The Parke at Ocean Pines HOA, Inc Board Meeting Packet 2 ...€¦ · The Parke at Ocean Pines HOA,...

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The Parke at Ocean Pines HOA, Inc

Board Meeting Packet


Prepared by:

Kristi Clarke, CMCA

General Manager

on 2-16-2018

02/17/2018 February 21, 2018 Board Packet 1 of 67

Document Title Page

Board Meeting Agenda 3

Previous Board Meeting DRAFT Minutes


Treasurer's Report 9

General Manager Report forthcoming

Committee Reports

Budget and Finance 10

Communications Committee 13

Covenants Committee 14

Design Review Committee 15

Operations Committee 16

Programs Committee 19

Nominating/Election Committee January Report 20

Nominating/Election Committee February Report 21

Unfinished Business

HOA Activities and Clubhouse Usage Policy DRAFT 22

Advertising Policy - DRAFT 31

Newsletter Policy - DRAFT 35

Communications Advisory Committee TOR - DRAFT 38

Collections Policy - DRAFT 2-14-18 40

New Business

Request for Funds

Peninsula Roofing Shed Roof Replacement 44

New Shed Proposal 45

A-21 Policy Amendment Proposal 52

Introduction to The Parke - DRAFT 53

Table of Contents

January 24, 2018

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The Parke at Ocean Pines Board Meeting Agenda

February 21, 2018 @ 9:30 A.M. Clubhouse Grand Hall

A. Call to Order Tom Piatti

B. Pledge of Allegiance Tom Piatti

C. Welcome/Establishment of a Quorum Tom Piatti D. President's Remarks Tom Piatti

E. Member Open Forum Membership

F. Additions/Revisions to the Agenda Board Members

G. Minutes of the Previous Meetings Leo Moran

a. January 24, 2018

H. Treasurers Report Jim Driggers

I. General Manager's Report Kristi Clarke

J. Committee Reports a. Budget and Finance Diane McGraw b. Communications Jim Angstadt c. Covenants Donna McCracken d. Design Review Tom Piatti e. Operations Bill Glock f. Programs Margaret Giacoponello g. Nominations/Elections Committee Dawn Johnson

K. Unfinished Business

a. HOA Activities and Clubhouse Usage Policy DRAFT Leo Moran b. Emergency Preparedness Task Force Leo Moran c. Communications Advisory Committee Advertising/Newsletter Policy & TOR Dale Buley d. Communications Advisory Committee Website Policy Dale Buley e. Design Review Guideline Policy Revision and TOR Tom Piatti f. Collections Policy Approval Dale Buley g. All Clean Power Gutter Cleaning Proposal Tom Piatti

L. New Business

a. Request for Funds i. Funds Requests 1. Peninsula Roofing Company Shed Roof Replacement Proposal Bob Ostrowski 2. Proposal for a New Shed Bob Ostrowski b. Referral of Administrative Resolution A-21 Dale Buley c. CAC Introduction to The Parke Dale Buley

M. Member Comments on Unfinished or New Business Issues Listed Above Membership N. Board of Director’s Comments Board Members O. Adjournment Board Member

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The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2018

ATTENDEES: Board Members: Tom Piatti, President; Dale Buley, Vice President and Leo Moran, Secretary were present. Directors at Large Dawn Johnson and Bob Ostrowski were absent.

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 9:32 a.m.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Tom Piatti led the Pledge of Allegiance.

WELCOME: President Piatti welcomed all in attendance and announced the presence of a quorum.


- Tom thanked the Operations Committee and the General Manager for their quick action with regard to the recent Clubhouse insulation project, which was approved by the BOD, and completed within 5 days prior to single digit temperatures. He also commended the General Manager and Bill Glock for their efforts in response to the snow blizzard.

- In February, the BOD will appoint a Task Force to review our 2014 Snow Removal Policy. Ancillary to that review will be detailed snow clearing instructions given to our snow removal contractor during extreme weather conditions. The Task Force will report directly to the BOD.

RESIDENT OPEN FORUM: There were comments regarding snow removal by Donna McCracken, Tom Weber, Joe Green, Chris Wanzer, Gary Boggs and Bill Glock.

ADDITIONS/REVISIONS TO AGENDA: Tom Piatti stated: 1) due to the absence of Director at Large Dawn Johnson, all motions and or business listed to be conducted by Dawn Johnson will now be conducted by Tom Piatti; 2) add under NEW BUSINESS “Motion to Remove Bad Debt”; and 3) deletion of item P, “Motion to Move into Executive Session”. Motion to accept the agenda as revised was made by Dale Buley, seconded by Leo Moran and unanimously approved.


December 18, 2017 BOD Meeting

Leo moved to approve the minutes of the December 18, 2017, Board of Director's (BOD) meeting, seconded by Dale Buley and unanimously approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Dale Buley provided a report as of November 30 and stated that it is too early in the month to have received all end-of-year the financials. But, according to a preliminary review the Parke is in a healthy financial position. There will be a full financial report given at the February 2018 BOD meeting.

Tom Piatti moved to accept the Treasurer's report subject to audit, seconded by Leo Moran and unanimously approved.

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GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT: Kristi Clarke had nothing to add to her report, but gave the following statement to be included in the minutes:

GM Kristi Clarke disclosed to the B&F Committee that the Budget mailed to owners on December 1 reflected a favorable variance of prior year surplus income in the amount of $10,517.04 as reflected in GL 4815 Prior Year Surplus and GL9110 Capital Improvement Expense (this was not shown on the November 29, 2017 BOD Approved Budget). This variance does not change the monthly assessment amount. The B&F Committee recommends that the $10,517.04 in the Capital Improvement Expense (therefore leaving approved expense of $7,337.34 for 2018 Capital Improvement Expenses) be set aside for the pending January 2018 Snow Removal Invoice that will offset the 2019 GL4295 Prior Year Contingency Reimbursement (this is the amount of the monthly assessment that repays the Contingency Operating Account for the snow removal costs). NOTE – the forecasted December 2017 snow removal expense of $11,588 was not incurred in 2017. COMMITTEE REPORTS Budget and Finance – Diane McGraw was absent. Her report is in the BOD packet. Communications – Jim Angstadt stated that his next BOD Meeting is February 21 not 28. His committee continues to review their Terms of Reference (TOR) and three policies. The TOR and two policies will be ready for the February BOD meeting and the Website policy by the March BOD meeting. He reported that his committee needs two alternate members. The committee also plans two community-wide surveys this year. Covenants – Donna McCracken stated that her report stands as written. She added that her committee had two working sessions and they hope to finalize the HOA Activities and Clubhouse Usage Policy at their next meeting. DRC – Tom Piatti (Acting Chairman) reported no drive arounds in December and January due to the holidays and bad weather. The DRC is reviewing its TOR and is considering guideline changes for garage door applications and the timeframe as to when political/candidate signage can be placed on residential property. Operations – Bill Glock stated that her report stands as written. He thanked Kristi Clarke for her prompt action on the Clubhouse insulation project. Programs – Susann Palamara stated that her report stands as written. She reminded folks of next Sunday's movie, the upcoming Mardi Gras Happy Hour and cruise to Hawaii. The events calendar for 2018 has been completed. Nominations/Elections Committee – Tom Piatti thanked the committee for their outstanding work on this election year’s fliers and letters which will be mailed out at to residents at the end of January. UNFINISHED BUSINESS HOA Activities and Usage Policy Draft Update Leo Moran pointed out that Donna McCracken already reported that the committee anticipates a draft policy recommendation will be made to the BOD in February.

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Emergency Preparedness Task Force: Leo moved to approve the establishment of a Parke Community Preparedness Task Force to advise and assist the BOD and to provide the residents with planning, training and support preparation and response to emergency situations. The Committee will also be charged with coordinating The Parke's efforts to mitigate the effects of an emergency situation with those of Federal, State and Local authorities. The Task Force will report directly to the BOD with their written findings and statement of recommendations. The Task Force will be chaired by Greg Beatty and four (4) members and will hold all meetings in accordance with the Parke at Ocean Pines Open Meeting requirements. The motion was seconded by Tom Piatti. After a lengthy discussion concerning as to whether or not this should be a temporary or permanent advisory committee, it was determined that a detailed Charter or Terms of Reference should be developed for consideration by the February BOD. Leo Moran moved to withdraw his motion, seconded by Dale Buley and unanimously approved. Communications Advisory Committee Website Policy Update Dale Buley reported that the Communications Committee review of the Advertising and Newsletter Policy and TORs is almost complete and drafts will be submitted to the BOD in February. The goal is to have the Website policy draft by the March BOD meeting. Design and Review Guideline Policy Recommendations Tom Piatti provided an update in the DRC Committee Report. Collections Policy Approval Tom Piatti moved to approve the draft Collections Policy as submitted by the Budget and Finance Advisory Committee and reviewed by the Covenants Committee and our Attorney, as proposed at the December 18, 2017, BOD Meeting and which was also posted for Member review in which we have received comments and have incorporated changes. Pending the additional 30 day Member comment which may constitute change, this policy will be effective February 24, 2018 and forwarded to Worcester County for recording. The motion was seconded by Leo Moran and unanimously approved. Restatement of Email Motion and Voting Results Nolan Mechanical Proposal Tom Piatti restated his email motion of December 22, 2017, to approve the proposed contract from Nolan Mechanical Incorporated for Clubhouse plumbing repair and circulation pump and fiberglass insulation installation as recommended by Operations Advisory committee at a cost of $7,747.04. The Budget and Finance Advisory Committee endorsed the project which will be charged to GL 9110 (Capital Improvements). The motion was seconded via e-mail by Dale Buley and unanimously approved by each Board Member via e-mail response.

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NEW BUSINESS All Clean Power Washing Proposal Statement Tom Piatti stated that the BOD received a request from the Operations Advisory committee and endorsement from the Budget and Finance Committee to approve the renewal of the contract with All Clean Power Washing to provide gutter and downspout cleaning (twice a year) for the homes and common facilities of the Parke. This matter will be addressed at the February BOD meeting. Meanwhile, the BOD will seek a Best and Final Offer from All Clean, along with the possibility of a three-year firm fixed price contract. Additionally, a waiver of liability form for roof access or to opt in or out of this service signed by the Homeowner must be developed along with a database tracking system. Excess Flood Insurance Policy Renewal Tom Piatti moved to approve the renewal of our Nationwide Flood Insurance Policy, through Staples and Associates, for the period 2 March 2018 to 2 March 2019 at a cost of $1,902.07 chargeable to GL 5400, which is within budget. The motion was seconded by Dale Buley and unanimously approved. 2018 Committee Assignments Dale Buley moved to appoint Gene Edge and Mary Ellen Clark, presently Alternate Members, as regular members of the Communications Advisory Committee for two year terms expiring December 31, 2019, seconded by Tom Piatti and unanimously approved. Leo Moran moved to appoint Margaret Giacoponello, Donna Potenza and Gail Reese as Regular Members of the Covenants Committee with terms expiring Dec. 31, 2019 and to appoint Maureen Malone and Marie Buley as Alternate Members with terms expiring Dec. 31, 2018, seconded by Dale Buley and unanimously approved. Tom Piatti moved to appoint Sandy Kelley as a Regular Member of the Design Review Committee with term expiring on December 31, 2019, seconded by Dale Buley and unanimously approved. Call for Nominations Letter and Form Tom Piatti moved to approve the Call for Candidate Letter and Nomination Instructions as presented by the Nominating/Elections Committee to be sent to all owners on January 26, 2018 and the 2018 Election Timeline as presented by the Nominating/Election Committee, seconded by Leo Moran and unanimously approved. Motion to Remove Bad Debt Tom Piatti moved to write off $4,420.66 and $2,211.90, in Bad Debt and Doubtful Accounts, respectively, for the 2017 Budget Year, seconded by Dale Buley and unanimously approved. RESIDENT OPEN FORUM Questions and concerns regarding advertising comment periods, waiver for All Clean, political signs restriction to 30 days, Clubhouse usage/rentals, contingency plan to close in state of emergency and raising fee for buying in the community from $1,000 to $1,500 were raised by Jim Angstadt and Bill Glock.

