The Orthodox Vision - November 2014 Issue #297

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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The Official Monthly Publication of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Bridgeport, CT


November 13 November 14 November 14

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity


November 1

November 8

November 9 November 16

November 25

November 30 November 21st

November 2014


Strict Fast Fish Allowed Wine and Oil Allowed Dairy,Eggs, and Fish Allowed

1 Bishop Raphael

Hawaweeny of


Unmercenaries Cos-

mas & Damian

2 5th Sunday of


Martyr Acindynus

& Companions

Domnina, Domna,

& Kyriaki, Mar-


3 Monday

of the 7th


Martyrs As-

cepsimas, Jo-

seph &


Dedication of

the Temple of

St. George

4 Tuesday of

the 7th Week

Joannicius the


Nikandros, Bish-

op of Myra


LESIS 6:00



7:00PM Martyrs Ga-

laktion & Epis-

time / Holy Apos-

tles Hermes &



Paul the Con-



Friday of the 7th


33 Martyrs of Mi-


Lazarus the Won-



Synaxis of the


9 7th Sunday of

Luke / Nectarius

the Wonderworker

Martyrs / Αγίοσ






10 Monday

of the 8th


Olympas &


of the 70

Arsenius of


11 Tuesday of

the 8th Week

Martyr Menas

Martyrs Victor

and Stephanie


John the Merci-


Nilus the Ascet-



John Chrysos-

tom, Abp. Of


Damaskinos of

Mount Athos


Apostle Philip

Gregory Palamas,

Abp. Of Thesso-



Saturday of the

8th Week

Martyr Gouria &


Thomas, Abp. of



Apostle and

Evangelist Mat-



Monday of

the 9th


Gregory the




Tuesday of the

9th Week

Great Martyr


Martyr Roma-






7:00PM /




Thursday of

the 9th Week

Forefeast of the

Entry of the


Gregory Decap-



SERVICE: Entry of the


kos 9:30am

Τα Ειζόδεια ηης



Tag Sale – 10am

to 3pm/



SALE 10-1:00

23 9th

Sunday of Luke

Amphilochius, Bp.

Of Iconium

Gregory, Bp. of




SALE (after ser-


24 Monday of the

10th Week Pope Clement

of Rome

Peter, Arch-

bishop of Al-



Apodosis of the


Great Martyr



Wednesday of

the 10th Week

Alypius the Sty-

lite Nicon


Thursday of

the 10th Week

Martyr James

the Persian

Righteous Na-



Friday of the

10th Week

Stephen the New

Martyr Irenarchos


Saturday of the

10th Week

Martyrs Para-

monos & Philume-


Nicholas, Abp. of



Apostle Andrew

the 1st Called /

Αγ. Αλδξέαο ν



.―And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and

some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers.‖

Ephesians 4:11

T he ministry of the Clergy is indeed important in

the Orthodox Church, but where would the

Church be today without her important ministry

of the laity? I would like to write about two important

ministries that were recognized by our church last


The first is the Orthodox Christian Fellowship.

What's happening today with Orthodox ministry is

very exciting and optimistic. It reminds me of the New

Frontier that we heard about shortly after the discovery

of the "New World" by Christopher Columbus. When I

was in elementary school, I remember learning a song

that started with the words, "In 1492, Columbus sailed

the ocean blue." I remember celebrating Columbus as

the visionary explorer who proved the world was

round, when everyone else thought it was flat. I

remember Columbus's courage being cited, as he kept

on sailing westward, even though his panicked crew

was convinced they would sail off the edge of the

earth, or that a sea monster would swallow their ship. I

remember a school book picture showing Columbus

planting a cross on the beach and claiming it for

Ferdinand and Isabella.

Columbus, the "Admirable Admiral," was one of my

childhood heroes. He is a hero to most Americans. I

mention Columbus, because I feel what we are doing

here today is of a similar character: Orthodox

Christians united together to preach and spread

Orthodoxy to a ―new world.‖ It may not be the world

of Columbus, but it is a new world from the

motherlands from which Orthodoxy originated. Like

Columbus, our ancestors were pioneers who had

discovered a new land and rediscovered in this new

land their original homeland in God. And now it's up

to us to take the torch and pass it on to our youth.

In doing so, there are many challenges we face in

today's world, not only trying to preach Orthodoxy in a

mostly secular society, but also to keep our youth

connected to their faith. We must learn ways to spread

our faith in this new land and acclimate our youth to

American society, without them losing their faith.

These are the challenges we all face as clergy, teachers,

and parents.

In my eyes, the OCF is groundbreaking for this

reason. It is not only an organization that reaches out

to our college students, it uniquely has students reach

out to other students, which is what makes it such a

successful ministry, keeping our orthodox youth

connected to their faith at a time when they are

developing their own social identities.

The second ministry I would like to acknowledge,

since October was National Church Music Month, is

the Church choir. The sacred hymnology of the Church

is an extremely important element of Church services

and Church life because it is what brings us closer to

God. As St. Gregory of Palamas states, ―Whoever

attunes himself and studies the meaning of sacred

songs from the beginning to end will find himself

approaching God.‖ All the teaching and theology of

the Church is incorporated in the sacred hymns, which

are so beautifully communicated to us through our

Choir and Chanters. Just as an authentic icon makes

visible for us, the invisible Kingdom of God, so too,

authentic Church music makes audible for us the

inaudible song of the angels around the throne of God.

Orthodox Church music raises the eyes of our hearts to

see the True Light and lifts up our hearts to receive the

Heavenly Spirit as we worship the undivided Trinity in

the Kingdom, which is not of this world.

Sometimes, we take for granted the work that goes

into preparing a choir and leading the church in

worship. The leadership of the choir and the choir

itself must learn these artistic expressions in the ways

they have been traditionally done, while also adapting

to our own church and liturgy. I would like to

personally thank our choir and chanters and would ask

that each of you thank them personally for sharing their

time and talents. If it wasn’t for them, we would not be

able to enjoy this beautiful and sacred tradition of the


I want to remind all of you that the Church is not just

bricks and metal, but it is each and every one of you

who come together to contribute their time and talents!

If it were not for our volunteers in the choir, our

chanters or youth workers, we would not be able to

exist as a church. I am truly indebted to all of you for

your continued service in Christ!

