The Odyssey

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Mostly from Edith Hamilton's account of The Odyssey, this slide shows the summary of Odysseus' adventures plus his pre-adventure stories after the Fall of Troy.


The Adventures of Odysseus

Life Back Home

Odysseus has been away from his home in Ithaca for a total of 20 years.His son, Telemachus, has become a man and his wife Penelope is assumed to be a widow by the people of Ithaca.

Suitors come to woo Penelope but she remains faithful to Odysseus, believing he is still alive.The suitors continue to live in Odysseus’s house until Penelope agrees to marry one of them.

Life Back Home

She holds the suitors off by promising them she will marry one of them when she finishes weaving a shroud for Odysseus’ father

They give in to her promise and agree to let her finish

Life Back Home

Every day she works on the shroud but secretly undoes it at night.The suitors eventually find out about her scheme and catch her in the act.

They become more unmanageable than ever.

Life Back Home

The Fall of Troy

The Greeks have been away at war for 10 years.The Greeks defeat the Trojans with the help of Athena and Poseidon.The Greeks go mad with victory the night they sacked the city of Troy.The Greeks violate the prophetess Cassandra in Athena’s temple

Athena turns against the Greeks and convinces Poseidon to do the same.

This causes the Greeks to be terribly punished on their journey back home.


After the victory at Troy, Odysseus and his men begin their journey home from here.


The winds blew Odysseus and his men to Ismarus, a city in Thrace where the warring Cicones lived

Odysseus’ men plundered the city and killed many people

At dawn, the Cicones attacked the sleeping Greeks


Six warriors from each ship died upon the beach

Thus, began Odysseus’ journey

Athena’s Forgiveness

Athena’s anger subsides and decides to set things right to bring Odysseus home.

Although Poseidon is still angry with Odysseus, Athena asks the other gods to help him come home.

She also goes to Ithaca in disguise and asks Telemachus to search for his father.

Telemachus seeks the help and advice of Menelaus in Sparta

He says he has heard from Proteus that he is being held a prisoner of love by sea nymph Calypso.

Odysseus’ Journey

Lotus eatersThe inhabitants try to feed some of the men their flower food that makes them forget reality and lose their longing to get home.

Odysseus’ Journey

Lotus eatersOdysseus had to drag them back to the ship and chain them as they wept to stay in the Lotus Land.

Odysseus’ Journey

Cyclops Polyphemus

Hungry and tired the men come across the cave of Polyphemus where Odysseus lost many men.

Odysseus’ Journey

Cyclops Polyphemus

By blinding the Cyclops, Poseidon became even more angry with Odysseus

Odysseus’ Journey

Aeolus, keeper of the windsThe men come to the country of the winds where Aeolus receives them with hospitality.As a gift, Aeolus gives Odysseus a parting gift of a leather sack full of all the storm winds.

Odysseus’ Journey

Aeolus, keeper of the windsOdysseus can sail home safely as long as he keeps the sack closed.His crew, thinking the sack is full of gold, opens the sack and unleashes a storm


Odysseus’ Journey

Telepylus, land of the Laestrygons

The Laestrygons are giant cannibals who ate most of Odysseus’ menOdysseus’ ship was saved because it was parked out of the shore

Odysseus’ Journey

Circe, a beautiful but dangerous witchSome of the men go ahead and encounter Circe who turns them into pigs.One man escapes and returns to Odysseus to tell him what happened.Armed with an herb Hermes has given him that would not affect him from Circe’s magic, Odysseus saves his men

Odysseus’ Journey

Circe, a beautiful but dangerous witchShe falls in love with Odysseus and changes his crew back into human form and they live in luxury at her house for a year.After having enough, Circe uses her magic to tell them how to get home• They must travel to Hades and speak to the

dead prophet Teiresias.

Odysseus’ Journey

Odysseus and his men lure Teiresias’ spirit with blood and asks for help.•He tells Odysseus’ he will eventually get home and advises the men not to kill oxen belonging to the sun.


Odysseus’ Journey

The Sirens- woman that lured man to death by singing

Odysseus’ men put some wax on their ear

Odysseus’ Journey

He did not put any wax on his own but he asked his men to tie him on the boat

Odysseus listened to the Sirens for more clues in going home


Odysseus’ Journey

Six of his crew lost their lives

Scylla is a six-headed monster while Charybdis is a whirlpool


Odysseus’ Journey

They finally arrive at the island of the Sun where the hungry men kill and eat his cattle (ox) while Odysseus is away.

The sun destroys the ship and drowns everyone but Odysseus.

Free From Calypso

At the same time, Hermes visits Calypso and tells her of Zeus's command to let Odysseus go.She finally gives into Zeus’s command and gives Odysseus all the necessities he would need to make a raft to get home.

On his journey home, Poseidon catches sight of him and sends a storm to wreck his ship.The goddess Ino, who feels sorry, gives him her veil to protect him from harm in the water.

Free From Calypso

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He swims for 2 days and finally reaches the land of the Phaeacians and their king.

The king’s daughter finds him naked and filthy on the shore.


She leads him to the king where he is received warmly and kindly.

The King say he will make sure he gets home and lets him eat and sleep at his house.


Odysseus Heads Home

Odysseus tells his storyAfter hearing this, the Phaeacians make a ship for him to get home.Athena helps himOdysseus is disguised as a beggar so he will be welcomed into his palace.



Fighting For His Home

The next day, Penelope presents the suitors with a challenge: whoever can string Odysseus’ bow and shoot an arrow through twelve rings would be able to marry her.All the suitors try and fail but when the beggar asks for a try they all laugh at him.


Fighting For His Home

The suitors, taken off guard go for their weapons but Telemachus hid them all.They try to run away but the doors are all locked as Odysseus slaughters them all.Odysseus finally reveals himself to Penelope and after 20 years of separation, they live happily ever after.