The Parish of Prenton The Congregation of St Stephen & St Alban We commit to Worship, Share & Care.

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The Parish of PrentonThe Congregation of St Stephen & St Alban

We commit to Worship, Share & Care

Growth Action Plan

Combined Parish Worship27th September 2009

The GAP PrayerLord Jesus Christ,you command and inspire your church to make disciples:

May our church become a joyful and vibrant community of welcome, worship and service, spreading hope to those around us and attracting others to the fire of your love;

May your Spirit be at work through our Growth Action Planning, helping us to catch a vision for your church and to serve you faithfully, to your glory and honour.


So what have we all achieved?

• 5 Categories have been identified– Worship, Teaching, People, Outreach, Resources

• Developed a Wish List

• Set Key Dates

• SWOT tested the CategoriesAnd there’s more....

What’s happened since• 3 Specific Goals have been identified

• A questionnaire has been put together, returned and analysed

• The Parish Vision has been formed


So lets have a look .....

KEY PLAN DATES• 23.06.09 – Initial Proposal to PCC• 29.07.09 - Develop the Questionnaire• 24.08.09 - Questionnaire distributed• 06.09.09 – Questionnaire return date• 15.09.09 – GAP Strategy presented to PCC• 27.09.09 – Combined service & presentation

to Congregation• – GAP Steering Committee meeting to

be arranged• 14.12.09 – Plan served to Diocese

We commit to Worship – our Lord & Saviour Share – our faith & resources

and Care – for each other & our community

PARISH VISION• Extend our worship and fellowship with each other and nurture spiritual

growth through teaching, bible study, prayer and courses

• Promote outreach by engaging in the support of youth and adult activities in church and in the community

• Share and develop the use of our skills and resources

• Improve our church facilities and buildings

• Become financially viable

Mission Statement

3 S.M.A.R.T GOALS• Preparation of Year end Financial Accounts

done in-house with a Finance Committee in place to provide regular reports to the PCC

• To improve fellowship & encourage more people to come to church by holding 5 themed combined services a year.

• To improve access into church through main entrance & Wevill door and to improve access at Noble/Coronation Room entrance

Preparation of Year end financial accounts to be done in-house with a Finance Committee in place

to provide regular reports to the PCC

Specific to have financial accounts done in-house rather than employ outside accountants

Measurablean active Finance Committee will provide regular reports to PCC & Congregation

Achievable a software package is available for use by the Treasurer

Relevant Treasurers skills, together with other members of the congregation can be utilised

Time-framed to be completed by end of January 2010How to make it happen . . . .

Preparation of Year end financial accounts to be done in-house with a Finance Committee in place

to provide regular reports to the PCCSTEPS

Finalise 2008 accounts to ensure all outstanding issues are resolved & presented in accordance with guidelines

Elect a Finance Committee

Utilise the software package to negate the need for accountants

Produce a regular monthly suite of reports to PCC & Standing Committee

Have year end accounts audited rather than examined.

The 2009 Reports & Accounts to be available before APCM 21st March 2010

To improve fellowship & encourage more people to come to church by holding 5 themed

combined services a year

Specific to bring together different congregations with the emphasis on worship, teaching & fellowship

Measurable by holding relevant services & assessing attendance levels

Achievable by reviewing our worship services and fellowship

Relevant combined services will involve all people and all ages

Time-framed dates have been set through the year and are in the diary

To improve fellowship & encourage more people to come to church by holding 5 themed

combined services a yearSTEPS

Firm up dates, advertise on the back of the Notice sheets, on posters and display boards in the back of church, in the parish magazine, on the website and introduce fellowship diary

Emphasize worship by arranging speakers; the sharing of faith stores

Increase Junior Church

Encourage involvement with interactive services and fun

Create an outreach team to make contact with church playgroups, children’s activity groups, local schools and uniformed organisations

Develop fellowship with more social events, bible studies and groups

To improve fellowship & encourage more people to come to church by holding 5 themed

combined services a year

• Annual General Meeting - 21 March 2010• Confirmation Service - 13-12 June 2010• Holiday Sunday Family Fun-day - 8th August 2010• Harvest Festival - 3rd October 2010• Christmas Day service - 25th December 2010

Other suggested themes are:• Mothering Sunday - March 2010• Patronal Service - 2nd week in June

How to make it happen . . . .

To improve access into church & to provide accessible toilet facilities for all users

Specific to comply with the needs of people with mobility problems to encourage attendance and develop fellowship by providing a

sense of belonging

Measurable to provide stepped and ramped access at the main entrance to Church, improve approach to halls for people with mobility

problems and buggies

Achievable by obtaining appropriate faculties/tenders

Relevant enabling sense of belonging & improving access for everyone

Time-framed subject to fundingHow to make it happen . . . .


Consultant with Architect & Builders

Design the project according to the need

Seeking funding & obtain appropriate permission/tenders


To improve access into church & to provide accessible toilet facilities for all users

• 176 are registered on the Electoral Roll• 62 completed the questionnaire (4 have not

yet been entered on to the results as many questions were unanswered)

• 44% of those that completed the Questionnaire were aged between 60-69

• 69% support the church through gift-aid• 67.2% said they attended once a week


• 37.9% (22) read the Bible occasionally • 75.9% (44) wanted Preaching & Teaching to

be Bible based. • 48 people cited Bible Study groups as being a

“4” or “5” on the list of importance.• Interestingly most people failed to answer the

question about what would encourage attendance in terms of alternative services.

• The most attended course was Alpha at 34, with Home Groups, Confirmation Classes and Healing Service all in 2nd place with 25 votes

Where does this leave us?Community – what does it mean to live in community?Stages of Community discovered by M.Scott.Peck, M.D.

There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without

vulnerability; there can be no peace – and ultimately no life – without community.

Community?If we are to move forward as a COMMUNITY, we need to address certain issues that reveal themselves within community life.

Stages of Community …


Community?"Christians cannot maintain Christian values in society unless they are part of a community that reinforces those values". "If Christians cease to act like Christians, sooner or later they will stop believing like Christians". "We cannot conform to the Kingdom without becoming detached from the world's culture".

Howard A. Snyder

•Pseudo-community - Thinking we are there already and being ‘nice’ to each other because we are ‘Christian’.

•Chaos - The reality of a community made up of individuals acknowledging our differences but not sure of how to proceed

•Emptiness - prejudices, judging, gossip, slander, ‘my way is the only way’.

Jesus = Way – Truth - Life•"If the world hates you remember that it hated me first. If you belonged to this world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world" (John 15:18-19)

•"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2)

•"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish that you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:15-16)

CommunityThe Fellowship of the Believers

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

Where to now!"Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve; to give and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labour and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do your will, through Jesus Christ our Lord.“ Amen

St. Ignatius Loyola