The Persian Wars War in Ancient Greece. Ohio’s Learning Standards History Standard 2: The...

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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The Persian WarsWar in Ancient Greece

Ohio’s Learning Standards

• History Standard 2: • The civilizations that developed in Greece and Rome had an enduring

impact on later civilizations. This legacy includes governance and law, engineering and technology, art and architecture, as well as literature and history. The Roman Empire also played an instrumental role in the spread of Christianity.

• Expectations for Learning:• Cite examples and explain the enduring impact that Ancient Greece and

Ancient Rome had on later civilizations.

• In this Lesson:• Cite examples and explain the enduring impact that Ancient Greece had

on later civilizations.

The Ionian Revolt

• Persia conquered the Greek city-state of Ionia in western Asia.• The Ionian city-states were used to governing

themselves (democracy), so they rebelled in 500 B.C.

• To help the Ionians, Athenian soldiers burned the Persian city of Sardis. • This enraged Emperor Darius, the Persian king.• After his troops recaptured the Ionian cities Darius

set out to conquer Greece.

Geography of Ancient Greece

Why would Darius want to

conquer Greece? Ionia



Darius Invades Greece

• In 490 B.C., about 20,000 Persian soldiers sailed for Greece.• They landed by the plain of Marathon, near Athens.• This flat plain seemed like

the perfect battleground for the Persian cavalry (soldiers on horseback)

Greeks Outnumbered!

• Although the Athenian infantry (foot soldiers), rushed to Marathon, their situation looked hopeless. • The Athenians were outnumbered two to one! • Also unlike the Persians,

they had no archers or cavalry!

The Battle of Marathon

• Despite their disadvantages, the Athenians attacked the day after the Persians invaded. • At dawn, Greek phalanxes

raced across the plain, taking the Persians by surprise. • In panic, the Persians fled

to their ships!

Connections to Today

• In ancient times, a legend told of a messenger who died after running 26 miles to carry the news of the victory back to Athens. • Ever since then, the world

“marathon” has been used to describe a challenging footrace!

The Second Persian War

•Darius died before he could launch another attack.•His son Xerxes, was determined to defeat the Greeks.• In 480 B.C., Xerxes assembled an invasion force of about 100,000 men!

The Persian Empire

• The Persian empire was the superpower of its day. • Because it controlled Egypt,

Persia was able to add the Egyptian army to its ranks• Although the Persians did

not have a navy, they used ships of the Phoenicians, who were part of their empire.

The Battle of Thermopylae

• The Spartans moved north to block the huge army.• Led by King Leonidas, a small Spartan force stopped the Persians at a narrow mountain pass called Thermopylae.

The Downfall

• The Spartans held off the invaders for days.• Then, a Greek traitor

showed the Persians another path through the mountains. • Attacked from both sides,

the Spartans died heroically, in defense of Greece!

The Persians Advance on Athens

• With no Greek army to stop them, the Persians now advanced on Athens. • The Athenian leader

Themistocles convinced Athenians to flee to nearby islands.• When the Persians reached

Athens, they found the city almost empty.

The Burning of Athens

• Xerxes burned Athens and sent his ships to pursue the Greek navy.• The Persians had 1,200

warships.• Three times more ships than the


• Confident of victory, Xerxes had his throne placed on a hill to watch the naval battle in the Straight of Salamis.

Themistocles Trap

• Themistocles kept his Greek ships hidden until the Persian ships filled the narrow straight. • They rammed the crowded Persian ships, splintering their hulls.

The Battle of Salamis

• By nightfall, the straight was clogged with more than 200 broken Persian ships.• The Greeks lost only about 40


• The Battle of Salamis broke the Persian Navy• After another defeat for

Xerxes on land, the Persians returned home.

Victory for Athens!

• After defeating the Persians at Salamis, Athens enjoyed a “golden age”. • The Athenian leader

Pericles began rebuilding the city, which became famous for its art and learning. • The wealth and power of

the city increased.

The Persian Wars

Post War Impact• Athens vs. Sparta• Athens=Strongest

Navy• Sparta=Strongest

Land Army

Impact Today• Survival of Greek Culture and Ideas• Democracy• Education/Language• Military Power