Ministry of the Laity

by Father Andreas Vithoulkas

“It’s not happy people who are thankful. It is thankful people who are happy.”


ηνπ π. Ανδρέα Βσθούλκας

«….θαη απηόο έδσθε ηνπο κελ

απνζηόινπο, ηνπο δε πξνθήηαο,

ηνπο δε επαγγειηζηάο, ηνπο δε

πνηκέλαο θαη δηδαζθάινπο,»

(Δθεζίνπο 4:11).

Π ξ ά γ κ α η η ε ί λ α η

ζεκαληηθόο ν ξόινο ηνπ

θιήξνπ ζηελ Οξζόδνμε

Δθθιεζία. Αιιά πνπ ζα ήηαλ

ζήκεξα ε Δθθιεζία ρσξίο ηνλ ιαό;

Θα ήζεια λα γξάςσ γηα δύν

ζ ε κ α λ η η θ ν ύ ο ξ ό ι ν π ο π ν π

αλαγλσξίδνληαη από ηελ Δθθιεζία

καο απηό ηνλ κήλα.

Ο πξώηνο ιόγνο είλαη ε

Οξζόδνμε ρξηζηηαληθή αδειθόηεηα.

Απηό πνπ ζπκβαίλεη κε ηελ

Οξζόδνμε Γηαθνλία ζήκεξα είλαη

πνιύ ζπλαξπαζηηθό θαη αηζηόδνμν.

Απηό καο ζπκίδεη ην ηη αθνύζακε

ιίγν κεηά ηελ αλαθάιπςε ηνπ

«Νένπ Κόζκνπ » από ηνλ

Υξηζηόθνξν Κνιόκπν. ηαλ ήκνπλ

ζην δεκνηηθό ζρνιείν, ζπκάκαη

κάζακε έλα ηξαγνύδη πνπ αξρίδεη

κε ηηο ιέμεηο, «ην 1492, ν

Υξηζηόθνξνο Κνιόκπνο έπιεπζε

ηνλ κπιε σθεαλό.» ζπκάκαη

ενξηάδνπκε ηνλ Κνιόκπν ζαλ

νξακαηηζηή Δμεξεπλεηή πνπ

απέδεημε όηη γε είλαη ζηξνγγπιή θαη

όρη επίπεδε όπσο όινη πίζηεπαλ.

Θπκάκαη κε ζάξξνο έπιεε πξνο ηα

δπηηθά, παξόιν πνπ ην πιήξσκά

ηνπ είραλ παληθνβιεζεί όηη ζα

πέζεη ζηελ άθξε ηεο Γήο θαη όηη

έλα ζαιάζζην ηέξαο ζα ηνπο

θαηαπηεί όινπο αθόκε θαη ην

θαξάβη. Θπκάκαη κηα εηθόλα από

έλα βηβιίν πνπ εκθαλίδεη ηνλ

Κνιόκπν λα βάδεη έλα ηαπξό ζηελ

παξαιία γηα ηνλ Φεξδηλάλδν θαη

ηελ Ιζαβέιια.

Υξηζηόθνξνο Κνιόκπνο, ν

αμηνζαύκαζηνο λαύαξρνο, ήηαλ

έλαο από ηνπο ήξσεο ηεο παηδηθήο

κνπ ειηθίαο. Δίλαη έλαο ήξσαο γηα

ηνπο πεξηζζόηεξνπο Ακεξηθαλνύο.

Ο Υξηζηόθνξνο Κνιόκπνο ην

αλαθέξσ, επεηδή πηζηεύσ όηη απηό

πνπ θάλνπκε εδώ ζήκεξα έρεη

παξόκνην ραξαθηήξα: Οξζόδνμνη

Υξηζηηαλνί καδί ΔΝΩΜΔΝΟΙ

θεξύηηνπλ ηελ εμάπισζε ηεο

νξζνδνμίαο γηα έλα «λέν θόζκν».

Ίζσο λα κελ είλαη ν θόζκνο ηνπ

Κνιόκπνπ, αιιά είλαη έλαο λένο

θόζκνο από ηεο κεηξνπόιεηο ηεο

Οξζνδνμίαο. αλ ηνλ Κνιόκπν

έηζη θαη νη πξνγνλνί καο ήηαλ

πξσηνπόξνη πνπ αλαθάιπςαλ κηα

λέα Γή, θαη ζηελ λέα απηή παηξίδα

έρνληαο καδί ηνπο ηνλ Θεό. Καη

ηώξα από καο εμαξηάηαη λα

κεηαδώζνπκε θαη θξαηήζνπκε ηελ

δ ά δ α α λ α κ κ έ λ ε θ α η

ηελκεηαδώζνπκε ζηελ λενιαία καο.

Τπάξρνπλ πνιιέο πξνθιήζεηο

πνπ αλη ηκεησπίδνπκε ζηνλ

ζεκεξηλό θόζκν, πξνζπαζώληαο

όρη κόλν λα θεξύηηνπκε ηελ

Οξζνδνμία ζε κηα σο επί ην

πιείζηνλ θνζκηθή θνηλσλία αιιά

θαη λα θξαηήζνπκε ηελ λενιαία

καο λα δηαηεξήζεη ηελ πίζηε ηνπο.

Πξέπεη λα κάζνπκε λένπο ηξόπνπο

γηα λα δηαδνζεί ε πίζηε καο ζε

απηήλ ηελ λέα Γε θαη ζηελ

Ακεξηθαληθή θνηλσλία, ρσξίο ε

λενιαία καο λα ράλεη ηελ πίζηε

ηνπο. Απηέο είλαη νη πξνθιήζεηο

πνπ όινη καο αληηκεησπίδνπκε ζαλ

θιήξνο, δάζθαινη θαη γνλείο.

ηα κάηηα κνπ ε Οξζόδνμε

Υξηζηηαληθή αδειθόηεηα είλαη ηα

ζεκέιηα. Γελ είλαη κόλν έλαο

νξγαληζκόο πνπ αγθαιηάδεη

θ ν η η ε η έ ο , α ι ι ά θ ν η η ε η έ ο

πξνζεγγίδνπλ άιινπο θνηηεηέο, θαη

έηζη κε επηηπρία δηαηεξείηαη ε

Οξζόδνμε πίζηε θαη θνηλσλία

κεηαμύ ησλ λέσλ.

