with red in the design as a symbol of

the flames in which the Holy Spirit

came to earth.

Hymns sung at Pentecost include:

*Come down O Love Divine

*Come Holy Ghost our souls inspire

*Breathe on me breath of God

*O Breath of Life, come sweeping

through us

*There's a spirit in the air

*Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh

on me

Messy Mass On Pentecost Sunday at St

Mary’s we will be celebrating a

‘Messy Mass’, when children will

be able to take part in various ac-

tivities in church. We like to de-

scribe it thus: “We pray and we

play”. So all youngsters are wel-

come to take part and enjoy good-

ies afterwards.

What is Pentecost?

Descent of the Holy Spirit

Church Hill Herald June 2014—5

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Then who is the Holy Spirit? FOR THE LARGE majority

of Christians, the Holy

Spirit (or Holy Ghost) is the

third divine person of the Holy

Trinity, manifested

as Father, Son, and Holy

Spirit; each person itself being


The New Testament includes

more than 90 references to the

Holy Spirit, and

the sacredness of the Holy Spirit

is affirmed in all three Synoptic

Gospels, which

proclaim blasphemy against the

Holy Spirit as the unforgivable


The Holy Spirit plays a key role

in the epistles of St Paul. In

the writings of St John, three

separate terms, Holy Spirit,

Spirit of Truth and Paraclete are

used. The Holy Spirit descended

on Jesus as a dove during his

Baptism, and at the Last

Supper Jesus promised to send

the Holy Spirit to

his disciples after his departure.

In the Acts of the Apostles, this

is how the coming of the Holy

Spirit on the followers of Jesus

is described in more modern

language than on the previous


“When the day of

Pentecost came, they were all

together in one place. Suddenly

a sound like the blowing of a

violent wind came from heaven

and filled the whole house

where they were sitting.

“They saw what seemed to be

tongues of fire that separated

and came to rest on each of

them. All of them were filled

with the Holy Spirit and began

to speak in other tongues as the

Spirit enabled them.”

Modern religious thinkers see

the work of the Holy Spirit in

everyday happenings, some of

which are familiar to members

of St Mary’s Church.

These include the coming to

Christ of a bereaved family and

the revealing of a young

woman’s vocation for the


Any Christian witnessing or

being involved in these events

will testify that in their opinion

the Holy Spirit was at work.

Recently a parishioner of St

Mary’s experienced such a


A couple of friends of his were

bitterly atheistic after many

years of heartache with a terribly

handicapped daughter.

In the girl’s later years they had

been befriended by an Anglican

priest who counselled them.

Shortly after their daughter died

they told our parishioner:

“We’re going to church every

Sunday now.”

“Don’t tell me,” said the St

Mary’s man, “that this wasn’t

the action of the Holy Spirit,

working through that priest.”

His work is to be

seen every day

T been

6—Church Hill Herald June 2014

HERE are clues to some

famous and others not so well

known Biblical figures named

in the Old and New

Testaments. See how many

you can name.

1: A grandson of Adam and

Eve, son of Seth. It is written

that he lived 912 years.

2: Seagoing father of Ham,

Shem and Japheth.

3: Nephew of Abram, he

became a widower when his

wife could not resist a peep at a

burning town.

4: A son of Jacob, he and his

colourful coat were featured in

a modern musical.

5: He fled in fear after killing

an Egyptian who had murdered

a Hebrew slave.

6: A bandleader whose trum-

pets played so loud they made a

city’s wall fall down.

7: This strongman boasted that

he had killed a thousand Philis-

tines using only the jaw bone of

a donkey.

8: A beautiful princess who

tricked her lover into getting a


9: This king had one of his sol-

diers killed after seducing his


10: King of Judaea at the time

Jesus Christ was born.

11: Wife of the above, who

persuaded her daughter to ask

for the head of John the Baptist.

12: A rich man who placed the

body of Jesus in a tomb he had

carved from rock..

13: The Roman governor who

asked Jesus “Are you the king

of the Jews?”

14: There was a case of mis-

taken identity when this woman

saw the risen Jesus.

15: The disciples brought on a

sub after Judas went off. What

was his name?

16: Stoned to death, this

outspoken disciple became

Christianity’s first martyr.

17: As the victim was stoned in

the previous question, this man

looked after the killers’ cloaks.