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BOD COMMENTS Tom Piatti reported that he has signed a 2018 Letter of Engagement with PKS & Co. P.A. our financial audit company. Dale Buley moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Leo Moran and unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned 11:50 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Susann Palamara, Recorder Leo Moran, Secretary

These minutes will be approved at the February 21, 2018, BOD meeting.

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The Parke at Ocean Pines

Treasurer's Report to the Board of Directors

February 21, 2018

Reporting as of December 31, 2017 (Preliminary)

A preliminary Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2017 for the Parke’s HOA was used for reporting the

cash balances below. The accuracy of these cash balances are supported by bank reconcilements

completed by Associa as of December 31, 2017

Operating Cash:

The preliminary Balance Sheet Report for December 31, 2017 shows the balance in the Union Bank

Operating checking account to be $159,299, an increase month over month of $6,206. The Bank of

Ocean City (BOC) Petty Cash account balance is $2,569, and the BOC Contingency account balance is

$59,648 resulting in a total of all operating cash balances of $221,516, an increase of $1,775 from the

prior month. As of February 14, 2018 the total cash balance for all operating accounts total $302,516,

however this balance does not reflect outstanding deposits or checks.

Replacement Reserve Cash:

The Parke’s Replacement Reserve in the United Bank and BOC totals $301,304 (compared to the

Miller-Dodson Reserve Study recommended balance of $310,713), an increase of $300 from the prior

month. The balance includes the December budgeted deposit of $6,639 and a payment of $6,200 to

Tyco Electric for electrical work to eliminate an outdated non serviceable clubhouse interior light

control panel with the installation of electrical timer/switches throughout the clubhouse.

Income & Expense:

A final (pre audit) Income Statement report for 2017 was not available for this report. Plans are to

submit a complete set of financial reports to the Budget & Finance Committee for review no later than

Friday, February 23rd. Preliminary reports were provided by GM on February 13, 2018. GM presented

an overview of these reports during the February 14 Budget and Finance Meeting.

Even without December and January finalized financial reports, my access to the current daily bank

balances, check disbursements and other updated reports along with the preliminary reports provided

by the GM, I feel comfortable in reporting the HOA’s financial status continues to be healthy.

Delinquent Accounts

Collection efforts continue and as of January 31, 2018 the delinquent account balance is $13,261. This

balance reflects a significant improvement from the August 1, 2017 balance of $33,927. The GM has

reported that the Association has billed a total of $2,273.01 in delinquent late fees and interest since

October 2017.

Prepaid Assessments

As of January 31, 2018 the Prepaid Assessments account balance is $48,198. A total of 107 residents

have a prepaid balance ranging from $3 to $3,421. There are nine residents that have prepaid their

entire 2018 assessments resulting in an additional $20,295 in prepaid assessments at the end of January.

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Budget & Finance Advisory Committee

Report to the Board February 21, 2018

Membership: Gary Boggs, Susan Bosworth (Alternate), Don Clagett, Jim Driggers, Carol Mongelli, Joan Twigg. Others: Diane McGraw (Interim B&F Chair); Dale Buley (Acting Board Liaison); Jim Driggers (Treasurer); Kristi Clarke (General Manager); Bill Glock (Chair, Operations). Board Actions:

• Reference Collection Policy (below). • Reference Requests for Funds (below).

Collection Policy: While the Collection Policy has been undergoing a review by the Budget and Finance Committee and the Covenants Committee and a Parke resident review over the past months, the Board has also been given the action for discussion and approval. Since your last Board meeting, an additional email from Tom Weber dated January 30, 2018 expressed his opinion that the Collection Policy should include appropriate language as permitted under the Maryland Contract Lien Act so not to limit our assessment recovery actions, but utilize all measures allowable by law. At our February 14 meeting, the Budget & Finance Committee amended the policy to take into account Mr. Weber’s comments. A copy of the revised Collection of Assessment (P-26) is included in the Board packet. Requests for Funds: There were two requests for funds from Operations Advisory Committee. After a presentation given by Operations Chair Bill Glock and discussion among Budget & Finance members, the Budget & Finance Committee endorses the following requests for Board consideration:

Request Scope of Work Committee Contractors Cost Within Budget Proposed Budgeted

GL (Budgeted Amount)

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The replacement of the roof on the existing shed (12” x 16’) due to leak.

Operations Peninsula Roofing Company, Inc.

$1,850.00 Yes

This expense as an R/R item is not defined

for 2018.

GL9800 (Repair & Replacement Reserves). 2018 Budget of $10,234.00. With this expense, GL9800 will be under budget by $8,384. Adjust inventory of Miller Dodson Replacement Reserve Study for new roof life.

2. The addition of a storage shed (12’ x 20’) next to the Clubhouse. Notes: 1. Current cost per month for off-site storage (10’ x 10’) is $85 per month. 2. Project is pending approval by County and State 3. File an application with the Maryland Department of Environment for $325. 4. The Stone foundation pad is 14’ x 22’. 5. Shed is to be assembled on site.

Operations Three contractors: 1. Pine Ridge Barns Inc. 2. All States Construction 3. TECO Electric

Total $12,393.16 1. Shed $5,868.16 2. Pad Preparation $2,950.00 and Concrete Walkway $1,965.00 3. Electrical $1,610.00

Yes GL9110 (Capital Improvement) 2018 Budget of $17,854.38. With this expense, GL9110 will be under budget by $5,461.22. Add to inventory of Miller Dodson Replacement Reserve Study for new shed.

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Notes: 1. December 2017 financials were not reviewed by the B&F Committee as the preliminary reports were not finalized in time for our meeting. An email dated 13 February (7:01pm) from Kristi Clarke revealed some areas that needed more investigation and her attention. She will share December’s financials with the Committee next week as she prepares to begin work with the auditors. . 2. The recruitment for a Chairman continues. One member of the B&F Committee is considering the position, but desires to commit after March 2018. In the interim, Diane McGraw has volunteered to serve as Interim Chair with no voting privileges.

Tasks in Progress for 2018:

• For 2018 monthly Financials, add a review category for the monitoring of the Petty Cash/Debit card in

accordance with Administrative Procedure for Use of the Credit Card – Approved 20141119.

• Keep current the “Financial” section of the website.

• Monitor replacement reserve and capital improvement 2018 spending. The Replacement Reserve Study inventory will be updated in 2018.

• The topic of “Capital Improvements” and “CD Laddering Reserve Account Funds” will be visited in 2018.

B&F Meetings: The Budget & Finance Advisory Committee meets the Wednesday before the Wednesday-scheduled Board meeting, at 9:30am with some exceptions. The next meeting is Wednesday, March, 2018, 9:30am.

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Communications Advisory Committee Board Report February 21, 2018


We have seven regular members, including the chair, and no alternates. Since publicizing the need for alternates, no one has volunteered so far.

Prior Month Achievements

We reviewed the Advertising and Newsletter policies, our Terms of Reference and submitted suggestions for change for Board approval at today’s Board meeting.

We reviewed Introduction to The Parke and submitted suggestions for change for Board approval at today’s Board meeting.

FYI will replace the JAVA Hour. FYI stands for “For Your Information” and these meetings are designed to present interesting and helpful information to Parke Members and residents. John Bailey, OPA General Manager will be our guest at FYI on March 2.

Tasks in Progress

Community- wide survey

Preparations for conducting a community-wide survey similar to those done in 2010 and 2014 have begun. We have placed high priority on this project and organizational efforts are underway.

Website Evaluation

An ad-hoc subcommittee was appointed and given the following charge:

“Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our website to identify if there are opportunities for improvement in both.” This is also a high priority effort for our committee.

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The Covenants Committee Board Report February 21, 2018

. The three proposed Policies – HOA Clubhouse Specific Rooms Usage Policy HOA Clubhouse Facility Reservation and Lease Policy HOA Activities and Clubhouse General Usage Policy have been submitted to the Board for their acceptance. It is proposed that these policies (totaling 9 pages) will replace the current HOA Activities and Clubhouse Usage Policy (15 pages). The policy was divided into three policies for ease in understanding and use. If the Policies are accepted they will be posted on our website for Residents’ comments. After reviewing all of the Residents’ comments, the Board, at the March Board Meeting, has the option of either calling for a vote on the policies or sending the policies back to the Covenants Committee for additional work. The Committee members completed a review of three Communication Committee documents (Advertising Policy, Newsletter Policy, and CAC TOR) with no major findings. Comments were shared with Communication Chair. Donna McCracken Chair, Covenants Committee

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Design Review Committee Meeting Minutes The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Present: Tom Piatti (Acting Chair), Joyce Glock, Susann Palamara, Jennifer Snider-Tornetta and Barbara Cordrey (AGM). Two members were in attendance. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 9:05. Jennifer Snider-Tornetta, Alternate Member, was appointed a Regular Member and a quorum was established. Member Open forum: No comments were made. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the December 19, 2017 meeting were unanimously approved. Comments: 1) BOD Liaison – Tom discussed the Clubhouse insulation project and the placement of snow rods in hazardous Parke roadway areas. 2) AGM Report – There was no drive-around in December due to scheduling conflicts with everyone involved. December is actually a difficult month for regular inspections of properties because of the addition of Christmas decorations throughout the Parke. Unfinished Business: 1) The Committee discussed DRC Guideline revisions, such as removing language which directs DRC responsibility for approving common area and community property changes, eliminating the need for an application for an “in-kind” replacement of a garage door, and to add language concerning the number of days political signs may be placed in mulch beds prior to and election (typically 45 days). 2) Committee Membership: Sandy Kelley attended this meeting wishes to join the DRC as a regular member. Tom Piatti will nominate Sandy for appointment at the January 24 BOD meeting. The committee still lacks a chairperson. New Business: 1) The Committee read and signed the Code of Ethics form. Tom stated that the HOA is acquiring a new Code of Ethics Form from our attorney to ensure we are compliant with new laws and the MD HOA Act. The committee remarked that we need a forms management process in which forms are dated and PDF’d so they cannot be modified. 2) The Committee read through the current DRC Terms of Reference (TOR), remarking that there is unnecessary and extraneous language. The committee agreed to review the TOR at home and we will revise them at the February 2018 meeting. 3) No applications were received nor was there a drive-around conducted in January because of bad weather. Community Open forum: No comments or questions from the Member. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 10:12 am. The next meeting will be February 20, 2018.