Ο δεύηεξνο ιόγνο πνπ ζα

ήζεια λα αλαγλσξίζσ είλαη,

δεδνκέλνπ όηη ν Οθηώβξηνο είλαη ν

κήλαο ηεο εθθιεζηαζη ηθήο

κνπζηθήο, είλαη ε Δθθιεζηαζηηθή

ρνξσδία. Η Τκλνινγία ηεο

Δθθιεζίαο είλαη έλα πνιύ

ζεκαληηθό ζηνηρείν, δηόηη καο

θέξλεη πην θνληά ζηνλ Θεό. πσο

αλαθέξεη θαη ν Γξεγόξηνο Παιακάο

όηη όπνηνο κειεηά ηελ έλλνηα ηεο

πκλνινγίαο από ηελ αξρή έσο ην

ηέινο ζα λνηώζεη ηνλ εαπηό ηνπ λα

πξνζεγγίδεη ηνλ Θεό. ιε ε

δηδαζθαιία θαη ζενινγία έρεη

ελζσκαησζεί ζηνπο ύκλνπο, πνπ

αθνύγεηαη ηόζν σξαία από ηελ

ρνξσδία θαη ηνπο ςάιηεο. Η

νξζόδνμε εθθιεζηαζηηθή κνπζηθή

καο αλεβάδεη ηα κάηηα ηεο ςπρήο

καο ζηα νπξάληα γηα λα δνύκε ην

αιεζηλό θσο ηεο Βαζηιείαο ηνπ


Μεξηθέο θνξέο ζεσξνύκε

δεδνκέλν ην έξγν πνπ ρξεηάδεηαη

γηα ηελ πξνεηνηκαζία ηεο ρνξσδίαο.

Η εγεζία ηεο ρνξσδίαο θαη ε

ρνξσδία πξέπεη λα κάζνπλ ηηο

θαιιηηερληθέο εθθξάζεηο θαη

απαηηείηαη αξθεηή εξγαζία θαη

ρξόλνο. Πξνζσπηθά ζα ήζεια λα

επραξηζηήζσ ηα κέιε ηεο ρνξσδίαο

καο θαη ηνπο ςάιηεο καο γηα ηελ

βνήζεηά ηνπο, ηνλ ρξόλν ηνπο θαη

ην ηαιέλην ηνπο. Αλ δελ είρακε

ρνξσδία δελ ζα κπνξνύζακε λα

απνιαύζνπκε ηελ ηεξή θαη σξαία

παξάδνζε ηεο Δθθιεζίαο καο.

Θέισ λα ππελζπκίζσ ζε όινπο

καο όηη ε Δθθιεζία δελ είλαη κόλν

θηίξηα από πέηξεο θαη ηνύβια, αιιά

είλαη ην κέξνο ιαηξείαο γηα όινπο

καο θαη όινη έρνπκε ππνρξέσζε λα

πξνζθέξνπκε ηελ ώξα καο θαη ην

ηαιέλην καο! Αλ δελ ππάξρνπλ

εζεινληέο ζηε ρνξσδία καο,

ςάιηεο ή βνεζώληαο, ε εθθιεζία

καο δελ κπνξεί λα ππάξρεη. Δίκαη

πξαγκαηηθά ππεξήθαλνο γηα όινπο

ζαο θαη γηα ηελ πξνζθνξά ζαο ζηελ

ππεξεζία ηνπ Υξηζηνύ!

“Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.”


“Somewhere, someone else is happy with less than you have.”

W ith the celebration of the 100 year gala we had

last year, we know the importance of reaching

that feat. More importantly, we know how

difficult it is to reach that milestone. This past Sunday,

we had the opportunity to celebrate a very special birth-

day. We were honored to celebrate with Mr. Markos his

100th birthday. What a pleasure it is to see this man walk

into the church! Yes, it is an honor to be in his presence

when he chooses to be around us! Mr. Markos, what can

I say, may you ―two hundred them!‖

Also, I would like to thank Mr. Lee Tsouris for getting

us the furniture from the company he works for. We have

three beautiful desks in our office, another in the Sunday

school office, some book shelves, and some really com-

fortable chairs.

It was a great time going to Holiday Hill on September

20th and participating in the GOYA retreat. A handful of

cars went, and there were many activities and plenty of

food. We all had a great time. On September 28th, we

celebrated GOYA Day. Our GOYA held their annual

―picnic‖ for the parish, but beforehand, some of the

GOYAns shadowed Parish Council members during ser-

vices. It was a pleasure to have them work with us. On

November 22nd, our GOYAns will have their annual tag

sale in the Aegean Hall. Let’s all make an effort to sup-

port them. Let’s not forget that they are the future of our


On October 5th, a number of Choir members who have

served for 20 years (or more) were honored with certifi-

cates on National Church Musicians’ Sunday. They also

held their 3rd Annual Choir Social and Silent Auction for

the parish, which is a fundraiser held to generate funds

which will be used to have an Icon of Saint Romanos the

Hymnographer painted in the Choir loft.

Also, on October 13th, Holy Trinity, together with the

Daughters of Penelope and AHEPA, and partnered with

the Council of Churches, ventured out to Trumbull Gar-

dens again and presented ways to prepare meals for under

5 dollars to the residents. Thank you Kathy and John for

taking charge with this project. This is true philoptochos,

getting out into the community and helping hungry fami-

lies and the less fortunate. Thank you to Philoptochos for

their generous donation. We were able to purchase four

different cooking devices that are being used as raffle


On Dec.14th, we are having our Christmas luncheon.

Please keep the date open and celebrate with us. Also,

registrations for basketball and volleyball have begun,

and the games start soon.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving

Μ ε ηνλ ενξηαζκό ησλ 100 ρξόλσλ πνπ

είρακε πέξπζη γλσξίδνπκε ηελ ζεκαζία ηεο

επίηεπμεο γηα θαηνξζώκαηα, θαη ην πην

ζεκαληηθό είλαη λα γλσξίδνπκε πόζν δύζθνιν είλαη λα

θζάζεηο ην νξόζεκν. Σελ πεξαζκέλε Κπξηαθή είρακε

ηδηαίηεξα γελέζιηα ζηελ παξνηθία καο. Ο θνο Γηάλλεο

Μάξθνο ελνξίηεο καο γηόξηαζε ηα 100 ηνπ γελέζιηα.

