The Night Legacy Chapter 5

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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“Hey, Cel, how’ve you been? It seems like we haven’t had a chance to talk in four months!”

“I’ve been okay. What about you?”

“Fine. Glad college is over.”

“All right, girls, I’m sure you both know why I’ve called you here and I’m sure you’re both in

suspense. It’s finally time to announce to heir for the next generation! I know, I know, it’s

exciting! Now, without further ado, the second generation heir is...”

“Mama, we know it’s Celestia.”

“You do?”

“Of course we do! She won the heir poll months ago!”

“But really, shouldn’t it be up to her whether or not she wants to be heir? It’s her life, after all.”

“Hm. I suppose you’re right.”

“I’ll do it.”

“Are you sure, sweetheart? I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to.”

“No, it’s okay, Mama. I want to do it. Really.”

“Well, then, congratulations!”

“So, let me tell you what legacy heir life will entail.”

“Well, this no longer includes me.”

“It is a tough job, but has many benefits.”


“You will be remembered for everything you do, accomplish many things, have children who

will mature into adulthood, and carry on the family line!”

“Will I still be able to paint?”

“Oh, of course! Heirs and their spouses will have a painted portrait in the house to mark their

place in the family line!”

“So, what are the cons?”

“Well, you’re only allowed to marry townies and NPCs, you have to earn money without the

help of motherlode, and you will have to age.”

“I’ll have to get old?”

“Yes, but don’t worry. It’s not that bad. I’m still going strong, after all!”

“ doesn’t seem too bad.”

“Maybe I can just adopt all the kids.”

“It doesn’t work that way, sweetie.”


“Well, this should be fun.”

“Are you sure you want to do this, Cel? I don’t mind taking over if you don’t.”

“No, it’s okay, Luna. You and Meadow deserve a happy life together. Just don’t forget about me,


“Never. You’re my sister.”

“Besides, I’ll be here for all the birthdays and celebrations! What if I made a bunch of servos

and brought them to have the wildest party ever?”

“Oh, that would be great! And they can clean up afterwards!”

“C’mere, Cel.”

“You know I’ll always be there for you.”

“Thanks, Luna. I really appreciate it.”

“I’ll be okay, though. Really.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I am.”

“Oh, hi, Luna! When did you get here?”

“A few months ago. I’m about to leave. Mom, what happened to your face?”

“Just a little glitch. No big deal.”


“Bye, Luna!”

“Bye, guys!”

See you ‘round, Luna! We’ll see more of you when I go into the spare update! Eventually!

“Well, might as well activate the servo Luna gave me.”

“I think I’ll name him Tom.”

Yes. His name is Tom. A servo named Tom. A Tom Servo, if you will.

...It’s my legacy, I get to have fun! And now, it’s time for...



You’re on!


Check me out!


I’m different!

Moving on.

“It’s so good to meet you, Tom.”

“Now, please, clean the house.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“*sigh* Now, to make a call...”

Hi, Bruges.

“Hello, Author.”

“Can I help you?”

“I’m here to see Celestia.”

“She’s in her room.”

“Thank you.”


“...Hello, Bruges.”

“I was happy to get your call. It’s been a while. Congratulations on graduation.”

“Thank you.”

“I won the heir poll.”


“I’ve accepted it.”


“Well...we knew this day would most likely come.”

“There’s something else I wanted to talk to you about too.”


“Have you been spying on my family?”


“My brother Regulus overheard you and your sister talking. He said that she sent you to spy on

me and Luna. Is that true?”


“Is it true, Bruges?”

“...It’s true.”

“I...I can’t believe it. Reg was right.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry? You lied to me! Get out! Get out of my house!”


“Get out, Bruges!”

“*sigh* All right. Goodbye.”


“What is it?”

“Was it really all a lie? Did you really never have feelings for me?”

“No. That wasn’t a lie.”


“Celestia, I’m sorry. Barcelona did tell me to spy on you, but my feelings for you were never a

lie. I swear to you.”

“Bruges, I...I...”

“Goodbye, Celestia.”

“Goodbye, Bruges...”

“Is your breakfast satisfactory?”

“It’s fine, Tom. Lobster seems a bit much though.”

“I aim to please.”

“*sigh* It’s so hard not to think about him.”

“Well, at least there’s work.”

Why are you dressed in a hard hat? I thought you wanted to be a journalist.

“It wasn’t in the paper.”

Ah. That sucks. Well, nice ride, anyway.

“Okay, see you soon. Bye.”

Who was that, Cel?

“Maxwell. We’re going on a date.”