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Operations Advisory Committee Report

February 2018


1.) Cape May Pond Project – This project is now complete. Our vendor, Coastal Tributaries, along with the Ocean Pines Dept of Public Works, completed this project in a very excellent and professional manner.

2.) Cambridge Pier Plank Issue – The planks are now level on the pier and secure.

3.) New Outside Shed Proposal – The Committee reviewed the

proposal for a new 12x20 Outside Shed that will be located adjacent to the Clubhouse on the North side. The Committee approved the proposal and forwarded it to the Budget and Finance Committee for consideration.

4.) Existing Shed Roof Replacement – Our existing Shed Roof is

leaking water into the interior space. Our roofing contractor, Peninsula Roofing, inspected the roof and provided 2 solutions. One was to repair the roof area that has failed and option two was to replace the entire roof. Due to the fact that the existing roof is at least 10 years old and consists of “economy” type shingles, the Committee opted to recommend replacement of the entire roof with architectural type shingles that are warranted for 30 years and wind rated to 110 mph. Additionally, the replacement shingles will

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match those on the main Clubhouse building. For the Board’s information, we did investigate a metal roof replacement. The Committee declined this option due to costs exceeding nearly 3 times the price as the architectural shingles and the contractor’s recommendations. The proposal was approved and forwarded to the Budget & Finance Committee.

Tasks in Progress:

1.) Clubhouse Lighting Energy Review – A sub-committee, chaired by Joe Green, was created to address this issue. A meeting was held with our electrical contractor, Teaco Electric, to survey the Clubhouse and provide a recommendation.

2.) Pool Area Issues – The Committee is reviewing the need for Grab Bars to be located with the pool showers and the pool equipment room which is in need of a new Fan Ventilator and Rusted Electrical Boxes located within the room.

3.) Clubhouse Window Cleaning – The Committee is in receipt of one

estimate to clean the Clubhouse Windows on a one time basis. This vendor declined a multiyear proposal that would include favorable pricing to the Parke for committing to a term proposal. A second contractor has been contacted, who surveyed the building and we are awaiting his proposal.

4.) Action Status Report – For the Board’s information, the

Committee maintains an Action Status Report that contains, normally, between 15-20 additional tasks that the Committee is

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working on. These tasks are mention in the Board Report as they become relative to immediate action.

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Programs Committee Report Feb 2018

We had a great Pizza and a Movie night with 25 residents participating. We watched “Dunkirk” on the big screen in the Grand Hall. Residents turned out for a Mardi Gras happy hour on February 10. In March after you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, you might want to stop by the Clubhouse for a “Hair of the Dog” get together. Look for a flier in the next week or so for more about this event on March 18th from 11:30-2 in the Grand Hall In early April there will be another Hootenanny featuring our own folk group. That event is scheduled for April 7th. Information in the event is forthcoming. April 14th is the annual “Brunch By The Sea” at the Clarion. Hang in there, Spring is just around the corner. Susann Palamara

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Nominating /Election Committee Report to Board of Directors January 24th BOD Meeting The 2018 Nominations/Election Committee had its initial meeting on Wednesday, January 10th, 2018. In attendance:

• Dawn Johnson, Chairperson • Pat Addy • Steve Habeger • Peg Robinson • Jennifer Snider-Tornetta • Kristi Clarke, GM


• Margaret Giacoponello Resident:

• Chris Wanzer

At this meeting: • Committee revised and completed the documents to be submitted for

approval at the BOD meeting on January 24th, 2018. • Old Candidate Nominations Form now labeled Candidate Instructions. • Reviewed and adopted Timeline. • Set January 26th as date for mailing of “Call for Nominations “ • Set February 10th, as date for afternoon tea at the Mail Pavilion. • Established February 28 as deadline for nominations ( could be extended if

necessary). • Agreed on mailing Annual Meeting Packets on March 30th . • Set date for Candidate Forum March 31st . • Confirmed Annual Meeting date as May 3rd.

Next Nominations/Election Meeting February 15th , 2018 Dawn Johnson, Chairperson – Nominating/Election Committee

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Nominating/Election Committee Report to Board of Directors 2/21/2018 BOD Meeting The 2018 Nominating/Election Committee met on February 15th, 2018. In attendance:

• Dawn Johnson , Chairperson • Jennifer Snider-Tornetta • Steve Habeger • Peg Robinson • Margaret Giacoponello • Kristi Clarke, GM


• Pat Addy

Residents: • Kathleen Robinson • Garfield Robinson

At this meeting:

• Reviewed progress of Campaign • Valentines Day Tea at the Mail Pavilion • Theme for flyer • 1st E-Mail Blast • February Parke Bench Newsletter • Campaign video • Confirmed receiving 2 Candidate applications • Decided to continue Electronic voting

Next Nominating/Election Meeting March 8th 2018 Dawn Johnson, Chairperson 2018 Nominating/Election Committee

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The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc.


HOA Activities and Clubhouse General Usage Policy

Book of Resolutions Number (x-xx) Amended (date)

AUTHORITY WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 3.1 of The Parke at Ocean Pines ("Association") Community Constitution provides every Owner shall have a nonexclusive right and easement of use, access and enjoyment and to the Community Property; and WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 3.1 (c) of the Community Constitution provides for the right of the Association to charge reasonable admission or other fees for the use of the Community Property or any facilities situated upon the Community Property; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of The Parke at Ocean Pines in Section 8.1 empowers the Board of Directors to adopt and publish rules governing the use of the Community Property and any facilities situated thereon, and the personal conduct of the Members and their guests thereon, and to establish penalties for the infraction thereof; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it necessary and desirable to establish comprehensive rules, procedures and guidelines for the use of the Association's common grounds and facilities including the Clubhouse: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors adopts the following rules and regulations for the use of the common grounds and facilities, which will be binding upon all Owners and their tenants, occupants, successors, heirs and assigns and which shall supersede any current regulations of record or previously adopted rules on the same subject matter. I. Objectives are meant to ensure that: A. our common grounds and facilities, especially the Clubhouse, are available for the enjoyment of owners and residents on an equitable basis; B. the rules and regulations instituted to implement the Policy are well understood by those affected and by those charged to enforce the rules; C. all applicable laws and the provisions of the HOA governing documents are satisfied; D. the interest of members is satisfied and protected. II. Definitions: Terms used in this policy and any others that are referenced to this policy are intended to have the meaning specified. A. Activity: a scheduled ongoing or periodic occurrence, see Program Advisory Committee. B. Activity/Event Coordinator (AEC): a member or their designee recognized by the Program Advisory Committee who serves as the principal point of contact for a specific activity or event and who is responsible for assuring that the activity or event complies with all applicable rules and regulations. C. Association: the Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association Inc., a Maryland non-stock Corporation comprised of all owners within the Parke.

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D. Board of Directors (BOD): a five-person group of members elected by the members to two-year terms who serve without compensation. E. Designee: a member may designate a resident to be an AEC or to schedule the use of the facility, provided the member completes the proper form required and understands that the member is responsible for the actions of that designee. F. Event: a scheduled one time occurrence. See Program Advisory Committee. G. Games: subject to the Gaming laws of the State of MD. H. General Manager (GM): Reports to the Parke’s BOD, administers the HOA budget, oversees the selection of and the work of outside contractors, supervises Association Staff (AS) and employees, and interacts with community residents to resolve any issues. I. Good Standing: current on all assessments (including any fines) and related charges due to the Association and in compliance with all the Association's Community Constitution, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations. J. Guest: A non-resident known to a member or resident and who must be signed in at the Clubhouse front desk before participating in an activity or event and who must be accompanied by the resident at all times unless they are registered by a member. K. Hours of Operation may include: 1. Normal Business Hours: a period of time that the AS is present; and 2. Extended Operating Hours: the hours posted on the front door of the Clubhouse (which may change from time to time) indicating the building is open and in which the key cards are activated for entry and during which no staff is present. L. ID/swipe card: issued by the Association to residents for use in accessing facilities. M. Member: Every owner shall be a member of the Association. A Member may or may not be a resident. An Owner is a person or persons specifically named on the Deed of a lot located within The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc. It refers to the record title holder of any living unit. It excludes those having an interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. N. PAC: Program Advisory Committee. All activities or events should be approved by the PAC and should be submitted for approval using the appropriate form. O. Registered Guest: A guest listed under a member's file who has been previously approved through a particular form filed with the Association Staff and who may use the facility unaccompanied by the member. ONLY members may have registered (unaccompanied) guests. P. Resident: there are 4 categories of residents described and defined in the Community Constitution: Age Qualified, Qualifying, Special, and Lessee. For the purposes of this document all are considered as a "resident". A resident may or may not be a member. Q. Uninsured activity or event: any activity or event which requires a service in which the provider of that service is paid (not including materials) or one in which the AEC is paid AND includes one or more guests. If only residents attend, it is NOT uninsured. III. In the Interest of Members: A. Anyone entering, using or working at HOA property or facilities is agreeing to: 1. assume all responsibility, risks, liabilities and hazards incident to the use of or working at said facilities and hereby release and forever discharge the Association and its officers, directors, employees and agents (AECs) from liability for personal injury, death and damage to or destruction of property arising from the use of or working at them. Users shall indemnify and hold harmless the Association, its officers, directors, employees agents (AECs) and members from any and all claims, costs, causes of action, liability and/or damages (including but not limited to attorneys' fees and costs) resulting from or related to the use of the facilities; 2. adhere to all Clubhouse usage guidelines and policies currently in place;

