The Phorke Vol. 1 Issue 1

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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student newspaper 1993


Page 1 THE P110RK1: Vol. 1 Issue 1

Issue 1


[The PhorkelUnderground GCS (Catacombs)

Rush for Change in Atmosphere!!! Volume 1

Abortion andEnvironment

S t u d e n t ' s viewsi1


Page 2 T i l l - PHORKL Vol. 1 Issue 1

Fr@m the EditorsTop Ten lists. Editorials, Reviews, and Stupid Awards! What else canyou ask for ITGAI.LY? I t ' s all r i g h t here in the first everunderground GCS Newspaper! We have worked on th i s paper for amonth and have excreted it w i th pride. I t ' s f u n , pr inted on recyclablepaper, AND is lemon-freshened. Our four fore-fathers have spentmuch time and sweat into this th ing and hope you like it. Now READIT!

A day of acquaintance,And ilien the longer span of custom.

Rut first -The hour of astonishment.

OMEGA«GI.ORY's Top Ten Ways You Can Tell That Mr.D i v e k i

Has Gone Over the Odge.10. He jumps around the room ye l l ing , "More 'splosions, More

'splosions"9. Two words: Safety Shower.8. He starts l i c k i n g the grease board clean.7. Makes everyone sing H u n g a r i a n folk songs before class.G. Ins t ruc ts s tudents on how to l i g h t your mattress on f i re w i t h o u t

matches.5. He makes Top Ten Lists.4. Gives chi ldren lobotomies I N CLASS.3. He announces t h a t it is "Nap-Time" and fa l ls asleep.2. Makes kids s t ick paper c l ips in electrical ou t le t s .1. He starts fak ing H u n g a r i a n accents.

Al l correspondence s h o u l d be l e f t w i t h Phorkespokesperson Neal Scoones in 8K. A l l ma te r i a l m u s t be in

w r i t t e n form. C o n t r i b u t i o n s (Cash or A r t i c l e ) are welcome.

This issue of the Phorke is dedicated to Laura Price

S tup id Award of the M o n t h : Michae l Spencer for hav ingd i f f i c u l t y opening his chocolate mi lk .

Page 3 THE PI IORKE Vol. 1 Issue 1

Editorial: GCS' Hiring Policies





Recently, there has beenan increased interest in the GCSteacher employment policy,spurred by the recent f i r ing ofgrade 7 and 8 English teacher,Laura Price. Basically, thesystem works like this:

Once there is an opening,a panel that consists of Mr.Ervin, Mr. Davidson, thedivision head (in our case Mrs.Col le t ) , and the <A.y . i r tmenthead, looks at the resumes theyreceive. After a process ofe l imina t ion , the pool is loweredto four or five teachers, whoare then called in to teach oneof the classes that the positionwould cover. At this class atleast one commit tee member ispresent, and they observe howthe class proceeds. The f ina ldecision, however, is put intothe hands of the headmaster, orin his absence the assistanthead.

Then, the teacher whoeven tua l ly gets hired is pu t ona three year probationaryperiod, d u r i n g which they couldbe fired for any reason. At the

EditorialLei's j u s t say for a second

that you had no choices in life.Somebody whom you nevermet decided to controleverything that you did. Youcouldn' t eat what you wanted,you cou 'dn ' t sleep when youwanted, and you c o u l d n ' t t h i n kwhat vou wanted.

end of that period the teacheris given "implied tenure", whichin essence means they could befired anyway, but theadministrat ion liked what theysaw, and probably isn't going tofire anyone without a reason.

This outdated policymight have worked well in theeconomic boom of the '8()'s, butin today's tough job market?The public school teachers aregiven much better contractsand higher salaries too. Byus ing th is system, t h i n k howmany good applicants we loose-to other schools. The schoolrecongnizes that these peopleare skilled workers, yet theyinsist on us ing th is policy t h a tgives them less job secur i tythan many unsk i l l ed workers.As concerned students webelieve that this system isthwarting the continuing develop-ment of Grace and should bechanged. Our teachers shouldget the respect they deservefrom the administration. 4

-Shortee: Abortion

This sounds like t he plotto an Orson Welles book, butt h i s is wha t many pro-choiceactivists say about a n i i -abort ionisim. They say that i ttakes away a basic r igh t of awoman: the r igh t to bear herch i ld . The pro-choicers have awoman's r i g h t s based a r « u m c n i

Page 4 THE PHORKE Vol. 1 Issue 1

while pro-lifers have a religionbased argument.

The Anti-abortion (orpro-life as they call themselvesto mock the pro-choicers)believe that children are sacredand should not be killed

the only choice except legalizedabortions) kill women.