But later he became one of the

most prominent figures in the

New Testament.

18: This greedy man told a lie

to Peter and the Apostles and it

cost him his life.

19: A missionary with a Jewish

mother and Greek father, who

in a letter was warned against

false teaching.

20: A writer on poverty,

wisdom, pride, humility and

prejudice, whose name is

familiar to today’s

congregation at St Mary’s.

Answers: page 18

See Questions 7 and 8

Herald Quiz with

Joey O’Reilly

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A biblical identity parade

Church Hill Herald June 2014—7


JOGGING FOR BEGINNERS Sessions 6.30pm Wednesdays in Oak Hill Park

(Meet at Littlegrove/St Mary’s School end)

Contact 020 8368 6754 or 07976 940 366 Visit our website



Your East Barnet Ward Councillors If you have any problems with local issues, please do contact us, and we will do our

very best to sort it out for you. Cllr. Barry Evangeli, Email:

Cllr. Robert Rams, Email: Tel: 8446 7291

Cllr. Joanna Tambourides, Email: Tel: 8368 5417 We also hold surgeries twice a month, 10.30am-12noon.

First Saturday at New Barnet Community Centre, Victoria Road Third Saturday at East Barnet Library

We are only too happy to help in any way we can. 0614

Friend in Need

will be having a short

World War 1


Service followed by

tea and entertainment



July 19

Doors open

at 1pm

East Barnet


Church Hall


Road, East


Tickets £10


from FIN

8449 8225

YOU’D NEVER believe

it, but this is Herald

columnist Bettina von

Cossel flying through the

air — not with the

greatest of ease — and

abseiling down a gigantic

water tower in Harlow.

“I’m afraid of heights and

was absolutely terrified,

despite two hunky experts

helping me over the

edge,” said Bettina as she

came to the bottom of a

110ft drop feeling rather


The escapade was in aid

of the Finchley Literary

Festival, which ended on

May 31. At the time of

going to press Bettina,

who writes crime novels

and short stories in

German and English, had

raised a total of £315 in

sponsorship. See also p9.


T been

8—Church Hill Herald June 2014

I TAKE the M25 at least twice

a week, driving my son from

New Barnet to his boarding

school in Bishops Stortford,

and back.

Needless to say, I was much re-

lieved to see that the building

works between Potters Bar and

Enfield are finally over. For

about five minutes I was even

very pleased about the fact that

the motorway now sports im-

pressive four lanes instead of the

previous three. Then I realised that the hard shoul-

der was missing. Crikey, who on

earth had the idea to do that? There

are now emergency bays after every

two or three miles where you’re

supposed to park your car in case of

a breakdown but quite frankly, has

your car ever given up right next to

an emergency bay?

I know from sad experience that life

doesn’t work like this. If you have

the mishap to break down on the

motorway, it will be exactly at the

furthest possible point from the next


Vulnerable Normally this is not such a tragedy

because you and your car should be

relatively safe on the hard shoulder.

Unfortunately, without the hard

shoulder you are in a most vulner-

able position. Even if you try your

best to park as much off the motor-

way as possible, two thirds of your

car will still be standing bang in the

middle of the lane. A car could

crash into yours at any moment, so

you and your passengers need to

leave straight away. Too bad there’s

a safety railing bordering the motor-

way, so you can’t even open the

doors leading out to the left. Every

passenger needs to leave the car via

the motorway side, open the doors

on to the motorway, and step right

on to the lane.

Not even lit On top of it all, this particular

stretch of motorway between Pot-

ters Bar and Enfield is not even lit.

How is a driver racing along the

motorway at a speed of 70mph sup-

posed to see that a broken down car

is standing in his way when it’s dark

or rainy?

Even if it’s not dark and rainy, it’s

often too late until you realise that

the car in front is STANDING in-

stead of driving.

To me this newly improved motor-

way looks like an accident waiting

to happen, and I sincerely hope no

driver has the misfortune to break

down on that particular stretch of

the road.

Bettina 1

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An accident waiting to happen on the new four-lane M25






Church Hill Herald June 2014—9

A FEW DAYS ago I came

across an example of true

chivalry. I lost two tiny hair-

pins with a glittery flower on

top in Victoria Park, and

later told a dog walker about

it; a friendly postman with a

cute white dog called Harry.

