The Next Super Villain?

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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A humorous presentation on why casters may be the next super villain.


A New Super Villain?Caster Specialists

Throughout time there have been individuals who have risen to great power...and used that power for evil.


The Joker



Casters have been displaying certain powers - super powers....

Their powers include....

Super strength - Casters have been spotted lifting items more than 5x their size!

Other powers casters have displayed:

Stealth - Look around, casters are everywhere! They’re under entertainment centers, ottomans, coffee tables, chairs, tables, sofas, file cabinets, etc.; yet, we rarely notice them.

Speed - Casters can move very quickly.

Invincibility - While casters may not be 100% indestructible they are very tough.

In addition, casters are masters of disguise. They can be a variety of colors, sizes, and styles - whatever they need to do to blend into their surroundings.

Who knows what other powers casters possess.... Telepathy? X-ray vision? Super senses?

All we can do is hope they use their powers for good.

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