Σνπ επρόκαζηε θαη ζηα δηαθόζηα.

Θα ήζεια λα επραξηζηήζσ πνιύ ηνλ Κύξην Βαζίιε

Σζνπξή, ζηελ εηαηξεία πνπ εξγάδεηαη καο δώξηζαλ

αξθεηά έπηπια θαη αλαπαπηηθέο θαξέθιεο γηα ην γξαθείν

ηεο εθθιεζίαο θαη ην θαηερεηηθό καο ζρνιείν.

ηηο 20 επηεκβξίνπ ε λενιαία καο είρε ηελ εηήζηα

ζπλάληεζε, αξθεηνί από καο πήγακε πεξλώληαο κηα κέξα

καδί κε ηα παηδηά καο απνιακβάλνληαο ηηο δηάθνξεο

δξαζηεξηόηεηεο θαη θαιό θαγεηό. Δπίζεο ε λενιαία καο

είρε ην εηήζην πηθλίθ θαη απηήλ ηελ εκέξα βνήζεζαλ ζην

παγθάξη καδί κε ην ζπκβνύιην. Ήηαλ ραξά καο λα

ζπλεξγαζζνύκε όινη καδί. Δπίζεο ζηηο 22 Ννεκβξίνπ ζα

έρνπλ ην θιήτ κάξθεη – πξέπεη όινη καο λα ηνπο

ππνζηεξίμνπκε. Αο κελ μερλάκε ε λενιαία καο είλαη ην

κέιινλ καο!

Η ρνξσδία καο ηίκεζε ηα κέιε ηεο πνπ ππεξέηεζαλ

πάλσ από 30 ρξόληα ζπκκεηνρήο. Πξνζπάζεηα γίλεηαη

γηα αλεύξεζε ρξεκάησλ γηα λα πξαγκαηνπνηεζεί ε

αλέγεξζε ηεο εηθόλαο ηνπ Αγίνπ Ρσκαλνύ ηνπ


ηηο 13 Οθησβξίνπ νη ζπγαηέξεο ηεο Πελειόπεο καδί

κε ηελ Αρέπα θαη ζπλεξγαζία κε ην ζπκβνύιην ησλ

εθθιεζηώλ, βνήζεζαλ, παξνπζίαζαλ θαη πξνεηνίκαζαλ

γεύκαηα θάησ ησλ 5 δνιαξίσλ ζηνπο θαηνίθνπο ηνπ

Trumbull Gardens. Δπραξηζηνύκε ηελ Καηίλα θαη ηνλ

Γηάλλε πνπ αλέιαβαλ ην έξγν απηό. Δπίζεο επραξηζηνύκε

ηηο θπξίεο ηεο Φηινπηώρνπ γηα ηε γελλαηόδσξε πξνζθνξά

ηνπο, ώζηε λα αγνξάζνπκε ηέζζεξα δηαθνξεηηθά ζθεύε

καγεηξηθήο πνπ ρξεζηκνπνηήζεθαλ ζηελ ινηαξία.

ηηο 14 Γεθεκβξίνπ, ζα έρνκε ην εηήζην

Υξηζηνπγελληάηηθν γεύκα, ακέζσο κεηά ηελ Θεία

Λεηηνπξγία. Παξαθαιώ θξαηήζηε ηελ εκεξνκελία

αλνηθηή θαη ειάηε λα γηνξηάζνπκε όινη καδί. Δπίζεο ηνλ

κήλα Ννέκβξην αξρίδνπλ θαη νη εγγξαθέο θαη ηα

παηρλίδηα γηα ην Αζιεηηθό καο Πξόγξακκα.

Δύρνκαη ζε όινπο κηα ππέξνρε εκέξα ησλ


Our Parish

by Constantinos Vlamis , Parish Council President


“Some people grumble that roses have thorns. I am grateful that thorns have roses.”

W ith the weather becoming

chillier, PTO is gearing up

for the fall and winter festivities.

The ―S’mores Under the Stars‖ was

a fun evening of pizza and s’mores.

We had a great turnout, and while

there were some sticky hands, we

all had a fun night of toasting

marshmallows under the bright

moonlight and meeting new

members and their families.

Welcome aboard, and we look

forward to spending happy times

with you and the kiddos as well.

Looking forward, we will be

starting our Holiday Raffle on Nov

2nd. If you are interested in

donating towards this, please

contact Christina Tsocanos or Helen

Vlamis. We will be using the

kitchen to bake the tsourekia on the

Nov 10th and 11th. If you would

like to help in the kitchen during the

day, wrapping during Greek School,

or selling in the month of

December , please let me know.

We could use as many hands as


We will also have the ―Make a

Wish Project.‖ All gift donations

will go to the children at St. Basil's

Academy, and we will be visiting

them as well. More info will be out

soon. Just as last year, I will gather

a wish list from the children at St

Basil's. Last year a nice group of us

attended and had a great time. Our

own Sami Bal participated in

retrieving the cross in the pool, and

we enjoyed the tour of the grounds

that was given to the group as well.

There will be a decorated Christmas

tree with angel ornaments outside

of the Aegean Hall. Each angel will

have wish list items for each child.

It is a great opportunity to visit the

Academy, and most of all, make a

child very happy during the holiday.

The annual Santa’s Workshop

will take place on Saturday ,

December 13th, from 10am to 1pm.

We will have the youth groups

separated by age again. RSVP to

Maria Gountas so that we can have

a head count.

On Sunday, December 21st, get

ready for Sunday School 's

Christmas Pageant. Before the

production, PTO will serve the

children a light Communion


Mark your calendars for PTO's

New Years Dance. We had such a

good time last year, we figured

we’d do it again! Maria Gountas

and Anna Papanikolaou are the

contacts for ticket purchase or



by Effie Vlamis, President

O ur season is here! Practices have begun and

sign-ups are ending soon. Please be sure to

bring any youth interested in playing to the

next practice to register. Our 1st weekend of games is

the Saturday and Sunday before Thanksgiving.

