The Paprika Elephant Oracle Deck · The Paprika Elephant Oracle Deck© 2018 – English 7/44 3- The...

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The Paprika Elephant Oracle Deck ©

Guidebook (English)

Texts & i l lustrations by Angel Thaena

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Dedication Page 3

Introduction Page 4

How to use The Paprika Elephant Page 5 Oracle Deck © ?

A few spreads Page 6

Meaning of the cards Page 10

Acknowledgement Page 44

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To my daughter and husband,

Thank you so much for your love and support

during this adventure

I could not have done this without you

I love you with all my heart

*** To my beloved parents,

You are my guardian angels

Thank you for your guidance from where your are

I love you


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That's it!

You have The Paprika Elephant Oracle Deck © in your hands… and I can tell you there is a good

reason for that !

I am delighted and honored that you bought this deck, the fruit of my creation.

It came to life thanks to you. You’re part of the adventure now.

Thank you for welcoming my deck into your life and your heart.


At the very beginning of the creation of this oracle deck, I had not imagined self-publishing it one

day. Most of the cards were created in 2016 and 2017, some of the images are older and were created

between 2007 and 2009).

They inspire me daily in my spiritual practice and also reflect my journey so far.

I reworked each of my original illustrations to make them more lively, more inspiring and more vibrant,

for them to bring you magic and support day after day.

The name « The Paprika Elephant » is a wink to my daughter, a story between her and I, but also to

my husband from Laos where elephants are strong and sacred animals .

Paprika is a sweet spice, a powder made from sweet pepper.

This perfectly sums up my oracle: it is spicy and sweet at the same time, and full of love!

It has the colors of life, and It is there to be a wonderful and helpul companion on your life path.

Enjoy !

Love & Light

Nat (Angel Thaena)

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How to use The Paprika Elephant Oracle Deck ©?

You should know that there is no right or wrong method!

You are free to appropriate and use it your way ☺

I give you some tips but you can quite do otherwise.

First of all, when you receive this deck, you can purify it before using it if you wish.

Here are some methods I use myself:

- Look at the illustrations one by one to connect to the deck and place your own energies. - Purify the cards by fumigation with white sage, Palo Santo or incense of your choice (lavender, cedar, sage). - Tinker the Tibetan Bowl above the deck. - Place a crystal on the deck overnight. - Expose it to the full moon. Etc ...

Before a spread:

- Go to a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. - Close your eyes and visualize a beautiful white light, a divine and protective light that will guide you

during your reading. - Make some deep breaths (inhale and exhale) to relax and concentrate. - Shuffle your deck and cut it (you may or may not consider the cut). - You are ready for your reading.

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A Few Spreads

Again, you are free to use this deck as you wish. If you have your own spreads, do not hesitate to try them out.

The Paprika Elephant appreciates challenges ☺


1- The Daily Spread:

Represents the energy of the day. You can also meditate with the card and write what it inspires you

in your journal. This will allow you to come back to it later.

2- The Time Spread:

Card 1: The here and now, the subject of the question or the current situation.

Card 2: The near or distant past, which leads you to today.

Card 3: The advice of the future, one of the possible outcomes (to have several tips, cover with one

or two additional cards).




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3- The Lotus Spread:

Card 1: Your conscious, your question / situation (life on earth). Card 2: Your subconscious, what you do not know about your question / situation (Karma). Card 3: Your fears (negative energies). Card 4: Your courage, your strength (positive energies). Card 5: The message of the Lotus (spiritual life). Card 6: The best possible outcome if you consider the message. Cover with one or two additional cards for a more detailed spread.







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4- The Paprika Elephant Spread (or The 7 Chakras Spread) :

Card 1: Energies linked to the Root Chakra (I am). Card 2: Energies linked to the Sacred Chakra (I feel). Card 3: Energies linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra (I want). Card 4: Energies linked to the Heart Chakra (I like). Card 5: Energies linked to the Throat Chakra (I speak). Card 6: Energies linked to the Third Eye Chakra (I see). Card 7: Energies linked to the Crown Chakra (I understand). Card 8: What you need to think about / to work on . Card 9: What can help you, the key to your progress.


3 2 4


6 7 8 9

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Lay out:

- At first, place the cards of the 7 Chakras in their positions as mentionned above (see spread


- Shuffle the deck, then cut it and choose a card to cover each Chakra (position 1 to 7).

- These cards tell you if the Chakras are balanced or not.

- Cover again. These new cards represent actions to be taken to purify the Chakras, heal and

balance them or maintain balance.

- Choose 2 more cards you put in position 8 and 9.

- The card in position 8 will highlight what causes the imbalance and fouling of your Chakras

(areas to work on).

- The card in position 9 will reveal the advice to follow in order to maintain the balance of your

Chakras and how to be in perfect harmony and aligned with your Higher Self (tools, key).

You can cover theses cards if you wish.