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3. in addition to the requirements specified in the HOA policies, be subject to rules that are specific to individual areas posted within the facility. B. Members are responsible for the actions of their residents and their guests, as well as the guests of their residents, accompanied or not. C. The BOD will periodically survey the needs of Parke residents and may establish new priorities, rules and/or hours of operation if deemed appropriate. D. Each room or area of the clubhouse may have a maximum capacity which will be posted in each area. Maximum capacity may not be exceeded. E. Each room or area of the clubhouse may have specific rules for use posted in each area which may be changed or amended from time to time as the need arises. F. Rules of Conduct 1. All persons entering or using the HOA Facilities must conduct themselves in a courteous manner. 2. Disorderly, verbal or physical misconduct will not be tolerated. Members, residents or guests may not verbally or otherwise abuse any member, resident, guest or Association Staff Member. 3. All complaints pertaining to employees should be made in writing signed by the resident and forwarded to the General Manager. 4. Anyone behaving inappropriately or in violation of any HOA Facilities related policy or posted rules may be asked to leave the facility or be removed from an activity or event. G. The following Participation Guidelines will be applied in any instance where the attendance for any activity or event will exceed the capacity allowed for that activity or event. 1. Applicable to any activity or event for which there is a sign-up sheet used or posted and available prior to the event. Listed in priority order: a. Each Lot (household) is entitled to have two (2) individuals, one of whom must be a member or resident, in attendance at any given activity or event, on a first come first served basis up until the listed sign up deadline. b. Members take priority over residents and guests if they have signed up by the deadline. c. Residents take priority over guests if they have signed up by the deadline. d. Each household may sign up to attend or purchase tickets for residents of other households up to a maximum of 4 residents. The purchaser must sign up the name of the other residents they are signing up or purchasing tickets for. e. Up to two (2) Non-resident guests per household may be signed up to attend. THIS INCLUDES AEC'S. f. If capacity has not yet been reached after the posted deadline for the event has passed then residents, on a first come, first served basis, may add as many guests as may then be accommodated. 2. Sign up sheets shall contain a description of the activity or event, contain a designated final date for priority sign up at least one week prior to the date of the beginning of the activity or event, and will show a separate listing for date signed up, households, members, residents and guests. 3. Applicable to any use of the facility and/or equipment or any activity or event for which there is no sign up sheet posted and available prior to the event: a. Members take priority over residents and guests; and b. Residents will take priority over guests. 4. A member (or any resident of the member's household) must be in good standing in order to be eligible to participate. Consequently, no resident of the household of a member not in good standing may participate. H. This rule shall apply to all UNINSURED activities or events:

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1. AEC's who propose uninsured activities or events must: a. obtain liability insurance no less than $1 million naming the Association as an additional insured entity; b. assure that the insurance continues and remains in effect during the time frame that the uninsured activity or event is scheduled; and c. submit a copy of that insurance coverage to the AS and the GM must review that coverage prior to scheduling such activity or event. 2. Any uninsured activities or events currently approved before the adoption of these provisions may continue until the end of the currently scheduled session but may not be approved for any upcoming sessions until these provisions are complied with. I. Any vendors providing services for any activities or events must comply with all of the requirements outlined in H. 1. above. This includes any food service where food is prepared on the premises. IV. Use of Community Property and Facilities A. Who may use the facilities? 1. Members and residents in good standing. 2. Guests, both registered guests and accompanied, of members or residents in good standing. B. When: Hours of Operation will be posted either on the front door of the Clubhouse or in each functional area. Separate hours of operation may be established for each area of the facility.

1. The GM under the guidance of the BOD establishes the hours of operation for the facility or for the use of any part of the facility. The hours are subject to change without notice. 2. The BOD or General Manager or Association Staff may close facilities as deemed necessary. 3. Reservations for use of the facilities by members or their designees are restricted to no more than 90 days in advance. The 90 day restriction is not applicable to leases or to Association sponsored events. 4. All use of HOA facilities are to be scheduled on a first come, first served space available basis. Some blackout dates and time restrictions may apply.

C. What may they be used for? 1. Activities and/or events approved by the PAC, both non-fee and fee required. After the AS approves scheduling of an activity or event, the request is forwarded to the PAC for approval.

2. The common grounds and facilities of the HOA may be made available to members for exclusive use on a rental basis or to members or their designee on a reservation basis. See the HOA Clubhouse Facility Rental and Lease Policy. V. Rules Common to ALL Activities or Events A. Organization, scheduling and administration of all usage of HOA facilities for all activities or events are the responsibility of the Association Staff (AS) acting for the General Manager and the Board of Directors. 1. This includes making any changes to any existing or proposed activity or event. 2. More than one activity or event may be assigned to a specific room or area as long as an activity or event does not interfere with another activity or event as determined by the AS.

3. Any scheduled activity or event may be rescheduled, relocated or canceled by the AS. B. Approvals must come from the PAC and the continuance is subject to periodic review.

C. All approved Activities/Events: 1. must be self sustaining (including the cost of any supplies, materials and/or equipment needed); 2. must have a member (or their designee) assigned as the AEC; and

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3. may be promoted on the Clubhouse and Mail Pavilion bulletin boards (see Advertising Policy). D. When an AEC is required, the AEC will: 1. be a member of the Parke or their designee; 2. be present during any extended hours; 3. be responsible for ensuring all rules and guidelines are followed; 4. attempt, within facility space limitations, to accommodate all residents and guests that wish to participate in a particular activity or event;

5. give all residents an opportunity to participate in Activities/Events or social gatherings by allowing reservations by mail, electronically or by phone; 6. complete activity or event Request Forms and comply with all policies and rules for use of the facilities, or any part of the facilities; and

7. may not delegate a class to a substitute instructor and must cancel or close down the class when not able to be there. E. Use of Electronic Devices: will be allowed in the common recreational areas. When possible, they should be equipped with ear phones so any noise cannot be heard by other individuals using the facility. Any complaints regarding the noise from any such device will result in the user being asked to turn the device off, or, if they refuse, being asked to leave the facility. F. Bicycles: Are not allowed into the Clubhouse or onto the terrace and should be stored at your own risk in the bicycle rack. Supersedes HOA Activities and Clubhouse Usage Policy approved by the Board of Directors on 07/29/2015. Approved by The Parke Board of Directors at the meeting of the Board held on (date). ____________________________________ _ __________________ President Date _____________________________________ _ ___________________ Secretary Date

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The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc.


HOA Clubhouse Facility Reservation and Lease Policy

Book of Resolutions Number (x-xx) Amended (date)

AUTHORITY WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 3.1 of The Parke at Ocean Pines ("Association") Community Constitution provides every Owner shall have a nonexclusive right and easement of use, access and enjoyment and to the Community Property; and WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 3.1 (c) of the Community Constitution provides for the right of the Association to charge reasonable admission or other fees for the use of the Community Property or any facilities situated upon the Community Property; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of The Parke at Ocean Pines in Section 8.1 empowers the Board of Directors to adopt and publish rules governing the use of the Community Property and any facilities situated thereon, and the personal conduct of the Members and their guests thereon, and to establish penalties for the infraction thereof; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it necessary and desirable to establish rules for the use of the Association's common grounds and facilities including the Clubhouse: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors adopts the following for the use of the common grounds and facilities, which will be binding upon all Owners and their tenants, occupants, successors, heirs and assigns and which shall supersede any current regulations of record or previously adopted rules on the same subject matter. I Objective: Provide clear differentiation as provided by the BOD between use of facilities on a no-fee basis and on a fee-charged or lease basis and to set specific limits on the use of HOA facilities. II. Definitions: it is intended that any specific terms used in this policy will be those contained in the HOA Activities and Clubhouse Usage Policy. III. Reservations: Only members or their designee may reserve the use of HOA facilities. IV. Leasing: A. Only members may enter into a leasing agreement with the Association. Exception: Family of deceased member in instances of use of the clubhouse for funeral or memorial service. B. All lessees will adhere to all other HOA policies related to use of any of the Association facilities in addition to this policy and the posted rules for the use of specific areas in addition to the terms of the lease. C. Rates for all leases will be established by the BOD and reviewed on an as needed basis.

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V. Fees A. No fee is required to reserve the use of the facility for: 1. A funeral or memorial service for former members and residents so long as they were last a member or resident within 365 days prior to the service. 2. Association contracted services, PAC approved activities, events, or meetings when: a. it is open to all residents; b. no instructor fee is charged with the exception of the cost of materials; c. if applicable, it complies with the participation guidelines in the General Usage policy; and d. it is announced through the website posting process and added to the Website Calendar. B. A fee and lease agreement will be required for any activity, event, or meetings that:

1. are not open to all residents; 2. are non-Association sponsored where food service other than casual snacks or soft drinks is intended (additional insurance requirements may also apply); or 3. involve fund raising.

C. Fund Raising: use of the HOA Facilities for fund raising is only allowed if sponsored by a member and: 1. by or for a charity, educational or service non-profit organization as defined under IRS section 501 and the proposal is accompanied by evidence of the organization's 501 status with the IRS; 2. of interest to residents; 3. no HOA funds are solicited or used for the fund raising activity or Event; and 4. the AEC submits a complete financial report to the Programs Committee reflecting expenses and any monetary funds given to anyone other than the organization. VI. The reserving or leasing of any HOA Facility will not be approved:

1. for any fundraising for anything other than an IRS recognized charity; 2. if intended to promote any political purpose;

3. if intended for the financial benefit of a resident or member; or 4. if requested by a member on behalf of or for the use of non-resident third parties. Supersedes HOA Activities and Clubhouse Usage Policy approved by the Board of Directors on 07/29/2015. Approved by The Parke Board of Directors at the meeting of the Board held on (date). ___________________________________ _ __________________ President Date _____________________________________ _ ___________________ Secretary Date

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The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc. POLICY RESOLUTION NUMBER – YYYYMMDD HOA Clubhouse Specific Rooms Usage Policy

Book of Resolutions Number (x-xx) Amended (date)

AUTHORITY WHEREAS, Article 3, Section 3.1 of The Parke at Ocean Pines ("Association") Community Constitution provides every Owner shall have a nonexclusive right and easement of use, access and enjoyment and to the Community Property; and WHEREAS, the Bylaws of The Parke at Ocean Pines in Section 8.1 empowers the Board of Directors to adopt and publish rules governing the use of the Community Property and any facilities situated thereon, and the personal conduct of the Members and their guests thereon, and to establish penalties for the infraction thereof; and WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it necessary and desirable to establish comprehensive rules, procedures and guidelines for the use of the Association's common grounds and facilities including the Clubhouse: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors adopts the following rules and regulations for the use of the common grounds and facilities, which will be binding upon all Owners and their tenants, occupants, successors, heirs and assigns and which shall supersede any current regulations of record or previously adopted rules on the same subject matter. I Objective: Ensure that the HOA Clubhouse rooms are available for the enjoyment of members and residents on an equitable basis. II. Definitions: it is intended that any specific terms used in this policy or related rules will be those contained in the HOA Activities and Clubhouse Usage Policy. III. Applies to all members, residents and guests who use the HOA Clubhouse rooms. A. They will adhere to the HOA Activities and Clubhouse General Usage Policy in addition to this policy and any posted rules; and B. They will be subject to penalties outlined in the HOA governing documents if they behave inappropriately or in violation of any policy or any posted rules. C. No one under the age of 18 is permitted the use of the Arts and Crafts room, Card room, Billiards and Sports lounge, the Whirlpool Spa and Sauna, or the Fitness Center with one exception: if specifically requested in the initial proposal submitted before the activity or event is approved for a special occasion, a request to allow persons under the age of 18 may be considered. D. Lockers: Personal items may be stored in the locker rooms. 1. Lockers are used at your own risk, the HOA is not responsible for any loss or damage incurred. 2. Users must empty the locker daily at the end of their use. 3. They may be locked, provided users supply their own locks and those locks are removed at the end of each day. If not, locks may be cut off, with no reimbursement.