Are you sure that’s a good idea right now? We’d all understand if you needed a while.

“I’m fine.”

“Hey, Mama. Off to work?”

“Yes, dear!”

“Okay, see you later!”

The carpool and taxi were stuck until the carpool finally moved.

Hey, Max! What’s with the graduation robes? The party is over!

“I didn’t have time to change.”

In four months?

“Pfft, that’s nothing in townie time!”

“It’s so good to see you, Max.”

“You as well, Celestia. I’m so glad you called! I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too.”

“So, are you still painting?”

“Not recently, but I plan to in the future.”

“Mm, this is good! I’m so glad they actually brought our food this time!”

“Me too.”

“Here, Max. I have something for you.”

“What is it?”

“Oh my plumbob!”

“Max, will you marry me?”

“Oh, Celestia, of course I will!”

“Oh, Max, you don’t know how happy that makes me.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“*sniff* So beautiful.”

Peter, go away.

“Let’s go into the booth.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.”

Don’t you people have anything better to do?

“Are you kidding? We’re townies and NPCs! We live for this kind of stuff!”

Carry on, then.

“Better get a wedding party together.”

You’re moving awfully fast...

“The legacy must go on.”

That’s true, I guess.

Hey, Orion! Looking good!

“Hi, Author. I was just looking for Reg. Have you seen him?”

I don’t think he’s coming.


“Welcome to the family, Max.”

“Thanks, Celestia. I’m so glad to be here.”

“Whoa, this feels weird. I’ve never done this before.”

“Wow, actual clothes! They’re horrible!”

We’ll worry about that later. Wedding now.

“Don’t miss the wedding, you two.”

“*omnomnom* We won’t!”

“The red-head is in my seat.”

“The bride looks gorgeous!”

“Heh, Orion in tux!”

“This is all who showed up to watch?”

The rest are snacking.

“Maxwell, you’re a wonderful man and I’m so glad to be marrying you. With this ring, I thee


“Oh, Celestia, you’re beautiful and sweet and it is truly an honor to be marrying you today. With

this ring, I thee wed.”

I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

“Wait, I’m coming!”

You missed the whole thing, Amanda. Good job.

“Woo! All right, Celestia!”

“I can’t believe I missed it!”

“Hee hee, magic does come in handy, sometimes!”

Cake time! Will she be neat or will she stuff?


Ha! Knew it!

“It’s nice to meet you, Orion. I must say, you look fantastic in that tux!”

“Thanks, Max. I think I’m gonna like you!”

“Yeah, he does manage to clean up pretty nicely, doesn’t he?”

“You don’t have to sound so surprised, Luna.”

“Congratulations on making the Dean’s List, Celestia!”

“Thank you, Max!”

“Can’t have a party without a tickle!”

“Eek! Luna, stop it! It’s my wedding day!”

“You look beautiful, Cel. Where are you and Max going for your honeymoon?”

“Twikii Island. It’s almost time to go, actually. Luna, stop!”


“Ready to go?”

“Hang on. I think something’s wrong.”

“What’s wrong? Celestia?”


Well, then. Looks like generation three really is on its way.

And that about wraps up Chapter 5! I hope you enjoyed it!

The Robot Roll Call and two of its pictures are from Myster Science Theatre 3000, a wonderful

show that everyone who hasn’t seen it should look up!

Join us next time for the next chapter of the Night Legacy! See you then!

“Hi, Ichigo McCoy here! Before you go, I’d like to talk to you about the Bring Vis Back


“What is the BBVM, you may ask? Well, in the recent chapters of Keika’s wonderful White

Legacy, generation 6 spare Vesuvius ‘Vis’ White was abducted by aliens and decided to stay

with them for an unspecified amount of time, possibly forever. A few of us in the audience really

enjoyed Vis and his hilarious brand of evil and we would love to see him come back! Hair and


“Now, obviously, it’s Keika’s legacy and she can do with it whatever she wants. Maybe Vis will

be back. Who knows? As part of the BBVM, I would really like to see that happen.”

“I just hope that wherever Vis is, he’s delivering his particular brand of evil!”


“Do you know where the duct tape is?”

“It’s in one of the kitchen drawers, Vis.”

“Oh, good! I need it to make something really evil!”

“Wait until you see it! It’s going to be evil and I mean evil!”

“Can’t wait!”

“Now, I just need some glitter.”

“As you were.”

Sorry, Keika, I couldn’t resist. Please don’t kill me.

Go read Keika’s White Legacy. It’s amazing, whether Vis is in it or not. Just having some fun


See you next time!