The practice schedule is as follows:

Tuesday Basketball : JV/Varsity 7:30 to 8:30 /

Wednesday Volleyball : 6:30 to 7:30 -JV, 7:30 to 8:30

Varsity / Thursday Basketball: Farm 5:30 to 6:15,

Youth 6:00 to 7:00, JV/Varsity7:00 to 8:30 /

Basketball divisions (boys and girls): Farm Team

Ages 7 and under / Youth Division Players must be

age 10 or younger on 7/31/2014—Players must have a

birthday 8/1/2003 or later.

Junior Varsity Division boys must be age 13 or

younger on 7/31/2014. Boys must have a birthday

8/1/2014 or later. Girls must be 14 or younger on

7/31/2013. Girls must have a birthday 8/1/1999 or later.

Varsity Division Players must be age 17 or younger

on 7/31/2014. Players must have a birthday 8/1/1996 or


I would like to thank George Andriotis, Assistant

Athletic Director, Perry Gountas, Treasurer and James

Touris Secretary for their dedicated service on the Com-

mittee. We welcome in Amelia Valiantis and John

Bochanis as new members of the committee team.

Our banner program is active again please see any

committee member for more information about this

sponsorship opportunity. The banner program is mutu-

ally beneficial as it reinforces brand awareness for our

many local businesses!

Coming soon: Calling all basketball alumni! We are

looking for former basketball players who played in the

league‖ back in the day‖ and can help us discover more

details about the leagues history and milestones. If you

know anyone who played in the league all way the back

to when it was at the YMCA and then Park Ave, please

let us know! We are working on a special program to

honor our leagues history and those who helped shape

what it is today. Contact Lee Touris or Chris Danas if

you have information, photos, history, etc...

Athletic Department

by Chris Danas , Director


“There is no joy without gratitude.”

Τ ν Διιεληθό καο ρνιείν

εύρεηαη ζηνλ πάηεξ

Αλδξέα γηα ηελ

νλνκαζηηθή ηνπ ενξηή. ΥΡΟΝΙΑ

ΠΟΛΛΑ! Father Andrea – Happy

Name Day!

Η επέηεηνο ηεο 28εο Οθησβξίνπ

γηνξηάζηεθε από ην ρνιείν κε

νκηιίεο από ηνπο καζεηέο ηεο 6εο

θαη 8εο ηάμεο. Δπίζεο δόζεθαλ ηα

Διιελν-Ακεξηθαληθά ιεμηθά

ζηνπο καζεηέο ηεο 3εο ηάμεο γηα

λα ηα ρξεζηκνπνηνύλ γηα ην

κάζεκά ηνπο.

Δ πί ζ ε ο ε θθ ξ ά δ ν π κ ε η α

πγραξεηήξηά καο ζηνπο καζεηέο:

ΔηξήλεBal, Καιιηόπε Bellows,

Πιάησλα Βιάκε θαη Υξηζηίλα

Βιάκε γηα ηελ ζπκκεηνρή ηνπο

ηνλ Ινύλην ζηελ Νέα Τόξθε, ζην

δηαγώληζκα ηεο Διιεληθήο


Δπραξηζηνύκε ηηο θπξίεο ηνπ

ΡΣΟ - γηα ηελ ζπλερή βνήζεηά ζαο

- είσθε πάντα έτοιμες να

βνεζήζεηε ζε όηη δήπνηε ζαο

δεηήζνπκε – γηα όια όζα θάλεηε

γηα ηα παηδηά καο, θαη γεληθά κε ην

ζρνιείν καο. Καη πάιη έλα


Σν ειιεληθό καο ζρνιείν -

εύρεηαη ζε όινπο ζαο λα πεξάζεηε

κε πγεία ηελ «εκέξα ησλ




by Eleni Limberis , Director

O ur Sunday school had its

first didactic service on Oc-

tober 12th. Many thanks to

Father Andreas, who conducted the

Liturgy in the Aegean Hall for the

children, and to Father Serge, who

conducted the service upstairs. The

children enjoyed the educational and

spiritual experience.

Thank you to all the parents and

teachers who attended our Parent-

Teacher Meeting. For anyone who

did not make it to the meeting,

please feel free to contact me directly

for an updated calendar, or to ask

any questions that you may have.

It is very important for our children to attend Sunday

School regularly. In other religions, children have man-

dated requirements in order to receive a sacrament and

often must pay extra for special classes. We are so

blessed to have a religious studies program available in

our community on a weekly basis at no cost to the par-

ticipants. Our children will benefit spiritually and mor-


Please try to have your children ar-

rive in Church on time, which is by

10:15am. Our teachers start their

lessons on time and must start over

when children arrive late.

Mrs. Joanne Bogardus is gra-

ciously directing the children to learn

the hymns of the Divine liturgy.

There is a Halloween Party sched-

uled for October 31st, and will defi-

nitely will be a TREAT!

Please continue to support our PTO ,

as they generously fund our Sunday

school with books and supplies. This is our only source

of income to Sunday school. I also thank PTO for the

ice cream social that they held for the kids while the

parents met. They all had fun.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel

free to contact me.

Sunday School

by Tom Hallas, Director

Saint Philip


“What if today we were just grateful for everything?”

O u r

chapter has

kicked off

the year with

a burst of


Our October meeting was our

annual Think Pink—Think Purple

meeting where we discussed and

raised awareness for Breast Cancer

and Domestic Violence Month.

We also discussed anti-bullying. A

raffle was held for Swim Across

the Sound and materials were

distributed including pink, purple,

and blue pins , demonstrating

awareness for the three issues. Our

district governor was also in

attendance. The chapter grew by

initiating a new member as well.

We were pleased to initiate the

Bridgeport chapter of the Maids of

Athena this past month! We are

very excited about having this

wonderful group here with us, and

we look forward to working

t o g e t h e r w i t h t h e m !

Congratulations, and we wish you

much success!

The DOP participated in the

October food event held at

Trumbull Gardens and will be

participating again this month at an

educational workshop about food.