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E. Additional rules may be instituted or current rules amended. Changes will be posted in each room. IV. Fitness Center A. Instructor led Fitness classes could be held anywhere within the clubhouse if deemed necessary but safety should be considered. B. The order of user priority for the use of exercise equipment is: member, resident, guest. C. There is a limit of 30 minutes use on any of the exercise equipment if there is another resident waiting to use it. D. TV's will remain on mute as receivers and earphones are provided. E. All users must wipe down the fitness equipment after use to disinfect. F. Proper exercise attire and footwear must be worn. G. Food and beverages are permitted in the Fitness Center if they are in non-breakable containers. V. All users of the Whirlpool, Spa and Sauna shall: A. not use this area when covered or roped off; B. take a shower before entering; and C. not use any oils, body lotions or mineral oils. VI. Pool: A. Persons under 18 are permitted to use the pool daily only from 1 pm to 4pm and only under immediate adult supervision. B. In General: 1. Specific rules regarding attire, etiquette, equipment and furniture will be posted in the pool area. 2. There is no lifeguard on duty. 3. The BOD or General Manager may close the pool from time to time, for maintenance, repairs, and for other purposes deemed necessary. 4. No one is permitted in the pool area during an electrical storm for safety. 5. No one is permitted in the pool area during a scheduled class, unless enrolled in that class. 6. Food and beverages are NOT permitted in the pool area, with the exception of drinks in plastic containers. 7. No animals or pets (except service animals) are permitted in the pool area. Supersedes HOA Activities and Clubhouse Usage Policy approved by the Board of Directors on 07/29/2015. Approved by The Parke Board of Directors at the meeting of the Board held on (date). ____________________________________ _ __________________ President Date ____________________________________ _ ___________________ Secretary Date

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WHEREAS, Section 7.1 (c) of the Bylaws of The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc., assigns the Board of Directors ("(“Board")”) the power to "“exercise for the Association all powers, duties and authority vested in or delegated to this Association and not reserved to the membership by other provisions of these Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation, or the Community Constitutionthe Governing Documents, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors wishes to establish standards for the operation and governance of the Association that serve as guiding principles for management and staff, volunteer leaders and members of the Association; and,

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the Association and the Association’s members to adopt a policy ondescribing the usetype of Advertising in media produced by and for advertising the Association will sell and accept for its various communications media and permitted intra-resident advertising, and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following guidelines along with certain specific rules and regulations become effective upon thirty days after final passage by the Board of Directors after a 30-day period, during which homeowners may review the policy and submit comments..

Advertising Policy

This policy describes the type of advertising The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc. (the Association) will sell and accept for its various communications media and permitted intra-resident advertising.

I. Commercial Advertising Policy

a. General i.a. Commercial advertising is defined as any ads, postings, brochures, pamphlets, signs, etc.printed or

electronic communication that promotepromotes the sale or use of goods or services of a business.

ii.b. To support the cost of its communications media and to inform Members and residents of local business providers, the Association willmay accept limited paid commercial advertising in its newsletter, resident directory and on the Parke website.through a Board approved advertising contract.

iii.c. Commercial advertising (either paid or unpaid) in the Parke Clubhouse, bulletin boards, showcase, monitors,

and in the Mail Pavilion is prohibited. in common areas.

a.d. Only Thethe Board-appointed Parke Advertising Representative, an authorized resident-volunteer, or a designated Association staff member, may execute a contract for advertising.

v.e. No commissions will be paid for selling advertising in The Parke'sParke’s Only advertising deemed to be of interest and value to residents will be accepted.

f. All advertising copy and art will be reviewed and approved by The Parke'sParke’s Advertising Representative or Association staff..

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vii.g. The Association reserves the right to refuse any advertisement and/or to return an advertisement to its originator for revision.

viii.h. Advertising considered adversarial, Advertisements promoting political, or religious positions or suggestive in nature isopinions are prohibited.

ix.i. Advertising in The Parke'sParke’s media is not an endorsement or recommendation by the Association of the advertisersadvertiser’s product or service.

xi.All advertising must be paid for at the time the advertising is placed, unless otherwise agreed to with The Parke's Advertising Representative.

xiii. All cancellations for advertising in the newsletter must be received in writing no later than one week prior to publication deadline, which the editor will establish, for an issue in which it was scheduled to appear.

xiii. Persons and businesses submitting commercial advertisements must complete an Advertising Insertion Order form provided by The Parke's Advertising Representative or Association staff with payment. For continuing ads, a new Advertising Insertion Order shall not be required except where the advertiser chooses to change the size of their ad.

xiv. j Advertisers may submit two articles during the calendar year for free publication in the newsletter. The editor will determine each month if adequate space is available to include the advertisersadvertiser’s article. The article must be appropriate, useful, and of interest to Parke Members and residents. Three or more articles may be published at the editors discretion, but the advertiser will need to pay the current column-inch advertising rate, based on the amount of space used for these additional articles.

b. Limitation of Liability The publisher (The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc.) will not be liable for any error in any advertisement created and submitted by the advertiser or agent. The publishers sole liability for errors or failures on its part is limited to an adjustment or credit not to exceed the full amount of the advertising rate for the space purchased. All claims must be made in writing within thirty (30) days after the date that the advertisement appears. Failure to make such claim constitutes acceptance of advertis ing as published.

c. Advertising Formats and Rates The Parke's newsletter is an 81/2 " x 11" publication printed in black and white. The electronic version is available on the Parke Happenings website in full color. The Parke Resident Directory is a 51/2 " x 81/2 " publication printed approximately once a year. All artwork must be in GIF or JPG format. Business cards are acceptable. Refer to the Advertising Insertion Order form for current monthly/annual rates.

k. Limits of liability are specified in Advertising contract.

l. Advertising formats and rates are specified in Advertising contract.

II. Residents' Advertising Policy II. Resident Advertising This policy is based upon "“simple fairness and courtesy"” to our Members and

residents who want to advertise items to other Members and residents within The Parke. It also defines how Members and residents may use The Parke resources to share information and promote participation in Parke-approved and local activities and programs.

a. ResidentsMembers and residents of The Parke who operate businesses are subject to the Commercial Advertising Policypolicy (see above).

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b. ResidentsMembers who are not in good standing with their homeownermembership assessment payments will have their media advertising suspended without refund until their payments are brought current.

c. Resident to Resident Bulletin Board i. Members and Residents who desire to may advertise personal items for purchase, sale, loan or

giveaway may do so by displaying their information on a piece of paper (4x6 card preferred) no larger than 8.5 inches by 11 inches and posting it on the Resident-to-on the Mail Pavilion Resident to Resident Bulletin Board located in the Mail Pavilion. This category of advertisement is offered as a courtesy to all residents who wish to sell personal items such as cars, boats, furniture, golf clubs and/or household items. Only items being sold directly by the resident (not through a third party such as an agent or broker) shall be posted.

ii.i. .Items wanted for purchase or loan, and lost and /found notices may also be posted on the Resident to Resident board subject to the same maximum size as above.

i.ii. iii. The posting must include a description of the item (with or without a photo), the name

of the resident, a phone number and must be dated. Association staff will monitor use of the Resident-to-Resident Bulletin Board and remove postings older than three months to keep the bulletin board current. Residents may post appropriate notices without prior approval from Association staff. However, Association staff will remove postings that do not meet requirements. In the event the board is filled to capacity, oldest postings may be removed. Part time residents not on site may submit their notices to Association staff for posting.

iii. Postings on this All notices should be no larger than 8.5 by 11 inches with resident name, Parke address and date of posting. Notices by non residents or those without the above information will be removed.

iv. Since space on the board is limited, the older postings will be removed if space is needed for new postings.

d.v. Postings on this or any other Association bulletin board may not be used by residentsanyone advertising businesses, or commercial products orand services.

e.d. A notice will be posted on the Resident to Resident Bulletin Board summarizing the above


III. III. Community Activities and Events Bulletin Board

a. Parke-sponsored programs or activities may be posted if the activity conforms to the rules established in the Policy on HOA Activities and Clubhouse. Upon approval by Association staff (as noted on document by initials or stamp), a program or activity is considered an approved event and may be advertised on the Clubhouse and Mail Pavilion bulletin boards, through The Parke's website, in the Clubhouse activity sign-up notebook, and on the monthly calendar. Approved activities are typically those programs or activities limited to residents only and are not intended for profit.

b. Community events or educational opportunities sponsored by non profit organizations may be posted on the Mail Pavilion Activities and Events Bulletin Board on a space available basis if approved by Association staff. In approving such postings, staff will use the following criteria:

i. Notice must be by or for a charity, educational or service nonprofit organization as

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defined under IRS section 501c.

ii. Activity or event must be a local fundraising, educational or social activity within the next three (3) months and of interest to residents of The Parke.

iii. Examples are:

1. Church fair or chicken dinner

2. Fundraiser for political or social organization

3. Performance of nonprofit musical or theatrical group

4. Educational programs or courses on a subject of general interest

a. All flyers and notices on this bulletin board must be approved in advance and will include the Member/resident name, Parke address, date and initials of approver.

b. Approved flyers and notices will be Parke or local area social, educational, entrainment or cultural events or activities determined to be of interest to members and residents.

c. While fundraisers for nonprofit and charitable organizations may be posted on the Mail Pavilion Activities and Events accepted for posting, fundraisers for a political party or a specific candidate will not be posted.

IV. HOA Bulletin Board An HOA Bulletin Board will be maintained in the Mail Pavilion and the Clubhouse for official postings by Association staff, the Board of Directors and Board appointed committees.

IV. No resident may remove another resident's posting or one approved by Association staff. Only the resident who posted the notice or Association staff may remove or replace the postings.

V. To ensure adherence to the established policy, Association staff will review all postings periodically. Association staff are the final authority and principal point of reference regarding advertising materials and will provide guidance and enforcement of this policy.

V. Only authorized persons may remove postings from any of the bulletin boards.

This policy supersedes policy dated January 23, 201328, 2014

Approved by the Board of Directors at its meeting held on January 28, 201402/21/2018

President_______________________ Date___________ Secretary_______________________ Date___________

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Full Text:

Newsletter Policy





WHEREAS, the Bylaws of The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc. assigns the Board of

Directors (“Board”) the power to “exercise for the Association all powers, duties and authority vested in

or delegated to this Association and not reserved to the membership by other provisions of Governing

Documents; and

WHEREAS, the Board wishes to establish standards for the operation and governance of the Association

that serve as guiding principles for management and staff, volunteer leaders and Members of the

Association; and,

WHEREAS, the Board has determined that it is in the best interests of the Association and the

Association’s Members to adopt a policy on the use of its newsletter, The Parke Bench, produced by and

for the Association; and,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following objectives and guidelines become effective upon

approval by the Board of Directors.