Guess what? When I bumped

into him and his wife the same

evening, he said, ‘I’ve got

something for you’, and pulled

the two hairpins out of his

pocket. They’d sparkled in the

sunshine, so that he virtually

fell over them in the park. Still,

sunshine sparkle or not, the

park is huge and this is like

finding a needle in a haystack.

Or, in this case, even two nee-

dles. There must have been a

very kind and hairpin-minded

guardian angel watching over

me that day.


I’D LIKE to thank all those

who graciously sponsored my

abseiling in aid of the

Finchley Literary Festival

(see page 7).

I’m really pleased about the

outcome because all in all I

raised over £300. I found the

event extremely stressful be-

cause I’m very scared of

heights, and the moment when I

had to climb over the edge of

that tower and let go, was one

of the worst in my life. I was so

terrified I felt sick.

I can’t even tell you how re-

lieved I was when I arrived

back on firm ground. The secu-

rity men helped me out of the

abseiling gear, all ogling my

bottom, strangely enough. It

turned out that my husband had

involved them into a vivid dis-

cussion whether my bum

looked big seen from below, or

not, while I was abseiling. Of

all the topics in the world…

Quite frankly, I guess a man’s

soul will always stay a mystery

to me.


THERE ARE exceptional

women who are inspirational

or have some real talent, and

somehow they’re quickly ele-

vated to deity status.

Just google and you’ll find god-

desses galore. The domestic

goddess, the gluten-free god-

dess, the knitting goddess…

Of course everybody knows

that these are not real goddesses

and that a diva, although the

word stands for a female deity,

is no goddess either.

Not so some extreme fans of

singer Beyoncé Knowles, as it

seems. The National Church of

Bey, founded by Atlanta native

and self-proclaimed ‘Minister

Diva’ Pauline John Andrews,

has brought Beyoncé and spiri-

tuality together in a new relig-

ion based on the star’s lyrics.

The lyrics are bound together in

a book known as the Beyble,

which is used to help followers

get in touch with their inner

‘Divine Divas’. The church

started out with 12 members,

but now the National Church of

Bey boasts more than 200.

Personally I find this very dis-

turbing. Why on earth doesn’t

Beyoncé pay that church a visit

to put an end to this? As for my

inner divine diva, there’s a

fabulous beauty salon in East

Barnet Road where I can get in

touch with her any time.


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The day my guardian angel took a stroll in the park

Bettina 2

T been





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10—Church Hill June 2014

One monk and his dog

ALTHOUGH not a parishioner

of St Mary’s, (we are parishion-

ers of Christ the King Cockfos-

ters) we live locally and enjoy

receiving your parish magazine.

Your article in the May edition

about the Benedictine monk and

his dog is interesting and (almost!)

accurate. The monk was Dom Ed-

mund Jones who was Prior of the

Benedictine monastery of Christ

the King Cockfosters (and Parish

Priest) and his dog (a rescue stray)

was an alsatian called Shadow. As

you say, he was very close to

Shadow, although it would proba-

bly be more accurate to say that

Shadow would not leave Dom Ed-

mund’s side. Although the dog did

sometimes go on to the sanctuary,

his normal place during a service

(when he would accompany Ed-

mund down the aisle) was at the

base of the steps leading up to the

altar (totally in the way of those

going to receive communion!).

Dom Edmund eventually decided

he wanted to revert to being a

“simple monk” rather than running

a parish so looked for a site and

discovered premises at Turvey, in

Bedfordshire (not Herts: Ed.), to

where he moved, as Prior, with (I

think) three other monks, leaving

two more to continue running the

Cockfosters parish.

The Benedictine Nuns also moved

from Cockfosters with him (the

ones who produce beautiful vest-

ments, icons and religious ban-

ners). The building he found was a

large manor house called

(coincidentally) Turvey Abbey

which was ideal for the Nuns and

so became the convent. There

were also converted stables and

outbuildings which (with a little

tarting-up) became the monastery

and guest house. After a few years

they had raised enough funds to

build a very lovely church/chapel.

Shadow however died before Ed-

mund moved. He continued to

develop the order in Turvey and it

still exists, many years after his

death, although with only one or

two monks/priests – but still a

large number of nuns. As I have

been connected with Christ the

King since around the age of four-

teen (I’m now seventy-two), I

knew Edmund and the other

monks very well.

