The Not So Friendly Buddies You Can Find Living In Unfiltered Water

Post on 03-Dec-2014

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Most of us see water as our savior because it’s a healthy hydrating liquid and it helps us clean ourselves and our belongings. We naturally need water so much that life without it is simply unimaginable. However, water can actually make or break our bodies, especially if it hasn’t gone through necessary cleaning treatments. Even some cleaning treatments like the addition of chlorine in our water supplies can still have potential risks to our bodies. Please visit for more information.


The Not So Friendly Buddies You Can Find Living In Unfiltered Water

Most of us see water as our savior because it’s a healthy hydrating liquid and it helps us clean ourselves and our belongings.

water can actually make or break our bodies, especially if it hasn’t gone through necessary cleaning treatments.

Fortunately, safer treatments like water filters have been developed to make the water cleaner and healthier.

Filtered water is as clean and potable as other types of bottled drinking water, and will save you from any harmful contaminants.

these harmful contaminants are

● Coliform bacteria are actually more of a group of bacteria, and not a single one. Though it doesn’t exactly have any proof that these are the main causes of diseases, they can contain strains of the harmful E. Coli bacteria. They come from the gastrointestinal tract of animals, they can also be found in vegetation and soil. They make their way through our water supplies by the direct disposal of waste to bodies of water like lakes or rivers.

HAAs and THMs are the harmful byproducts of chlorine. Absorption or ingestion of too many of these byproducts can result in the development of cancer of the breast, colon, bladder and rectum.

Lead can also be found in unfiltered water due to water pipes corroding. It’s an extremely toxic metal that can do great harm even in small amounts, and can lead to several illnesses.

Giardia LambliaGiardia LambliaGiardia LambliaGiardia LambliaGiardia LambliaGiardia LambliaGiardia LambliaGiardia LambliaGiardia LambliaWhile in the body, giardia lamblia cause giardiasis. Symptoms of giardiasis include abdominal cramps, weight loss, nausea, diarrhea and other general gastrointestinal pains.

RadiumBeing exposed to radium for a long time can result in a higher chance of developing liver, breast and bone cancer.

keep your body and your family safe by making sure that your water is cleaned and filtered. Ensuring and protecting your water for Outstanding Quality and Safet!