I. Objectives of the Newsletter Policy

PriorityInternal Purposes:

Communicate Association and community news, events and activities of interest to Parke Members and residents

Promote a positive Association/Community experience

Encourage Association volunteerism and participation

External Purpose:

Promote The Parke as a premier active 55+ community and a top choice in which to reside by

presenting the Association in a positive manner.

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0 A The Board of Directors will appoint a newsletter editor at a compensation rate at its discretion.

1 B Content priority will be given to items of significance to the majority of the community the

following order:

Association business

Member/Resident submissions

Advertisements to assist the cost of publication (Advertisement content should not

exceed the total of the above.)

2 -.Legitimate controversies of interest and concern to all residents will be reported in an objective pro/con formula. The Committee shall seek out diverse opinions in those matters and publish them only with approval of the Board.

3 Sources of information shall be verified, accuracy of information shall be established, facts shall be distinguished from rumor, and content shall not be colored by personal opinion.

0 C Articles should not promote Member/resident businesses unless Member or resident is paid


4/5 D Content will not be used as a vehicle for expressinginclude political views of any kind. No libelous or inflammatoryor religious material shall be printed in the newsletter..

8E A deadline date for submission of information to the editorial staff must be communicated to the community. Submission deadlines are to be determined by the Editor.

6FThe Association newsletter mustwill conform to the legal documents of the Association and to the

policies of itsAssociation’s Governing Documents.

6.GThe Board of Directors. In all cases, the Board has reserves the right and option of final to review and

edit the newsletter before preparation for publicationprinting.

7H The newsletter will be published at a regular time each month.the discretion of the Board of


9. The newsletter must nurture or promote "community spirit."

Approved by The Board, 1/1 8/0 6

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Attachments Added by Board of Directors on 01/23/2013:

1. Editor Job Description, The Parke Bench

2. Nominal lead articles expected for The Parke Bench

3. Preparing the Newsletter (documents the process)

Supersedes Newsletter Policy approved by the Board of Directors on 01/18/06 Approved by the Board of Directors at the meeting of the Board held on 02/21/18 President: ___________________________ Date________________ Secretary: ___________________________ Date________________

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The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc.

RESOLUTION NUMBER 20161219 -–B20180221

Communications Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Book of Resolutions Reference Number A10

Given that,

The By-Laws of The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc., (hereafter referred to as the Association), provide that the Board of Directors may appoint committees as deemed appropriate; and

the Board of Directors recognizes that a healthy and active committee structure is essential to the effective operation of the Association; and

the Board of Directors believes it is preferable to give all residents the opportunity to serve as a committee member and bring new, fresh ideas and new perspectives to our advisory committees;

now therefore, the Board of Directors deems it reasonable, prudent and in the interests of the Members to establish a Communications Advisory Committee.


The purpose of the Communications Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the Board of Directors in the exchange or sharing of all written and visual information regarding The Parke's activities among community Members residents. These areas encompass, but may not be limited to, HOA business and operations, recreational activities and events, as well as general news of interest. The media used for this exchange of information includes email, community meetings, monthly newsletter, Community website, community bulletin boards, and any other means deemed appropriate.


Determine and advise the Board on the most efficient and effective means of exchanging information and assists in the development of policy and procedure regarding their appropriate use.

A. Participate with the Editorial Board Provide support in the preparation of a monthly the newsletter (The Pake Bench) which informs all residents of current and future events taking place within the general community area, as well as articles of interest to the community. as requested by the newsletter editor.

B. Assist the staff in managing the website content including the online resident directory.

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Systematically review the content and format of the Association-owned website and provide status reports, including recommendations for change, to the Board of Directors.

C. Assist the staff in integrating the information on the website and in the monthly newsletter to the extent possible.

A. Monitor the policy regulating advertisement from local businesses solicited by the Board-

appointed Advertising Representative in our monthly newsletter, Resident Directory, and

website. Annually review the Advertising Policy, the Newsletter Policy, the Website Policy and the

Communication Advisory Committee TOR and submit any suggested changes for Board approval at

a regularly scheduled meeting in the first quarter of the year. E.

F. Oversee the preparation and delivery of a Welcome Package for all new Members and residents with information about the HOA and the Community, in general.

G. Assist in arranging Arrange forand conducting, with staff assistance, community informational sessions, including but not limited to, “FYI” (Java Info Hour).

H. Assist in arranging publicity within The Parke for various community events throughout the year as requested by event planners.

I. Assist the GM's office in the preparation and releasing of newsworthy articles to the public media, as appropriate.

J. Conduct periodic resident surveys for specific informational feedback.Rebiew all Parke surveys and polls prior to conduct and distribution

K. Foster community spirit through all communication programs and media in order to promote a positive community experience and to further encourage community volunteerism and participation.

L.K. Ensure adherence Comply with to the Book of Resolutions Reference Number A-16, General Committee Procedures, in the administration of the Communications Advisory Committee.


The Communications Advisory Committee currently consists shal consist of a Chairperson and at least five regular members and at least two alternates, all of whom shall be appointed by The Board of Directors.

Supersedes Communications Advisory committee Terms of Reference approved by the Board of Directors on 12/19/2016

Approved by the Board of Directors at the meeting of the Board held on 02/21/2018

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RESOLUTION NUMBER 2017xxxx 20160224-A


Book of Resolutions Number – (P-26) WHEREAS, the Maryland Contract Lien Act and the Maryland Homeowners Act provides the Association with the processes for collecting delinquent assessments; and

WHEREAS, Article 6 of the Community Constitution of The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc. (“Association”) creates an assessment obligation for Owners and empowers the Board of Directors (“Board”) to establish and enforce the methods of collecting assessments from Owners; and WHEREAS, the Article 3 of the Community Constitution and Article 8 of the Bylaws specify the types of relief the Association my seek under the terms of the Association’s Community Constitution and Bylaws (“Governing Documents”) when an Owner is in default, including suspension of voting rights or rights to use facilities or services for nonpayment; and WHEREAS, Article 6, Section 6.1 of the Community Constitution empowers the Association to establish the due dates of assessments; and WHEREAS, Article 6, Section 6.1 of the Community Constitution empowers the Board with the authority to establish a late fee and assess interest if any assessment is not paid within the prescribed time after the due date, and WHEREAS, Article 6, Section 6.3 of the Community Constitution allows the Board to accelerate the entire year’s assessments and to declare them to be due and payable in full upon default by an Owner, and WHEREAS, there is a need to establish procedures for the billing and collection of assessments and charges; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors hereby adopts the following assessment collection procedures:


a. Each fiscal year’s annual assessment shall be due and payable in advance or in monthly installments, on or before the first (1st) day of each month. (“Due Date”). The fiscal year shall be from January 1st to December 31st of each year. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, all special or additional assessments, shall, unless otherwise specified in the notice, be payable in full with the next periodic installment.

b. All documents, correspondence, and notices relating to assessments or charges shall be mailed or delivered to the address which appears on the books of the Association and it is the responsibility of non-resident Owners to provide current addresses to the Association’s managing agent in writing.

Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.5"

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c. Non-receipt (or late receipt) of an assessment invoice or coupon booklet shall in no way relieve the Owner of the obligation to pay the amount due by the due date. Questions regarding assessments may be directed to the Association’s management company.

d. Unless delinquent accounts have been referred to counsel, Owners must make payment to The Parke at

Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc. and such payment payable to the Association’s management company.

e. Payments sent by mail are to be accompanied by a payment coupon provided by the Management

Agent or the emergency coupon found in the late notice. Non-resident owners must include the property address on the check. Replacement coupons may be obtained from the Management Agent.

f. The term “Charges” shall include, without limitation, late fees, interest, returned check fees,

administrative costs associated with mailing and serving delinquent Notices, charges and/or fines imposed for violations of the Association’s Governing Documents and/or Rules and Regulations, and all costs and attorney’s fees relating to collection efforts that is assessed or incurred pursuant to the Association’s Governing Documents. Charges shall be collected in the same manner as an assessment or in such manner as shall be determined by the Board.


a. Late Fees and Interestinterest: If payment of the total assessments due, including special assessments,

is not received by the Association by the fifteenth (15th) day of the Due Date, the account shall be deemed late, a late fee of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00), or the maximum amount allowed under Maryland law, shall automatically be added to the amount due and shall be a part of the continuing lien and personal obligation for assessments, as provided for in Article 6 of the Community Constitution, until all sums due and owing shall have been paid in full. Additionally, any assessment payment that is not received by the fifteenth (15th) day of the Due Date shall bear interest at a rate of the maximum rate allowed under Maryland law until the full amount owed is paid. Such late fees and interest shall then be part of the continuing lien and personal obligation for assessments.

b. Acceleration: If any assessment installment is not paid by the twentieth (20th) day of the Due Date, the entire balance of the unpaid assessments for the remainder of the fiscal year may be accelerated and be declared due, payable and collectible in the same manner as the delinquent portion of the assessment.

c. Returned Checks: If a check is returned for insufficient funds, a Twenty-Five Dollar ($25.00) returned

check fee, or the maximum amount allowed by Maryland law, shall be applied to the Owner’s account. If a check is returned and assessments are not timely paid, as set forth in Section II (A), above, Late Fees and interest will be imposed. If the Association receives two or more checks returned for insufficient funds in any single fiscal year from an Owner, the Board may require all future payments to be made by certified check, cashier’s check or money order for the remainder of the fiscal year.

d. Late Notice: A “Late Notice” may be sent to Owners who have not paid assessments or charges, in full,

by the fifteenth (15th) day after the Due Date. Non-receipt of such notice does not relieve the Owner of his financial obligation to pay the Charges associated with the Owner’s account, including, but not limited to Late Fees, Interest, attorney’s fees and other costs of collection incurred by the Association.

e. Collection of Delinquent Assessments: If a Member’s account remains delinquent for more than ninety

(90) days, the Association, through its managing agent or counsel, may pursue collection remedies in accordance with the Maryland Contract Lien Act. These remedies include, but are not limited to, judgements, liens, civil suits, foreclosures, attachments, garnishments, acceleration of annual

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assessments, replevins and anhy other process allowable under the Act. Legal Referral: If payment in full, or any assessment or Charge is not received by the Association by the thirtieth (30th) day after the Due Date, the account may be referred to legal counsel for the Association for collection of same. Nothing herein shall prevent the management company or the Board of Directors from referring a delinquent account to counsel at any time deemed appropriate.

f. Lien: In accordance with the Maryland Contract Lien Act, if an Owner’s account remains delinquent for

more than thirty (30) days, the Association, through its managing agent or counsel, shall send a Notice of intention to Record a Lien to the delinquent Owner. If payment in full of the amount due is not received within thirty (30) days after the Notice of Intention to Record a Lien has been served on the Owner, a Statement of Lien shall be filed which shall include all assessments (including accelerated assessments) and Charges owed, including, but not limited to postage and attorney’s fees incurred in collecting the amount owed and filing the Lien. Delinquent Owners are responsible for all costs and attorney’s fees associated with filing and releasing any such liens.