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Meaning of the Cards

Here are some keywords and affirmations to help you

to connect with your oracle deck and your interpretations.

However, your intuition will always be your best ally ☺

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1- The Moon « I listen to my inner Goddess»

Moon, Yin, Feminine Energies, Sacred Feminine , femininity, intuition, mystery, protection, guidance, mother figure, woman, Goddess, you (if you are a woman), Female Significator.

2- The Sun

« I listen to my Inner God»

Sun, Yang, Masculine Energies, Masculine Sacred, manhood, action, determination, framing, Authority, paternal figure, man, God, you (if you are a man), Male Significator.

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3- Balance

« My inner balance is source of external harmony »

Balance, Yin & Yang, harmony, stability, equity, justice, complementarity.

4- Spring

« It’s time for a fresh start»

Spring, Air element, childhood, baby, child, beginning, ideas, projects, reflection, intelligence, artistic sensibility, ingenuity, air zodiac signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius).

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5- Summer « It’s time to manifest»

Summer, Fire Element, youth, adolescence, concretization, realization, vivacity, audacity, fire zodiac signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

6- Fall « I harvest the fruits of which I sowed the seeds»

Fall, Earth Element, maturity, adult, efficiency, perseverance, harvest, logic, material, Earth zodiac signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

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7- Winter

« I take advantage of hibernation to recharge my batteries»

Winter, Water Element , Elderly, Wisdom, Calm, Decline, Daydreaming, Emotions, Water Zodiac Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

8- Grounding (1st Chakra)

« I am»

Root Chakra (Muladhara)Grounding, Gaïa, Mother Earth, vital energy, life, survival, bases, roots, inheritance, family.

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9- Shine (2nd Chakra)

« I feel»

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) Pleasures, sexuality, impulses, procreation, creativity, deciding, feeling.

10- Power (3rd Chakra) « I want»

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) Power, wisdom, will, strength, action.

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11- Heart (4th Chakra) « I love »

Heart Chakra (Anahata ) Unconditional Love, compassion, altruism, healing, feelings.

12- Communication (5th Chakra) « I speak»

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) Communication, dialogue, open-mindedness, inspiration, expressing oneself, being attentive.

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13- Intuition (6th Chakra) « I see»

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) Intuition, clarity, knowledge, mental projection, visions, premonitions, clairvoyance.

14- Inner Light (7th Chakra) « I know»

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) Inner light, connection with the Divine, supreme knowledge, universal consciousness, union with the Universe.

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15- The Key « There is a solution to any difficult situation»

Primordial, essential, important person, solution found, unblocking of a difficult situation, clear out difficulties, ability to manage problems, flash of genius, brilliant idea.

16- Time « It is necessary to use my time wisely»

Lifetime, past, present, future, time (clock), take time to do things, grab an opportunity when it presents itself, waste of time or running out of time.

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17- Darkness « The night is a source of mystery»

Night, dark period, negativity, difficulty, problem, blockage, blind love, secret, mystery, half the year (October to March). 18- Light « I warm up to the light of the flame»

Day, bright period, positivity, ease, clarification of a situation, unlocking, shared love, secret revealed, bringing something to light, half the year (April to September). Notes :

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19- Gratitude « I thank the Universe for what is in my life»

Thankfulness, being grateful, loving feeling, benefits, practicing gratitude daily.

20- Peace « Forgiveness allows me to move on»

Making peace, reconciliation, truce, negotiations, forgiveness, mediator.

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21- Love « I am on my way to meet love»

Love, love encounter, passion, beneficial and lasting love relationship.

22- Attraction « I have a huge power of seduction being myself»

Physical attraction, affinity, seduction, magnetism, charisma.

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23- Friendship « Loyalty of a friend is a precious gift»

Friendship, relationship, loyalty, fidelity, support, sharing, pets.

24- Healing « Healing starts with acceptation»

Healing, physical healing, psychic healing, emotional healing, practicing energy healing, magnetism, Reiki.

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25- Abundance « I’m richer than I think I am»

Abundance, wealth (not necessarily material or financial), money, finance, concretization, achievement, victory, practice the law of abundance (the positive attracts the positive).

26- Creativity « I am a co-creator of the Universe»

Creation, arts and culture, artists, pregnancy, project, idea.

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27- Joy « I enjoy simple things»

Joy, happiness, to be happy, to enjoy what you have , to content yourself with small things, to appreciate the little pleasures of life, fullness.

28- Transformation « The end leads to a new beggining »

Death, stop, end of a cycle and start of a new, transformation, change, move.

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29- Let Go « I close my eyes and let it go»

Accepting your own limits, giving up, losing control, following the movement without resistance, taking a break, freedom.

30- Fertility « Beautiful intentions bring beautiful things to life»

Fertility, generosity, profits, profitable business.

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31- Growth « I make one step after another»

Progression, evolution, increased profits for a business, light at the end of the tunnel.