Our Let’s Keep Them Warm

Drive is underway! We will be

collecting new gloves, hats,

scarves, warm socks, and small

blankets for the needy in the Great

Bridgeport community. (All new

items. Please, no coats or clothes.)

The items are distributed to local

schools, shelters, crisis centers, and

hospitals. This project is one of

our favorite projects and a true

labor of love. Please see the flyer in

the Vision for all dropbox

locations. Thank you to all those

who continue to have a collection

box at their places of business. If

you would like to help, and can

have a collection box, please

contact us and we will provide one

for you.

Tickets are on sale for our

Turkey Raffle in support of our

scholarship program. Tickets are

only $1! Five turkeys will be

raffled off on November 23rd.

We are taking orders for our

annual Christmas Wreath Sale! The

deadline for Wreath orders is

November 26th. They will be

decorated and distributed on

December 6th and 7th. Please

consider buying a beautiful wreath

decorated by members of our

community! We will also be

selling Christmas planters and

baskets again this year! Look out

for our flyers!

Our chapter is celebrating our

79th year in Bridgeport this year.

To commemorate this and our

annual Founder’s Day, we will be

supporting our brother AHEPAns

at their annual luncheon on Nov


Our next meeting will be on

November 19th. If you wish to

become a member of our group,

please reach out to me or to any

member for more information.

P l e a s e v i s i t u s a t


O u r c h a p t e r e m a i l i s


g. Lastly, ―Like‖ us on Facebook

at Daughters of Penelope -

Bridgeport "Hermes" Chapter 41,

District 7. Please consider being a

part of the Daughters of Penelope.

We would love to have you!

Daughters of Penelope by Kathy Yiannoulis , President

T he annual chicken luncheon, sponsored by the

Bridgeport Chapter of Ahepa, will be held on Sun-

day, November 9th, directly after church. Please join us

for a delicious chicken luncheon. The proceeds will ben-

efit the AHEPA scholarship fund.

On October 13th, the Bridgeport Chapter of AHEPA

participated in the second community outreach program

at the Trumbull Garden Apartments in Bridgeport. .

AHEPA, r in conjunction with the Bridgeport Council of

Churches, assisted in a healthy eating demonstration at

the Trumbull Garden Apartments. AHEPA also donated

a kitchen appliance to the event. Thank you to AHE-

PAns Chris Waldron and Gus Vlamis for their help at

the healthy eating event. . Each month AHEPA will be

assisting at monthly events held at the Trumbull Gar-

dens Community Center.

To become a member of AHEPA please contact us at

203-394-8001 or


by John Bochanis , President


”End your day with a happy thought and a grateful heart.”

T he summer is over and Fall, with its beautiful col-

ors, is here. The weather is still OK, and you can

still enjoy Mother Nature and your gardens.

Time goes so fast! November is here, and that means

we have to prepare for our bake sale for Thanksgiving !

Get ready - preparation begins from October 22nd for the

orders for the bake sale. You are all welcome to help in

the kitchen or any other activity.

From October, we started collecting food and

clothes for the poor. Please be as generous as you have

always been. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

It is another hard year for many people, and that's the

work of a philanthropic organization like Philoptochos.

We help the Council of Churches, the Rescue Mission,

the Evergreen Network, the Food Bank, the Merton

House, and families of our own community. We need

your help, your donations, and everything else you can

offer. Thank you all.

This year, we changed the date for the Pot Luck

Dinner to November because we had many things in Oc-

tober. In our general meeting of November, Tuesday

4th, 2014, we will hold our Pot Luck Dinner. A speaker

is going to talk to us for first aid instructions. Please call

or tell us what you are going to bring. If you do not have

the time to prepare something, let us know so that some-

body else can bring extra. Kαιή θαξδηά θαη έρεη γηα

όινπο όπσο ιέλε θαη ζηελ Διιάδα καο ! If you want

bring a friend, please do so - American or Greek!

November 2, 2014: St Anargyroe - Philoptochos

Name Day: Artoklassia and Tray -Light Reception

November 4, 2014 at 6:30 PM: Pot Luck Dinner with

a speaker

November 22-23, 2014: Bake Sale for Thanksgiving.

Please make your orders promptly. Deadline - November

8, 2014 .

November 30, 2014: Father Andreas Name Day

I hope to see you all at the Pot Luck Dinner. If you

want to call for your dish, please call:

Lena at (203) 929-1582 or Maria at (203) 375-9329.

Thank you.


by Lena Protopapas , President

T he choir would like to thank all of

the wonderful organizations and

individuals who so generously

contributed and supported our 3rd Annual

Coffee Hour Social and Silent Auction

fundraiser on Choir Sunday, October 5th,

2014. We raised $1,500, with the pro-

ceeds going toward our beautification pro-

ject. It may take a few more years to

reach our goal, however, we are in the

process of obtaining an estimate for an icon of St. Roma-

nos the Hymnographer to be painted on the empty rear

wall of the choir loft. Updates will be noted in future

Vision Choir Columns.

For all the beautiful and exciting baskets

which were so graciously donated, we ex-

tend a sincere thank you to: AHEPA, Holy

Trinity Seniors, Hellenic Cultural Associa-

tion, Daughters of Penelope, PTO, Gus and

Nick Vlamis, Ted Pappas, Cindi X. Keane,

the Tallcouch Family, the Capiris, Demes-

tihas and Hatzis Families, and the Vaniotis

Family. We are also indebted to the fol-

lowing individuals for their generous con-

tributions: Evangelia Exis, Van Hatzis,

Helen Spyrou, Pipitsa Stevens, Angie Tha-

tos, and Kay Zorzy. Lastly, a heartfelt

thank you to Helen Yeotsas, Maria Pat-

siarikas, and Katherine Yiannoulis for their

help in setting up and making all the musi-

cal decorations.

Once again, we extend our appreciation to everyone

who helped to make our special day a success!

Choir by Carol Vaniotis

NOVEMBER 2014 10

O ur Parish has been most busy since

we started the new Ecclesiastical

Year in September. It indeed was a

beautiful day on September 14th , as we

celebrated the Feast Day of the Elevation

of the Cross. Seaside Park turned out to be

a glorious day as the waters were blessed

by Father Andreas. Again, Chronia Polla

to all those who celebrated their Namedays

on that day. Kai Tou Xponou.