If anyone wanted to visit Turvey -

a lovely peaceful, prayerful place

– I’m sure they would be happy to

see you (simply telephone and


Gregory Brown

Avondale Avenue, EN4 8NA

Christ the King Church,


Church Hill Herald June 2014—11


gobsmacked. “Wow!” she ex-

claimed as I prepared to leave

her surgery. “Could you put

that in writing?”

She was referring to the fact

that as I put my coat on I sim-

ply thanked her for the excel-

lent treatment I had always re-

ceived when needing the atten-

tion of herself or one of her

colleagues. This was a rare hap-

pening, said the friendly GP. So

much so that she’d like to put it

into the practice’s records.

Naturally, I agreed to the re-

quest. And when I got home I

penned a short letter to the

health centre putting my appre-

ciation in black and white.

Encounter The pleasant little episode led

to my thinking of how the doc-

tor was in good company — as

illustrated in the familiar story

of Jesus and his encounter with

ten lepers (Luke 17: 11-19).

If you remember, the historic

account tells of how Jesus was

on his way to Jerusalem and

passing through a village when

he saw these ten guys who were

all suffering from the dreaded

skin disease.

They stood at a distance, as was

normal behaviour because their

affliction was not only highly

contagious but extremely wide-

spread in biblical times.

“Jesus! Master!” they cried,

“Take pity on us!” Obviously

they had heard of the amazing

acts of healing attributed to the

popular rabbi from Nazareth.

Jesus didn’t fail them. All he

said was: “Go and let the priests

examine you.” They did so, and

on the way to seek a clean bill

of health miraculously became

clean. That was not the end of

the episode. For one of the ten,

an immigrant from Samaria, ran

back to Jesus, threw himself to

the ground, praising God and

uttering thanks.

But where were the other nine?

Luke doesn’t tell us, but it’s a

fair bet they were celebrating or

at least rushing off with joy to

be reunited with their wives and

families. Whatever the case

may have been, it wouldn’t

have taken them long, would it,

just to spare a few minutes to

mumble some words of thanks?

Sidelined Jesus was clearly upset. “There

were ten men who were

healed,” he said. “Where are

the other nine? Why is this for-

eigner the only one who came

back to give thanks to God?”

Why indeed. But sadly it was

just another example of Jesus

being sidelined by his own peo-

ple. Selfish, unthinking people

who would betray him, deny

him and eventually abandon

him to the cruel Romans who

hung him on a cross to die.

I wonder where those cured

lepers were as Jesus breathed

his last on Golgotha. It doesn’t

bear thinking about.

Thank you for reading this

column, and blessings galore

on you all!



CANCERLINK (Registered Charity No: 1015061)

Information & Emotional

Support for people with

cancer and their relatives. Meetings:

Mary Immaculate and

St. Gregory The Great,

82 Union Street, Barnet.

Wednesdays 1.30-4pm.

Therapies available include:

Healing, Reflexology,

Manicure, Physiotherapy

Contact: Eve

0208 446 3104 or


01707 8022

AS I SEE IT by Mike Pearce

Two little


that mean

so much

One of the ten threw

himself on the

ground, praising God

and uttering thanks.

12 –Church Hill Herald June 2014

East Barnet Residents’ Association Incorporating Friends of Oak Hill Park

Helping Residents for 32 years

We seem to be one of the area's best kept secrets - so please spread the word to friends and neighbours

that we are here to preserve and protect Oak Hill Park and the surrounding areas.

Recent successes for residents:

October 2012: Plans for double yellow lines near the shops in Russell Lane were scrapped

27 June 2012: Plans to rent out Oak Hill Park for "private events" were scrapped

17 May 2012: Plans to introduce parking charges in Brunswick Park Ward car parks were scrapped

11 May 2012: Plans to introduce parking charges in East Barnet Village car park were scrapped

9 December 2011: Plans to expand the park keepers' depot in Oak Hill Park were scrapped

Please join us! The more members we have, the more authoritatively we can represent residents in the East

Barnet parish. FREE TRIAL offer - if you have your newsletters delivered by email, your first year can be

absolutely free.