32- Stength « My true strength is in me »

Inner and outter strength, longevity, sturdiness, perseverance, passing on knowledge, mentor.

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33- The Star « I receive messages from my Spiritual Guides»

Hope, lucky star, have faith, to believe in your dreams, Spiritual Guides, get out of the shadows to reach light.

34-Rebirth « I am given a second chance»

Starting over again, renewal, another chance, calm after the storm, the worries go away and a more serene period is coming.

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35- Truth « I am honest»

Telling the truth, confessing something to someone, honesty, transparency, sincerity, coherence, verdict (justice), confidences. 36- Self-Confidence « I believe in myself and my skills»

to believe in yourself and your abilities, self-confidence, to achieve your goals, to be brazen, vanity.

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37- Magic « The smallest thing in the Universe is magic»

Magical practices, sorcery, witchcraft, sorcerer, witch, rituals, celebrations, see beauty in everything.

38- Community « We are present for eachother»

Community, association, tribe, social networks, sharing, meetings, outings, parties, celebrations, help, support.

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39-Independance « I need solitude»

Loneliness, isolation, being sidelined, marginal, hermit, to be independant, fear of others, cats in general.

40- Privation « I am having a really hard time »

Sacrifice, lack, loss, poverty, abstinence, fasting, impossibility to support yourself, void, unemployment, infertility.

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41-Poison « I need to detoxify»

Pollution, toxic environment, negative influence, nuisance, poisoning, energy leakage, unhealthy nutrition, addictions (alcohol, drugs,…).

42- Obstacle « A failure is an unsuccessful attempt»

Fall, failure, hindrance, fence, prohibition, brutal ending, discontinuity, cut

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43- Inertia « I am not moving»

Immobility, stagnation, laziness, passivity, procrastination, nonchalance.

44- Sorrow « Sorrow stays in me»

Grief, despair, emptiness, loss, tears, depression, illusion, disappointment. Notes :

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45- Anger « I am not happy»

Violence, being aggressive, to be dissatisfied, negative emotions.

46- Trickery « I need to keep my eyes wide open»

Dishonesty, perfidy, disillusion, lie, hide, someone is taking advantage of you.

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47- Badness « Badness brings no good»

Wickedness, jealousy, darkness, evil, cruelty.

48- Fear « Fear is not my friend, it keeps me from evolving»

Fears, phobias, danger, threat, emotional blocking, anxiety.

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49- Choice « I own free will»

Making a decision, choosing, deciding, accepting, following your path, political elections.

50- Karma « My past lives are present in my current life»

Previous life, Akashic memory, memories of the past, influences of Karma on our present life, cycles. Notes :

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51- Work « Any work deserves to be rewarded»

Professional activity, work, vocation, studies, effort, livelihood, to harvest the fruits of your labor, rewarded work.

52- Dreams « I live my dreams»

Dreams, realize your dreams, to be a dreamer, illusions.

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53- Meditation « Silence is a source of serenity»

Concentration, prayer, contemplation, study, meditation, retreat, Yoga.

54-Self-care « I pamper myself»

Healthy food, doing sports, rest, leave, massages, spa, sweetness, idleness, good sleep, leisure, vacation.

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55- Inner Child « I speak to the child who is in me»

Sensitive part of the deep self, inner dialogue, magic, purity, connection to our extreme sensitivity, True Self, real and deep transformation, psyche.

56- Wisdom « I listen to the messages of my ancestors»

Good sense, calm, discernment, discretion, temperance, ancestors, protection from ancestors. Notes :

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57- Inner Space « Each being has its own inner and sacred space»

Home, feeling safe, healthy boundaries, sacred space, calm, serenity, visualization exercises to reach inner peace.

58- Luck « I grab the opportunities that comes my way»

Period of luck, opportunities, happiness, quick success.

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59- Purification « I cleanse myself and my sacred space»

Purification, cleaning, magic rituals to purify a room or a person, to refill with new energies.

60- Protection « I’m protected and blessed»

Guidance, benevolence, protector, benefactor, support, encouragement, divine protection.

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61- Crystals « Crystals are in my life»

Crystals, stones, Crystal Therapy, Crystal Healer, power, energy, care, purity, clarity, accompaniment.

62- L’Eléphant Paprika « I am rising up»

The Sacred, the Divine, elevated levels of consciousness, great wisdom, spiritual elevation.

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Alternative cards They are to be used in replacement of some of the cards in the deck (with the same number).

1-The Moon 2-The Sun 3- Justice 15- The Key 26- Creativity 44- Sorrow

Extra Cards There are no keywords for these cards in this guidebook and they are not numbered. You can interpret them freely with your own feelings and intuition, and you can use your imagnation. The Stone The Witch

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A huge thank you to all the people who encouraged me

to realize this project.

Thank you for believing in me!


To my family

To my friends

To the Tarot Community on YouTube

To the artists who inspired me

to all my subscribers on YouTube


Thank you to all of you who support this project!

My dream comes true, thanks to you ...