"Choir Day" was recently celebrated, with

Certificates of Appreciation being distributed to the dedi-

cated Choir Members for their years of Service, followed

by the Choir Coffee Social and Chinese Auction. It was

beautifully done and was a great tribute to our wonderful

Choir who help to make our Sundays so meaningful.

Special thanks to all those who contributed to our an-

nual Wine Tasting, especially to the Philoptochos, who

were the generous sponsors. Our gratitude is extended to

the bakers, to the set up, the raffle prizes, and those who

contributed in any way. Of course, we thank our chair-

persons, Kalliope Tsitsipas and Sylvia Bal.

Once again, we thank the PTO for catering to our chil-

dren - pumpkin picking, S’mores Night, ice cream social

while parents attended a Sunday School meeting, and

their annual Fall Harvest Lunch to raise the funds to be

able to support these activities.

Our Sunday School program is off to a good start ,

with a meeting held for the parents with Father and Tom

Hallas, the Director.

It indeed was so nice to see our GOYAns follow in the

footsteps of the Parish Council members on a recent Sun-

day. They helped to fulfill the duties of the Parish Coun-

cil members, as they respectfully were learning what

those obligations were. We wish all of them much good

luck in their future endeavors and hope someday, as

adults, they will take over the Parish Council responsibil-

ities. They will have their annual Tag Sale and Flea Mar-

ket on November 22nd.

Philoptochos will hold their annual Pot Luck Supper

meeting in November. They will also begin their Novem-

ber Thanksgiving Bake Sale. In November and Decem-

ber, they will be making their food baskets for the less


What an accomplishment -100 years old - John Markos

celebrated his birthday surrounded by family and friends

on October 12th . We were happy to celebrate with him as

his family hosted a lovely brunch in his honor. Should

we say, with the loving care of his beloved

wife Emorphia, "Many More Happy Birth-

days" to John Markos with good health.

Congratulations to Aspasia Trigonis on at-

taining her U. S. Citizenship. She did an

outstanding job answering all the necessary

questions. We welcome her officially to the

United States. Good luck and good health.

Cristina and Michael Hasiotis have started

their own photography business "Mixali

Media," whereby they are dedicated to

providing their clients "beautiful memories," whatever

the occasion happens to be. They can be contacted at 203

-209-7845 or 203 257-9271. We wish them every suc-


Congratulations to the Daughters who, at their last

meeting, initiated a new Maids of Athena Chapter for our

young girls. Good luck in this new endeavor. The Daugh-

ters are also sponsoring a hat and glove drive for all ages

through January. Wanted are new gloves, mittens,

scarves, hats, small blankets and warms socks (no coats).

Please place in collection box at the back of the Church.

Quite a few Wedding Anniversaries were celebrated in

October. We wish the following couples many more

years of good luck and good heal th:

Kathy and Pat Santella — 28 years; Theodora and Nick

Fatibene - 29 years; Alexis and George Koulouris - 43

years; Stella and George Capiris - 57 years.

Hope you are enjoying the new format of the Sunday

Bulletin, thanks to Vicky Andriotis.

The Community extends its deepest sympathy to

Pavlo and Antigone Bozikis on the death of Antigone's

mother in Greece, where the funeral was held. The Com-

munity extends its deepest sympathy to the family of

Demetra Bothos upon her recent death. She struggled

valiantly for five years with cancer. Her loving daughters,

Katherine and Alexandra, were always with her. She was

an educated individual with many talents, and she will

be missed by many. We also extend our deepest sympa-

thy to the family of Gregory Yiotos. Also, our deepest

sympathy to Eleni Demestihas on the death of her sister

in Greece and to Jim Trigonis on the death of his sister in

Greece. May all their Memories be Forever Eternal!

“Be grateful. Act with love. Check your motives. Watch your attitude. Forgive.”

Around the Parish

by Stella Capiris

NOVEMBER 2014 11

Submitted by Vicky Andriotis, Source: Pantanassa Monastery.

Kids’ Corner

NOVEMBER 2014 12

Submitted by Vicky Andriotis, Source: Pantanassa Monastery.



Work out the hidden message using the code, below:


Your voice is Needed!

No Greek? No Problem! Hymns are available

in Phonetics, English, and Greek.

No Auditions. Join now! Call Phoebe at 203.258.9160.

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!

Serve the Lord with gladness!

Come into his presence with singing!”

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 directly after services in the Aegean Hall





Adults: $12.00 Children: $8.00

11, 2012 17, 2012

18, 2012

To Order: Call either Holy Trinity– 203.374.5561, Kalliope– 203.926.0137, or Lena Protopapas– 203.929.1582 by November 16, 2014

Pick up: Saturday, November 22, 2014 between 10:00 am and 1:00pm or Sunday, November 23, 2014

$8/ loaf

NOVEMBER 2014 17

NOVEMBER 2014 18

NOVEMBER 2014 19






6:30 pm

The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church

4070 Park Avenue

Bridgeport, CT 06604

Dear Parishioner,

Our Society invites you to join our vital philanthropic organization. We would like you to know about our various activ-

ities that realize our mission to aid the poor who need the help of our Church, to promote the charitable and benevolent

purpose of the Archdiocese, to preserve and perpetuate the Orthodox Christian concepts and to participate in the life of

our Greek Orthodox community. A partial list of our activities are:

At the National and Diocesan level:

Visits and sponsorships at St. Michael's Home for the Aged in Yonkers, NY Contributions to the Holy Cross/Hellenic

College, Scholarships, Provide for the physical needs of the children of Saint Basil's Academy, Raise funds for the Can-

cer Fund and the General Medical Fund

At the local Bridgeport level:

Bridgeport Rescue Mission, Support to Center for Women in Bridgeport for abused women & children, Drives to aid

the Evergreen Network for victims of AIDS & HIV, Service to the Merton House in Bridgeport where we cook & pro-

vide meals, Collection of donations for the Bridgeport Food Bank

At the Parish level:

Assist parishioners in need, Donate funds for Altar and Kitchen needs, Decorate the Parish Gold Room

for each season, Serve the community as needed, Bake and volunteer for our annual Greek Festival,

Complete various Church projects and aid national emergencies & disasters, here and abroad

As you can easily see, there is a variety of initiatives in which your particular talents can contribute to our mission. We

encourage you to call us to discover how this dynamic group can fulfill your personal goals of participating in the life of

our Greek Orthodox Community.