Please visit or email or call 020 8144 8469 for more details 0914

Sunday June 8 The Spiral Saxophone

Quartet Sunday June 22 Piano Trio (violin, cello,

piano) Saturday July 12 Britten's Noye's Fludde

(no concert Sunday 13)

Sunday July 27 Summer Serenade

(Quintessimo and Friends)




at St Mary’s




Cartoon: Howard


The Spiral Saxophone Quartet: from left

Adam Wilson, Maria Payne, Luiza Lale

and Emily Baker.

Admission to

concerts £5.

Proceeds go to

the St Mary’s

1000+ Appeal

for church


Sunday dinner A YOUNG couple invited their bank

manager for Sunday dinner. While they

were in the kitchen preparing the meal,

the guest asked their son what they were


“Goat,” the little boy replied.

“Goat?” replied the man, “Are you sure

about that?”

“Yes,” said the youngster. “I heard Dad

say to Mum, ‘We might as well have the

old goat for dinner today as any other


10th Commandment A SUNDAY school class was studying

the Ten Commandments. They were

ready to discuss the last one.

The teacher asked if anyone could tell

her what it was. Susie raised her hand,

stood up and quoted, “Thou shall not

take the covers off thy neighbour's


Not welcome A POOR old man applied for

membership of a wealthy church. The

pastor tried to put him off with all kinds

of evasive remarks.

The old man became aware that he was

not welcome there and finally told the

pastor that he would go away and

pray about it. After several days he

returned. “Well,” asked the pastor,

“Did the Lord give you a message?"

“Yes sir, he did,” was the old man's

answer. “He told me it wasn't any use.

He said, ‘I've been trying to get in that

same church myself for ten years and

they won't let me in either’.”

Lord help me DEAR Heavenly Father,

So far, today, I've done all right. I

haven't gossiped or lost my temper. I

haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty,

or self centred. I'm really happy about

that so far.

But in a few minutes I'm going to be

getting out of bed and then I'm going

to need a lot of help. Thank you!


The pallbearers AN ELDERLY spinster requested that

no male pallbearers be used at her

funeral. In her handwritten instructions

she wrote, “They wouldn't take me out

while I was alive so I don't want them to

take me out when I'm dead.”

Watch your diet?

THE Japanese eat little fat and suffer

fewer heart attacks than Brits.

Mexicans eat lots of fat and suffer fewer

heart attacks than Brits. Chinese drink

very little red wine and suffer fewer

heart attacks than Brits, while Italians

drink lots of red wine and also suffer

fewer heart attacks than Brits.

The Germans drink a lot of beer and

wine and eat lots of fatty sausages and

suffer fewer heart attacks than Brits.

Conclusion: Eat and drink what you


Forget me not? Bob: “Will you remember me


Bill: “Yes. ”

Bob: “Will you remember me next


Bill: “Yes.”

Bob: “Will you remember me next


Bill: "Yes"

Bob: “Will you remember me next


Bill: “Yeah.”

Bob: “Knock knock.”

Bill: “Who's there?”

Bob: “See, you forgot me already!”




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24-hour service

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Prepaid funeral plans

Eco and


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Horse-drawn hearse

available 0314

Church Hill Herald June 2014—13




suit THIS year

for our

vicar's birthday, the grateful

congregation decided to give

him a new suit.

He was so touched by the gift

that he stood before everyone

and, with tears in his eyes,

announced, “Next week I will be

preaching to you in my birthday


T been


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8361 5823 or email



£40 (small) £60 (medium) £75 (large)


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£90, £105 or £120

Please send cheques, made payable to East Barnet

PCC to the advertisement manager at 40 Parkside

Gardens, East Barnet EN4 8JS.


Carpets Upholstery

Cleaning and Protection


Tel: 8440 5373

Mobile: 07966 177 116 1114

14—Church Hill Herald June 2014

Steven Gray

Architectural Design

Services -Architectural drawings prepared

for Planning and Building

Regulation appoval

-Extensions -Loft Conversions

-Internal Alterations

Telephone 020 3371 0629 email: 0115

with qualified, experienced, CRB checked teacher.