The Lambs of Christ (apro-life organization) says a fetusis a human being and human beingsare creations of God and should

QuestionWhat do you consideryourself?

; Pro-life| 0%|i


because it would violate God'sWill. This argument has attractedmany important figures includingGeorge Bush.

Many celebrities (andDemocrats) are pro-choice.It is a firm argument and noteasily penetrated. It argues"back-alley abortions" (usually

never be killed. The Women'sAction Coalition refutes thatstatement by saying that a person issomebody that is independent.Therefore, they suggest, a fetus is nota person and it would not be immoralto kill one.

Both of these views have agood deal of backing. Whether youare pro-choice or pro-life, you have arespectable position in this argumentof abortion. 4


Editorial: Environment

Civil Disobedience is thepractice of non-violently breakingthe law to voice one's strongopinion on an issue. The mainpurpose of getting arrested is tosee that your views are widelycovered by the press — to get onthe front page.

the demonstrators are detainedfor a short time and then released.

The environmental organi-zation, Greenpeace, stronglybelieves in this method of protest

QuestionDo you think breaking the law for theenvironment is a worthy cause?

, ,

Yes < No '50% 45%

Generally, before the action,an agreement is reached in which

and hires people to scale walls andhang large

Page 5 Tlil: PllOKKIi Vol. 1 Issue I.



banners. Most ofthe time, theinfractions involved are minorones like trespassing andblocking traffic. One of themore memorable recent actionswas when SI-AC (The StudentEnvironmental Action Coalition)demonstrators went out andstenciled ten foot tall messageson the middle of four avenuesat three in the morning. Also,some of you might have heardthe fiasco at the U.N. dur ing the

preparations forthe Rio

Conference wheredemonstrators chainedthemselves to parked cars andthe U.N. gate.

My personal opinion istha t if the protest does notjeopardi/e anyone, but thedemonstrators, And if the}' feelstrongly about the issue, theyare f u l l y jus t i f ied in theiractions. 0-S nor tee

ReviewsM U S I C

Sing le s Soundtrack2. Pearl fam

The Singles Soundtrack is ana lbum centered on the Seattlemusic scene. Though it iscompiled of songs from thesame place they have a widevariety. There is a metal-sounding song from SoundGarden called Bir th R i t u a l , anacoustic ballad from ChrisCornell and a track from PaulWesterberg tha t is qu i t e upbeatcompared to the rest of thealbum.

1. Al ice in Cha insW o u l d ?

The first track from thealbum is a song centeredaround its baseline. I t is one ofthe worst, if not Till:, track onthe a lbum. Amongst i tsdrawbacks are its drone andunimel l ig ib i l i ty . 1 could not tellyou wha t i t ' s about because Ican't understand a word exceptfor an occasional "would".

B r e a t hBreath is qu i te

un in te l l ig ib le itself but offersmore of a song than Would?.Breath is uneven in itsprogression and offers muchmore to follow than Would?.The g u i t a r solo is great and thedrums are good too, so i t isd i f f i c u l t to get bored.

3. Chr is Cornel lSeasons

Seasons is the acoustic-ballad 1 mentioned before. I t isabout an outsider who has beentha t way all his life. ChrisCornell wrote and performedthe song himself, and he does aperfect job.

4. Paul WesterhergDyslexic Hear t

Dyslexic Heart is about aman who claims to have adyslexic heart, and, as a resul t ,has a tough time with women.This song is very upbeat and a

Page 6 Till : P I I O R K E Vol. 1 Issue 1

good break from the rest of thealbum.

10. Paul WesterbergWaiting for

SomebodyWaiting for Somebody is

another upbeat song that comesat a great time. It is self-explanatory and is much likeDyslexic Heart.

5. Love MongersBattle of

E v e r m o r eThe Batt le of Evermore is

a classic Led Zeppelin song thatI th ink is more effective w i t hthe two vocalists the LoveMongers havebecause RobertPlant (Zeppelinvocalist) couldnot achieve theharmonies theLove Mongershave.

G. Mother Love Bone

Singles SoundtrackM e t a l n e s sMe l lownessO v e r a l lCoolness

j A A A

! A A A A

i A A A A!

Birth Ri tua l , co-writtenby Chris Cornell, Matt Cameron,and Kim Thayil, is a killerheadbangin' track. Thayil's nomercy lead makes this songvery moshable. Chris Cornellprovides kick-ass vocals thatare very good to sing along to.This song gets the Head bangerof the Album Award.

