The Path to Creating a World-Class Organization John C. Smith Chief Executive Officer TMA Systems.

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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The Path to Creating a World-Class Organization

John C. SmithChief Executive Officer

TMA Systems

Based on the Book

“Change the Culture - Change the Game”by

Roger Connors and Tom Smith

World-Class Organizations are Driven by Culture

It is the way people think and act. Every organization has a culture, which either works for them of against them.

Organizational Culture

Either You Manage Your Culture, or It Will Manage You

What Type of Organization Culture Do You Want?

Leaders must create the culture.

Culture Produces Results

If you need a change in results, you need a change in culture.

If your current culture (C1) is not a bad culture and produces Results (R1), and, your goal is to produce new results (R2), then you need to create a new culture (C2).

New Culture Produces New Results

C1 C2


What Type of Culture Should You Strive to Have?

One where people embrace accountability.

Accountability vs. Non-Accountability

A personal commitment to achieving the organization’s resultsSee it Own It Solve It Do It

People who are, habitually accept that they are part of the solution

A focus on what cannot be done rather than what can be doneBlame Game Victim Cycle

People who are, habitually do not get results




Shift to an Accountable CultureActions (A2) Actions (A1)

• People externalize the need for change.

• People wait to be told what to do.

• People provide excuses for not moving forward.

• People do not get engaged or show full ownership.

• People focus on identifying problems.

• People internalize the changes they need to make.

• People take the initiative to figure out what to do.

• People stop making excuses and start asking what else can I do.

• People personally invest in making things happen.

• People focus on finding solutions.


Results Pyramid




1. Define R2

2. Identify A2

3. Identify B2

4. Provide E2





What People Do

Cultural Change

Culture change happens one person at a time, and the process begins with getting each and every person in the organization aligned with results (R2).

Nothing creates accountability and alignment more than a clear statement of the results (R2) you want to achieve.

1. Clearly define the desired results (R2). 2. Introduce the desired results (R2)

throughout the organization.3. Create accountability to achieve the

desired results (R2).


Identifying Your Results ShiftMovement to (R2)



R2 RESULTS                                                   





Evaluating Results (R2)

Cultural Change

Accelerating a shift in the way people act requires a clear understanding of what they need to STOP doing, what they need to START doing, and what they need to CONTINUE doing.

The fastest way to get someone to change the way they act is to get them to change the way they think.


Start/Stop/Continue Analysis

You cannot bring about change in beliefs by simply asking someone to do something. To foster adoption of new beliefs (B2), you must create experiences that will convince people to think differently.

Identifying Your Belief Shift

Changing beliefs requires overcoming selective interpretation and belief bias. This means well-planned experiences will often require interpretation.

Experiences create beliefs that drive actions.

Providing Experiences That Instill New Beliefs (B2)

Results Pyramid




Results R2

are the End Game

Actions A2

Create Results

Beliefs B2

Drive Actions

Experiences E2

Create Beliefs


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