Up to A level PRIMARY FUN:

Languages taught in groups

ADULTS: One to one and conversation coffee mornings Please contact Sonya Barnes, 8440 3471 or 07809440051



Edward Galligan


PLASTERER All aspects of interior and

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out by reliable, quality


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Cornices & Arches

Pebble Dashing







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call Paul on:

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07727 013 579 Or email:

Check our website:



INTERIORS 24-26, Church Hill Road,

East Barnet EN4 8TB

Specialists in fitted kitchens,

bedrooms and bathrooms


Tel: 8449 3232 Fax: 8449 1050 0514

Efficient Scaffolding Ltd Suppliers and erectors of all types of scaffold

from small residential properties to large

commercial buildings. Friendly family run business.

Competitive prices.

For a free on site quotation call Chris Patrick

on 020 7700 4580/ 07947 340 668





Curtain Specialists

Blinds & Upholstery

23 Church Hill Road

East Barnet EN4 8CY

Tel/Fax: 8449 5115 0514


A.T.N. Plumbing

Leaking taps, toilets,

pipes repaired.

New bathrooms, showers.

Install Air Source Heat Pumps.

Energy efficiency advice.

Call Alastair for a free no

obligation estimate or advice.

Tel. 07803 322202 0414

Church Hill Herald June 2014—15


fitness & gym

instructor 0414

Younger or older, male or female,

combining resistance training

and cardio is the most effective

way of improving overall tone

and fitness and is easier than you

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1 hour max. session in the gym.

No gimmicks, just knowledge.

To enquire contact Stepan on or call 8 440 7899/

Mob 07890 784338.


T been


Any type of lock supplied, fitted, opened or repaired

24hr Emergency Service Freephone: 0800 09615 96

Tel: 020 8362 0647 Fax: 020 8362 0642 e-mail:

83 Russell Lane N20 OBA 0315

16—Church Hill Herald June 2014

Gardens Unlimited

Garden Design

and Maintenance By Professional Lady Gardener

Qualified at

Capel Manor College


Garden and Planting Design

Garden Maintenance

One-Offs or Regular Visits


For all your gardening

requirements Call Monika

Tel. 020 8440 0670

Mob. 07973 409 152 0914

Mike Day Garden

Maintenance For All Your Gardening

Needs Regular Upkeep If

Required For Friendly Reliable Service please phone Home — 0208 368

7328 Mobile — 07904


References available 0914



All types of Building and

Decorating work


Lofts & Extensions

specialist For free estimates call:-

Rodney Barker:-


Dean Barker:-

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For advice & rates call John Ardern

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COUNSELLING Dip. Couns. — BACP Accredited

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Please ring confidentially to speak to a trained counsellor for

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62 Gallants Farm Road,

East Barnet, EN4 8ER 0115

Church Hill Herald June 2014—17


CROSS Home from Hospital Service

Leaving hospital can be an anxious

time. Could you help someone as

they recover from a stay in hospi-

tal? Join our friendly team of vol-

unteers in Barnet and help vulner-

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For further information please call:

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versity of background, culture and


MIKE GRIFFIN HEATING & PLUMBING (BBC Watchdog and Rogue Traders expert since 2008)

Heating, plumbing, bathrooms and kitchens, install, repair and maintain.

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PRESCRIPTIONS 80 per cent of prescriptions are for repeat medication.

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Call Gerry

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Advertise in the Church Hill Herald

T been


18—Church Hill Herald June 2014

Keep things local and use

JANE THORNE RESIDENTIAL Your experienced East Barnet Agent

If you are considering moving now or in the future please call

020 8441 7711 to discuss your marketing requirements.


have a plot on the allotments

at Bells Hill.

It was an activity group which

grew from the High Barnet

Green Home Zone. This was a

community organisation formed

in 2009 and operates on a not

for profit basis. Its primary

work was in the community

helping to give householders

advice as to how to lower their

carbon footprint both at home

and in their life in general.

The issues that we were inter-

ested in drew our attention to

matters such as recycling, less

waste both in food and packag-

ing and led us to want to grow

our own, naturally and locally.

This brought us to inquire about

obtaining a plot in the local

community. The Plot at the

Bells Hill Allotment was avail-

able and with hard work both

from members of the HBGHZ

and friends’ support we man-

aged to transform a patch of

land that was overgrown, cov-

ered in brambles and mud into

an organised plot with a shed

and raised beds that have

seen sunflowers, sprouts, pota-

toes, strawberries, pumpkins

and courgettes flourish.