8. Pearl lamState of Love and

T r u s tThis song is co-written by

Eddie Vedder, Mike McCready,and Jeff Ament. Though I can' t

understand thewords I s t i l lt h ink it's a wildtrack. A guy

ChloeDancer/Crown of

ThornsChloe Dancer/Crown of

Thorn seems out of place wi th apiano carrying the sound andthe angelic voice of the lateAndy Wood. This song is aneight minu te effort with l i gh tguitars compared to the rest ofthe album. Though it doesn'tseem like it belongs there It h i n k it is a good break fromthe electric onslaught of theother tracks.

7. Sound GardenB i r t h R i t u a l

talkin1 beinghelped fromhimself is a greatsong for the self-

destructive like Hendrix, JohnBon ham, and J. Morrison(Mus ic i ans who died ofsubstance abuse).

9. M u d h o n e yOverblown

This song owes i t se l f tothe d rummer with a swingin 'rhythm. This song is de f in i t e lyone of the best on the a lbum.I t ' s basically about thepopular i ty of Seattle based rockn' roll and how Mudhoncyth inks it 's "overblown".

13. S m a s h i n gP u m p k i n s


Page 7 T H E P H O R K E Vol. 1 Issue 1

A great ballad that Ith ink could stand to lose a l i t t lefeedback. 1 mean dur ing theguitar solo it's cool, but not for8 minutes. The song does havea few good parts.

12. Screaming TreesNearly Lost You

As in Overblown thedrums support this song. Asdoes the lead guitar. I th inkthat this is the best track onthis exceptionally good album.0-Wacky the Spatula


"It" by Stephen King is a gorytalc of horror and suspensethat really wants to make youwant to keep on reading. At1090 pages, it is on the longside, but it is worth the read.Ry making the story long, andputting in some good sexscenes, King makes it so youreally get to know the

characters. For you gore fansout there, there is very graphicdetail in some sections of thebook, but It is much more deepthan Freddie Kruegar.

Basically, the storylineruns like t h i ~ : There is anentity that lives and feeds onthe small town of Deny, Maine.Even7 27 years this ent i ty,known as It , comes out ofhiding and feeds on the mindsand bodies of litt le chi ldren,and those who get in its way.Each of It's periods of terrorthat occur every 27 years.Then, in 1957, a group of sevenchildren are brought togetherby some force to try to bring Itto its doom.

What happens then? DoesIt die? Am I asking enoughstupid questions? Well, kids,this is how you find out: READTHE BOOK.O-Shortec

The Phorke is:Editors: OMCGAQGLORY, Shortee, Wacky the Spatula, The Walrfi.sWriters:Publ isher : OMEGAQGLOKYCopying: The WalrUsArtists: 2 Drug Addicts:Group Psychologist: Oscar the Grouch

DisclaimerThe Phorke is meant to be a more current, student-run editorial

publication. Our purpose is to portray our opinions, and make knowncertain school policies (hat have come into dispute. This publication is

not, however, meant to offend anyone in a Hbelous manner, or toincite undue action against the administration. Any responses toarticles seen in this paper should be put in written form to a\'oidunnecessary conflict. We hope you enjoy our works, and read on.



'Lft us go then, you and I,When the evening is spread out against the skyLike a patient etherised upon a table;Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,The muttering retreatsOf restless nights in one-night cheap hotelsAnd sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:Streets that follow like a tedious argumentof insidious intentTo lead you to an overwhelming question. . .Oh,do not ask,'What is it?1

Let us go and make our visit.

How do I know what I'm goingto do when I grow up if Idon't know what I'm going to doafter Innch.-- -rDennis the Menace


AI donbut Iwhole

't know what's gonna happen man,wanna get my kicks before theshithouse goes up in flames

With my hair down/so.- What shall we do to-morrow?What shall we ever do?' 3L.

the spacemen are calling voices linger but st

-ill you are immune to their pain then you

come back to us they offer a cige^r^tte you

take it and proceed the spacemen can

usually get them cheaper than most i

am still hearing hints of their chatter just

a little smell of their smoke we scaled

the jails walls and became confused we had not

yet dealt w/life we became subject to ridicule

'i was not bothered but i could see she was

i had a star once that brought me joy

i miss that girl i opened the window

because it was hot that morning i awoke to

find myself on a roof amidst sun i felt as if

the sky beared its weight upon me basically my

head still i missed the star whom had tolc

me things with her light like streets for walk-

-ing had been refined to transport more than

people ,that idea made me sad i wanted the

smell of smoke to stay it was a freindly smell •

their voices ware like this as well good-

-night Angelina when we wake i know their wil]

be stars... '

W ̂

If a cat always lands on its feet,and bread always lands butter-sideup what would happen if you tied.bread butter-side up to a cat'sjback? Q•-1

It must be unless I'm wrong.And I'm never wrong.-Kumper Dink