Join us to return to God a portion of the time, talents and resources you have received.

Sincerely, Phani Papachristos at 203-380-0566

The Membership Committee Maria Cook at 203-375-9329

Christine Vlastaris at 203-929-3573

Philoptochos Membership Form 2014—2015

©2014 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, Bpt. Ct Publishing &Design-Vicky Andriotis-10/17/2014

The Official Monthly Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604

“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every Creature. ” Mark 16:15

Sylvia Bal 814-2131 Michael Bouloubasis 336-2116 Stella Capiris 259-7344 Phil Georgas 257-7452 Periklis Gountas 690-1765 Petros Karayiannis 631-258-3933

A. J. Metsopoulos 292-6418 Chris Papachristos 380-0566 Pericles C. Rountos 268-7173 Peter Tsimbidaros 334-2578 Constantine Vlamis 268-5464 Nick Vlamis 459-0521 All are codes are 203, unless otherwise


Parish Council Newsletter Editor

Vicky Andriotis

Newsletter Staff

Eleni Limberis Father Andreas

Vithoulkas Vicky Andriotis

HISTORIAN & ARCHIVES ROOM S. Capiris 203-259-7344

historian@holytrinitybridgeport. org

HOSPITAL MINISTRY S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

JR. CHOIR J. Bogardus 203-736-6501

LOVE 1 ANOTHER M. Mourizakis 203-373-0580

MAINTENANCE G. Hatzis 203-260-5359

L. Tsouris 203-334-2781

NURSING HOME MINISTRY S. Capiris 203-259-7334

OLYMPIANS (GOYA) F. Papachristos 203-380-0566

P. T. O. E. Vlamis 203-685-5464

pto@holytrinitybridgeport. org

PARISH COUNCIL Constantine Vlamis 203-268-5464

parishcouncil@holytrinitybridgeport. org


philoptochos@holytrinitybridgeport. org


PUBLICITY COMMITTEE E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

publicity@holytrinitybridgeport. org

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE S. Karagiannis 203-820-1975

SENIOR CITIZENS V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

STEWARDSHIP A. J. Metsopoulos 203-292-6418

Stewardship@holytrinitybridgeport. org

SUNDAY SCHOOL T. Hallas 203-522-5022

sundayschool@holytrinitybridgeport. org


V. Andriotis

vicky@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ALTAR DIRECTOR P. Bozikis 917-692-2317

AHEPA J. Bochanis 203-254-7595

AROUND THE PARISH S. Capiris 203-259-7344

aroundtheparish@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ATHLETIC DIRECTOR C. Danas 860-916-3777

athleticprogram@holytrinitybridgeport. org

BOOKSTORE V. Andriotis

vicky@holytrinitybridgeport. org

CANTOR G. Bakes 203-374-8561

CHOIR P. Leask 203-258-9160

choir@holytrinitybridgeport. org

CULTURAL ASSOCIATION V. Hatzis 203-268-7231

culturalassociation@holytrinitybridgeport. org

COUNCIL OF CHURCHES S. Kapetaneas 203-926-1751

DAUGHTERS OF PENELOPE K. Yiannoulis 203-372-6591

daughters@holytrinitybridgeport. org

ECCLESIARCH D. Trigonis 203-374-0725

FORCC E. Vaniotis 203-374-0013

GOYA E. Demestihas 203-380-2923

C. Vlamis

GREEK SCHOOL E. Limberis 203-371-6305

greekschool@holytrinitybridgeport. org

GREEK SCHOOL DANCE GROUP E. Limberis 203-371-6305

greekschooldance@holytrinitybridgeport. org

Church Office

Eleni Limberis Email: Email@holytrinitybridgeport. org

Office: 203. 374. 5561 Fax: 203. 374. 5770 Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm Sundays after Services: 12:00pm-1:00pm

On the Web -www. holytrinitybridgeport. org Bookstore Online -bookstore. holytrinitybridgeport. org

Shopping– shop. holytrinitybridgeport. org On Facebook—www. facebook. com/holytrinitybridgeport

On Twitter – www. twitter. com/holytrinitybpt

Father Andreas Vithoulkas, Presbyter fatherandreas@holytrinitybridgeport. org

phone: 917-334-4192


Weekdays & Saturdays Orthros 8:30 am / Liturgy 9:30 am


Orthros 8:45am/ Liturgy 10:00 am

Ώρες Λειτοσργίας Κσριακής ‘Όρθρος: 8:45 πμ / Θεία Λειτοσργία: 10:00 πμ

DeJesus Dental Group Cosmetic, Family & Implant Dentistry

Pericles Rountos, D. M. D. General Dentist

T:(203) 372-1220 www. dejesusdental. com

F:(203)371-8540 4131 Main St. Bpt, CT

Dr. Kevin R. Bellows Chiropractic Physician

25 Lindeman Dr. Trumbull, CT 203-373-0315

Fax: 203-373-0367

Special Attention to Athletic Injuries

651 Villa Ave. Fairfield, CT 203-384-8176

www. androsdinerfairfield. com


MAHER & MURTHA LLC 528 Clinton Ave

Bridgeport, CT 06605

Phone: (203) 367-2700

Cell: (631)258-3933 PGK@maherandmurtha. com

MY SMILE Orthodontics Maria Karayiannis,DMD

865 River Road, Suite 307 Shelton, CT 06484

Phone: 203-538-5014 fax:203. 538. 5001

www. MySmileCT. com Maria@MySmileCT. com

Commerce Hill Funeral Home 4798 Main St. Bridgeport , CT


Ronald J. Dougiello

Charles W. Dougiello

David P. Dougiello

Call the Office and place your ad today! 203. 374. 5561

Tomlinson’s Restaurant 1400 Noble Ave, Bridgeport

Tel. 335-5296

Nicholas Vlamis Constantinos Vlamis- Owners

www. cactusrosecantina. com

5 River Road Wilton River Park

Wilton, CT 203. 762. 8484

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 4070 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604 Address Service Requested