g. Civil Suit: If payment in full of all amounts owed, including accelerated assessments, is not received by

the time the Lien is recorded, a civil suit may be filed personally against the delinquent Owners.

h. Further Legal Action: If an account remains delinquent after the filing of a lien and/or civil suit, counsel for the Association shall take other appropriate legal action to collect the amounts due which may include, without limitation, garnishment of wages, rent and/or bank accounts, and the attachment of other vehicles and other assets.

i. Foreclosure: If a lien remains unpaid, the Board may authorize legal counsel for the Association to file a

suit to enforce the lien and foreclose on the Lot.

j.g. Costs and Fees: All costs and attorney’s fees incurred by the Association as a result of collection activity on a delinquent account or violation of the Governing GOVERNING Documents by an Owner or the Owner’s tenants, guests, family, residents, employees, agents, lessees or licensees shall be specifically assessed or charge against the Owner.

k.h. Approval of Payment Plans/Settlement: The Board shall authorize a member of the Board or the

management company to approve payment plans and settle accounts.

l.i. Application of Payments: Payments received from an Owner shall be credited to currently outstanding amounts and the amount owed for each category below shall be paid in full before payment is applied to the next category in the following order in accordance with the Maryland Contract Lien Act:

i. Charges for attorney’s fees and court costs.

ii. All returned check charges, postage, and costs. iii. Fees or other charges imposed for rules violations and damages. iv. Late fees and interest. v. Annual and special assessments applied first to the oldest amount owed.

m.j. Suspension of Rights: Pursuant to Article 3 of the Community Constitution and Article 8 of the Bylaws,

the Association maintains the right to suspend an Owner’s voting rights for any period during which an assessment remains unpaid. Additionally, the Association maintains the right to suspend an Owner’s right to use the Community Property (excluding the Mail Pavilion) and/or the facilities located thereon for any period during which any assessment against an Owner’s Lot remains unpaid.

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Supersedes Collection of Assessments Policy 01232013-C approved by the Board of Directors on January 23, 2013 Supercedes Collection of Assessment Policy 20160224-A approved by the Board of Directors on February 24, 2016 Approved by The Parke Board of Directors at the meeting of the Board held on February 24, 2016.

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Motion of Communications Advisory Committee Background Administrative Resolution A21, Procedures for Introducing, Approving, Maintaining and Repealing Resolutions of the Board of Directors requires that a proposed policy resolution after first consideration will be posted for residents comment and that the comment period will be at least two weeks in duration. However the Policy fails to specify when, where and how the policy must be posted. Motion The Committee recommends to the Board of Directors that the last two sentences in A21, Section 4.(a.) (After the first consideration the proposed Policy Resolution will be posted for residents' comment. The comment period will be at least two weeks in duration.) be struck and replaced with the following: “No later than three days after first consideration by the Board of Directors the proposed Policy Resolution will be posted for Member and resident comment on the Parke website, on the HOA bulletin boards in the Clubhouse and Mail Pavilion and in a notebook on the Clubhouse reception counter. The comment period will be at least two weeks in duration and will begin after the Members and residents have been notified by email and posting on the website that comments are ready to be received.”


Jim Angstadt, Chairman

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Introduction to The Parke

at Ocean Pines

It's More Than a Community.... It's a Lifestyle

2 Arcadia Court

Ocean Pines, MD 21811


Fax: 410-208-4996


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at Ocean Pines


We're glad you're here! The Parke at Ocean Pines is an active adult community, with "active" being the operative

word. From its founding, the strength of our community has always been rooted in the

voluntary participation of its residents. In The Parke, volunteers play a vital role in the

quality of life, from social and recreational activities to governance and beautification.

We hope you will become "active" as well.

Please take a few minutes to become familiar with the contents of this guide. Then keep

it handy for reference.

Here are some things to put up high on your "to-do" list that will help you settle in

and enjoy life in The Parke:

• DO introduce yourself to your neighbors in The Parke. You'll find we are friendly and

have many shared experiences and interests.

• DO register your email address with the Clubhouse staff and obtain a password so you

can have access to the online resident directory and other secure sections of our


• DO use The Parke website, to view news,

including current and future calendars. It includes a Member and resident directory

that enables you to locate other Members and residents quickly.

• DO join activities that interest you. Every meeting and activity in The Parke is

open to all Members and residents. Be sure to register in the Activities Notebook at the

Clubhouse, if required by the activity coordinator. If there is a cost for the activity,

payment by check is required within 24 hours of signing up to secure your reservation for your chosen activity. Attend every activity that interests you.

• DO consider volunteering to assist where and how you'd like. We have seven committees

that assist our Board of Directors and management staff. We also have a Neighborhood

Watch group that serves our community. Finally, our Board of Directors is comprised of

five Members who make all policy decisions for our Homeowner’s Association.

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• DO keep your emergency information current at the Clubhouse and in The Parke

directory. We use printed, electronic messaging, and bulletin boards as methods of

communicating with Members and residents. Make sure we know how to reach you.

• DO clean up after your pets. Ocean Pines abides by the Worcester County law that

specifically requires all dogs and cats, when outdoors and off the owner property, to

be leashed and waste to be picked up.

• DO obtain approval from The Parke Design Review Committee before beginning any work

on the exterior of your home or property. One explicit prohibition in our governing

documents forbids any removal from or addition to restricted property. Your plat map will

show any applicable restrictions. Plat maps are available from the Clubhouse or on our


• DO contact Clubhouse staff by phone, email or in person with your questions and suggestions.

The Parke Clubhouse is the hub for social activities, arts and crafts, many clubs,

recreational activities, a fitness center, and an indoor pool. We produce a monthly

calendar of activities that can be viewed online and in our monthly newsletter, The Parke Bench. When changes to the calendar or fast-breaking news happen, notices are sent to

Members and residents who have an email address on file. Information also will be posted in

the Mail Pavilion. Also, keep in mind that any Member or resident of The Parke may suggest

and work with us to form a new club or activity around a personal interest, all Members and

residents are welcome to join existing clubs and activities.

By moving to The Parke, you have made an investment. Together, we can make sure it

pays you back with a great lifestyle, strong property values, and warm friendships. No

matter whether you are here year-round, seasonally, or part-time, you are a full partner

in The Parke and a welcomed neighbor.

The Board of Directors and Staff of

The Parke Homeowners Association

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Section I Our Location

Section II Governance

Section III Board Committees

Section IV Finance

Section V Amenities in The Parke

Section VI Activities and Programs

Section VII Helpful Resources

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Section 1


The Parke is located within Section 16 of Ocean Pines, in Worcester County, just west of Ocean City Maryland. . Our 503 homes encompass a total of 30 streets within the larger community of Ocean Pines which is a Home Owner’s Association (HOA) rather than a municipality.

Section II


The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association, Inc. is a separate HOA within the Ocean Pines Association (OPA). We are a not-for-profit corporation in compliance with the requirements of Corporations and Associations, Title 2, Annotated Code of Maryland, and any amendments thereto. The Parke is also subject to Real Property, Title llB, Maryland Homeowners Association Act. Every purchaser of a residence in The Parke automatically becomes a Member of the The Parke at Ocean Pines Community Association (as well as the OPA) and is subject to the covenants, conditions, easements and restrictions, rights and obligations contained in the Governing Documents provided at settlement.

Governing Documents The law requires that every purchaser of a home in The Parke must

receive a copy of our Governing Documents. The Parke Governing Documents are comprised

of: (1) Articles of Incorporation, (2) Community Constitution, (3) Bylaws, (4) Initial Community

Codes, and by reference (5) Design Guidelines. There are also many other rules and guidelines

that have been adopted by the Board of Directors and incorporated in our Book of Resolutions

that can be accessed on our website.

Board of Directors The Parke HOA is governed by a five-person, Member Board of Directors.

The Directors are elected to two-year terms and serve without compensation. The terms of our

Board members are arranged so that two or three members are elected in alternate years to

maintain a sense of continuity. The Board elects its officers, including President, Vice-President,

Secretary, and Treasurer. The powers and duties of the Board of Directors are described in the

Bylaws. Briefly, the Board has the power to establish and enforce rules governing the use of

community property and to exercise for the HOA all powers, duties and authority conferred by the

Governing Documents. Every Member in The Parke, in good standing, is eligible to serve on the

Board. This includes part-time and seasonal Members.

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Communication The Board conducts monthly business meetings, special meetings (agenda restricted to

specific topics), and an annual meeting of its association Members. All meetings are

open to all Members and residents unless exempted under the Maryland HOA Act. An open forum

for Members or residents is held at some point during regular meetings. Less formal, town-hall style

meetings are held during the year, most notably to present and discuss the upcoming budget. To

effectively communicate with Members and residents, the Board also makes regular use of a

website, emails, a monthly newsletter, and bulletin board postings. Any Member is entitled to view

records, financial statements, budget documentation, etc. to the extent permitted by law. The

phone numbers and email addresses of the Board of Directors members are posted on The Parke

website. Members and residents may contact them with questions, concerns, and suggestions.

Management The day-to-day business of The Parke is complex and time-consuming. We have found

that effective planning and execution of The Parke operations require both professional

management, as well as broader Member participation on the Board and various Member and

resident driven committees. The Parke HOA office in the Clubhouse is the best place to go for

information or help on a specific HOA-related matter and community concerns. Our general manager

oversees the financial and operational aspects of The Parke HOA and its facilities. Reporting to The

Parke Board of Directors, and working closely with various committees, the general

manager administers the HOA budget, oversees the selection of and the work of outside

contractors, supervises HOA employees, and interacts with community Members and residents to

resolve any issues. The staff supports the work of the general manager, assists advisory

committees and activity leaders, and coordinates day to day communications.


The purpose, of each committee is stated below:


COVENANTS COMMITTEE: The purpose of the Covenants Committee is to ensure compliance with the Governing Documents and to foster harmony within the Community through reasoned and impartial adjudication of disputes within the Community as they arise including acting as a Member or resident advocate.

DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE: The purpose of the Design Review Committee is to advise and assist the Board of Directors in providing clear and concise guidelines for both the requesting and the approval process for any and a residential modifications/additions that are being requested by any Member to be made to their respective living unit and related property within the Association.

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BUDGET & FINANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The purpose of the Budget and Finance Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the Board of Directors in providing prudent and effective guardianship of the community's assets; an ongoing cost control/evaluation of income and expenses in order to meet the requirements of the Community Constitution and Bylaws, as well as continue to meet the needs and desires of the Members.

COMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The purpose of the Communications Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the Board of Directors in the exchange of all written and visual information regarding The Parke's activities among community Members and residents. This information encompasses, but may not be limited to, HOA business and operations, recreational activities and events, as well as general news of interest. The media used for this exchange of information includes email, meetings, newsletter, website, bulletin boards, and any other means deemed appropriate.

OPERATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The purpose of the Operations Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the Board of Directors and provide Member and resident planning and support to The Parke contracted and on-site management in the operation, contracting, capital improvements and management services for the community.

PROGRAMS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The purpose of the Programs Advisory Committee is to advise and assist the Board of Directors and all Members and residents of the Community in developing and conducting community recreational and social activities reflecting the 55 plus age group and interests represented in the community.

NOMINATING/ELECTION COMMITTEE: The purpose of the Nominating/Election Committee is to procure candidates for election to the Board of Directors and oversee the election process.

The Board of Directors, management, and the various committees have different but equally important roles in the governance of The Parke. This structure serves our community well. The primary reason this works is because of the willingness of Members and residents to volunteer, to participate, and to be involved.


The Parke HOA is on solid financial ground. The Parke Replacement Reserves are evaluated periodically and are at prescribed levels or above. The Board appoints a Treasurer as an officer of the HOA, to oversee financial records and reporting. We retain a management company to provide financial services, including assessment collection, banking, bill paying, payroll functions, and to produce monthly and end-of-year financial statements. An independent local accounting firm is hired to conduct annual audits. Information about The Parke HOA's finances is available to all Members and residents by visiting the Clubhouse. Information is also available on our website.

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Section V


Your monthly HOA fee for The Parke covers the day-to-day cost of providing the following amenities and services. Amenities and services may be added or discontinued at the determination of the Board of Directors.

Yard and Home Exterior Maintenance

• Landscaping (mulching, pruning, and leaf removal)

• Lawn care service (grass cutting, fertilization, and insect treatment)

• Gutter cleaning

• Snow removal from driveways and walkways

You may opt-out of some of these HOA-provided services when you would rather perform

the service yourself, or the service is not required. A form to opt out of services can be

obtained from The Parke Clubhouse. Opting out of a service does not reduce the

homeowner's monthly HOA fees. The Parke's HOA fees are separate from Ocean Pines

Association fees and assessments.

Private Clubhouse • Fitness Center

• Heated, 55' indoor swimming pool

• Whirlpool/Spa

• Sauna

• Billiards Room

• Card Room

• Grand Hall meeting and function room

• Library with a computer center

• Warming Kitchen

On-Site Staff

• General Manager

• Office Staff

• Maintenance Technician

Informative Communications

• The Parke Bench newsletter is published monthly.

• The Parke website, provides timely information about HOA news, member and resident activities, and events.

• A calendar is available on the website.

• Email updates are sent to all Members and residents with email addresses registered with the Clubhouse.

• A Member/resident phone directory is printed periodically and is available on the


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An Indoor Mail Pavilion

• Local newspapers and The Parke Bench • Bulletin board with activity announcements.

• Bulletin board with Member or resident items "For Sale"

• Advisory Committees and HOA Bulletin Board for meeting agendas and notices

• The Parke's Nature Trails Brochure

• Lending List

• Neighborhood Watch listing

• Community Common Areas

• Central Park with gazebo and benches

• Walking and bike lanes

• Nature preserves and trails

• Twenty-seven ponds environmentally maintained and monitored by professionals

• A 4-acre stocked lake with fishing pier and canoe access. Fishing in Hidden Lake

requires a freshwater fishing license, readily available in the local area.

• A community crabbing pier on Manklin Creek. A fishing license is required for

Manklin Creek for those 16 years of age or older. A total of two untended crab traps are

permitted by Maryland Law (signup is coordinated in Clubhouse). All Members and

residents are asked to adhere to the rules posted at the entrance to the crabbing pier,

located on Annapolis Court.


• Every street in The Parke has a volunteer Neighborhood Watch block captain. Some longer streets have more than one captain. A list of the block captains is available on our website and at the Mail Pavilion and Clubhouse. Get acquainted with your Block Captain and contact her/him if you have any questions.

Section VI


Activities are planned for the enjoyment of all Members and residents. Times, dates and

availability are subject to change. For current schedules, check with the Clubhouse, our website,

or the bulletin boards at the Clubhouse and Mail Pavilion. For additional information,

contact the Clubhouse at 410-208-4994.

An Event Signup Notebook is located in the library in the Clubhouse. If an event requires a fee,

payment must be made by check within 24 hours of Signing up to secure your reservation. Many

events that have limited attendance also provide a waiting list.

If you are unable to make a decision right away, the waiting list may be your best option.

The vast array of programs and activities for our Members and residents may include some

changes from time to time. Here is a glimpse of current interests:

Arts and Crafts • Knitting

• Porcelain Painting

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• Canasta

• Duplicate Bridge

• Party Bridge

• Pinochle

• Poker

• Poker Texas Hold-'Em Poker


• Book Club (Monthly)

• FYI (As announced)

• Memoir Writing (Monthly)

• Wine Appreciation (Monthly)

Fitness and Wellness

• Fitness Classes -Fee-based services of a fitness director and certified class

instructors are available at the Clubhouse to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Typical

classes include: All About Abs, Better Bodies for Beginners, Body Pump, Body Basics, Body Sculpting

• Fitness Equipment (treadmills, free weights, steppers, etc.) and Instruction

• Massage Therapy

• Line Dancing (beginners & intermediate)

• Personal Training

• Pilates

• Water Aerobics

• Yoga

• Zumba

Check the website, the calendar, or contact the fitness director at the Clubhouse for

current courses and times. Our fitness director offers workshops and clinics for Members and

residents based on their suggestions and interests. A few examples include Rejuvenation and

Restoration Yoga, Limbering for Life, Stretch and De-Stress, Strengthen Your Golf Game,

and Better Balance.

Games • Billiards (Men & Women)

• 8-Ball League

• Mah Jongg

• Bunco

Check the website, the calendar, or contact the Clubhouse for current games and times.

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Neighborly Service

The Parke is proud of its community spirit. Many Members’ or residents take time to reach out to

others or donate hours within our community. Some important volunteer opportunities

in The Parke include:

• Caring Neighbors - doing for others what may be difficult for them to do


• Local Charities - neighbors involved in fundraising initiatives in support of local


• Neighborhood Watch

• Sharing Library - residents donate books, magazines, puzzles, for our library at the


• Welcome Committee - volunteers who Meet & Greet new Members and residents.


• Bicycle Rides

• Bird Watching

• Golf Tournaments

• Outings - Canoe and kayak trips, baseball games, and other group activities with

Members and residents of The Parke.

• Walkers

Performing Arts

• Concerts


• Dinner Club

• Two garage sales annually.

• Annual Brunch-by-the Sea-Spring for all

• Thanksgiving/Fall Harvest Dinner - An annual holiday dinner for all

• Red Hats (open to women only)

• ROMEOs - Retired Old Men Eating Out (open to men only)

• Seasonal Spirit - Decorating The Parke and giving to others during the holidays (G.O.L.D)

• Annual Continental Breakfast - December

• The Parke Singles Group - Meet and socialize with other single people living at The

Parke. (Thursday mornings, 9:00am).

• Teas - Periodically at the Pavilion or Clubhouse

News about these groups and activities is posted on the website, in the newsletter, and

on The Parke bulletin boards. Feel free to contact the Clubhouse staff for details about

any of these programs.

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Section VI Helpful Resources and Contact Information

The Parke 2 Arcadia Court, Ocean Pines, MD 21811

410-208-4994 (office) 410-208-4996 (fax)


Ocean Pines Association

239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD 21811

410-641-7717 (office), 410-641-5581 (fax)



Country Club 410-641-7222

Marina 410-641-7447

Yacht Club/Restaurant 410-641-7501

CPI Department 410-641-7425

Recreation & Parks 410-641-7717, ext. 3050

Golf course - Pro Shop 410-641-6057 Tee times 410-641-8653

Mediacom/Channel 78: Ocean Pines information and local access.

Public Communications Cable - Mediacom offers standard definition TV, high definition TV (HDTV), telephone,

and broadband Internet. Due to a sole-source franchise agreement between the Ocean

Pines Association and the vendor, Mediacom is the only cable provider in Ocean Pines.

877-816-6582, 800-455-5562 302-732-6600

Land Line Telephone Service - Verizon owns the in-ground copper wire phone

infrastructure in Ocean Pines. They offer dial tone for residential phone and fax and DSL

for Internet.

800-837 -4966

Home Warranty (Centex /Pulte)

877-289-4201 888-686-0269

866-214-1896 703-273-3878 (fax)


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Satellite Television - Vendors provide standard definition TV, high definition TV (HDTV).

When considering satellite television, please review The Parke Design Guidelines section

pertaining to satellite dish installation.

DirecTV 888-777-2454

Dish Network 888-232-8689



Choptank Electric Cooperative

800-410-4790 (to report outages)


Emergency Preparedness

Documents can be requested from Worcester County's Emergency Services or downloaded from their website.


Fire - Ocean Pines South Fire Department

911 emergencies

410-641-8272 (business)

Gas (Propane and Natural) Sandpiper Energy

800-427-0015 or dial 911 (emergency)

800-427-0015 (business) 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday-Friday

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Medical Services Atlantic General Hospital 9733 Healthway Drive

Berlin, Maryland 21811

410-641-1100, 877-641-1100

410-641-9670 fax

Atlantic ImmediCare at Atlantic Health Center

Open evenings and weekends.

9714 Healthway Drive

Berlin, MD


West Ocean City Illness and Accident Center

12547 Ocean Gatewary,

Ocean City, MD 21842


Beebe Medical Center

424 Savannah Road Lewes, DE 19958 302-645-3300

Peninsula Regional Medical Center 100 East Carroll Street

Salisbury, MD 21801


Police Ocean Pines

911 (Emergency)

410-641-7747 (Non-emergency, business)

Recycling Drop-Off Center

Adjacent to Ocean Pines South Fire House

Available 24 Hours

Accepts newspaper, mixed paper, magazines, glass,

plastic, aluminum, bi-metal cans, and cardboard


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Trash Removal (Contract required)

For all information about the contractor’s rules and regulations for allowable types of

household trash, recycling trash, and special pickups, contact The Ocean Pines

Association via their website or by telephone or by visiting their Administration Office.

The schedule for trash pickup days is also available from Ocean Pines Association.

United States Post Office Ocean Pines Branch (21811)

11115 Lake View Lane

Berlin, MD 21811


Berlin Post Office

20 Broad Street

Berlin, MD 21811



Worcester County Animal Control


Worcester County Landfill Annual purchase of a homeowner permit sticker required


May purchase permit sticker at: Isle of Wight, Bishopville, MD 410-352-3055

Worcester County Library (Ocean Pines)


Worcester County Treasurer's Office

Annual property tax bills are mailed July 1st. 410-632-0686

May pay tax bill at: Isle of Wight, Bishopville, MD 410-352-3055

Worcester County Water and Wastewater Billed quarterly January, April, July, October

410-632-1630 (Billing)

410-641-5251 (Service)

Water bills may be paid at Isle of Wight, Bishopville, MD 410-352-3055

Revised Feb. 6, 2018

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