We were joined by new mem-

bers in 2012 and 2013, and now

total five regular members and

some part-timers. We have

members among us who have

knowledge of growing and we

have others for whom this is

their first journey into the life of

plants and flowers.

We learn from each other, and

on a warm day there is nothing

better than the feeling of seeing

your dinner grow in front of you

knowing your efforts have all

been worthwhile!

We warmly welcome new mem-

bers of all experience or none,

so please get in touch and see

our photos on our Facebook

page The High Barnet Green

Home Zone. See also advert

Growers’ Club Get in touch, come meet the folk and see what it’s all


Do you want to grow organic fruit and veg? Do you feel

you need to learn more or it’s too much trouble to do it

alone? If so, how about sharing the work and produce with a friendly

bunch of ‘green’ minded but still learning people?


or TANYA 07811 176898

Joey’s Quiz answers 1 Enosh. 2 Noah. 3 Lot.

4 Joseph. 5 Moses. 6 Joshua.

7 Samson. 8 Delilah. 9 David.

10 Herod. 11 Herodias.

12 Joseph of Arimathea.

13 Pilate. 14 Mary Magdalene.

15 Matthias. 16 Stephen. 17 Paul.

18 Ananias. 19 Timothy.

20 James.


Church Hill Herald June 2014—19

Not quite right... WELL, that was an action packed

season in the Skrill Premier Con-

ference, wasn’t it?

At the Player of the Year Awards,

defender David Stephens received

this accolade for the second

season running, and also an award

for the Goal of the Season for his

fantastic volley against Grimsby in

November. Mauro Vilhete, who

came to the club via the

community Kickz programme,

won Young Player of the Year and

Most Improved Player of the

Season – both of which were well

deserved. Andy Yiadom won the

Players’ Player of the Season


George Sykes, who has been on

loan to St Albans City, was named

Player of the Month there in April.

An excellent end of season boost

to the club was the announcement


Stephens, Yiadom and Luisma

Villa are all staying with us and

have signed for another

season. We look forward to

continuing to see them play. Also

under contract are Graham Stack,

Eliot Johnson, Luke Gambin, Iffy

Allen and George Sykes. Manager

Martin Allen (no relation!) , as our

playoff hopes faded, has admitted

that “something isn’t right” with

the club, as teams with part-timers

finished above us in the

league. Assistant Uli Landvgreud

has left, and Allen has started a

clear-out of players. Loanees

Dani Lopez, Alex Peterson, Sam

Muggleton, Conor Dymond, and

Charlie Adams have returned to

their parent clubs. Jordan Brown,

Kieran Cadogan, Roberto

Casabella,Marciano Mengerink,

Nick Jupp, Freddie Warren,

Ahmed Abdullah and Harry

Crawford have also left, and we

wish them well in their

careers. James Harper, Jack

Saville, and Jon Nurse have not

been awarded new contracts, but

have been invited back to train

with the Bees in pre-season and

review the situation. Keanu

Marsh-Brown, Jake Hyde and Ja-

mal Lowe have been placed on the

transfer list.

So, now for some vital statistics...

At the end of the season, Barnet

were eighth in the table with 70

points. The champions, Luton

Town (who deserve huge

congratulations), had 101 points

and the bottom team had ten. We

scored 58 goals and had 53 scored

against us, in the course of 19

wins, 13 draws and 14 losses. Top

goal-scorers were Jake Hyde and

Keanu Marsh-Brown with 12


Next season’s fixtures should be

out in early July, and the season

starts on August 9, so keep an eye

on the club site for more up to date


Come on you Bees!


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rates: see

page 14

Tel: 8361 8523

T been


The Revd James Mustard

The Rectory, 136 Church Hill Road, EN4 8XD

Tel: 8368 3840


The Revd Colin Smith (Methodist) , Parish Office

The Revd Dr Jenny King, Parish Office


Mrs Margaret Cranfield

St Mary's Parish Office, Brookside Methodist Church,

2 Cat Hill, East Barnet EN4 8JB.

Tel: 8441 4401


Mr John Hawkins 8441 3931

Mrs Chris Mears 8368 6200


Mr David Griffin

Contact through Parish Office




MANAGER Mike Pearce 8361 5823

Advertisement rates: See page 14.


Bettina von Cossel 8440 7299

20—Church Hill Herald June 2014

020 8447 1000

020 8440 2222

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